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    大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟139大学英语考试复习资料大学三级(B)分类模拟139大学三级(B)分类模拟139Part Vocabulary and StructureSection A问题:1. Since you werent at the meeting, we _ the decision without you.A.madeB.had madeC.were makingD.would make答案:Asince在此表示既然,由于,是引导原因状语从句,前后时态应该保持一致,从句用一般过去时,主句也应该用一般过去时,因此答案为Amade。我们知道since还可以引导时间状语从句,意为“自从”,与完成时连用,因此本题要注意不要误选B项。问题:2. Weather _ , well go out for a walk.A.permittedB.permittingC.permitsD.for permitting答案:B天气允许的话,我们可以出去散步。本题考查的是独立主格结构。本题中没有连词,它不是复合句,也不是并列句。句中使用了逗号,且we小写,可知不是两个简单句。能够这样使用的只有独立主格或with的复合结构。据此判断,本句中使用的是独立结构,其结构为:名词+分词。由于permit在这里翻译为“天气允许”,表主动,应用现在分词,故选B。问题:3. Janes dress is similar in appearance _ her sisters.A.likeB.asC.toD.with答案:C本题考查形容词与介词的搭配用法。可以将be similar to作为词组来记。故本题答案为选项C。问题:4. Eating too much fat can _ to heart disease and high blood pressure.A.devoteB.attendC.contributeD.turn答案:C本题主要考查固定搭配。分析句子意思,并根据常识可知,“吃太多肥肉”应该是“心脏病和高血压”的病因之一,也就是说前者会导致后者这样的结果。contribute to意为“致使,促成”,所以选C。考点:固定搭配问题:5. I just cant understand _ at him. He is only eleven!A.you to laughB.you laughC.you why laughD.your laughing答案:D我真是不懂你为何嘲笑他,他才11岁!your laughing at him是带逻辑主语的动名词短语作宾语。问题:6. Market research is usually very _, involving thousands of people answering hundreds of questions.A.detailedB.detailsC.detailD.detailing答案:A本题考查词形的变化。考查的词根detail是名词,意为“细节”,可用复数;加-ed变形容词,意为“详细的”;没有加-ing变形容词的用法。问题:7. _ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!A.WhereB.HowC.WhatD.That答案:C本题考查感叹句的用法,感叹句的中心词是名词“trip”,所以只能用“what”修饰,而“how”是修饰副词和形容词的。问题:8. Owing to space research, TV pictures can be transmitted _.A.liveB.aliveC.livingD.lively答案:A本题考查词义辨析。句意:多亏有了太空研究的发展,电视图像可以现场直播了。live意为“现场直播的”;alive意为“活着的”,常作表语;living意为“生活,生计”;lively意为“活泼的,逼真的”。问题:9. _ the meat on the gas cooker, he began to watch TV.A.PutB.PuttingC.Being putD.Having put答案:D本题考查句子的结构。两个分句间没有并列连词,不构成并列句,应为伴随状态。句意体现“把肉放到煤气灶上”应发生在“看电视”之前,应用完成时;主语为he,动词为put,用主动。该句意为:把肉放到煤气灶上后,他就开始看电视了。问题:10. She is flying to Shanghai _ an important academic conference.A.atB.inC.toD.for答案:Dfor介词,表示目的。但在中文翻译时可以翻译成动词用法“参加”。问题:11. They usually have less money at the end of the project than _ at the beginning.A.whichB.which wasC.they haveD.it is答案:C比较结构句意:通常情况下他们在工程尾期时的经费肯定要少于工程初期。本题考查比较结构前后形式的一致性。本题中是at the end与at the beginning相比,前后都应该是他们拥有的经费,因此后面的结构要与前面一致,即也应该用they have。问题:12. _ in his position, Id have left there immediately.A.was IB.I wasC.Were ID.I were答案:C虚拟条件句的倒装。在省略句的虚拟条件句中,需要用倒装结构(全部倒装)。虚拟语气中be动词用have been,所以 A不对。问题:13. With the development of production and science, radio _ a wide application in a short time.A.foundB.has foundC.findsD.has founded答案:B本题考查现在完成时的用法。现在完成时表示过去的动作对现在的影响。故选项B为正确答案。选项A使用了一般过去时,选项C使用了一般现在时都不太合适,均可排除;选项D中的found意为“成立”,而不是“发现”,属于干扰项。如:The United Nations was founded around 60 years ago.(联合国大约成立于60年前。)问题:14. Maggle ran back into the kitchen, eggs _ carefully in her hand.A.to be heldB.were heldC.heldD.holding答案:C独立主格结构。名词/代词+done结构,分词held表示被动的含义。问题:15. Poor _ he is, he remains honest and kind.A.asB.howeverC.becauseD.although答案:A本题考查由as引导的让步状语从句。其一般句型是“形容词/名词词组+as+主语+谓语”。如:Child as he is, he knows much about software programming.(尽管年纪小小,他对软件编程却知道很多。)因此,选项A为正确答案。选项B、C和D引导从句时,一般用在句首。如:However hard I tried, I didnt gain much in computer studies.(尽管很努力,但我并没有在电脑学习上有所建树。)问题:16. _ hell come to the meeting isnt clear.A.IfB.ThatC.WhetherD.Why答案:C主语从句。不清楚他会不会参加会议。whether既可以引导主语从句也可引导宾语从句,但if不能引导主语从句。问题:17. The doctor said this medicine is _ against lung cancer.A.efficientB.effectiveC.expensiveD.effort答案:B医生说,这种药对于治疗肺癌是很有效的。