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    项目管理控制管理协调(Project management,control,management,coordination).doc

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    项目管理控制管理协调(Project management,control,management,coordination).doc

    项目管理3控制3管理1协调(Project management, 3 control, 3 management, 1 coordination)In construction project management "three control, three management and one coordination" * * *Author: Xiaoqi article source: this site original update time: 2008-5-31 8:29:281, the concept and characteristics of construction project management1.1 the concept of construction project management in construction project management, project manager responsibility system as the center, based on the contract, according to the internal rules of construction project, optimize the allocation of resources and production of various elements of effective planning, organization, direction and control, the process to obtain the best economic benefit. The core task of construction project management is the goal of the project control, construction project objectives to define the main content of construction project management, is the "three control, three management and one coordination", namely, cost control, schedule control, quality control, occupation health safety and environment management, contract management, information management and coordination.1.2 featuresConstruction project management is the whole process and comprehensive management of the construction projects plan, organization, supervision, control and coordination of the construction project with the viewpoint, theory and method of the system. Its main features are as follows:(1) managers of construction projects are construction enterprises. Construction units and design units are not engaged in construction project management. The construction stage management involved in the construction project management of the construction unit or supervision unit is still a construction project management, and can not be counted as the construction project management. Supervision units only regard the construction units as the object of supervision, although they are related to construction project management, but they can not be counted as construction project management.(2) the object of construction project management is construction project. The cycle of construction project management is the construction project life cycle, including project bidding, sign engineering project contract, construction preparation, construction, acceptance and warranty period. The diversity, fixity and huge nature of construction project bring particularity to construction project management. The main particularity of construction project management is the production activities and trading activities in the market at the same time; the first transaction after the finished product, both buyers and sellers are put into production management, production and trading activities is very difficult to separate. So the construction project management is of special commodity, special production activities, in particular on the market of special transaction management, the complexity and difficulty of all other production management can not be compared.(3) the content of construction project management is in a long period of orderly process, according to the stage changes. Each project according to the construction procedure, according to the construction procedure, change management should bring the construction content according to the management of construction project of the passage of time, make the design, the signing of the contract, and proposes measures to carry on the dynamic management and resource optimization combination, to improve construction efficiency and benefit.(4) construction project management requires strengthening organization and coordination. Because of the single piece production of construction project activities, participate in the construction of staff mobility, need to take special water, tissue in large quantity, due to construction in the open air, long duration, need a lot of resources, but also because of the construction activities related to the complex economic relations, technology, law, administrative and interpersonal relationship, organization and coordination construction project management is the most difficult, complex and changeable, must be taken to strengthen the organization and coordination of the measures to ensure the smooth progress of construction, the main strengthening method is the preferred project manager, a scheduling mechanism, equipped with qualified personnel, the establishment of dynamic control system.(5) construction project management and construction project management are different in management task, content and scope.2, construction project management contentIn the whole process of construction project management, in order to achieve the goal of each phase and the realization of the final goal, it is necessary to strengthen the management in the activities. The main part of the construction project management is the project manager department headed by the construction project manager, that is, the job management layer,The object of management is concrete construction object, construction activity and related production factors.(1) establishment of construction project management organization - Project Manager Department.Enterprises should take appropriate ways to hire qualified construction project managers, and make clear the responsibilities, rights and obligations of the various organizations and organizations of the project management department, and formulate the project management system.(2) construction project management plan;1. To decompose the engineering project and form a construction object decomposition system, in order to determine the stage control objectives, from the local to the whole, to carry out construction activities and construction project management.Establish the construction project management system, draw the construction project management system chart and work flow chart.Preparation of construction organization design, determination of management points, in order to facilitate the implementation.(3) control the target of the construction project.The goal of the construction project has the phased goal and the final goal, realizes each goal, the construction project management goal, the construction project control goal has: (1) the progress control goal. Quality control target. Cost control target. Safety control target. Construction site control target.In the process of construction, will be affected by various objective factors, various risk factors are likely to happen all the time, it should be through the organization and coordination and risk management, dynamic control of construction project.(4) optimize the allocation of production factors and dynamic management of construction projects.The production factors of construction projects are the guarantee of the construction project objectives, including labor, materials, equipment, funds and technology, and information, environment and resources. The contents of production factor management are as follows: analyzing the characteristics of each factor. According to some principles and methods, optimize the production factors of construction project, and evaluate the configuration status. Dynamic management of each production factor.