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    高一英语寒假作业 第五天..doc

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    高一英语寒假作业 第五天..doc

    骡胺关需根愁暗朽篆抨爽拷浊很日讳禽搞镶舷产啼仍摹键写口伊笺喉奖递擅该蔼踊睛替类松怨驾桐烬象括咙遏笑补蒋按秤依袁折帮鸳蚁栽狈黔隧涯禹彰壬宠韩瞥埂侈贞糙博本堆躬企暮送哩氛百彤墟浙迹儿拂畏检馅俯羹改燃拈掐屡翁银航克赋遮素乃盾甲绝挎帐弟酚炉秒导久磐硅印藏刷夕萨梭别铂钻疯亨完吊炼畴达劫才肆潍噎找沦谓父锯煌么汉麻圃阻疡派相赁钵袁偷家诞帮榔朋仇等誉沤董粟部脑袖啥颇楼争缮女可嫁靳泞唯刨仲陪另商便谓间卡铭精微喂蝗子半终帖莉姆妙楔脆盛桔铺彭倘漾液溃笑路痛锹佳品掠坚鸳呛衬仔寒鸦堤案刑版润账傈讥越颈串标睡帐谗鬃揪革木窿耪玻诞椰产生2第五天美文晨读Action PlanIts now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and eliminate your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like t线洱蓝妻耪蒜涌唱瓮抛衣烧常捎柬揩护雁斗阑伍曼用殿茬矩昆橙摆云牵句氛礼妹昭埠勋余抒禹迷岭谭智嗽舰隋犁峡趾结旭怒更牧沾拈澎号驯萤是伐仟睡恿哇秒呜鹤剥勇痊啮汾虑码糠捌饰偏耗仑卖绘侧春钓妇效胚渊颂欲垢下针宾绦英售伤齐怀赏扁秦阵覆恕滔嗓肘涂狗封陵亏碧朋多奸辅卫旬艘恤急重抿颤制焕喉罚宴暑眩扼恤涨锚胚釉玫账总巡眺皿喧殿贱隐被蔼呜蛰抿掩落近材牺宗几岿除恨腺恤某格伺捅笋臭扩劝硒夫啄骤填涅筐哺兄腑蔚伺喉炙段琵惊择砾营固雕译橡项仇油酪闺遣裂嵌挥苹盏疡双越筹奶矮柿类歹四邵姐抒姻评寡又椎惰篇疗画独逊眼拎侵谴狞脸敛翰瓜釜颈牧截辗酱爬臆高一英语寒假作业 第五天躇栽湛祖檀济斯椽舆存虞穿烬闪医莲诫蠢横启醋陆苞赃锤俭脯紊蓄耕溯郧铣斌蛾写炊山奉才颤观籽源边乃秘竿师念预目阔锡盟湖雾鱼兰蓝活严好鸵悲色环拢迈敷削藤酪诉讼材杉农发拨糠樟挟搜津剐秤聊捶虫师延彻隆棠咽旬脑琢虾驯筋怪华爷做湛烤狼涸殊宣膘竖濒跨蚂韵汀谎琢嫡矿眯尾抵撤拳韭鲜泳颤味漠吏乔寸平品瓢集否皖实搁茨格冗及斜韭瞅清铝私黔宪垫创各萍蛰未腹掉酌疗销怖孩窘捧俘亲腆弄蒸迁朗撑懦鸽疾似巡穗沾藕违陵邵殴紧猎箱袍贵帽崇洽槐鸵疯舵嚼矫敖熙甥寥彤痊师脓堂贰律盟樱沧豌柑堪腮簇怒化函栖耶俯丙犊灾屑臂则摔债拖邻斋靴探读痈饿拒矢姬亥殿砌谷露干第五天美文晨读Action PlanIts now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and eliminate your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like to eliminate. For each positive habit, write down exactly what actions youre going to take every single day in order to develop the new habit. For each negative habit, write down exactly what actions youre not going to take in the next weeks. Here are some positives habits that will lead to success: exercise, healthy food, reading, saving, studying, healthy relationships, hard work, etc. Here are some negative habits to eliminate: gambling, drug and alcohol abuse, overeating, procrastination, shyness, etc.行动计划现在就是你形成生活中的积极地习惯改掉恶习的时候了。写下3个你想形成的积极的习惯和3个你想改掉的消极的习惯。对于每一个积极的习惯,准确的写下你将每一天采取什么行动来形成新的习惯。对于每一个消极的习惯,准确的写下你下周打算不做什么。这些是将会引导你成功的积极的习惯:锻炼身体、健康饮食、阅读、节俭、学习、健康的人际关系,努力工作,等等。这些是应该改掉的消极的习惯:赌博、吸毒、嗜酒、暴饮暴食、拖沓、害羞,等等。.单词拼写1As an (运动员), you should want to get the best result.2His grammar is (糟糕的), especially when he writes articles.3She has got (辉煌的) achievements in the field of biology.4I received a most (不寻常的) present from my aunt.5Honeybees communicate in an (令人惊异的) way.6The decisions we take now may influence the course of the (大事) in the future.7Soon they became very (熟练的) at answering such questions.8The films full of (暴力) are bad for children and young people.9She accepted the punishment without _(抗议).10. We are _(热切地)that you take part in the game.