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    发明专利申请书模板(Template for application for patent for invention).doc

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    发明专利申请书模板(Template for application for patent for invention).doc

    发明专利申请书模板(Template for application for patent for invention)Application for patent for inventionApplication for patent for invention in 1. format- - - - - - - - - - - -The invention of 1.Third,The name of: - - - - - azulene (invention)The name of just -Just send - - peopleMing, address of theWe carry out peopleTen - - - - - - - - - - the top-The name of the phoneJust - - - -Of postApplication of address - signPlease, encodingPeople just - - - -Of nationality or habitual residence or business headquartersThe location of the name of the country in the name of the countryJust - - - -On behalf of the nameTen - - - - -Name and address of theOnly just - - - -The agency of the patent office area are goodGeneration of sign - racy signDaniel, agency postal code encodingThe machine had - - - -The name of the representative Registration No.The top - - - - -The reporter was first exhibited at the international exhibition China government sponsored or recognized.- has at a prescribed academic or technical conference meeting for the first time: - Request costs slow- may involve significant national interests- - - - - - - - - - - -The list of the application documents, we added a list of documents1. copies of each page request, request - priority declaration.Claim 2. copies of each page of a Book - priority - proof materials3. copies of each page of each manual request to advance public statement.4. copies of each page of a manual drawings - substantive review request5. copies of each page of the abstract - that does not lose its novelty6. copies of each page of the accompanying picture material-: - - - - - - - - - the top -The inventor of the other, other than the above applicant, the applicant or agencyWe carry out the signatureWe carry outWe carry out date- Top - - - - - - - top-2. instructionsPatent refers to the State Patent Office in accordance with the provisions of the patent law, the inventor, the designer of an inventionCreate exclusive right of implementation within the time limit specified in the patent law.Patents include inventions, utility models, and designs. Invention refers to a product, a method, or an improvementNew technical scheme. The utility model relates to a pointer, which is suitable for the shape, structure or combination of a productNew technology scheme. Design refers to the shape of the product, pattern, color or combination of aestheticAnd suitable for industrial application of the new design.The conditions for obtaining the patent right are: to apply for patent for invention and utility model, it shall be novel, creative andPracticability。 Novelty means the absence of the same invention or utility model at home and abroad before the date of applicationPublished, published, publicly used or otherwise known to the public, without the same inventionOr the utility model has made an application to the patent office by others and recorded the patent application published after the application dateIn piece. However, the invention creation of the patent application shall not be lost within six months before the date of application, if one of the following circumstances occursOriginality: first exhibited at an international exhibition sponsored or recognized by the Chinese government; in the prescribed academic fieldPublished for the first time at a conference or technical conference; a third party who has not disclosed its contents without the consent of the applicant. Creativeness,It means that the invention has outstanding substantive characteristics and remarkable progress compared with the techniques already before the application date,The utility model has substantial characteristics and progress. Practicability means that the invention or utility model can be manufactured, orUse, and can produce positive results. However, patent rights are not granted for the following items: 1. Scientific discoveries;II. Rules and methods of intellectual activities; diagnosis and treatment of diseases; animal and plant varieties; use of atomsA substance obtained by a nuclear transformation method. But the production methods of animal and plant varieties may be in accordance with the Patent LawProvision of patent right. This is one of the basic questions that the applicant should pay attention to.Patents are generally subject to application - preliminary review - early disclosure - Request for substance review - -Carry out substantive examination - Announcement - objection - Review - approval of nine steps. Utility model and designPatents usually do not have to go through the early stages of public and substantive review and go straight to the notice. Application is the first step.The application shall be filled out and submitted to the patent office. If the patent office considers that it meets the requirements, it shall accept it. PreliminaryAfter examination, it can be made public early. Within 18 months from the date of submission of the application, the content of the application will be made publicPublished in the Gazette for public free reading. The patent office gives provisional protection to the patent application.The patent application is the pre condition for obtaining the patent right. The problems that should be paid attention to in applying for patent are:(1) if a patent for an invention or utility model is applied, it shall submit a petition, an instruction manual, and its abstract and powerA document, such as a book. The request shall state the name of the invention or utility model, the inventor or the designerName, applicants name or address, and other matters.(2) the instruction manual shall clearly and completely explain the invention or utility model, and shall be guided by its own technologyThe technical personnel of the domain shall be able to implement them; if necessary, they shall have drawings.(3) a summary should give a brief account of the invention orTechnical points of utility model. The claim should be stated thatOn the basis of the book, the scope of patent protection is required. Where a patent for design is filed, a petition shall be submitted in order toAnd the design of the pictures or photographs and other documents, and should be noted that the use of the design of products and their placesCategory of genus.(4) the date of receipt of the patent application document by the patent office is the date of application. If the application documents are sent by post, they should be sent by postThe date of the postmark is the date of application. The date when the applicant applies for patent for the first time in a foreign country from the invention or utility modelWithin twelve months, or six months after the date when the first patent application was filed in a foreign countryChina applies for patent applications on the same subject matter, in accordance with the agreement signed by the foreign country with China or the countries participating jointlyPriority may be given to international treaties, or in accordance with the principle of mutual recognition of priority.(5) the applicant shall have twelve months from the date of the first patent application of the invention or utility model in ChinaIn,Where a patent application is filed with the patent office on the same subject matter, priority may be granted to the patent office. Applicants require priorityA written statement shall be made at the time of the application, and the patent application for the first time shall be submitted within three monthsA copy of the document shall be deemed as not required unless a written statement is made or if the patent application documents are not submitted in due timePrior right.(6) an application for a patent for invention or utility model shall be limited to an invention or utility model. belong toMore than two inventions or utility models of a total inventive concept may be presented as an application. AAn application for a patent for design shall be limited to one design used in a product. Used in the same category and intoThe design of more than two items of products sold or used by a set may be filed as one application. Applicant mayWithdrawing its patent application at any time before being granted the patent right. The applicant may apply for his patent application documentsHowever, the modification of the application documents for the patent for inventions and utility models shall not exceed the original specifications and claimsThe scope of the record shall not exceed the original picture or the scope of the photo.(7) invention patents refer to a new solution to existing technical problems arising from creative activitiesPatent granted by the scheme. The inventor may apply for a patent to the patent office in accordance with the law in accordance with the law. HenceAn application for a patent for invention is required. The problems that should be paid attention to in completing the application for patent for invention are: application for invention patent,Documents such as the invention patent request, the instruction manual, the claim book and the abstract of the instruction shall be submitted, and the application documents shall be submittedType two copies may be used, but the applicant or agencys signature shall not be photocopied, and the application must be filled outIn Chinese, if there is no uniform Chinese translation in the name of a foreign person or place, the original text should be indicated: when the form is not filled,To be filled with blank paper, but must be the same size and quality as the size of this table. When you continue writing, you should indicate the column numberHis attention shall be dealt with in accordance with the requirements of the patent office.


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