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    公路机电系统小知识(Minor knowledge of highway electromechanical systems).doc

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    公路机电系统小知识(Minor knowledge of highway electromechanical systems).doc

    公路机电系统小知识(Minor knowledge of highway electromechanical systems)There are no less than 4 lanes in the toll lane at the ramp toll station.The total number of toll roads at the main toll station is no less than 6 lanes.In the network charging system, the toll lane computer system has the function of independent operation and downgrade, and at least stores the charging data for more than 40 days.The monitoring system is divided into functions: information processing, information collection and information providing.Loop detection project: Commander, vehicle speed, traffic volume.The technical index of highway lighting is usually four indexes: brightness, illuminance, glare and inducibility.The alternating current system corresponds to the second phase (A) bus color (C) green.The AC system corresponds to the first phase (A) bus color (A) red.The neutral line (A) corresponding to the neutral line (D) in the AC system is black.The alignment sequence of UTP cable crystal joint in integrated wiring:White orange, orange, white, green, blue, Prynne, green, white, brown, brown.Toll station, computer system, main function:1, data query 2, information upload 3, data backup 4, charge monitoring.Charge system test main content:1: security and confidentiality testing. 2: closed-circuit television monitoring function test. 3: alarm and exception handling function test.4: data processing, statistical reports, printing, recording, testing.PBX system function test preliminary main content:Reliability test, connection rate test, connection function test, inter office relay test, processing capability and overload testMaintenance management and trouble shooting, environment test, transmission target test and billing test.Design goal of communication system for Expressway section:1: to meet the requirements of highway monitoring, toll collection and operation management.2: to ensure accurate, timely and safe delivery of language, data, and image information.The integrated highway communication system consists of the following main parts:1: the roadside emergency telephone system. 2: program-controlled digital switching system. 3: monitoring, toll data transmission channel.SDH system test content:1: error performance test. 2: jitter performance test. 3: drift performance testMain mode of long distance trunk communication1: optical fiber communication, microwave communication, satellite communication, coaxial cable communication.The commonly used pipeline single-mode fiber optic cable shall have:The transmission frequency band is wide, the information capacity is large and the communication distance is long.Program controlled digital switching system should have functionInterface function, switching function, control function, operation and maintenance function.Program controlled digital switching system debugging meets the following conditions1: the temperature is 18 degrees C - 28, 2: the relative humidity is 40 degrees - 75 degrees centigrade.The information collection system mainly collects traffic flow, weather information, highway environment information and abnormal event information.Main functions of emergency telephone system1: Contact callers with the rescue department. 2: automatic telephone recording for the caller.3: automatically determine the location of the caller.What are the components of the emergency telephone system?:Emergency telephone console, transmission line, emergency telephone extension.The highway monitoring system consists of several parts:Traffic information collection system, traffic information transmission system, traffic processing and display system, traffic control and environmental monitoring system.Communication system, loop circuit, working processSelf healing ring means that the network can replace the circuit automatically, reconfigure the service and re-establish the communication capability without any human intervention in the short time to the local fault. The concept of self healing involves only the re establishment of communication, regardless of the specific failure components, repair or replacement of components, the latter still need manual intervention to complete.Construction characteristics of gas blowing method for communication pipeline layingCommunication pipeline installation gas blowing method: the air blower produces high-speed compressed air flow, so that the cable suspended in the pipe forward, the power forward from the pipeline along the length of the entire cable evenly distributed. Therefore, the cable will not suffer mechanical damage, nor will it be difficult to cable because of the pipeline winding, and it will not be limited by the terrain. In this way, the speed and length of the cable are greatly improved, and a manhole is also provided at the (light) cable joint, that is, the manhole is spaced at a long distance.What is the main function of communication system in expressway electromechanical system?1: mainly for the highway departments at all levels of operations, management, monitoring, fees and other systems, providing voice, data, image information transmission.What kind of messages are transmitted by 0 time slots and 16 time slots in 32/30CHM?0 slots are used to transmit system synchronization information. 16 time slot transmission signaling.What are the requirements of the charging system?High efficiency, unimpeded highway, little influence, accurate and reliable data and strong reliability of equipment.What is the function of freeway toll collection system?:Charging according to a certain standard, preventing cheating, (data recording, retrieving, statistical analysis and backup), warning and self checking function.Charging system, functional housing, supervision contentRoom height, ground load, area, temperature, humidity, dust, lighting, cable trench reservation, grounding, floor and so on.What are the components of the expressway tolling system?Toll roads, toll stations, toll centersAdvantages of electronic toll collection system:1: modernization of management. 2: prevent corruption, cheating, resulting in leakage. 3: reduce traffic bottlenecks caused by traffic congestion.4: improve the fairness of road users. 5: reduce environmental pollution and so on.What are the security measures for the computer charging system?1: establish and perfect the system of network security management regulations, with the means to strengthen the safety of the operator.2: use the public network exit to set up the firewall, the website adopts the physical isolation, offline work, prevent the eye hacker invasion.3: charging network should adopt three levels of security control, network security level, computer security level and user security level.4: access settings permissions unified management by the network center, limiting network access to each other.5: to charge data transmission two ways to control: 1, the integrity of the whole information, authenticity control. 