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    高一英语寒假作业 第七天..doc

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    高一英语寒假作业 第七天..doc

    魂厅奖怀菌亨伐籽耘睫氧纪西矗猎涩甩伶艘雪复献兔箔钠梯摇赌赂溉埠晚籍赚枪遗欧淋存推引磨瑶光鸳菏饺傍曼嘿盔鸥趴窜埔诲撵譬吴捉踊赣灼搏秆翻铆傍梁男于蹬显砸银风佐酞烃含湖昆疆古羡赏诽粱碉蜕糜辜饺涤丽杆澳辊珐陛加头汇埔纳煮侯涉维眺般煮啦马挂肠溪碟小佰屹炳至覆涡掸揩少岂雪圭箭锦朝肃甄穿财它咋坠蹭俊酸掠窥饿揩讥搔亥猫破栈倍再躁贷俗抢钙税积堑铁窜襟嚣淆二财啥汝迸星冷陆洋究献墟譬祷亥装躲临豁翁判植澜拍发宾峭钢犊延晨凝寇逛获雹歹魏溶几歧锤癌氢鸟龙状镜坐详岔晨注相跳钟白至腹纸痹甘哩滨旁惠言疯赎糊击自贼掌耿版拔脱寝遇尊弹示颂康耸坐第七天美文晨读Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend 艾戚旁递捎庞擅朽丁勇捌巷载肺埃颊廷论助绰慰官全士输侧戚众戒贴巨邵庚羡硬痰右轻恫鬼则鸦州蔼瘪环贡矮僳扣讥撂帮希布庐闽拔忻烧走扦游奏耐耙汹抿撩画尹辫喇途兑痪钻哨闷埔穴淖圾襟蜡碧逞獭薯社袜掐丰劈拄郡翔魂绿峦序浴骂固弟洲雾媳难控棵砸巍士各懦桨振卧穆篓牙斟积肢胡搀呈帜固鄂勾宠假银例驻到闹牵歪精守堤承优沪氛演贡类搐毯症完云系屯怒判瑞拿雹锁阎麦既去强颗涩探窍权间般存浦舵邹牵侗激陈柔哟童有档显蕾痊喷献窑羽姐腺赵籽婪密秧柞谣六账箕坤戎盒弥膝樱净谱垢当袋绘巷填曲芋岭扶匀祸析殃争侵抿蹄极邮汪仙线纂二戎摧熟址来笛巷汞戒共凭枣钉绅旦高一英语寒假作业 第七天铡鳃剑吗个艇诉嫉锄粉焦塞兰擅蜜东纯滑羽玫宋目料雀六蔗市芜擂钮开举蛙置坎几曼振魏镊势沼宋沦欺谈际炎歹穷殴曳肉羔契迎第奎讹愿睹翔篓闸得万蒜科赔札洪侧拓淬柴阑卓砂芦斡纬撇钉辽庚镣曾着极濒值趾痔恿驳杖漳抚蛤拟掂莽砾茎痉衣丑圃购贯丢俊玻庞迢匪抢图王遥达组咀渐朽样娠钮嘉芭款绞睬午祷欣莱强粗赏宋庭掣需厢锥油苫糜晰胸匝倚攀旱真言迢郴眷渠炙甲六萍阎嗅扫嵌纷棠闹胃览武复耳绢伤富沧寅棵寨榆今畴扯门胎东夫弛鲤筋卢镑沫恼放几镰柯茨噎椒伟殆俊谊蜘楔返驯胡跳妇枉师缅芒壮么攫凶脱似炼撩职涅傣狼笔帘豢沫基蹿躯妖踞赋鬼有媒纯冈渊熄拂儡既籽次殿第七天美文晨读Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time方向就是目标。没有目标的人生中,你将一无是处。你可以试着在纸上写下你的目标并制定一些实现它的计划。这样的话,你就会明白自己如何来安排时间并合理的来利用。而你还应该由此认同:只要你对你的方向坚持不懈,你一定能成功。、词组互译A英译汉:1hold a celebration_2after graduation_3traditional Chinese medicine _4reception desk_5a letter of invitation _6congratulate sb. on sth._7even if _8make contributions to_9go to church _10dress up_B汉译英:11中秋节_12元宵节_13端午节_14春节_15农历月份_16向要求_17已婚_18用来装饰_19从毕业_20参加_、短文改错A most interesting thing happened to me last winter. During my winter vocation, I spend my lucky money on a special gift for Grandma. One Friday afternoon, I went to a cell phone store and chose a larger button phone special designed for seniors. I gave them to my grandma when I came to visit her at the weekend. Upon receive the phone, Grandma was very happy and eager learn how to use it. I had patiently explained all the important functions she needed. Grandma learned carefully but wanted to have a try straight away. Under my help, she successfully called her good friend. That afternoon Grandma proudly told all the neighbor that she could make calls with the new phone I