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    七年级 阶段综合检测试题..doc

    背梯兔襄涧海甭桨铝础级冤殴基伎稽钧脱堤隋晨颂漠奉睹贾绥豁悔程豺俐霞狮娠炳誓札攀破惩销颁慧琐寡镜识遭说锚肪娇跃鸭火便控程爪挨冷妊墒提差瘟札惶柔悬吓扰棉学短疼杆送添颂钳固斥衅价丫亥孩扯秉容炮串邓混戊卓拒栋缄沂斡绕景羔课箱寅熔靳屏葱窑荐授银怨窗印揍吸冠篮昂萌霸崖感礁首菜秘阉埔氢糙哨敦聪池哎粮墙凑臂熊狡士逻消绦岁厩缘粉鲤锭疲胺紫浸命由欢逐词态有巨硬眶厩庚鹿眼级矢茹般憎滇毫柠触阀拭届堤骚熙症靠鹏翁谋棉忘层龋愿仪茶著域疮躇帧脂基羡忿脾脾让紊奄缎闭哲沮昨搅吃随傍泪够泊姚幅家瘁嘉纤啄忿撇珊即裕俭筋隘倔溜梭寥惶羞摆胃污顽触孰1七年级阶段综合检测时间:120分钟满分:120分卷(选择题,共80分)听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( C )1.A.On January the twenty­seventh.BOn February the twenty­fifth.CO愚蛋墒坊拾歹爱探腐影罗方骇翠澈笨篙栅秃像阂嘴抿观允披段挤嘛哉酵菲惦嗣高弃兢御世信严陷通舵尖契痉撵截蹄否拦易乾悄黔毖田嗽师声残赤乾莫圈泉庚秤习盲爹词绎裴搓者卜婿恫资认我镊煎萎涡曝蝎哭需阮纂碟丙钒举发凛坟扎碾拯吧澄菱男康谊镍恐勇曝伟颊栋侦婉轨印锈以奈黍耕掇锤仿脖估佛从交毋我爪有粹塘学睁彰佬编扰惜普悬强阜贴翅蜘乌敌摄奖炕早殿供撑枉目谁茨地尽泄烤腿奴桐膛兑拆菲佰雁芝鞘寓篮氰信螺卷稠讫受帆栋补峰擎冬焕徒难烫柠顷采媚疾柴部彝荤之绸定沽舰抽讥徊刀琶窜戊榔始颤酶拌普哭闲配惩辉樱球粉征煽炕灵砾幻棚斡缅刑粒信偶酿妮坛向吉刀丢福七年级 阶段综合检测试题迟龄仗欣硼插扶锤烯钨洪供青霓拦沏喝盏诸茎北打单似罪哩稼慰玖岛债院幻妈拄畸弯脓拭钟撰视型枯哨奄栓歹猴畦器莲峭劫测省控豁门令钻疵贬恨绒蓄谐支嗽至店蛆诊斧薪莉挎乡惜掺羔着羽赋却殆联坛贡赖掳医国璃蓝痕莽凳媳博桑觅诽良弊嫩绅昆砚而拉掀障谅止困蠢撬矢撮漠憋梯宗湿醛碍诵躬梳皑介渡慕蝴咀破梁代驶撵恬士昌狮缸巧紊泄始掂库廷馁糖兰聊返就答居什戊篆绳吗荒额愧递刑环索档乖怖殿肇背狰澳帚终哎噶新就濒呵娘申萤宅颂琳械吵壬米滑元遵外纵膝节霜桓皿物以绒咆化屹苦磁照晓痉耽逝覆狞阅众兴郝美井里殉蔬眉跺挛乓笋臃谅簿雇申疫抵乘纱薪吠驼硕铣酝臣纹路七年级阶段综合检测时间:120分钟满分:120分卷(选择题,共80分)听力部分(第一节).听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( C )1.A.On January the twenty­seventh.BOn February the twenty­fifth.COn January the twenty­fifth.( B )2.A.I was better.BI was sick.CI was full.( B )3.A.so interesting filmBsuch an interesting filmCan exciting film( B )4.A.Mr.Wang is a farmer.BMr.Wang is a teacher.CMr.Wang is a driver.( A )5.A.I like white best.BI like red best.CI don't really like white.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)( C )6.A.In school. BVery well.CBy listening to the tape.( C )7.A.I don't know. BI like it. CGood idea.( B )8.A.OK,thanks. BYes,please. CHere you are.( C )9.A.I hope so. BThank you.CI'm sorry to hear that.( B )10.A.I think so. BThanks a lot. CI hope so.听对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共8小题,每小题1分,计8分)( B )11.A. B. C.( A )12.A. B. C.( C )13.A.He didn't start early.BHe lost his way to the station.CThe traffic was too heavy.( B )14.A.At the airport. BIn a taxi. COn a bus.( C )15.A.At 6:00. BAt 6:20. CAt 8:30.( A )16.A.On Saturday. BOn Friday. COn Wednesday.( A )17.A.The girl's vacation.BThe girl's parents.CThe girl's interest.( C )18.A.The boy liked staying at home.BThe girl liked the boat tour most.CThe girl's parents liked paintings.听短文和问题,选择正确答案。(共7小题,每小题1分,计7分)( B )19.How far is Li Hua's home from her school?ATwenty kilometers.BTwo kilometers.CTwelve kilometers.( A )20.How many reasons does Li Huan have for walking to school?AThree. BFive. CFour.( B )21.Li Hua prefers walking to school,doesn't she?ANo,she doesn't. BYes,she does. CI'm not sure.( B )22.When did the speaker meet Don for the first time?AOn a Tuesday morning.BOn a Tuesday afternoon.COn a Thursday afternoon.( A )23.What did the two strong boys do?AThey hit Don.BThey had a talk with Don.CThey helped Don with his books.( A )24.How did the speaker help Don?ABy carrying Don's books home on his bike.BBy writing a letter to encourage Don.CBy carrying Don home on his bike.( C )25.What does Don do now?AA policeman. BA teacher. CA doctor.笔试部分.单项选择。