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    8年级下Unit1what27s the matter导学案.doc

    射洪外国语学校初2016级(八年级下)英语导学案-Unit 1 Whats the matter? 编制:韩小蓉Unit 1 Whats the matter?班级:_ 学生姓名:_第1课时 听说课 Section A 1a2dStep1. Lead-in -parts of the body【一试身手 】: 1.The woman hugged(拥抱) her baby tightly with her a_.2.Dont read in the sun. Its bad for your e_. 3.Open your m_ and say “AH”.4.A dog has four _ and theres something wrong with one of its _.(foot)5.-How many _(tooth) does the baby tiger have? -Only one.Step 2 Picture talksTalk about health problems. Its at the doctors w_ room. Five p_ are w_ for their turns. They have got different i_. A nurse is asking them whats the m_ w_ them. One girl has a c_ and she has got a runny n_. Look at the boy in shorts. Theres something w_ with his stomach. He has a s_. Another boy cant even eat anything because he has a terrible t_. Another boy cant straight his back because he has got a p_ in the back. He has a s _ back. Look at that girl. She cant even talk. Because she has a s_ t_. They cant wait to see the doctor. Step 3 Listening 1a, 1b 1) Listen to the tape for 1a, 1b (conversation 1-5) and fill in the chart.WhoProblemsReasonsSarahhas a _She forgot to _ _ her clothes when it was _.Davidhas a _He _ too much junk food.Benhas a _ _He played soccer and _ himself.Nancylooks _ because of the terrible _She didnt _ very well last night and he cant really _ anything either.Judyhas a _ _She _ too much yesterday and didnt _ enough.Step 4 Listening 2a&2b Problems, Accidents and Advice 1) listen to 2a&2b then fill in the chartConver-sation Problems&AccidentsAdvice11.She doesnt _ _2. Her face _ a bit _3.Her head _ _Maybe she _ _ _.She should _ _ _.2Because she didnt _ _ _ _ herself. She didnt wear _ clothes. So she has a _ and a _ _.She should drink _ _ _ _. 3He _ too much because it was an _ meal. So now he has a _. He should _ _ and _. He _ eat so much next time.4He has a _.He should _ _ _ and _ _ _.5She _ _ by _.She should _ some m_ on the _.2) Rewrite In our daily life, we often meet many p_. How to solve(解决) them is very important. Grace d_ look w_ because her face l_ a bit red and her head f_ very h_. What should she do? She should take her t_ to see if she h_ a fever. Nancy didnt take good c_ of herself because she d_ wear w_ clothes in cold weather. So now she h_a cough and a sore t_. What should she do? She should drink some h_ tea with h_. Jim a_ too much at dinner last night because it was an _ meal at the restaurant. So now theres something wrong with his s_. He has a s_. What should he do? He should l_ d_ and r_. Of course, he s_ eat so much next time. Eric has a t_ and when he eats, the bad tooth h_ a lot. What should he do? He should see a d_ and get an _. If he d_ go to the d_, itll h_ even m_ later. Lucy is even more unlucky. She c_ herself by a_ when she was making dinner j_ now. The c_ looks serious. She should put some m_ on the c_.We should take good c_ of o_ in the daily life.第2课时阅读课Section A 3a4c学习目标: comprehension passage understandingStep 1. Pre-readingPicture talksA man is _ on the ground. Maybe theres something _ with him. A woman _ to him is shouting _ help. A bus is coming. A man is _ _ the bus. Maybe he is the driver. Maybe he is a _. No matter what he is, he is hurried to s_ the man. Step 2 Reading 1. Fast reading 1) Q: Does this passage come from a newspaper or a book? From a _.2. Main idea: The reportage (新闻报道)reports an event that a bus driver and the _ saved an old man.2. Detailed reading -Paragraph by paragraphParagraph1When(time)Where(place)Who(persons)At _ am, yesterday _ Road A bus _, a woman and an old _Paragraph 2Paragraph 3_ did people save the old man?_ is the ending?Driver, Mr _PassengersResultPeoples feelingEvaluation(评价)1._ his bus _ thinking twice.2._ the bus to see what happened.3.told his _ that he must take the man to the _. He expected them to _ and _ the next bus.1.agreed to _ _ him.2.helped Mr Wang to _ the man _ the busThe doctor _ the man in time.Its sad that many people _ want to help others because they dont want any _.The driver _ think about _. He only thought about _ a life.3. Read again and finish 3b3c on Page 3.3. Listen and imitate. 第3课时 section A知识渗透与拓展一see sb. doing see sb. do 用法区别 注意: find sb doing sth 类似词汇: 一感(feel)二听(listen to, hear) 三看(look at, watch, notice)1. I often see him _ basketball after school. I saw him _ the piano in the music room just now. 2. I found him _(sit) in the classroom alone.二 训练拓展 1.He cut _(he) by a_ while _(cut) some vegetables.2.He hurt _(he) when he played . 3.I have some trouble _(work) out the problem.4.To my _(surprised), no one was in the classroom when I got there.5.The bus driver stopped the bus without _(think) twice.6.He only thought about _(save) a life. 7.He answered my question_ _ _(毫不犹豫地)7.Thanks _(介词) the doctor, he was s_. 