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    大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟271大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(A)模拟271大学三级(A)模拟271Part Listening ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.Section ADirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1.A.At the downstairs.B.In the closet.C.In the drawer.D.In the living room.答案:B解析M: I cant find my ping-pong bats in the drawer and my friends are waiting for me downstairs.W: Look in the closet. This morning I cleaned up the drawer and I put everything down there.Q: Where will the man find his pingpong bats?解析 题目询问这位男士在哪儿能找到他的乒乓球拍。关键要听山女士的回答,她让男士到储藏室去看看,因为她整理了抽屉,“把东西都放到储藏室了”。所以选择B项。避错指南 选项A(在楼下)和选项D(在起居室),文中并未提到,可排除:选项C(在抽屉里),男士说他在抽屉里找不到球拍,因此排除。2.A.5 p.m.B.12 noon.C.8 a.m.D.9 a.m.答案:D解析M: I hope that Mr. Wang will be in the office.W: Well he usually works from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p. m. On Saturdays and Sundays, he works from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.Q: When will Mr. Wang begin to work on weekends?解析 本题属于考查时间的题。题目询问王先生周末几点上班。文中说王先生周六和周日从9点工作到12点,所以他从9点开始上班,即选项D正确。避错指南 针对这种考有时间的题,如果对话原文中出现几个时间,听者应注意听清楚问题间的是哪个时间。选项A(下午5点)是平时下班的时间;选项B (中午12点),是周六和周日工作结束的时间;选项C (上午8点)是周一到周五,即“weekdays”的上班时间,故均不符合问题要求。3.A.She could not afford to fly to Beijing.B.It is more convenient to take a plane.C.Taking a plane costs more but saves time.D.It is better to go to Beijing by train.答案:C解析M: Is it better to take tile train to Beijing or go by plane?W: The train is a lot cheaper, but it takes at least twice as long.Q: What does the woman mean?解析 本题属于推理判断题。题目询问这位女士的话是什么意思。在她的回答中,关键要弄明白“.it takes at least twice as long”的意思。这是个比较句,后面省略了“as going there by plane”,其中it指代“taking the train to Beijing”。整句话的意思是,乘火车便宜得多,而花的时间却是坐飞机的两倍。由此可知,选项C(坐飞机更贵一点,但省时)是正确答案。避错指南 选项A(她掏不起钱坐飞机去北京),女士说到火车便宜得多,并未提及支付能力;选项B(坐飞机更方便),根据“takes”,“long”可知“twice”是指时间的倍数关系,并非指次数;选项D(去北京坐火车更好),从女士的话得不出这一结论,女士强调了坐火车费时这一弊端,因此我们可以推断这是对男士建议的一种否定。4.A.He felt better.B.He barely finished it.C.It was easy.D.It was difficult.答案:C解析W: What do you think of the test?M: I couldnt feel better about it! The questions were very easy, and I finished all of them.Q: What does the man think about the test?解析 此题属于观点态度题。题目询问男士觉得考试怎么样。关键要明白“The questions were very easy.”的意思是“问题非常简单”,由此可以看出选项C(很容易)为正确答案。避错指南 男士说他自我感觉非常好,“试题很容易,我做完了所有的题”,选项A(他身体好多了),选项B (他没有做完题目)和选项D(非常难)都与此对话内容不符,故应排除。5.A.He turned to the monitor.B.He turned to the teacher.C.He turned to the policeman.D.He reported it to the announcer.答案:A解析W: What did you do after you lost your wallet?M: I turned to the monitor and he reported it to the announcer of the college.Q: What did the man do after he lost his wallet?解析 此题属于行为判断题。题目询问这位男士丢了钱夹以后做了什么。通过他的回答“I turned to the monitor(我去找班长)”可知选项A正确。避错指南 此题考查有关动作的发出者:男士说他的班长将这一情况报告给了校广播员。选项B(他求助于老师)和选项C(他求助于警察),文中未提及,应排除;选项D(他将这件事报告给了广播员)搞错了动作发出者,应该是“the monitor”而不是这位男士本人报告给广播员。Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Conversation 1 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)1.A.He caught a bad cold.B.He hurt himself.C.He had a fever.D.He got a headache and cough.