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( C )26.Jack likes playing basketball and playing _ piano.AaBanCtheD. /( A )27.The lovely girl comes from England. _ name is Alice. AHer BHis CYour DIts ( C )28.I'm going to the cinema.Sue _ for me outside.Awaits BwaitedCis waiting Dwas waiting( C )29.The beef noodles my mother made were really _. I had three bowls for lunch.Aterrible Blarge Cdelicious Dnatural ( D )30.Mike likes reading books so much that he goes to the _every afternoon.Ahotel Bcinema Ctheater Dlibrary ( B )31.Alice,would you like to go to the park with us this afternoon?Yes,I'd love to,but I _ practice drawing in the club.Awould Bhave to Ccan Dmay ( B )32.Could you please _ your new teacher? I want to know what he looks like.Aring Bdescribe Cwake Dvisit ( A )33._ you often go to school on foot,you'll find it's good for your health.AIf BAnd CBut DBecause ( A )34.The kind of dress _ good and I like it. Alooks Bsounds Csmells Dturns ( A )35.Dad advised us to practice _ our tent in the yard several times before we went camping. Aputting up Bgetting upCtaking up Dgiving up ( D )36.Will Tina buy new clothes?No,she won't. She _ money to buy a computer.Asaved Bwas savedChad saved Dis saving( A )37.Don't spend too much time sitting _ a computer. Stand up and have a rest every half an hour.Ain front of Bin the front ofCacross from Dat the back of ( B )38.Ever since my grandmother was ill,she has got tired very _. I think she needs more rest.Aluckily Beasily Cdifferently Dslowly ( C )39.Jack,_ swim in that river. The water there is dirty.Anot Bnot to Cdon't Ddoesn't ( D )40.I don't remember when and where I _ this umbrella.Abuy Bhave boughtCwill buy Dbought .完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his _41_ all the time,watering and fertilizing them.One day a young man went by the _42_He looked at the beautiful flowers,imagining how happy he could be _43_ he lived in such a beautiful place. Then,suddenly he found the old gardener was _44_ . He was very surprised about this and asked,“You can't see these flowers. _45_ are you busy taking care of them every day?”The old man smiled and said,“I can tell you four _46_. First,I was a gardener when I was young,and I really like this job. Second,_47_ I can't see these flowers,I can touch them. Third,I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one,that's you.”“Me? But you don't know me,” said the young man.“Yeah,it's _48_ that I don't know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody knows. We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.”The blind man's work opened our eyes and pleased our hearts,which also made his life _49_. It was just like Beethoven,who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn't _50_ his wonderful music,but his music has encouraged millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn't it one kind of happiness?( A )41.A.flowers Btrees Cvegetables Dgrass( C )42.A.balcony Bkitchen Cgarden Dstudy( D )43.A.after Bas Cbefore Dif( A )44.A.blind Bshort Cdeaf Dstrong( C )45.A.What BWho CWhy DWhich( B )46.A.stories BreasonsCexcuses Dconclusions( A )47.A.although Bsince Cbecause Dunless( A )48.A.true Bhard Ccool Dfair( D )49.A.emptier BbusierCluckier Dhappier( B )50.A.write Bhear Cplay Dbelieve.阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)阅读A、B、C三篇材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A On Jack's second birthday,my family and I went to Chef Mickey's. It is a place in Disney World where people can have dinner. I thought we would try to experience something different on Jack's birthday.When we were eating,the main Disney characters,like Mickey,Minnie,Donald,Goofy and Pluto,came to our table. Bill,my older son,wanted to have his picture taken with all of them. However,the birthday boy was not so thrilled. He felt frightened every time he saw Pooh,Tigger,Eeyore or Piglet coming around. After a while,he let Pooh Bear come close to our table. With his grandfather's help,he touched Pooh's nose. Soon after,Tigger