本题考查形容词词意辨析。A有效率的B有效的C昂贵的D努力。因为此空需填形容词,所以首先排除D选项,再根据句意故选B。问题:18. Many scientists _ their own eyes and ears than the theories of the ancients.A.would rather to believeB.would rather believeC.rather would believeD.will rather believe答案:B本题考查情态动词的使用。would rather(宁愿)是情态动词,后接动词原形。故选项B为正确答案。选项A多了to;选项C中的rather位置不对;选项D不应该使用will,因为并没有will rather此用法。would rather的常见句型是:would rather do A than do B(宁愿做A事而不愿意做B事)问题:19. He is unwilling to _ heavy responsibilities.A.take inB.take offC.take overD.take on答案:D本题考查的是与take搭配的动词短语。选项D意为“承担,呈现,接受,从事”,符合句意,是正确答案。选项A意为“接受,理解,欺骗”;选项B意为“起飞,脱掉,取消”;选项C意为“接收,接管,接任”,它们都与句意不符。与take搭配的动词短语还包括:take up(拿起,开始,从事);take place(发生);take care(当心,注意);take effect(生效,起作用);take out(取出,拔掉);take back(收回,拿回);take down(记下,写下,拿下);take for(认为,误以为);take away(拿走,减去,解除);take turns(轮流)。问题:20. I wonder why Mr. Brown hasn t showed up at the meeting yet. I m not sure, but he _ in a traffic jam driving here. A.could be stuckB.might stuckC.might have been stuckD.must have stuck答案:C动词时态及语态表示对过去已经发生事情的推测应该用情态动词的完成时形式,might表示的可能性不大;结合上下文的意思可以知道应该用被动形式。Section B问题:1. The _ (shock) news shocked me so much that I could hardly believe it.答案:shocking本题考查动词和形容词的转换。要表示“令人震惊的”,应用-ing形式的形容同。该句意为:这个令人震惊的消息使我如此震惊,以至于我都不敢相信。问题:2. With the question _ (settle), they went home.答案:settled此题考查的是独立主格结构。其基本结构为with+sb./sth.+doing/done,在句中充当状语。由于“question”和“settle”是被动关系,所以用动词过去分词。问题解决后,他们都回家了。问题:3. In the eyes of us, novels by Charles Dickens are worth (read) _ .答案:reading本题考查固定结构的用法。be worth doing(值得去做)以主动形式表示被动含义。故填入reading。worth的形容词形式是worthwhile(值得去做的),worthless(无价值的)。类似的形容词还有valuable(有价值的),valueless(无价值的),priceless(无价的,极其贵重的)等。问题:4. The old lady likes to stay in the room (fill) _ with sunshine.答案:filled本题考查的是动词分词的用法。动词的现在分词doing和过去分词done都可以起形容词的作用。现在分词表示“主动的”或“正在进行的”;而过去分词则表示“被动的”或“已经完成的”。本题中,fill为动词,意为“充满”,常用词组为fillwith sth. 根据本句句子结构以及room和fill之间的逻辑关系,可以判定空格处应是fill的过去分词形式,起修饰room的作用,表示“房间被阳光所充满”。问题:5. (fortunate) _, you have many articles online to help you in finding a job.答案:Fortunately本题考查的是形容词和副词转换。由空格所处位置在句子中做状语,需用副词,故答案为fortunate的副词形式fortunately。问题:6. It is important that we (get) _ more people to attend the conference.答案:(should) get本题考查的是虚拟语气的一种用法,即“It is+adj.”后面所跟的从句要用虚拟语气,其结构为“(should)+动词原形”,因此,空白处需要填入(should)get。类似的形容词还有necessary(有必要的),advisable(可取的,明智的),其后接that从句时要用虚拟语气。如:It is necessary that the government raise the tax(政府增加税收是有必要的。)问题:7. There are more students in our university than in theirs, but our campus is much (small) _.答案:smaller问题:8. Is this the letter to (post) _ ?答案:be posted要寄出的是这封信吗?本题为不定式作定语。问题:9. She made it (know) _ to all her classmates that she had bought a new pair of shoes.答案:known她让所有的同学都知道她买了一双新鞋子。被动语态因为know和后面的代词it之间是被动关系,所以应该用被动语态,即known。问题:10. Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference)_ from what it used to be.答案:different形容词作look的表语。问题:11. When the police arrived, the thieves (run) _ away.答案:had run本题考查的是时态的正确使用。时间状语从句中使用了一般过去时arrived,根据题意,主句发生的动作在从句动作之前,故用run的过去完成时had run。run和cut等都是不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词与原形一致。问题:12. There was nothing left for his brother to do but (lie) _ down and weep.答案:lie本题考查固定搭配。固定结构do nothing but意为“除了做,别的什么也不做”,but后加动词原形。问题:13. My suggestion is that we (send) _ a few people to help the other groups.答案:(should) send本题考查的是表示愿望、请求、建议、命令等意义的名词之后的从句,谓语动词为(should) do的形式。问题:14. The (visit) _ have just arrived from America.答案:visitors谓语动词用了have,为复数,因此前面应该用表示人的名词复数形式visitors。