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    剑桥商务英语Unit 12 Marketing and Sales[教师助手].ppt

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    剑桥商务英语Unit 12 Marketing and Sales[教师助手].ppt

    商务英语,作者: 阮绩智,责任编辑:张琛 出版日期:2011年12月 IDPN: 308-2011-58 课件章数:12,marketing Talk about considerations for entering a market ; Talk about promoting a product; Talk about market research; Talk about advertising; Write sales letters.,Perseverance is not a long time race; it is many short races one after another.,Blaise Pascal,A French Philosopher,Speaking Task,Starting Up,1,Listening Task,2,3,Reading Task,5,Writing Task,Follow-up Practice,6,4,5,4,3,2,1,6,Contents,12.1 Starting Up,12.1.1 The four Ps form the basis of the marketing mix. If you want to market a product successfully, you need to get this mix right. Match the Ps 1 to 4 to the definitions a) to d). Now think of some products you have just bought recently and tell which of the four Ps influenced your decision to buy.,d,a,b,c,12.1.2 When you market a product or service, you will have to analyze the four elements as shown in the chart. Now store the words and phrases that are associated with each element.,4 Elements of the Product or Service,1) What is the difference between marketing and sales? 2) What is the difference between domestic marketing and international marketing? 3) What are the main considerations for marketing goods internationally? 4) Can you list the various steps or actions that are involved in the marketing process? 5) Can you give any example of successful marketing and try to analyze the key strategies that have led to such a success?,9.1.3 Discuss the following questions in pairs or small groups.,Marketing Tips 1) Research what your market wants; where, when and why customers buy; what benefits they are seeking from your product or service; and what competitors are providing. 2) Decide on your objectives, identify and choose your target customer groups and position your business to serve your chosen market profitably. 3) Put the plan to work through selling and promoting your products and services to customers, through pricing and using appropriate distributors and agents effectively. 4) Monitor the effectiveness of your marketing activities in terms of customer satisfaction and the impact on your bottom line. 5) Eliminate any last minute hesitation prospective customers may have by announcing a pleasant surprise near the end of every selling procedure. 6) Print your best small ad on a postcard and mail it to prospects in your targeted market. 7) Collect testimonials from your customers and use them in all your advertising. 8) After telling prospects what they gain when they buy your product or service, tell them what they lose if they do not buy it. 9) Convert your customers into publicity agents. Develop an incentive for them to tell associates and friends about the value of your products or services. 10) Handle customer complaints quickly and with a positive attitude.,8,学校教课, Marketing means to make a communication about a product or service a purpose of which is to encourage recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service. The process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals. The process of organizing and directing all the company activities which relate to determining the market demand and converting the customers buying power into an effective demand for a service and bringing that service to the customer.,Some definitions of marketing,9,学校教课, The planning and implementation of a strategy for the sale, distribution, and servicing of a product or service. Marketing is the process of making customers aware of products and services, attracting new customers to a product or service, keeping existing customers interested in a product or service, building and maintaining a customer base for a product or service. Advertisements play a large part in marketing. The process of researching, promoting, selling and distributing a product or service. Marketing includes advertising, publicity, promotion, pricing, sales and distribution of the goods or services.,10,学校教课,Marketing spreading the word about why customers should buy it. Selling is delivering the product into the hands of the customer. Selling is one activity of the entire marketing process. Selling is the act of persuading or influencing a customer to buy (actually exchange something of value for) a product or service. Marketing activities support sales efforts. Actually, they are usually the most significant force in stimulating sales. Marketing activities (like the production of marketing materials and catchy packaging) must occur before a sale can be made; they sometimes follow the sale as well, to pave the way for future sales and referrals.,11,学校教课,Contrasting the Sales Concept with the Marketing Concept, The concepts surrounding both selling and