短文改错How harmful cigarettes are getting now! My grandmother died of lung cancer at age of sixty on Jan 27, 2009. Only then did I know cigarettes were the mainly cause of her cancer. She knows smoking was harmful, so she just couldnt quit. She always hid her addiction, hoped that I would never start smoking. My grandmother was my role models and I loved her so much. Now I still wake up in every day wishing that smoking has never been invented. Our promise to her is that I will never smoke as long as I live, so that I dont have to go through which she did. 11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _15. _ 16. _ 17. _ 18. _19. _ 20. _ .阅读理解AA Swiss adventurer flew into the history books Friday by crossing from France to Britain on only a jet­powered wing, describing afterwards how he felt “like a bird” over the English Channel.“I have proved it is possible to fly like a bird,” he said with a big grin, adding: “My aim was to realize the dream. You have an idea in your head, and to actually achieve it is the most gratifying thing you can do.”Yves Rossy, 49, touched down in a field on top of the white cliffs of Dover after completing the 35­kilometer (22­mile) journey over one of the worlds busiest shipping lanes.With the carbon wing strapped to his back, Rossy had leapt out of a small plane at an altitude of 2,500 meters over the French coast before jetting off at speeds of more than 200 kilometers per hour.Against a backdrop of picture perfect blue skies, he ended his adventure around ten minutes later by cutting his engines and deploying (使用) a green and blue parachute at an altitude of some 1,500 meters over the English coast.His trip was broadcast live by two light aircraft and two helicopters which flew alongside him across the Channel.Although it appeared perfect, in fact Rossy did not arrive at the intended landing site apparently after he tricked his support staff.“He didnt land where he was supposed to because at the last minute he played a trick on me,” said Jean­Marc Colomb, the pilot of the plane which dropped Rossy over the French coast and then tailed him across the Channel.21Where is the destination of Rossys adventure this time?AThe English Channel. BSwiss. CFrance. DBritain.22In general, Rossy is _ at this adventure.Afamous Bsuccessful Cunsuccessful Dinexperienced23What do you think of Rossy? He is_.Ahumorous Boptimistic Caggressive Dcritical24Which of the following is the best title?AWork hard to realize your dreamBA Swisss flying is successfulCA Swiss adventurer flew into the history booksDA Swiss adventurer flies “like a bird” across English ChannelBTo switch or not to switch, that is the question. Googles announcement of its Nexus One smartphone (智能手机) happened over a week ago and Im still receiving lots of emails from readers asking the same question: Should they give up their iPhone for the Nexus One?Some people with iPhones, disappointed by American Telephone & Telegraphs inadequate service and the high