问题:15. There is an _(excessive) of violence in the film.答案:excess影片中暴力过多。an excess of表示“过量的”。Part Reading ComprehensionTask 1 Teaching is supposed to be an activity requiring long and complicated training as well as official certification (资格证书). The students role is one of receiving information; the teachers role is one of sending it. There is a clear distinction assumed between one who is supposed to know (and therefore not capable of being wrong) and another, usually younger person, who is supposed not to know. However, teaching need not be the province of a special group of people nor need it be looked upon as a technical skill. Teaching can be more like guiding and assisting than forcing information into a supposedly (想象上,按照推测) empty head. If you have a certain skill you should be able to share it with someone. You do not have to get certified to convey what you know to someone else or to help them in their attempt to teach themselves. All of us, from the very youngest children to the oldest members of our cultures should come to realize our own potential as teachers. We can share what we know, however little it might be, with someone who has the need of that knowledge or skill. 1. The act of teaching is regarded as _.A.a job carried out by well-trained peopleB.a technical skillC.a complicated activityD.an official certification答案:A事实细节题。由线索词act of teaching定位到文章第一段第一句“教学活动被认为是一项只有经过长期复杂的训练并取得官方资格的人才能进行的活动”可知,题干中的act是对原文activity的同义转述,所以A“受过良好训练的人进行的工作”为正确答案。B“技能”和D“官方授予的资格”都与原文内容不符;C“复杂的活动”,是对原文“接受训练的复杂过程”意思的误解,所以排除。2. The assumed relationship between the teacher and the students is _.A.people who are capable of being wrong and who are not capable of being wrongB.the correct and wrong sideC.sender and receiver of knowledgeD.leading and following roles答案:C事实细节题。由线索词assumed定位到文章第二、三两句可以得知,人们认为教师与学生分别应该是信息的传授者与接收者,C中的knowledge是对原文information的同义转述。A“能够犯错与不能犯错的人”;B“正确与错误的双方”和D“引领者与跟随者”都只是对文章内容的断章取义,不能完整地表达原文意思。3. The underlined word "province" (Line1, Para. 2) means "_".A.a political unit of a countryB.an area of knowledge, activity, or interestC.the range of ones dutiesD.an area of land having a characteristic animal population答案:B语义理解题。由引号中的线索词province定位到文章第二段第一句。根据该句意思可知,教学不一定是小部分人的领域,所以选B“知识、活动或兴趣的范围”符合上下文意思。A“行政单位”;C“职责范围”和D“有独特的动物种群的土地区域”都不符合上百文句意。4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the author?A.It is not necessary for teachers to have certification.B.We can learn from everybody, even the little children.C.Teaching is to force information into a supposedly empty head.D.Teaching is to share our skills and knowledge with others.答案:C细节辨认题。根据题文同序的原则,该题定位在文章第二段。由第二句可知,教学活动不是把知识强行灌输给空洞的头脑,而是对学生进行指导和辅助的工作,所以C与原文意思正好相反。原文第二段第二句中的morethan意为“与其说不如说”。例如:He is more an actor than a teacher(与其说他是一名教师,还不如说他是一个演员。)所以 more后面所跟的内容才是说话者真正想要表达的意图和重点,由此排除其他选项。5. The main idea of the passage is that _.A.it is not difficult to be a good teacherB.every person has the potential to be a teacherC.teaching is a professional activity requiring special trainingD.teaching is the flow of knowledge from a higher source to an empty container答案:B观点态度题。通览全文,并结合文章倒数第二句给出的明确信息,作者最盾的结论是:每个人都有个做老师的潜质。答案选B。A“当一个好老师不难”不是作者要表达的主要意思;C和D都只是作者在文章中给出的细节,不能全面概括文章的主旨大意。