答案:D解析 6-7M: Mum, I dont feel well.W: Oh, dear, whats wrong?M: I dont know. (6)I have got a headache and cough, and my back aches too.W: (7) Youd better stay in bed until tomorrow. If you are not better by then, I will take you to see the doctor.M: I feel a little thirsty. Can I have some water?W: Of course, dear. Drink plenty of water and try this medicine three times a day.M: Ok. Can I watch the basketball match on TV, Mum?W: No, you must lie down and have a rest,M: Its quite dull and uncomfortable, Minn. How long shall I stay this way?W: Dont worry, dear. You will be back to normal soon.6. Whats wrong with the boy?解析 此题属于事实细节题。题目询问男孩怎么了。根据文中男孩所说的“I have got a headache and cough.”(我头疼还咳嗽)可直接得到答案:选项D。避错指南 选项A(他得了重感冒),男孩头疼、咳嗽和背疼的症状可能是感冒了,但也可能是其他疾病所致,解答这类事实细节题时应尊重原文,而不能主观臆断;选项B(他弄伤自己了)和选项C(他发烧了)对话中并未提及,可排除。2.A.To drink a lot of water only.B.To stay in bed.C.To go to see the doctor immediately.D.To watch the basketball match.答案:B解析What does the mother ask the boy to do?解析 此题属于行为判断题。题目询问这位母亲让男孩干什么,听到母亲的回答“你最好躺在床上休息直到明天。如果明天还不好,我带你看医生”由此可知选项B(躺在床上)为正确答案。避错指南 根据母亲的话可以看出选项A(只是多喝水)和选项C(立即去看医生)明显不合题意应排除。对话中男孩提出要看篮球赛,而不是母亲提的建议,因此选项D(看篮球赛)也应排除。 Conversation 2 (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名)3.A.Because she is on vacation.B.Because she doesnt, want to.C.Because she is working busily.D.Because she is studying for exam.答案:D解析 8-10M: May I come in?W: Yes, of course.M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane? I want her to type this letter for me.W: Im afraid she cant. (8)She isnt working today. She is studying, for the exam.M: The exam? Is she going to school?W: Yes, she is. She is learning Japanese at night school.M: I see. Are you going to night school, too?W: No, Im not, not this year. (9)But Im thinking about taking a course next year.M: Thats a good idea. Is that expensive?W: No, not very. (10)Anyway its worth the money.8. Why cant Jane type the letter for the man?解析 题目询问简为何不能为男士打信。女士在对话中提到:“简今天不工作,她在为考试做准备。”可以看出为选项D(她在为考试作准备)为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(因为她在度假)和选项B(因为她不想打信),对话中并未提及,可排除;选项C(因为她正忙于工作),与对话中所讲“She isnt working to-day.”(她今天不工作。)不符,也要排除。4.A.Kate is going to go to night school next year.B.Kate is learning Japanese in night school.C.Kate is a good typist.D.Kate and Jane are learning Japanese in night school.答案:A解析Which of the following statements is true?解析 题目询问下面哪一项是正确的。通过男孩问她是否也去夜校,她说她在考虑明年参加一个课程。由此可以看出选项A(凯特打算明年上夜校)为正确答案。避错指南 对话中提到简在夜校学日语,而凯特还没上夜校,所以选项B(凯特在夜校学日语)和选项D (凯特和简在夜校学日语)均可排除;选项C(凯特是个好打字员),对话中根本未提及,也可以排除。5.A.Expensive.B.Cheap.C.Worth the money.D.We dont know.答案:C解析How about the cost of the night school?解析 题目询问夜校的费用,根据凯特说的“Any-way its worth the money.”(物有所值)可以看出选项C为正确答案。避错指南 选项A(昂贵)、选项B(便宜)和选项D (不知道)显然都没有在对话中提到;因此为错误选项。Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in not more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now the passage will begin. (如需获取本MP3听力录音请搜索标题名) 1. Why do many people dislike city life?Because they feel _ of living in the city.