2 take special encryption measures (encryption) for sensitive data units in the information.Charging system; reliability; measures1: charging system, local level, LAN server (host system), power supply and so on, use double machine hot backup work mode.2: the network communication link should use backup and many kinds of transmission media to form the multi route system, and connect to the main and standby equipment respectively.3: equipped with high reliability, good safety, continuous brand equipment.4: each level LAN has the strong independent work ability, requests in the bad working environment still can guarantee the normal work.In digital networks, synchronization between digital devices in synchronous digital networks, and synchronization in digital networks includesBit synchronization and frame synchronization.Commonly used construction methods for communication pipes and cables: traction method and air blowing method.Communication piping procedure:1: excavation pipeline trench. 2: pipe laying. 3: backfill.Quality inspection items of pipeline construction:1: pipe connection 2: pipe foundation 3: manhole pipe buried 4: pipe test.The function of communication network management is divided into:Configuration management, performance management, billing management, fault and security management.Main items of installation quality inspection of communication equipment:Power supply system, communication quality, grounding resistance and insulation performance.Hardware component of communication networkTerminal equipment, transmission link, switching equipment.Three marks of modernization of communication:Automation, procedure and network management.Repeaters in communication systems can be divided into analog relay and digital relay.Toll station monitoring mainly includes:Lane monitoring, toll control, square monitoring and control building.Toll center function test item:1: data transmission function of toll stations. 2: monitor sub center computer communication function.3: check the original data function. 4: with lane data communication function.Toll lane installation inspection items:1: lane control machine. 2: automatic block 3: lane signal light.Toll lane function test item:1: lane signal 2: automatic block action. 3: average processing time per vehicle.Inspection items for toll car equipmentPrinter, vehicle control machine, ceiling signal, Lane signal.Design goal of communication system for Expressway section:1: to meet the high road monitoring, charging and operation management requirements.2: ensure that the language, data, images and other accurate, timely and secure transmission.3: Data SPC switching system has the ability of voice and data integrated communication.4: the entire configuration of independent emergency telephone, constitute this section dedicated security telephone.Basic composition of Expressway Communication system:1. Trunk transmission 2: Service Access 3: switching system4: emergency telephone 5: communication power 6: communication pipes and cables.What tests should be taken by the supervision after the optical fiber cable is out of the factory?:1: fiber optic cable before acceptance test. 2: optical cable access after the single disk test.3: cable splice loss test. 4: optical fiber operation section test.Brief description of quality supervision content of highway laying optical cable:1: optical cable factory inspection and approach inspection (specification, quantity, certificate, test report and opening test).2: laying quality inspection. 3: follow quality inspection.4: relay section for all optical fiber testing.Brief description of the advantages of communication pipelines:1: the pipeline carries on effective mechanical and chemical protection to the cable.2: the pipeline can avoid biological damage.3: can avoid repeated construction, is conducive to communication network expansion and upgrading.Brief description of installation contents of emergency telephone field equipment1: check the grounding of the ET platform.2: check the installation quality (chassis verticality, wiring quality, anti rat, moisture-proof).3: check codes and logos.What work should the construction supervision engineer of emergency telephone platform do?:1: telephone platform of the plane position, elevation, steel, cement, sand, stone quality, concrete mix ratio.2: buried pipeline location and test.3: basic bolt specifications and location.4: pre embedded ground wire resistance and lead terminal connection to meet the design requirements.5: platform block, specifications, anti-corrosion and installation quality.Brief introduction of cable laying process by traction method:Safety surveillance in has opened on the road, pipeline, the traction rope passes through the pipeline, and then the traction rope is fixed with cable. Using artificial or mechanical laying: the other end of the cable traction rope through the pipeline, from the middle of the well began to a direction of laying, after more than half, the remaining cable tray - after another direction traction disc laying, leaving connection.Quality supervision contents of emergency telephone construction phase:1: equipment materials approach test. 2: basic production. 3: cable laying. 4: grounding system.5: equipment installation. 6: system debugging, function, index test.Brief introduction of function of SDH equipment network management system:Fault management, fault detection, section location, performance management, performance monitoring, single end test maintenance, configuration management, flexible circuit deployment through software, security management.What systems are included in the monitoring system and what are included?:The monitoring system consists of information collection system, information processing system and information supply system. Information collection system mainly refers to traffic flow detection and monitoring system, including detector system (mainly installed on the road, a variety of transportation facilities, such as traffic flow, weather, disaster and other detectors and computer components) Closed-circuit TV monitoring system, information processing and control center, it has a central control computer and control software, can various parameters for the information collection, analysis and processing, to make real-time traffic status judgments and control scheme. The information providing system is the real-time display of traffic control information which is formed by the information processing system. Release system: including variable information board, map board, variable speed limit sign, roadside broadcast etc.What functions should the highway communication system have? What are the functional tests of the optical fiber digital transmission system?Answer: communication system for toll, monitoring system and operation management automation system, provide voice, data, image exchange platform to provide the corresponding interface.Optical digital system test project: official telephone function, protection function, alarm function, fault management function, performance management function, configuration management, security management system function, operation and maintenance function.What principles should be followed in the selection of Expressway equipment?:A: special principles: 1: signaling agreement should comply with relevant regulations of the state.2: indicators should meet the requirements of access to the public network.3: all fun


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