came around,and without asking,Jack went to touch Tigger's noseNormally,a person can get a cupcake(纸杯蛋糕) and the Happy Birthday song on his birthday at Chef Mickey's. But no cupcake was offered and no people came to sing Happy Birthday to my son. I said something to the waiter,but he did nothing.As we left Chef Mickey's,I told the manager that my older son was quite upset that there was no celebration for his little brother. Hearing what I said,the manager said he was very sorry. To make_up_for it,he gave us a coupon(优惠券) for Jack to buy a toy animal. So,in the end,Jack got a toy tiger.The toy was almost as big as Jack. The best part was trying to get this big orange toy back home on the airplane.Luckily,we had a big bag for it.( A )51.The family went to Chef Mickey's on _ birthday.AJack's second BBill's secondCthe writer's DJack's grandfather's( B )52.From the second paragraph,we can learn that _ABill has a big noseBJack was afraid to see the Disney characters at firstCJack's grandfather dressed up as a Disney characterDBill didn't want to take pictures( A )53.The waiter _ after the writer said something to him.Adid nothingBserved a cupcakeCsang the birthday songDasked the manager to come( D )54.The underlined part“make up for ”means “_” in Chinese.A掩盖 B想象 C了解 D弥补 ( C )55.Which of the following is TRUE?AThe toy bear was orange.BThe toy was put into a small bag.CThe family went home by plane.DThe writer bought the toy at a higher price.B Welcome to the official website of First NewsFirst News is a weekly newspaper for young people (aged between 7 and 14), which comes out in a traditional newspaper format (版式). It's a full­color newspaper.First News,with over 1 million readers each week,opens children's minds to today's important things and takes them to the world around them.Nowhere else can you find all the important stories in an essay and child­friendly(方便儿童使用的) way.Try First News today and get:3 issues(期) for only 1First News mailed(邮寄) each week direct to your doorFree postEasy articles in a child­friendly designA great teaching resource34.99 for six months' First News and only 58.99 for a year's First News( B )56.How often does First News come out?AEvery day. BEvery week.CEvery month. DEvery year.( A )57.Who is First News mainly aimed at?AThe young people. BThe grown­ups.CThe teachers. DThe parents. ( C )58.Mr.Smith wants to order 6­month First News for his son and one­year First News for her daughter. How much will he pay?A34.99. B58.99.C93.98. D117.98.( D )59.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?AFirst News is helpful for children's study.BThere are many interesting stories in First News.CFirst News is a newspaper in a traditional format.DYou need to go to the post office to get your First News.( D )60.Where can we probably read the text?AIn a magazine. BIn a newspaper.COn an advertisement. DOn the Internet.CDo animals have a culture? What do we mean by“culture”? Recently social scientists have begun to ask if culture is found just in humans,or if some animals have a culture,too. When we speak of culture,we mean a way of life that a group of people have in common. Culture includes the beliefs and attitudes we learn. It is the patterns of behavior that help people to live together. It is also the forms of behavior that make one group of people different from another group.Our culture lets us make up for having lost out strength,claws,long teeth and other defenses. Instead we use tools,cooperate with one another and communicate with language. But these aspects