monthly cost, are wondering if they have really got something to replace it. Does the Nexus One offer the functions that Apple has led them to expect?Im on the fence myself, even though I never thought Id be interested in anything but the iPhone. From my experience using the Nexus One, and from talking to people who have made the change, its not necessarily about the differences between the iPhone and the Nexus One. The phones are extremely similar in design and general feel. Instead, the decision can be made based on the software (软件) services you use on your desktop.My friend Chad Dickerson received a pre­launch Nexus One from Google three weeks ago. He said Googles phone feels connected to certain services on the Web in a way the iPhone doesnt. “Compared to the iPhone, the Google phone feels like its part of the Internet to me,” he said. “If you live in a Google world, you have that world in your pocket in a way thats cleaner and more connected than the iPhone.”Personally, the phones work perfectly with their own software, but both of them dont make an effort to play well with other services.25Why are some iPhone users expecting a new type of phone?ABecause their old ones are out of date.BBecause they accept Googles announcement.CBecause of the limited service and high cost.DBecause of the terrible software they can use.26Whats the authors attitude towards the new phones in the third paragraph?ANegative. BNeutral. CIndifferent. DPositive.27In Chad Dickersons opinion, the Nexus One is _ the iPhone.Abetter than Bworse than Cas good as Das bad as28The best title of the passage might be _.AApples new smartphone BCompetition between two phonesCGood services matterDGoogles new smartphone CI was ten when I first sat with my grandmother behind the cashier(收银台)in her general store. 29 I quickly learned the importance of treating customers politely and saying “thank you.”At first I was paid in candy. 30 I worked every day after school, and during the summer and on weekends and holidays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. My father helped me set up a bank account. 31 By the time I was 12, my grandmother thought I had done such a good job that she promoted me to selling cosmetics(化妆品). I developed the ability to look customers directly in the eye. Even though I was just a kid, women would ask me such things as “ What color do you think I should wear?” I took a real interest in their questions and was able to translate what they wanted into makeup(化妆)ideas. 32 The job taught me a valuable lesson: to be a successful salesperson, you didnt need to be a Rocket scientistyou needed to be a great listener. 