Task 2 Prehistoric men and women enjoyed a more varied diet than people do now, since they ate species of plant and several hundreds thousands types of living things. But only a tiny percentage of these were ever domesticated. Modern shops have hastened, a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture. The food of the rich countries has become cheaper relative to wages. It is speedily distributed in supermarkets. But the choice annually becomes less and less great. Even individual foods themselves become more standardized. We live in the world of carrot specially blunted in order to avoid making a hole in the bag, and the tomato grown to meet a demand for a standard weight of weighting tomatoes to a kilo. Sift yon Reis asks:" Only the three major cereals(谷物类食物) and perhaps ten other widely cultivated species stand between famine and survival for the worlds human population and a handful of drug plants has served Western civilization for several thousand years. A rather obvious question arises: Are we missing something?" After all, there are 800 000 species of plant on earth. 1. In prehistoric times people _.A.ate much more than we do todayB.lived mainly on plant foodC.had a wide-ranging dietD.were more fussy about what they ate答案:C文章第一句话就讲很久以前的人类食物选择范围很广。2. Most of us have come to expect _.A.no variation in our dietB.a reduction in food suppliesC.a specialist dietD.food conforming tea set standard答案:D从这句话Even individual foods themselves become more standardized及其后例子可以得出此答案。3. The specialization of food was started by _.A.the emergence of supermarketsB.the rise of agricultureC.the rich countriesD.the modern shops答案:B从这句话Modern shops have hastened a trend towards specialization which began in the earliest days of agriculture可以得出此答案。4. According to the passage, people in the West today survive on _.A.carrots and tomatoesB.several thousand types of plants and cerealsC.a very small number of cultivated foodsD.special species planted one thousand years ago答案:C从文中引用Siri von Reis的话中可以得出此答案。5. The conclusion seems to be that we _.A.could make use of more natural speciesB.dont cultivate the right kind of foodC.produce more food than we needD.cultivate too many different species答案:A从文章的观点及最后一句话可以推断这一答案。Task 3Party A: Shanghai International Trade CorporationParty B: British AAR Bank GroupJV Company: AAR Trade CompanyNotes: A Party B entered into a lease agreement with Party A entitled Phase 1A Lease Agreement dated April 11, 2014 for the Leased Property ("Lease"). B At the time the Lease was entered into, the JV Company had not yet been established. C Under the Contract Schedule of the Lease, Party A and Party B agreed that the JV Company, would replace Party B as tenant to the Lease, subject to complying with the terms of the Lease in this regard. D As at the date of this Agreement, the JV Company has been established. E The parties to this Agreement now wish to acknowledge and further confirm that Party B shall assign all its rights and obligations under the Lease to the JV Company, and the Lease shall be updated on the terms of this Agreement. An Agreement Party A: Shanghai International Trade Corporation Party B: British AAR Bank Group JV Company: 1 Date of the Lease Agreement: 2 Establishment of the JV Company: after the Lease was 3 Original Tenant: Party B New Tenant: 4 Update of the Lease: on the terms of 5 1.答案:AAR Trade Company合同开头介绍了有关的三方,分别是甲方、乙方以及双方的合资公司,因此应当直接填入合资公司的名称。2.答案:April 11, 2014由A部分的内容可知,租赁协议应当是在2014年4月11日签订的。3.答案:entered into根据B部分的内容可知,在签订租赁协议时合资公司尚未建立,因此合资公司的建立应当在签订协议之后。4.答案:the JV Company根据C部分的内容可知,甲方和乙方同意由合资公司替代乙方成为承租方,因此新的承租方应当是合资公司。5.答案:this Agreement根据E部分的内容可知,该租赁协议将根据本协议的条款进行更新,因此填入this Agreement“本协议”。 22 / 22


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