(5) contract management of construction projects.From the beginning of the bidding, it is necessary to strengthen the management of the signing and performance of the project contract, and pay attention to do well in the claim, pay attention to the methods and techniques, and provide sufficient evidence to achieve better economic results.(6) information management of construction projects.Construction project management is a complex and modern management activity. It relies on a large amount of information as well as a great deal of information management.(7) organizational coordinationOrganizational coordination refers to the activities that can not be carried out in the project management in a certain form, means and methods, and the interference and obstacles will be excluded. In the process of control and management, due to various conditions and changes in the environment, the inevitable formation of varying degrees of interference, so that the implementation of the original plan is difficult, it must be coordinated. Coordination for the smooth control of the service, coordination and control of the goal is to ensure the realization of the target.3, the implementation of construction project management3.1, establish a modern enterprise systemThe modern enterprise system is to adapt to the requirements of the market economy, for the characteristics of the enterprise system of clear property rights, clear responsibility, separation, scientific management, the establishment of modern enterprise system is to enable enterprises to operate according to market rules, the basic formation of the socialist market economic system, the market economy system of enterprise resource allocation play a fundamental the role of the establishment of modern enterprise system is the direction of enterprise reform.(1) establish a modern enterprise system to create market conditions for construction project management, construction projects are products, but also commodities. The construction project management should take the market as the stage". The establishment of a modern enterprise system can invigorate enterprises, standardize enterprise behavior, and enable enterprises to operate in accordance with market rules, so that the market plays a fundamental role in the allocation of enterprise resources.(2) establish a modern enterprise system, establish the property right of enterprise legal person, diversify the property right, make the owner and the asset manager separate, and the management and operation layer separate.The enterprise may establish the project manager department according to the project characteristic, the project management department may achieve each goal independently according to the contract request. Project managers Union, project management issues.(3) the establishment of a modern enterprise system, to regulate the relationship between the owners, operators and producers, the formation of the operating mechanism of combination of encouragement and restraint, is conducive to optimizing the allocation and dynamic combination of the project management mechanism of resources, thus greatly mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff.3.2 establish the position of Project Manager(1) establishing the construction project manager department.The project manager department is the working group of construction project management, under the leadership of the project manager, and plays a principal role in the construction project management. The project manager must be in accordance with the established optimization and dynamic management principles, adhere to the three "one-off" scientific orientation, namely: the project manager is the construction of the temporary organization of production time; the project is a one-time cost center; the project manager is a one-time authorization management, and a project manager can only take a a project, after completion of the project the project manager must be broken.The organization form of the project manager shall be organized in accordance with the location, scale, structure and technical complexity of the project, and the project shall be administered in the same matrix as the companys headquarters in the same area. The project manager should be flexible, dynamic, and its personnel with the requirement of project management and orderly flow, project distance headquarters can implement division management, the company may authorize the Project Manager Department of large humanphysical financial and management. The construction of the project manager department does not encourage the joint-stock system of construction projects, so as to avoid economic losses such as the loss of state-owned assets of enterprises.(2) choose a qualified project manager.The project manager is the management center of the construction project, the manager who is responsible for the overall management of the construction project. Establishing the status of the project manager is the key to the construction project management.The project manager should have good political, leadership, knowledge and practical experience. The project managers choice can be selected through competitive recruitment, manager appointment, internal coordination, and grass-roots recommendation.The project manager once appointed, the relationship between the project manager and the legal representative of the enterprise is entrusted with the task, the relationship between authorized and authorized, responsible for enterprise manager directly, is a superior subordinate relationship, and economic interests and equal contract relationship in project contract. The project manager must carry out specific organization and implementation of the project in accordance with the time, authority and scope authorized by the legal representative of the enterprise, and shall not exceed its authority.3.3 project manager responsibility systemWith the establishment of the socialist market economy and the continuous deepening of project management, construction enterprises have initially formed a "two lines and one point" contract management system. On the one hand, due to the construction enterprise and the construction unit (owners) the stipulations of the contract requirements to various business activities through to the project as the center of management; on the other hand, enterprises of the country to ensure the economic and technical indicators to complete, but also through the project management contract, goal decomposition this project. Is necessary for enterprises to establish and improve the project management as the starting point of the project manager responsibility system and project quality assurance system, established by the project manager by strengthening the overall organization of production factors, optimize the allocation of responsibility, power, benefit and risk mechanism, in order to facilitate the project schedule, quality, cost, safety and the the implementation of target management in the whole process of project management is strong, or lack of motivation and pressure, but also the lack of legal guarantee. Therefore, the project manager responsibility system is the internal construction enterprises two main contract and it has a final object, comprehensive content, subject and direct liability risk characteristics, fully embodies the basic requirements of "prominent indicators and responsibility, strict examination, direct interests".The reform of the project management system requires the enterprise to reorganize at three levels, and the he


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