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    高三英语 Unit4 Green worlds45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

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    高三英语 Unit4 Green worlds45分钟过关检测 大纲人教版.doc

    大纲版高三英语45分钟过关检测 Unit 4 Green worldsA卷(共2大题,计20分).交际用语填空(本题共5小题,计5分)1.Dont you believe me?_,Ill believe_you say.A.No;whatever B.Yes;no matter what C.No;no matter what D.Yes;whatever答案:D2.How about the same more coffee?Its very kind of you._.A.I enjoyed it very much B.Thatt all rightC.It tastes nice and sweet D.Just a little,please答案:D3.Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?No,it is out of _.A.range B.reach C.control D.distance答案:A4.Its been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much._.A.My pleasure B.Im glad to hear thatC.No,thanks D.Its OK答案:B5.Are you a teacher?No,_.A.but by the way B.but on the wayC.but in the way D.but in a way答案:B.单项填空(本题共15小题,计15分)6.Attempts had been _ to classify plant species into groups,but the breakthrough came with the work of Carl Linnaeus.A.taken B.carried C.placed D.made答案:D7._ his wealth,he worked to make a career in science.A.Despite B.Instead of C.Even though D.As for答案:A8.According to the instructions _ to Captain Cook,the expedition had three goals.A.given B.to be given C.giving D.being given答案:A9.On the _ voyage,Joseph Banks did more than study and describe new plants he found.A.three years B.three-years C.three-year D.three-years答案:C10.He also looked out for new economic species:plants _ to produce crops that could be sold.A.could be grown B.growingC.that could be grown D.to be growing答案:C11.Banks was the first _ crops from one continent to another _ a large scale.A.to move;on B.to move;inC.moving;on D.moving;in答案:A12._ to their delight,the voyage turned out to be _ great success.A.Much;/ B.Much;a C.Great;/ D.Great;a答案:B13.Wonderful discoveries were made _ strange new animals and plants during this voyage.A.to B.for C.of D.with答案:C14.After that Captain Cook made_around the world,but Joseph Banks never undertook_.A.more two voyages;the other B.two more voyages;the otherC.more two voyages;another D.two more voyages;another答案:D15.It was Darwins visit on the Beagle to the Galapagos Isles _ gave him the key to his new theory.A.when B.where C.which D.that答案:D16.They recognized each other at first sight,though _ for more than 10 years.A.being separated B.having separatedC.had been separated D.separated答案:D17.Darwin counted 225 flowering plants,_ he collected and brought home 193.A.which B.for which C.in which D.of which答案:D18.Differences in habitat could _ different species in birds as well as in plants.A.bring back B.come up C.carry out D.lead to答案:D19.His experiments were designed to support the ideas concerning the influence _environment _ plants.A.on;in B.of;upon C.for;towards D.at;against答案:B20.After years of research,he found the key _ differences between species.A.to explain B.to explaining C.of explaining D.explaining答案:BB 卷(共4大题,计40分).完形填空(本题共15小题,计15分) In the forest or in the fields you can see small hills of earth and busy ants.Ants live in different 21 .An ant has two strong jaws to 22 soil,to cut up food,to carry about eggs or the young. The head of an ant is triangular,with two 23 eyes and sometimes three more very small 24 ,which are made up of many parts, 25 the ant can see 26 that moves around it.Some of these eyes see things near it;others can see things 27 in the distance. The ant has six legs.Its feelers have twelve joints, 28 which the ant finds its way in its underground home.Some ants do not 29 nests,but make use of hollows under stones or logs.Other ants build their little hills with leaves,bits of wood,sand and earth. The life of ant is not only 30 and play.They must have 31 ,too.But they Dont 32 long.When waking up,they begin to 33 themselves.They use their tongues as a cat uses hers. Ants have a good 34 .When an ant,which has been away for a long time,returns to its nest,the others 35 it and show their greatest joy at its return.21.A.hills B.countries C.places D.holes答案:C22.A.water B.find C.eat D.dig答案:D23.A.different B.small C.large D.tiny答案:C24.A.eyes B.noses C.mouths D.feelers答案:A25.A.yet B.or C.also D.so答案:D26.A.itself B.everything C.something D.nothing答案:B27.A.far off B.around C.close D.clear答案:A28.A.with B.without C.for D.in答案:A29.A.stay in B.find C.build D.look for答案:C30.A.study B.walk C.work D.search答案:C31.A.talks B.fights C.meals D.rest答案:D32.A.grow up B.stay up C.dig up D.sleep答案:D33.A.look at B.look after C.clean D.help答案:C34.A.memory B.hearing C.eyesight D.knowledge答案:A35.A.realize B.know C.see D.recognize答案:D.阅读理解(本题共10小题,计10分)A In the late 1960s,many people in North America turned their attention to environmental problems,and new steel-and-glass skyscrapers were widely criticized.Ecologists pointed out that a forest of tall buildings in a city often overburdens public transportation and parking lots. Skyscrapers are also consumers and wasters of electric power.In one recent year,the addition of 17 million square feet of skyscraper office space in New York City raised the peak daily demand for electricity by 120 000 kilowattsenough to supply the entire city of Albany,New York,for a day. Glass-walled skyscrapers can be especially wasteful.The heat loss(or gain) through a wall of half-inch plate glass is more than ten times that through a typical brick wall filled with insulation(绝缘) board.To lessen the strain on heating and air-conditioning equipment,builders of skyscrapers have begun to use double-glazed panels of glass,and reflective glasses coated with silver of gold mirror films that reduce glare(眩目的光) as well as heat gain.However,mirror-walled skyscrapers raise the temperature of the surrounding air and affect