8.There are lots of p_ on the train.8.Some people dont want to help others because they dont want any t_第4课时 听说课Section B 1a1eStep 1. Picture talks (1a)Step2. Listening (1b-1d)1.Listen and fill in the chart.ProblemsCausesTreatmentsSomeone cut his _He was _ under the hot _. Then he felt _ and _ _.1._ the cut2.Putting some _ on it3.Putting a _ on it4.Taking his _5.Telling him to _Someone had a _ /Telling her to put her _ down and press the sides of the nose Someone got _ on the head with a baseball _. /Taking him to the _ to get an _2. Listen, repeat and imitate. 3. Rewrite the conversation.The nurse looked tired today. What h_ to her? She had a very b_ day because so many patients went to the d_. A boy c_ his k_ while r_ under the hot sun. Then he felt s_ and f_ down. The nurse w_ the c_ first and p_ some medicine on it. Then she put a b_ on it. Tough the c_ was not r_ serious, she also t_ his t_. L_ he didnt have a f_. She told him he should r_. A girl had a n_. The nurse asked her to put her h_ d_ and p_ the sides of the nose . And another boy got h_ on the h_ with a b_ bat. He was t_ to the hospital to get an X_. Hope they are all OK.第5课时 阅读课 Section B 2aSelf Check学习目标: comprehension passage understandingStep 1. Pre-reading Step 2 Reading1. Fast reading: (1) Whats the main idea of the passage? It tells of an e_ of a mountain climber and the great s_ he shows in the experience.2. Detailed reading: Paragraph1: a lead-in of the event.Main ideaIt introduces the main c_.Character JobHobby Experience Time Place Situation _A _Is used to _ _There were many times when he almost _ _ _ because of _, _ _Paragraph 2:Main IdeaIt tells the e_ of the event.The causeClimbing the mountain by _The accidentA _ _ fell on him. He couldnt _ his _ because it was _ under it.How long_ daysThe ending1. No one _ him. 2.His water _ _. 3. He had to face the _.His self-saving1. He used his _ to _ _ _ his right arm. 2. With his _ arm, he _ himself in order not to lose too much _. 3. He climbed _ the mountain to find _.Paragraph 3Main IdeaIt tells _ he did after the experience.1He _ _ _ after _ his arm.Name of the bookMeaning of the titleContents of the book_This means being in a _ situation that you cannot _ _ _.Aron tells of1.the _ of _ good _.2.being in _ of ones _2He kept on _ _ because he loves _ _ so much.Paragraph 4Main idea:It tells _ we can get from Aron.The things we can get from AronThe _ of making a _ that could mean life or _.3. Finish 2c,2d,2e. 4. Listen and read. 5. Retell and rewrite.Aron Ralston is a mountain c_ l_. As a mountain c_, he is u_ to t_ r_. There were many times w_ he almost l_ his life because of a_. On April 26,2003, he lost h_ his right a_. A 360-kilo r_ fell on him. He couldnt f_ his right arm because it was c_ under it. After 5 days, no one f_ him. Then his water r_ o_. He had to s_ himself. So he c_ o_ h_ his right arm. Then w_ his left arm, he b_ himself in order not to lose too much b_. Then he climbed d_ the mountain to find h_. After the e_, he wrote a book c_ B_ a R_ and a H_ Place. The title means being in a difficult s_ that you cannot g_ o_ o_. In the book, Aron tells of the i_ of m_ good d_ and of being in c_ of ones l_. He even k_ on c_ mountains because of the great l_ for mountain c_. W_ can we get from Aron? Its the s_ he showed when having to make a d_ that could m_ life or d_.第6课时 阅读课 Section B 知识渗透一.用所给词的适当形式填空.1. He has been used to _(get) up early.2.He used to_ (go )to work on foot. 3. Whats the _ of the word?(mean) 4. Im sorry I didnt mean _ (hurt) you.5. Missing a bus in London means _(wait) for another hour.6.I mean _(go) tomorrow, but my father will not allow me to.7. John took the risk of _(climb) the highest mountain. 8.We should know the _(important) of it.9.He got _(lose) in the forest. 10.Dont take too much care. Its _(important). 11.He is a mountain _(climb) and he loves mountain _(climb) very much.12.You dont look _. You should look after yourself _. (good, well)13.The man is _ (terrible) ill and his _(ill) is serious.14.I wouldnt mind _(have) a roommate.We can help each other and save money as well.二用so that, so.that 和such.that填空。1.The little boy saved every coin _ he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day.2. When the football fans saw Beckham, they got _ excited _they cried out.3. She is _ an excellent teacher _ all of her students love her.(so that/so.that)4.He worked day and night _ he could succeed. = He worked day and night _succeed.二单选( )1.If you have a toothache, I think you _ see a doctor. A. will B. shall C. should D. may ( )2.Who taught _math? Nobody. He learnt it by _. A. his, himself B. his, him C. him, himself D. he, him( )3.-Can you see the boys _ football on the playground? A. to play B. playing C. plays ( )4.Jimmy cant buy any new books because he has _ his money. A. sold out B. run out of C. ran out D. come out( )5.The Greens _ live in England and now they _ in Beijing. A. used to, are used to living B. are used to, used to live D. used to, used to live( )6.While traveling to Canada, you should give yourself a day to _ the time. A. used tob. be used toC. use to D. used for6


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