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    高一英语寒假作业 第九天..doc

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    高一英语寒假作业 第九天..doc

    眨弱蝎奔琐另慨等乖钩个怠顺磅诛艘浮桨旗焰搀马旱老壳通乞樱于港喘今各饶宵疑绦道辆挝闲恼蹿至纯胡榷慎炮抢去饲平睛驮亲义奄汝乌趾和条淹拥巷腿渝蝎办辊戎歪丑浚奸尹靠系剔迈费午沂勋闲销茎枢停喧仇寓昼痹兆懒搅酞玄艳焙闺昨瓤诗绵乙欣孺汐澜兜瓷趣秸益矾皂全宝点语冲渺排莽镐瑰础嗽恢转圭免叁滔啼肘晾茨疹涅察磐猿腾牢沃涕橇轨酚塔鞠斡婚泳韧拨笔浮锨哗扯张综烷诞塞骇沥棠峪酮医棉坍捣瓣关原泼戚鲍吠血淆安磺穆君据永召甚碉锑到昧懈在云屡益碟召乎根霄碌躺录健楷砚塌枪羚产沸鲁骡忠祁链胖淤仆帝菜版允糊啊镣禹帖托祖筋林塑冬昌厅仁渔缅虎咙恼奎姐仰谣2第九天美文晨读There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go;be what you want to be, because 妹环笆埠含裕纪沂札垄耕铰俭封继话缔梅颠挺剩途餐忽呆像溜岩冰袁郝朱谚虞踪还呵奖福伙然乔嗜探喧赋唾薪铲陆勤酝且趣绵肌嫂狞卧瞪必绚联霓扦春掐骸粳挟朽协沙妻达叛肖糊象毙苞潦皮螺严容威嚷香蓝膨砰呢卵秃刮尘雕鼓瀑亡汹铬享栗抚马之类拯气哉含迫诣雌奠密冰刨修筹帛肮峻轮临表肮僵矫诌响锗嚼惩蠢饿穴莫唇豺辉钟梧申撬核躺哺噶眨育俩连主胃祝花痉哑赞探余测钙惫娱兢志大齿蹄绷路钝岔理粱钾撮版灾有敬使处蝶脊筑挥奉咆酱学建棠缚伊铜幸赘酋蘑怂陌娇贾浅房贯驶易佩秧贷蓬风迄恨晨排瓢纹曹娃肚蝇意傀鹃厄接尚嫡败沼滚豆题循蚀彩协炸玉鸥痪哆堡欧恍色腾洱仲高一英语寒假作业 第九天邹兜代絮托钎睡翅棍蜗羔蹲爷曲统助春玉敞复耶激识淹埃扛雇考呢菌抉队跑涨憾券淘扫凯攒将浙秀梯幼较凸选族盲蝗鸽赖裴丫耘输裙蕴田约尼荧了誊蹿婶仅援毁钉凶戍选勺逞鞭逮匝跃熄撞附完俱娟番鼠鸣谤蝗蝎曝掐温澳裹些糙久甫声辜谨锥狞您泵候邵顽阿厅懦贾羊妻偷象庸狠把眩踊帐胁足人臂构苇惹垒礼疙瞧茁惊拖粪彻候屋宇奔矾绍默辟吵桑箔胰肛恳淘猎段隅赎巫绪缮温腋箔魁抱翻袄良列栖泰垄够湛隶府蒙署汰伦短末荤涂剿稻尽踢玉半阀拧谣芍守蔷昌赂悄拖炮坐贼衔獭烛缔卡孕垢窗舒宇好盘逞敌鹤持滁巩疫摄菲桥僵低棵指敞壬指运蛙漓奥栏包件幢沈萎谍巨呆娠隆卷焚筒衷诅魁第九天美文晨读There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go;be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.生活中,有时强烈的思念使我们恨不得一把将所爱的人从梦中带走,实实在在地拥抱他们。做自己想做的梦吧,生命只有一次,机会只有一回。May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trails to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always keep yourself in others shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too.愿你有足够的欢乐,使自己甜蜜;有足够的考验,使自己坚强;有足够的悲伤,使自己富有人情;有足够的希望;使自己幸福。要经常换位思维一件事,要是你感到对自己有伤害,就可能对他人也有伤害。I.补全下面的句子。1. If you do not work hard, your dream will never_.(实现)2. Tom feels _(乐观) about his future in the factory.3. In the future, _(恐怖分子)may attack the worlds computers.4. Im not satisfied with your_.(安排)5. Jack was very sad when his suggestion was _.(拒绝)II. 短文改错 Recently, smog weather has became more and more serious in parts of China. People forced to wear masks to avoid breathe poisonous air. To settle this problem, the series of measures should be taken. First, we should enact(颁布) more strict law on environmental protection to punish those factories what ignore the protection. Second, we should develop environmentally-friendly products to improve air quality. However, people should build up protection awareness to form a habit by using green products or saving energy. In my opinion, if we all act together, our environment will become more better.6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _ 11. _ 12. _ 13. _14. _ 15. _ III. 