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    简爱作者在文中用了哪些手法,使小说的 amp;quot;自然 amp;quot;境界扑朔朦胧,情节扣人心弦-.doc

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    简爱作者在文中用了哪些手法,使小说的 amp;quot;自然 amp;quot;境界扑朔朦胧,情节扣人心弦-.doc

    ibm如何打造女性员企业培训工幸福感(IBM how to build a female enterprise training worker happiness)The director of human resources in China: an interview with IBM Lin Yin (Brenda Lam) to know what you want, do you love the heart want to do, so as to find the work motivation and passion, and easily satisfied and happy.In the occupation development of IBM 20 years, Lin Yin engaged in customer relationship, personal computer sales related work in the early stage of the development of occupation, over the past 10 years in technology and training, strategic outsourcing, procurement and supply chain and other departments engaged in senior management work. Since 2010, he served as human resources director of IBM greater china.How can companies help women improve their happinessChief talent Officer: IBM has some special leadership programs and strategies for female employees. Are these programs or strategies available in recent years, or is it the tradition of IBM?Brenda Lam: Overall, IBM of female staffs care and attention is long-standing, the first female employee was hired in 1899 1935, the founder of IBM T.J.Watson Sr. in 1935 for all IBM female employee commitment “ &rdquo (the ratio of equal pay for equal work; equal pay act of the United States as early as 30 years), 1943 appointed the first female vice president, including in 1956 IBM proposed “ lwop ” this policy is based on the needs of female employees, hoping to support the new mother in postpartum employees can have more time to take care of the children, the move than the American family and medical leave law as early as 30 years.Established in 1997, women development board IBM, has been developed in more than 40 regions of the world have female Development Council and the organization of local female employees, jointly committed to gender related policy formulation and implementation of the project, as well as internal and external womens growth and development.Chief talent Officer: what are the specific ways to talk about it?Brenda Lam:IBM pays attention to the development and cultivation of female talents from the following aspects:1. pay close attention to the cultivation of female college students. 100 women in science and technology program (WIT100) is used by the female IBM (Women in Technology group), cooperative multicultural departments and University Cooperation Department of the annual project, the project will annually in various universities nationwide selection of 100 computer related professional college girls, and working women IBM twinning technology, the implementation of tutor system. Occupation planning, skills development, work on female college students learning and life aspects of regular guidance, help college students to become the successor and prepare for the future technology of women. At the same time, as a mentor, IBM female engineers can also exercise their basic skills in leadership through this activity: training skills. We also set up a college scholarship in “ ”, award those outstanding female college students.2. about the development of internal female leadership,.IBM has a series of courses and projects aimed at female leadership development. In addition, there are a number of multicultural selected courses are focused on the scope of the content, not only for womens leadership training, but also to create a whole inclusive work relationship.3. strengthen the relationship network between female employees and female leaders. IBM has a variety of female staff organizations, regular round table meetings and other forms of activities. IBM women can share experiences, progress, and ties with each other through these activities.The integration of the 4. employees to help women achieve work life: we found many female employees because of pregnancy due to production, education, child care for the elderly and family affairs and would prefer to give up to a higher position or more duties assume, therefore, is to provide help for their career development of female employees to solve the menace from the rear. It is mainly reflected in a series of flexible work systems and training for children and the elderly, such as IBM childrens priority admission plan, baby early education workshops, caring for the elderly online courses and so on.Chief talent Officer: compared with male employees,Are female employees more likely to succeed or be recognized in IBM?Brenda Lam: it is hard to say the female employees in IBM are more likely to succeed, but we are committed to the multivariate and tolerant culture is: all commercial activities, such as IBM recruitment, promotion, salary and welfare, not by race, color, gender, region, nationality, sexual orientation, physical condition, factors such as age and distinction."Chief talent officer": from the past practice of IBM, what are the levels of female employees occupational well-being?Brenda Lam: I think it comes from the following aspects: economic independence, job security / stability, career development opportunities, appropriate workload and interpersonal networks.Chief executive officer: do you have any surveys specifically for female employees?Brenda Lam: from 2001 onwards, IBM global will be held once every 3 years of work and life issues of global research (Global Work/Life Issue Survey), to conduct research for staffs work and life facing problems and challenges, the investigation will take the female employees answer out for special analysis and survey the results make focus