答案:tired解析 11-15 Many people who live in cities say that they dislike city life. (11)They say tile city is noisy, dirty and crowded. They are tired of the traffic and the pollution. But not many people living in cities are happy when they have to stay in the country for two or three weeks. (12)They enjoy the quiet, the clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings, but they miss the stores and restaurants, the movie theater, the crowds, and the excitement of the city. People who live in tile country on the other hand (14)enjoy visiting the city for a day or an evening to do some shopping or go to the theater or a concert. (15)But they often find the city a rather frightening place and are usually happy to gel back to their quiet, unexciting lives in the country. 11. Why do many people dislike city life? 解析 题目询问为什么人们不喜欢城市生活,从“They say the city is noisy, dirty and crowded. They are tired of the traffic and the pollution.”(他们说城市人吵、太脏、太拥挤,他们厌倦城市的拥挤交通和污染)可以容易推出留空处应填入“tired”一词。2. For the city people, what are the attractions of the country life?The quiet, the clean air and the beautiful _.答案:healthy surroundings解析For the city people, what are the attractions of the country life?解析 题目询问对于城市人来说,乡村生活的诱人之处在哪儿。从“They enjoy the quiet, the clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings”(他们喜欢那儿的宁静、干净的空气和美丽健康的环境)可知答案为“healthy surroundings”。3. What do stone of the city people feel when they live longer in the countryside;?They _.答案:miss the city解析What do some of the city people feel when they live longer in the countryside?解析 题目询问一些城市人在乡村待久了会有什么感觉。从“.but they miss the stores and restaurants, the movie theater, the crowds.”(他们想念商店、餐馆、电影院、人群)即可知答案4. Why do people from the country enjoy visiting the cay for a day or an evening?They can do some _ or go to the theater or a concert,答案:shopping解析Why do people from the country enjoy visiting the city for some time?解析 题目询问为什么乡村人喜欢在城市里待上一段时间。从“.enjoy visiting the city for a day or an evening to do some shopping or go to the theater on a concert”(喜欢在那里待上一天或一晚上去购物,去戏院或去参加音乐会)可知答案为“shopping”。5. What do many people from the country think of city life?The city is _.答案:frightening解析What do many people from the country think of city life?解析 题目询问许多从乡村来的人怎样看待城市生活,从“But they often find the city a rather frightening place.”(但他们常常感到城市是一个十分可怕的地方)可知答案为“frightening”。Part StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words From the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.问题:1. She stayed at home during the whole summer vacation _ she could look after her old grand- mother.A.in caseB.now thatC.so thatD.as though答案:C解析 本题考查的是从属连词so that的用法。C项中的so that可以引导目的状语从句,意为“以便”。本题中的主句是“She stayed at home”从句“.she could look after her old grandmother”是目的状语,故C项为正确答案。避错指南 A项in case意为“以防”,B项now that意为“既然”D项as though意为“仿佛,好像”,此三个选项均不能引导目的状语从句,故应排除。问题:2. She docs not know _ for her first job interview.A.what should she wearB.what to be woreC.what to wearD.what will she wear答案:C解析 本题考查的是“疑问词+不定式”的结构及宾语从句的语序。这种不定式结构接一个名词从句,常用在某些动词(如:tell, show, know, decide, teach, learn, discuss, wonder, remember, find out, explain, forget)的后面作宾语、通过分析可以发现句子缺少宾语,故应选择C项。避错指南 A项和D顷语序错误,宾语从句应使用陈述句语序,而这两个选项都使用宁疑问句语序。B项的错误在于不应使用不定式的被动语态;而且wore是wear的过去式,worn才是wear的过去分诃形式。问题:3. He _ the train if he hadnt been stack in traffic jam on the way to the railway station.A.couldnt missB.wouldnt have missedC.mustnt have missedD.shouldnt miss答案:B解析 本题考查的是虚拟语气。