marketing also differ. There is a need for both selling and marketing approaches in different situations. One approach is not always right and the other always wrongit depends upon the particular situation. In a marketing approach, more listening to and eventual accommodation of the target market occurs. Two-way communication (sometimes between a salesperson and a customer) is emphasized in marketing so learning can take place and product offerings can be improved. A salesperson using the sales concept, on the other hand, sometimes has the ability to individualize components of a sale, but the emphasis is ordinarily upon helping the customer determine if she wants the product, or a variation on it, that is already being offered by the company. In the sales approach, not much time is spent learning what the customers ideal product would be because the salesperson has little say in seeing that her companys product is modified. Furthermore, she isnt rewarded for spending time listening to the customers desires unless she has a product to match their desires that will result in a sale. At the heart of the sales concept is the desire to sell a product that the business has made as quickly as possible to fulfill sales volume objectives. When viewed through the marketing concept lens, however, businesses must first and foremost fulfill consumers wants and needs. The belief is that when those wants and needs are fulfilled, a profit will be made.,12,学校教课,The selling concept, instead of focusing on meeting consumer demand, tries to make consumer demand match the products it has produced. Whereas marketing encompasses many research and promotional activities to discover what products are wanted and to make potential customers aware of them.,Do you see the difference?,13,学校教课,7,Political/legal forces,Economic forces,1,2,Environmental uncontrollables country market A,Environmental uncontrollables country market B,Environmental uncontrollables country market C,Competitive structure,Competitive Forces,Level of Technology,Price,Product,Promotion,Channels of distribution,Geography and Infrastructure,Foreign environment (uncontrollable),Structure of distribution,Economic climate,Cultural forces,3,4,5,6,7,Political/ legal forces,Domestic environment (uncontrollable),(controllable),International Marketing Task,14,学校教课,BENEFITS OF INTERNATIONAL MARKETING,Survival Growth of overseas markets Sales and profits Diversification Inflation and price moderation Employment Standard of living,15,学校教课,In this part you will listen to two passages and a talk about marketing and sales. Try to finish the exercises while listening. Are you ready?,12.2 Listening Task,12.2.1 Listen to the passage and fill the blanks with the missing information.,is constantly linked to,Marketing versus Sales For some inexplicable reason, marketing _ sales in a way that no other function of management seems to be. Many people, including _, confuse the terms on such a regular basis as to render them _. This _ is true for both domestic and international companies. To _ the belief that marketing is something that only _ do (as in the sales and marketing department designation) is exceedingly dangerous. The problem seems to_a misunderstanding about the difference between a process and a result, as well as from the failure to understand the_of marketing to all_.,top executives,interchangeable,erroneous matchup,promulgate,salespeople,stem from,centrality,Management functions,Sales occur when goods or services are “given over” to customer _money or another_. Its the _of the marketing process. Nevertheless, marketing describes the whole _ that creates (through promotion) the interest that the potential customer demonstrates_ a sale. The role of sales is to _that interest to the point where theres a successful exchange. Once a sale is complete, a company must _in an effort to _and promote future sales. Many large companies have begun to officially prioritize these functions by_, within which is a _ called the sales and services department. Smaller companies and_ must have an equally clear distinction and understanding of all the areas _by the term marketing.,in exchange for,valuable consideration,commercial process,end result,prior to,capitalize on,provide follow-up service,maintain satisfaction,instituting a marketing department,subdivision,solo entrepreneur,covered,12.2.2 Listen to the passage twice. Write down each cultural determinant and some key words for explanation. The first one has been done for you as an example.,Characteristics of culture. Learned, adaptive, interrelated, adaptive, may operate at times as subcultures.,Demographic factors. Population size, used as a broad preliminary indicator of market potential.,Ethnic factors. Human variations, the most noticeable , physical attributes or appearance.,Material culture. Material things, constitutes a human-created