future work plan and work and life integration Fund (IBM global fund work and life is IBM specifically to address the difficulties and challenges of employees in the work and life of the establishment, better for the staff and team support).Integration of work and lifeChief talent Officer: in your opinion, what is the difference between female employees and men in the sense of happiness?Brenda Lam: first of all, there are many factors that affect womens well-being, such as work, life, friends, family, children and so on. Men are relatively concentrated, such as career success, at least in women, which is much higher than men.Secondly, women pay more attention to subjective feelings and identity, emotional and spiritual aspects, and men tend to pay attention to objective factors, such as material and awards, performance.Chief talent Officer: as an excellent female leader, how do you define happiness?Brenda Lam: in my opinion, happiness is “ what I do is valuable; ” and “ I work and live in a harmonious environment and atmosphere ”. Specifically, first of all, what I do everyday is not valuable, I agree with myself, and it also brings value to my clients. Whether its a client or a family member, I hope that I can make things better and more valuable and helpful and meaningful to them.In addition, I do things environment, whether with customers or subordinates subordinates, there is a very harmonious and harmonious atmosphere, let me have “ home ” feeling. And family members need to have a harmonious, enjoyable atmosphere, will make me feel very happy.Chief talent Officer: what do you think of the happiness of Chinese professional women? In addition, do you think Chinese women are as happy as other countries in their access to happiness?Brenda Lam: I grew up in Hongkong, and I dont know much about the mainland. In Hongkong, for example, womens freedom and social status is quite high, out of work, professional women are also very recognized. I also heard from mainland colleagues about the pressure of professional women, and I felt that every woman might play multiple roles at a certain age: daughters, wives, mothers, daughters in law, and of course, herself. Under the influence of thousands of years of traditional culture and social public opinion, each of these roles is very important to our Chinese women. Every role should be done well and can be achieved. The pressure is really great.Chief talent Officer: how do you balance work and life?Brenda Lam: in fact, in IBM, we advocate no longer “ balance ” this concept, but “ integration of work and life ”.For example, before I IBM global team to do a job every day, there is no fixed working hours, for example, I might open the phone to do exercise during the day at night, every day there is a general schedule, work and life is interspersed with the own arrangements, meeting, fitness, child care, family meals, and so on are arranged to meet a friend.Whether it is work and life, there are a lot of things to do, but a persons energy is limited, so we must to do things good: important and urgent, important emergency is not important, not urgent and not important and not urgent and other categories, so you have to do things, there has key. This is very important.In addition, ask for some help, such as your husband, friend, and even your children. Dont hesitate to ask for help and give something to them. In fact, they also feel very need and have a sense of happiness.Chief talent Officer: in &ldquo, how can professional women be happy &rdquo? What are your suggestions on this issue?Brenda Lam: to know what you want, to do what you want to do from the heart, so as to find the motivation and passion to do things, but also easier to meet and feel happy. In addition, as I mentioned a problem, put their things good, to focus on the important things of value, at the same time to manage their energy, after all, energy is limited, can not put all the things to deal with.If you think that valuable and important things are done, you will naturally feel happy.Performance (Performance)What is performance?The word "performance" comes from management, and different people have different understanding of performance. Some people think that performance refers to the efficiency and effectiveness of work; some people think that the performance is that after work behavior, assessment methods and results; more people think the performance refers to the employees work results is reached with benefit, with contribution of corporate goals in the management of the enterprise is often in the evaluation of human resources.Performance is the effective output of organizations at different levels in order to achieve their goals.To sum up: performance is the combination of achievement and effect, and it is the objective behavior of the work behavior, mode, result and its production in a certain period. In enterprises, the performance of employees is embodied in the quantity, quality, cost, and other contributions to the enterprise.Characteristics of performanceIt has multiple factors, multi dimensions and dynamic characteristics.1, multiple factorsBecause of the impact of that is a persons performance depends on many factors, including the external environment, opportunities, personal IQ, EQ and it has the skills and knowledge structure, and enterprise incentive factors.2, multidimensionalMultidimensional is to say that a persons performance should be analyzed from multiple aspects and perspectives. In order to obtain more reasonable, objective and easy to accept results.3, dynamicDynamic, that is, the performance of a person changes with time and position.


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