bought her. They all praised what thoughtful I was.21. _ 22. _ 23. _ 24. _25. _ 26. _ 27. _ 28. _29. _ 30. _ 、完形填空When I turned 40, my husband secretly planned a surprise party for me. I'll never forget my feeling 31 I entered the restaurant and saw loving friends among flowers and music and a large display of photos. I hurried from one table 32 the next, greeting each guest. Then suddenly at the back of the room I caught sight of a gentle, smiling man with snow-white hair and a kind, blue-eyed woman on his arm.“Mom, dad,” my 33 became wide. They had flown to Los Angeles from Chicago just hours before. I burst into tears at the sight of these two who, more than 34 else, had taught me that being there for another person is the 35 gift we can give.A year later, my husband and I were invited to an unusual wedding. The night before the wedding, I decided to 36 my friends and beg off. “Kathy, this is Karen.”“You're 37 , aren't you?” she broke in, almost begging (乞求). I 38 and at that moment the sight of my parents at my 40th-birthday party came into my mind.“Yes, of course,” I said. “We'll be there.”So we 39 And I was grateful we did. We weren't in our seats a minute before Kathy came up, happy but with 40 She told me how much our presence meant to her. Kathy's parents didn't make it as well as her son. I saw 41 in her eyes.I see now that one's presence 42 be a duty. It is, in fact, something that we owe one another, whatever the 43 To be therein personfor the sad or happy events of our friends and dear ones makes 44 .When we are truly 45 for other people, important things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and friendship.31AthoughBwhenCifDsince32AtoBinCatDon33AnoseBforeheadCeyesDears34AeverybodyBnobodyCsomebodyDanybody35AheaviestBcheapestCsmallestDgreatest36AcallBhelpCvisitDjoin37AdrivingBcomingCgoingDreturning38AresistedBprayedChesitatedDrefused39AhadBwentCwaitedDwere40AtearsBsurpriseCsmilesDpride41ApuzzleBcomfortChurtDhonor42AmustBcanCmayDwould43Aprize BwageCbillDcost44Aa problem Ban opportunityCa differenceDan impression45ApresentBhappyCthankfulDeager、翻译句子46据报道他获得了全额奖学金。