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    剑桥少儿英语预备下B 三单元 Unit3 You and I[教师助手].ppt

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    剑桥少儿英语预备下B 三单元 Unit3 You and I[教师助手].ppt

    Unit3 You and I,1,学校教课,Warm-up Game,One Two Three,2,学校教课,Revision,3,学校教课,-What can you see?- I can see .,4,学校教课,Class Orders,T: One, two S:Three, four Look at me. Chua chua chua! Who can try? Let me try. Are you ready? Ready. Attention! One two . Ok? Ok.,5,学校教课,第一人称(单数),I,我,6,学校教课,you,第二人称(单数),你,7,学校教课,you,I,You and I. You and I. You can draw and I can write.,You can draw.,I can write.,Look in the mirror.,8,学校教课,You and I. You and I.You can draw and I can write.,draw 画画 write 写字,你和我,你和我。你会画画我会写字。,9,学校教课,he,第三人称(单数),他,10,学校教课,she,第三人称(单数),她,11,学校教课,he,she,He and she. He and she. He can dance and she can read.,dance,read,Pass the ball,12,学校教课,He and she . He and she.He can danceand she can read.,他和她。他和她。他会跳舞她会读书,dance 跳舞 read 读书,13,学校教课,第一人称(复数),we,我们,14,学校教课,we,We can skate,我们会溜冰,15,学校教课,you,第二人称(复数),你们,16,学校教课,paint,You can paint.,you,你们会画画,17,学校教课,We and you. We and you. We can skate and you can paint.,Hide the card,18,学校教课,We and you. We and you.We can skate and you can paint.,skate 溜冰 paint 画画,我们和你们。我们和你们 。我们能溜冰你们能画画。,19,学校教课,it,第三人称(单数),它,20,学校教课,it,It can talk.,talk,21,学校教课,they,第三人称(复数),他(她 它)们,22,学校教课,they,play,They can play.,23,学校教课,It and they. It and they. It can talk and they can play.,Woodman,24,学校教课,It and they. It and they.It can talkand they can play.,talk 说话 play 玩,它和他们。它和他们。它会说话他们会玩。,25,学校教课,人称代词,口诀:I我我们we你或你们都是you,男他he女她she还有物体它it, 他她它们都是they,26,学校教课,Listen, read and tick,1.The children are very happy. A It B They C She D You 2.The girl is reading a book . A He B We C She D You 3.The box is very big. A She B He C They D It 4.Tom and I are very tall. A They B You C We D She 5.Mary is sleeping. A He B It C She D They,B,c,D,C,c,27,学校教课,1.The rabbit is quick. A She B He C They D It 2.Peter is bouncing a ball. A He B It C She D They 3.Lily and you are drawing. A He B We C She D You 4.Mary and dog are running. A It B They C She D You 5.Pandas are very lovely. A She B He C They D It,D,A,D,B,C,28,学校教课,you,I,You and I, you and I. you can draw and I can write.,You can draw.,I can write.,29,学校教课,he,she,He and she, he and she. He can dance and she can read.,dance,read,30,学校教课,We and you. We and you. We can skate and you can paint.,31,学校教课,It and they. It and they. It can talk and they can play.,32,学校教课,You and I. You and I. You can draw and I can write.,He and she. He and she. He can dance and she can read.,We and you. We and you. We can skate and you can paint.,It and they. It and they. It can talk and they can play.,Listen, chant, sing and act.,33,学校教课,知识延伸,I am a boy 我是一个男孩 You are a girl 你是一个女孩 He is a teacher他是一位老师 She is Linda她是琳达 It is a car它是一辆小汽车,am 连着我,I am, are连着你,you are, is连着他她它he is,she is,it is.所有单数用is, 所有复数都用are,we are,you are,they are,34,学校教课,Homework,1. 听磁带Unit3 2. 复习: I(我) you(你) he(他) she(她) we(我们)you(你们) it(它) they(他们),35,学校教课,Thank you!,第一PPT模板网 ,36,学校教课,


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