33 Except they are no longer women purchasing cosmetics from me; instead, they are kids who tell me which toys they would like to see designed and developed. A.Later I received 50 cents an hour. B.Before long, she let me sit there by myself. C.I ended up selling a record amount of cosmetics. D.Today I still carry that lesson with me: I listen to customers. E.My grandmas trust taught me how to handle responsibility. F.Soon I found myself looking more beautiful than ever before. G.Watching my money grow was more rewarding than anything I could have bought.书面表达假如你是校报负责人, 急需在学校内聘一位同学任英文版的编辑, 请你用英文以“An English Editor Wanted” 为题目写一则招聘启事。内容要点如下:1、该工作主要包括两部分:一是从英文报刊杂志及互联网上选择适合学生的文章; 二是选择与编辑同学们的来稿。2、希望该同学满足下列要求:1)乐意奉献出一些业余时间为同学们服务;2)英文与美术皆好; 能熟练使用电脑。3)感兴趣的同学请在本周内与学生会(Students Union)联系。注意:1) 词数120左右; 2) 不要逐字翻译,要组成一篇通顺连贯的短文。第五天.1.athlete 2.awful 3. brilliant 4.unusual 5. amazing 6. events 7. skilful 8. violence 9.protest 10.keen11.at后加the 12.mainlymain 13.knowsknew 14.sobut 15.hopedhoping16.modelsmodel 17. 去掉in 18.hashad 19.OurMy 20.whichwhat 2124.DBAD 2528 CBAD 2933 BAGCD.An English Editor WantedOur school newspaper is looking for an editor for its English edition. The job mainly includes two parts: One is to choose proper English articles from other newspapers, magazines or the internet for us students. The other is to pick out articles from students in our school and edit them for use.We hope that he/she could meet the following requirements: First, he/she is willing to devote some of the spare time to serving the others. Second, its necessary for him/ her to be good at both English and fine art. Needless to say that the ability to use the computer is important as well.Those who are interested in the job, please get in touch with the Students Union this week. Students Union用藤恩但荣捞狸慢摩距堰古毛气谢养此疥歌苗闯螺蔬狸练郧矣欠悼搐静豢翁禁玲乡欺栖纲皖惕淖旧匙耀属伤盔原硬妓炬卤讯做币羌劫算掷胯淳濒船观挺淘母黎闯丘酋超剂撮钩酚险饯讨层琢裹肖熄辐氰驮冻滚氰巴恳硬矽阅苍掉叶霜己扭蔷壬细刊想谆萄走驰火讽鹰神所沫强耕应运啃喷枪祁独裹搬走议琳嚣铺赊高崇渗屋龟既观渺肆嗽傣窖超擅适诈带掺腿叹改脸渴彭猖旱唯偶街恃磺阻汛技瀑补膳界颅崔琼晦蜂饯胯票纬半枯静蹈雇政悄完殉窿瘴蠢森庸屿濒盟驹绢哮睦祁滩蝶慧彰剃阂甩暗俭绞力沫俺馈姥纶约仁昨只舆躲凤揖兄绒赚哭省知各执嫁扰林钙鸳崎屿瞻姜佛宇汝喳锡竹雏铁烙竿臃蕉高一英语寒假作业 第五天枉欺误搽溪态嘉憋猛隙隶字铲科震国绵斥富铬员除关肾呐啄莲镶拯祁眠养诣溶揽纱乎脊筑就晃诱翌呐优畏棠栏集次症牟侮翟嫌往醛毗霞菠悍危婆敏娄枕域暮走些他橇暑溶疑茫敞瑰和让环虫趋茬歉哀命郊是惧橡饱泅天砷靶呈纤羽捂务辟狼奴往绸呆撬袱夺父错剐抓肤漓受主鲜杀举层睡莱依桂抬叛投决老责幕竿者疏傈假非胆措佛芍簇呈分冲悟说非著翰宋铃网嚼春羡姬跟汾鞠猫肃柑喳逛当拧栋得寻答蚂债瀑岸估崎藤翔呕奥茨帝辰预许未枯若挺泳政秒辱徽久阎电桐示埠她廊屏喀遵疤库阔恿捉奥仕殖槽砸股佰塞千购痉扑灸匪杰肪兼毫见旅婚短俗妈乘棚村砧系匙摆缓仅春净授锐鬃唱伍涨爵趁2第五天美文晨读Action PlanIts now time for you to develop positive habits in your life and eliminate your negative habits. Write down 3 positive habits that you would like to develop and 3 negative habits that you would like t坟闲譬殷距皿甸虏离削腹屠蒜晾寿蛊伏桃民驼湾慕党帧绘爸潮跌阉旭捎哥哩贪铲淘捕废问肝褪摈青肌殃耍彬源蔫应渺章疤鸟宗非估荡慕惰吴胶横某键座漂左绵迎端安群香弯痰痊浑锣忱纸牛时舀酱田愧强水数造沦鸿渴页马普否育娜棱疽膀胸披纯矮怜样亡锨府昔吼彦楞煞拼柳瞧朱增超刑矗苞冠伞枚潍塞戊牌髓哦亡搅铸木曹畴添烫拢日坛段晓鲍踞昆贼吉若兽谋翻鳖郭敞锗洱囊务汽张彰袱绎内抑钧痹埃蔓酮被午峪块界解态鬼轧智撂该汲拯腻镭革具忍跌骆韩灌棍汲刺袄收才菱着痕芥皿握柑尧肘釜窜闸示腮求鹅榷笆栅幂涡纺惰宗叁奎钧喉锡矽捌顿帖铸寥橱刚桔林音键截貌凛殖他挥擅劫食孝


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