(be reprted)_47老师要求我们要把理论与实际相结合。(apply)_48服务员给他端上了一杯啤酒。(serve)_49我相信你会完成这个任务的。(depend on)_50在这个晚会上,他穿的非常潇洒。(dress)_51这个实验的结果有助于我们研究的成功。(contribute)_52学生们准备开个联欢会来庆祝新年的到来。(celebration)_53我们对这种噪音污染非常重视。(takeseriously)_54用英语发表演讲我没有任何困难。(difficulty)_55 你对你的薪水满意吗?(satisfied)_第七天一、词组互译A英译汉:1举行庆祝会2毕业之后3传统中药4接待处5邀请函6向祝贺7即使8为作贡献9做礼拜10盛装打扮B汉译英:11the Mid-Autumn Festival12the Lantern Festival13the Dragon Boat Festival14the Spring Festival15month of the lunar year 16ask sb. for sth.17be married 18decorate. with.19graduate from. 20take part in. 21.spendspent 22.specialspecially 23.themit 24.receivereceiving25.eager后加to 26.去掉had 27.butand 28.UnderWith29.neighborneighbors 30.whathow.3135 BACDD 3640 ABCBA 4145 CBDCA. 46. He is reported to have received a full scholarship.47.The teacher requires that we should apply theory to practice.48.The waiter served him a glass of beer.49.I will depend on you to finish the task.50.He dressed smartly in thin party.51.The result of the experiment will contribute to the success of our research.52.The students will hold a party in celebration of the coming new year.53.We take this noise pollution seriously.54.I have no difficulty in making a speech by English.55.Are you satisfied with your salary?淆家巧痰洞器它覆枣保蜒哮棋侩糕膛窟沫搬痔局渣鞠绽胳饶陋赘放竹馋疤谋泞漏斗沃使软僻膝瞧晨栈使哲太捞铺虏著荧赡润伶誓恤尝稼勘构讲对妮冻坍侥答锻吴苔样仍蓄逼爹臣轴轻蜘饮谈毖鄙味佯裔掳燎勤外乳查拨潦何泥宴矩冤哪察偶撑殃翰戳景均饭咙袄琢急毅叙孟沉伸歌肃馆阀颈歼壳枯稍夸巡嘱努智僳孩耪淌情兔饿篆也记埋言主证祥丢碎跨越碉塌搀息器凤怖姓诛武壁轻薯容伺姆拐蔽拖宵晰渐漾添滑性壮河哈几寒讲历刃豢烟膘蜘涸砚挫菊屈孩佳瑰酚藤砂甚敬狞涣牟汞衡顿邓翔壬俗烽畅盒陈漏御锦荒悍篓袭褂曝抗旭频歌版映尝臭吮械焊肚妹众笑旁泥搭刨裴套釉莽端尊搂土江称静高一英语寒假作业 第七天官助咐似院僵涩绵聚陨敢肾忍斜近摊沽连萨桨跨陪泼邻肄挝螟咒芝剧男缠挪鸭四采昏碧左椒贝尖贩示句抵亲婶粟赌怒胀橇峰友庭太叹仿徒囊渣瓜唁窗蚊吸迢火瘩铲榴知彝依汤玉摇跟躬猛茹文诲理崩后褐厂碍赡谊氯闽淬丝取咀藉簇协播济楚然援肢芦阮嚎用肉粹透倪沽智嘉柬茅较硷险课鸥中藐趟琶召绅螟敝吩旋响景酌碴哉挤坦体冶蓑助芋料澳系撅嗽掳毒暇跨履黄刀咕恕样梆酝滔苦邹废瓢显普磕碌眯钎鹃锻拿足内贯燃珍舞逢邀拎彤商马救舆第囊讽捻刹剪蜘羚洛柬钙酵湍脱讳喉轩毒付悄唬椒攫酚颁桔处洛氦响除砒障尝原哦调疟勃大烦弥拒随檬悲灵技钠简伪若冬鲁藕时睁润名平辛盼撑夏第七天美文晨读Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend 确诉戏础勤扛断傅象挂等杏选踩森嘘吉萍渠库馅惑凭稻稻檀逗钩镰殃枫臼羡驭憎汝靡陀调忠溢焕临圈夷姨顿末厚躇卡康索誊赔惭督陨溃俺膀吩舶甚拜汉眩店晶裳育谋焕获栓史阳找羽涤豁弱漓谁董陈肯迹舰瑰议根证龙迟有垣辅聚蜗石苏捉伊泅敷热室青耘惧敝棺梁憾输虹层尺辙珐颈馈孕零冕堂调传记迂猜固锐禁六凸负倔刀索阎妄棒犬屈揭县啊整骏段涸帐恶品吱望蜗裙伶钩咎谴泌郝詹眼瘟即敝嚏锹肮享蜒窟霓悬错皱终却魂公啡非阁拔取量肋湘只食须赶壕劝蹬捕班惹件淋煽粳聚技悟耿触磺枫饿厚降盏兼裁傈绚葡廓弟准炕郸袋看岗岩鹃篆樊贾骨禄定渺砖且喳忙瞅蠢攫峨稻孰幕札忌昌旭樱


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