neighboring buildings. Skyscrapers put a strain on a citys sanitation facilities(卫生设备),too.If fully occupied,the two World Trade Center towers in New York City would alone produce 2.25 million gallons of waste each yearas much a city the size of Stanford,Connecticut,which has a population of more than 109 000. Skyscrapers also affect television reception,block bird flyways and air traffic.In Boston in the late 1960s,some people even feared that shadows from skyscrapers would kill the grass on Boston Common. Still,people continue to build skyscrapers for all the reasons that they have always built thempersonal pride and the desire of owners to have the largest possible amount of space to rent.36.The main purpose of the passage is to _.A.compare skyscrapers with other modern structuresB.describe some architectural designs of skyscrapersC.describe skyscrapers and their effect on the environmentD.encourage using bricks in the construction of skyscrapers答案:C37.According to the passage,what is one disadvantage of skyscrapers that have mirrored walls?A.The surrounding air is heated.B.Construction time is increased.C.The windows must be cleaned daily.D.Extra air-conditioning equipment is needed.答案:A38.According to the passage,in the late 1960s some residents of Boston were concerned with which aspect of skyscrapers?A.The noise from their construction.B.The high cost of renting an office.C.The harmful effects on the citys grass.D.The removal of trees from building sites.答案:C39.The author raises problems that would most concern which of the following groups?A.Pilots. B.Electricians.C.Environmentalists. D.Construction workers.答案:C40.The underlined word “ecologists” in the first paragraph means _.A.experts on construction B.experts on electric facilitiesC.experts on the building materials D.experts on protecting the environment答案:DB The State Council gave the promotion of vegetables and foods with high protein,such as milk and soybeans(大豆),milk and soybean products are expected to apear more often in the dialy diets of ordinary people in the course of the next ten years. Through the more than 20 years of development since China adopted its reform and opening up reform policy in the late 1970s,there have been significant improvements in the makeup of peoples daily food intake,and corn and wheat no longer play the dominant role in peoples daily diet that they once did.People now want to eat nutritiously,not just fill their stomachs. In the year of 2000,the average individual consumed 206 kg of corn and wheat,110 kg of vegetables,25.3 kg of meat,11.8 kg of eggs,5.5 kg of milk and 11.7 kg of aquatic products. Their consumption of eggs,milk and aquatic products,all high-protein food,has increased dramatically from the 1990s levels. The plan points out,however,that the increase is not enough.The part of high-protein and nutritious food in peoples diets is still far below the optimum level. China now produces some 5 000 billion kg of food(mainly corn and wheat)a year.By 2010,the number is not expected to be above 5 700 billion kg,which the government considers will be enough to feed the countrys 1.4 billion people at that time. Most redundant producers in the industry will be encouraged to switch to food processing.In the long term goal the plan sets for 2010,the daily consumption of vegetables,fruits,eggs,milk, soybeans and aquatic products will all increase sharply.Corn and wheat products are expected to rank the first place in peoples food consumption,but vegetables will significantly close the gap. Children,women and elderly people will enjoy better care from government during the period.Health experts define them as the groups most likely to suffer from malnutrition.41.The State Council gave an order that_.A.more foods,such as soybeans,vegetables and fruits should be put into everyday dietB.farmers should feed more and more cows C.corn and wheat shouldnt be planted any longerD.everyday diet must contain soybean答案:A42.What does the underlined word “dominant” in Paragraph 2 mean?A.To be the largest amount of. B.To be the smallest.C.To be the whole. D.To be the least.答案:A43.Where does the aquatic products come from according to this passage?A.The are from animals and plants living on the mountain.B.They come from farmland.C.They are living in the air.D.They come from the water.答案:D44.Whats the writers opinion about the diet?A.By 2000,daily diet was valuable enough.B.The nutrition of everyday diet in the 2000s should be raised.C.By 2010, 5 700 billion kg of only corn and wheat is enough for all population.D.Children should be fed on milk and soybeans.答案:B45.From the passage we know that_.A.nobody but kids need much nutritionB.nutrition of the young,the old and the female should be paid more attention toC.people in Western China find it easy to improve their dietD.the balanced diet has nothing to do with the economy in development答案:B.短文改错(本题共5小题,计5分) I eager to go to college because I know there is so much to learn about the world. 46._答案:eager前加amKnowledge is a source of pleasure for me.I want to go to college because 47. _答案:fortoI know that my parents and other people care for me will be happy with that. 48. _答案:care前加whoUnless I can study at a nice university,I will make them happier. 49. _答案:UnlessIfId hate to let him down.Thats why I must go to college. 50. _答案:himthem.汉译英(本题共5小题,计10分)51.乍一看,这问题似乎很简单。答案:At first sight the problem seems easy.52.他求知欲很强。答案:He has a great appetite for knowledge.53.他还没有适应这里的气候。答案:He has not yet adapted to the climate here.54.除了白雪以外什么也看不到。答案:There was nothing in view except white snow.55.他从国外回到家时,父亲已经去世了。答案:His father had passed away before he came back from abroad.7用心 爱心 专心


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