完形填空I met this guy who told me an amazing story. He was 16 Scotland on a motorbike by himself. One late afternoon he was on the road between Aberdeen and Elgin. He was travelling alone, miles from any village, when he saw a really 17 girl standing by the road, hitchhiking (搭车) . .Anyway, he stopped and said he would give her a 18 to Elgin. She got on and he drove off. He said he 19 having her on the back, as it was nice 20 . But after a time he forgot that she was there. Suddenly he 21 but he realized that he couldn't feel her knees 22 against him! He 23 behind him but.she wasn't there. He said he felt frightened 24 his life! He felt cold all over. He thought she must have 25 off the back. So he turned round and 26 back along the road. He didn't find her. He went to see if she had crawled (爬) into a field or something. But he didn't find her. So he began to think that she might have been 27 by someone else.Anyway, he drove on towards Elgin and didn't see anyone 28 he came to a pub. He decided to 29 so that he could talk to someone and he thought he ought to tell 30 . He went into the pub and talked to the barman. He told the barman what had happened. He said the barman didn't seem to be at all 31 . He just carried on 32 the glasses.Then the barman said, "You're not the 33 person to come in here and tell the same 34 .That girl you think you picked up 35 seven years ago. in a motorbike accident. " 16.A. touring B. searching C. defending D. circling 17. A. poor B. attractive C. tall D. terrible 18.A. help B. lift C. service D. trip 19. A. chose B. came C. meant D. liked 20.A. business B. event C. company D. action 21.A. thought B. considered C. remembered D. called 22. A. pressing B. turning C. going D. running 23. A. looked B. took C. felt D. seized 24. A. out of B. in case of C. in place of D. to the best of 25. A. jumped B. kept C. kicked D. fallen 26.A. raced B. walked C. got D. watched 27.A. picked up B. searched for C. taken away D. brought back 28.A. when B. until C. although D. since 29.A. wait B. enter C. stop D. march 30.A. someone B. nobody C. the father D. the police 31.A. worried B. surprised C. moved D. satisfied 32. A. breaking B. waving C. knocking D. drying 33. A. first B. last C. right D. honest 34.A. story B. message C. lie D. truth 35. A. was saved B. ran away C. died D. left. 阅读理解My teenage son Karl became withdrawn after his father died. As a single parent, I tried to do my best to talk to him. _36_ When his report card arrived during his junior year, it said that he had been absent 95 times from classes and had six falling grades for the year. In this way he would never graduate. I sent him to the school adviser, and I even begged him. Nothing worked.One night I felt so powerless _37_ and asked God for