由if引导的虚拟条件句,若表示与现在事实相反的假设,从句谓语用动词过去 式,主句谓语用would/could/might+动词原形。如:I would certainly go if I had the time(如果有时间,我肯定去。):若表示与过去事实相反的假没,从句谓语用had + done的形式,主句谓语是would/could/might + have done的形式;若表示与将来事实相反的假设,从句谓晤为动词过去式或were + to do,主句是would/could/might+动词原形。例如:If I opened the door, what would happen?(如果我打开这扇门会怎样?)故选项B为正确答案。避错指南 选项A的形式用于表示与将来事实相反的假设;选项C的错误在于一般不用must来表示虚拟语气;D项含有责备的语气,表示禁止。问题:4. It was not until dark _ it was time to return home.A.that he realizedB.that did he realizeC.when he realizedD.when did he realize答案:A解析 本题考查“not.until”和强调句式“it + be + that/who.”的用法:not.until/till结构意为“直到才”,主句常用终止性动词(即非延续性动词),表示until/till所表示的时间一到,该动作就发生。如:Johnson was not able to return to his homeland until the war was over(直到战争结束后约翰逊才得以回国。)同时还要注意本句为强调句式,由于不是强调人,因此该结构应为:It is /was not until.that.故选项A为正确答案。另外,not until放在句首句要用倒装语序。如:Not until the way was over was Johnson able to return to his homeland避错指南 由于这句话不是疑问句,因此B项和D项语序不正确,可以首先排除;又因为我们判断这句话采用了强调句式,而强调句中的连词不应该用when,所以C项也不正确。问题:5. Some animals _ well enough in that country.A.have not protectedB.is not being protectedC.arc not being protectedD.are not protecting答案:C解析 本题考查现在进行时的被动语态。本句中用现在进行时表示说话时现阶段正在发生的动作或状态;而主语和谓语动同之间是动宾关系,必须用被动式。四个选项中,只有C表达上述语法关系。避错指南 主语是复数名词,所以谓语动同不能用单数形式,故B错误。主语some animals应该是受到保护的,因此谓语应用被动语态,而A,D均为主动语态,故应排除。问题:6. When you read books, you had better make marks _ you have questions.A.whereB.in whereC.at whichD.which答案:A解析 在句子的后半部分“you had.questions”中,“_you have questions”作从句。根据句意,它应当充当表示地点状语从句,修饰主句的谓语动词make,故应用where引导。避错指南 where 这前不可有介词,故B项错误。C项“at which”及D项“which”均不可引导状语从句。问题:7. Mr. Yang, _ for his famous invention, was invited to give a lecture in the technical university.A.was knownB.knowingC.was knowingD.known答案:D解析 本句考查分词作定语的用法。分词短语可用作定语,意思上相当于一个定语从句。根据题意,此处应选择表示被动意义的过去分同known,“known for his famous invention”=“who is known for his famous invention”。所以选项D为正确答案。避错指南 选项A和选项C只能作谓语,但通过分析可以发现句子给出的部分已经包括谓语(was invited)了;此外空格前又缺少关系代词who,因此不能构成非限制性定语从句,因此两个选项均应排除。B项是现在分问,表示主动意义,不符合题意。问题:8. The population of India is much larger than _ of Sweden.A.thatB.suchC.whatD.so答案:A解析 本题考查指示代词that的用法。本句是一个比较级的结构。留空处应选择可以代替population的词。指示代词that可用来代替前面刚刚提到的不可数名词population,以避免重复,所以选项A为正确答案。避错指南 B项“such”,虽然也是指示代词,但是它只能作定语、主语和表语。C项“what”和D项“so”不可作指示代词来代替前面的population。问题:9. After final examination, college students who have left their homes for a long time look forward to _ as soon as possible.A.be going homeB.go homeC.be goneD.going home答案:D解析 本题考查动名词作介词宾语。look forward to中的to是介词,后应跟名词或动名词,所以正确答案为选项D。后面只能跟名词或功名词的动词短语很多,如:object to, feel like, (be)used to, oppose to等。避错指南 选顶A和选项C中的be是动词原形,均不可跟在介词后,故不正确。选项B中的go电是动词原形,同样不能跟在介词to之后,但可跟在不定式标志词to之后。因此需要特别注意to与动词搭配时,若to是介词,则其后应跟动名词形式。问题:10. The designer himself is not sure whether this software is appropriate _ children under 12 years old.A.withB.inC.forD.of答案:C解析 本题考查介词搭配。appropriate跟介词for或to搭配,表示“适合”之义,所以选项C为正确答案。避错指南 A项、B项和D项均不与appropriate搭配。介词的用法比较复杂,首先要先了解主要介词的基本意思,同时要特别注意介词与名词、动词和形容词的搭配。Section BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.问题:1. I would like to have my car (repair) _, since I can not do it myself.答案:repaired解析 本题考查的是have sthdone这一结构的用法。此结构的意思是“让某事被做”。根据后半句话“因为我自己不会修”,所以句中的my car和repair


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