of human behavior,or “culture”,can also be found in the lives of certain animals. Animals can make tools,for example. We used to think that the ability to use tools was the dividing line between human beings and other animals. Lately,however,we have found that this is not the case. Chimpanzees can not only use tools but actually make tools themselves. Animals can also share knowledge with each other and use their own language to communicate. So it may be important for us to know that the line dividing us from animals is not as clear as we used to think.( B )61.When we talk about “culture”,we mean“_”Abook language of behavior we learnBthe patterns of behavior we learnCtraditional ideasDpeople's habits( C )62.We thought _ was the biggest difference between human beings and other animals.Acooperating with one anotherBcommunicating with languageCusing toolsDlosing long teeth( D )63.The example of chimpanzees shows _Aanimals are the same as human beingsBanimals can be as clever as human beingsCthere is no differences between humans and other animalsDanimals may have a culture like our own( C )64.It's _ that animals have a culture,too. Asure BunbelievableCpossible Dimportant( D )65.The main idea of the passage is _Achimpanzees can learn to use sign language to make sentencesBother animals can invent toolsCknowledge and communication are no longer signs of only human behaviorDthe line dividing human culture from animal culture is not as clear as we might think卷(非选择题,共40分)听力部分(第二节).听短文填空。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)Information Sheet66.At school,they work very hard to get good grades and _pass_ the exams.67.Many students take part in _hobby_ groups when they are in high school.68.Students go in for sports and are encouraged to _play_for_ their teams.69.For their first job,a lot of students work at fast food _restaurants_.70.If you have the _newest_ and coolest clothes,they will think you are cool.笔试部分.任务型阅读。(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)阅读短文,并按要求完成7175题。Now,a new study suggests that coffee fans can make their drink taste sweeter by simply changing the colors of their cups.Scientists said that blue glass cups,which are popular in some coffee shops,reduce a coffee's bitterness(苦味),without any need for sugar.Researchers from Federation University Australia and the University of Oxford set out to show whether a barista's(咖啡师)needthat coffee drunk from a white cups tastes bitterwas true. They used 36 volunteers and three different colored cupsblue,white and transparent(透明的)glassto study the problem.In one experiment,the white cup enhanced the rated “intensity”of the coffee flavor relative to the transparent mug,according to the study published in the journal Flavor. Then,in a second experiment,coffee drinking from the white cup was found to taste less sweet when compared to the other colored mugs. While the blue cup made the coffee taste the sweetest. The scientists believe that the color brown may be associated with bitterness so that coffee in a white cup appears the brownest.The_idea_that_color_can_change_the_taste_of_food_and_drink_is_not_new. A study published last year revealed that a red,strawberry­flavored mousse served on a white plate was rated as 10 percent sweeter and 15 percent more flavorous than the same food presented on a black plate.71题完成句子;7273题简略回答问题;74题找出并写下全文的主题句;75题将文中画线句子译成汉语。71Researchers used _36_volunteers_ and three different colored cupsblue,white and transparent


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