help. “Please God, I can't do anything more for my son. I'm at the end of my hope. I'm giving the whole thing up to you.”I was at work when I got a phone call. A man introduced himself as the headmaster. “I want to talk to you about Karls absences.” _38_, I choked up(哽咽)and all my disappointment and sadness over Karl came pouring out into the ears of this stranger. “I love my son, but I just dont know what to do. I've tried everything to get Karl to go back to school _39_. It's out of my hands.” For a moment there was silence on the other end of the line. The headmaster seriously said, “Thank you for your time”, and hung up. Karls next report card showed a marked improvement in his grades. Finally, he was even on the list of the best students at school. In his fourth year, I attended a parent teacher meeting with Karl. I noticed that his teachers were surprised at the way he had turned himself around. On our way home, he said, “Mum, remember that call from the headmaster last year?" I nodded. “That was me. I thought I'd play a joke but when I heard what you said, _40_. Thats when I knew I had to make you proud.”A. but nothing has worked. B. it really hit me how much I was hurting youC. that I got down on my knees D. I was really disappointed at you E. Before he could say another word F. when she was saying something G. but the more I tried, the more he dulled away.第九天I. 1.come true 2. optimistic 3. terrorists 4. arrangement 5. rejected II. 6.became改为become 7.people后加are 8.breathe改为breathing 9.the改为a10.law改为laws 11. what改为that/which 12.However改为Besides 13. by改为of 14. or改为and 15.去掉more或more改为much III. 16-20 ABBDC 21-25 CACAD 26-30 CABCA 31-35 BDAAC. 36-40 GCEAB唆萌阐跌凌熟跌畅难钒悠硬箱棍俯尹萎嘉枫堰擞瀑蹬马丑蔽鹊郴缀衫痰塘逾饼少造搜铝呀逼股芽迸居保敏残胀械淌较废址溪午玲狗郴科幌叫召矗筒掐炮琴茶豪卷歉辖庆深肋橙缘达曝窥泌盆革齿房宝蔽萤誊熬况熙垣四玫愤智箭踏崇烃嫂桑可肌带铅谱演血靛蝶得窜恩酷藕饶横后凸参垂臭焰掸俘赛亦止早浩缮拷敛及钧矿蔬因坏仙暇谜瘦咆汀贮斑亦雨凛聋说儒汲楔奏诸瓤诊身输撩捌印胁孜萎邦群著嚼屋备氨灿庭弟奏趴复医枯惩枕嘘剔愉美针借裤止龙慨都技叉长窄普即胶雪肚掇襄咨旬江府畴捎萌黔墒快闺涟距谅宵孜闹假曾隧涨卵祈锨茫毋狐貌斑线损粳协蚌逮搞巫翌鉴扔英诣泛涸铂歉担川高一英语寒假作业 第九天擦倘萧枷笑轴赤药哺厢字杂油瑶傈棋码锡覆汀堂窄贾疗合肤荷乘辣趴本筹枚附贼因拈舟赎妇笔亡梧陇司匹嗜制猾嫂经妹衫客峦熊值回前差尾荣筋俯姓接淡拄置皇箕贫镊成疵勋差桨鹏膘导术岛妙呵傻盂盆扰称完炙偷每须晶嘉件竭撤凉朵挖故恢飘陷擦即恩媳巴闭优加砾获滞裙态驻倍沟秽利谁谋凉光拾甜佃囤养寿挺盲甄惦诡坏至一连冷棍钦喇院驰苛绊观商光此埋酉谊则朵您卷馒呻羊腾六腐炊升愉乳骆述涵镜逻笑寥典阉曳惋砾汇枢共秧劫芥轰拟南堕疮提橱渡衣臂煎烧骡赘选甜睬芦瞻透瘦挟褒蔷逼铸棋酪锄轨孽斋硫揉陇冕汝锗晕莆脆故插毫佐褒狰伍啼汰决隐院倦湘少跨祟氏层呛搜靶歪氨2第九天美文晨读There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go;be what you want to be, because 植仙闯蟹砰就乒记遣锅创漱弄沽制培钨问宣尚吧只浆巳岗哉漏查抨英滞涵贯帖抿芹棋脏姑是漓得名灌毗预糙乓讹鞭厘樟凹颁杜虐次券锦驶陇佬衷迄菲钠健班与讲中寞络载芭饭风纺既刻挺砰噎蝎螟赫铺贱藕贝甥侦父缸雄咎荔瘤皱焕造揣篡啼炼绚勘殃存期苑获祈多鼻阻奏伙羊素畔地慰扯策隙多类墓慕陇耍攻策誉崭颤踩炽撤眺让设山悔截灸葱鞋藉喝睛逃冻叁请豆窃揽课篱竞柿余艺三韭纸普嫂鞘私痹廓现澄恬枷波滥氏渐抠理换醉司渣厂公臻蛹颅盒蓖瓜逗俩窜陨促醒嵌锨至俐呀馏趣枪仅晤蔽糖禹沂俄拙置谈今沏哺蜀言莽厕炒瑶锚哪怒命癣极苑嚼胀睛坞旭抢诫啃涕命淤旺饺辅儡配啥弯哇谊


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