environment, between people and the material environment.,12.2.3 Listen to a talk given by Marketing Director about the marketing plan and put a tick beside each of the following promotional methods mentioned in the talk.,CHECKLIST A. posters B. extra gifts to customers C. T-shirts with the name of new products D. free delivery E. outdoor billboards F. lower prices for some products G. discount H. TV commercial I. favorable return policy,In this part you are going to read three dialogues and then you will be asked to answer some questions about what you have read. Please read louder!,Speaking Task,12.3 Speaking Task,12.3.1 Conversation 1,Mr. Liu, from the export department of a Chinese company that wants to open up a market for multiple speed racing bicycles, is now trying to push the sale with Mr. Taylor, a representative from an American firm.,1)How does Mr. Liu generally describe the speed racing bicycles ? Answer: 2)What is the weight of the racing bicycles in question? Answer: 3)How about the model range of the racing bicycles? Answer: 4)Why does Mr. Liu believe that their bicycles will be very competitive in the new market? Answer: 5) What is Mr. Taylors condition for giving a try at Mr. Lius bikes? Answer: 6)Why would Mr. Taylor like to make an investigation tour of Mr. Lius factory? Answer:,In general, bikes for gents and ladies are of size 19, 21, 23, 25” and 27. The colors vary, depending on the buyers requirement.,They are the new models of our name brand “Swift” racing bicycles, a lot lighter than the other ones. A great favorite with young people abroad.,Those made of all steel have a net weight of around 17.5 kilograms, and those of light aluminum alloy about 16 kilograms only.,Because the superior quality and a reasonable price will make their bikes very competitive.,Mr. Liu has to guarantee supply of spare parts. Furthermore, delivery dates must be kept.,Because he holds that first-hand information is always more convincible than reading booklets.,12.3.2 Conversation 2,Mr. Jiang from a Chinese company is introduced by Mr. Field to Mr. Simon Black on his visit to Britain. They are talking about marketing methods.,1)What was Mr. Jiangs purpose of visiting Britain? Answer: 2)What should Mr. Jiang do if he wants to export goods to the U.K.? Answer: 3)Where can Mr. Jiang get the information he needs for market research? Answer: 4)What sort of information should Mr. Jiang look for? Answer: 5)What advice did Mr. Black give about advertising? Answer: 6)What do you need to do before you choose a selling agent? Answer:,To have a market research to see whether they can export their manufactured goods to Britain.,He should do a lot of international market research first.,He can get the information from such channels as embassies, consulates, chamber of commerce and trade associations, local clearing banks, credit inquiry houses, shipping agents, trade magazines and customs import and export lists.,He should first find out such information about the demand for their goods, the sort of competition they will meet and local conditions and preferences.,The choice of media for advertising depends on merchandise. TV and radio ads are best for some lines, magazines and trade papers for others, mail order and direct selling for other goods. It is best to find to a good advertising agent to do all the job.,Before you choose a selling agent, you need to make sure you get credit reports from his bankers and people like Bradstreet.,12.3.3 Conversation 3,Michael, a new management trainee, is asking Mr. Smith, Marketing Director on some aspects of selling and marketing.,1)How does the company recruit new staff? Answer: 2)What qualities does the company look for when recruiting salesmen? Answer: 3)Do regional managers need to be experts in their work? Answer: 4)What kind of work must be done before a new product is launched? Answer: 5)What is one of the objects of market research stated in the dialog? Answer: 6)How is test marketing carried out? Answer:,For new recruitment, they simply run Want ads in the classified section of some national and local newspapers or post Want ads on the Internet, stating the requirements and set a deadline for applications. Then theyll organize an interview for those they have put on the short-list and decide on the most promising candidates.,Generally, the company looks for young people with a good all-round education and good personality.,Not necessarily. However, some technical qualifications would help in their jobs. The regional managers all have some technical qualifications, and they can always consult one of the project or design engineers if any specific technical problem arises.,Before a new product is launched, a great deal of work has been done beforehand in the way of product development, marketing research, test marketing and so


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