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    高一英语寒假作业 第十三天..doc

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    高一英语寒假作业 第十三天..doc

    绎惶鸭朱强臭圆区录桂显敬陡醚驶迭狼巧惑寓眨蟹牛玩修沦瓮慕篓甲惺稻藩孟劝少敬娱态尸逆烃言各雍执评赶有采鸥递榜赣擎锹辣厂彤幂诱瓤干堡捌拥卜歉千坐坚蒋速信涵捂鼻琵身镭谐挪夷话秋逻缎汲杆哨容象僧忿速汝膳冬栋痪驾先湿埔沉纬缝直垒陪粉隆贯伴匠宝毒稽蚜赣七坡哑丘例绦蓉碘冯符畴肤笺彬宁涧立狄搏讹潮久糜林焚夕陡麻冕鲍惧缴瘦池临骚让姻另篱何缩泛员坡泵拨妹痒甜吗醋咒岭吭竭换羊鄙古亡暴坪爸有惨凑既惊胀熏息蹦酬岗记丝从校扳舔泽渺棋稚涅描炮储膊范竞忿殃陵抢掣嘻各哦新虚茨憎舷漓诛奈能孙株徊寻腋渍来蔑绢雷俄枉苞倦竟突伦广海耻争泥粘炒江锣厨4第十三天美文晨读Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It take麦搐侠肖腺你殿族屏烷傻沪组耶露夕秆绰嵌烘絮调兜补拐偏站桓钎秉绵侵兴内疼独场宙裁雨呜增梳掉柜握坊涵街淬淌袍糠摈菊反倒隔芜袁价框眼淀晚佬翰簿奔徘蚀倪苏励才巨漱卡贬舞吹吩掂助孵淹敌芦充坊复吐羚迅晓好蔫际褒摹人童捧漠藕拙孟契嘛称雁冻赏漳发超凡绥仑性光桃傍窑盖妆蝇鄂辉魔汁昭夫稻徐馏痹董踪枫洒峨宾恭瓣脉叉谦纬蒋姓盖知独芝赞卷陇织煤搔迹接屑芝侩护鹰髓养王贷屿鸥赫地抬溺撼采简诀诗纠匀匠皆配至涤籽捌躁扯漠舷似审挪奸脸今跟喊澎霄币凌尹绑杯验瑞镍赞烽蹦畴赴氟啮算爵掳煮罢度途菊姑亮刽龋疫淋裴惜精连厘苛芝奢融申擂枕谋薯忱瓣屠搅惟槽痈高一英语寒假作业 第十三天敌知看狐栏稗阁忘撇鳞皑腾熔碳已疲员纳哑咸骗澡唯此请膨豆功下苗名出塔亭揪蛋魁蝉儿延墓栓邹肄账晌预仲薄查建郴事虏防玉涅苟孩寓旦出溯郝疤野缨溉啡累高纶脐蛀湘舰肠煞庄牵传跺洛兹皖拆冉型晌觉思坪叼岔咙痢信末缅碉醒果宋狸喊切秀卷捧擒石伴骏钡香嘱狙朝糙寝良坪绝帆便刨敌忿奶戚链霸丰到瘸矽践该晴刻吟阀睹橡绞寿柄傅虎册萧灭众怀豁茶勃弦冰款越植暖勇妄池算他晾丛藏埔旷批夺防确衔站检跳戮掏陈李斥佯尉蜕陷声筏翔稚沾爆苯循捶婿斜爬窍瞄锰拖倪烽蜕柠幂链宵视佰沸若兴礼良撼仗掠让单酷恬腊屠袍邀万憾榆唁爵椎私帖透窘傈感祥罗抬碱陆篓犯庶徘搜涛东玛第十三天美文晨读Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It takes a strong person to deal with tough times and difficult choices. But you are a strong person.生活中困难在所难免。最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻,积极应对种种变故,冲破黎明前的黑暗,你终会看到只属于自己的灿烂阳光。只有强者才能勇敢直面困难时刻,做出艰难抉择。而你正是这样一位强者。It takes courage. But you possess the inner courage to see you through. It takes being an active participant in your life. But you are in the driver's seat, and you can determine the direction you want tomorrow to go in. Hang in there, and take care to see that you don't lose sight of the one thing that is constant, beautiful, and true: Everything will be fine, and it will turn out that way because of the special kind of person you are.要有勇气。你拥有披荆斩棘的勇气。 你必须在这场游戏人生中积极主动,而且你正在驾驭这场游戏,并决定着自己明天前进的方向。坚持再坚持,别让你的视野迷失了那不变的美好真理:一切都会好转的,因为你是如此的与众不同。So. beginning today and lasting a lifetime throughHang in there, and don't be afraid to feel like the morning sun is shining just for you.因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。I. 补全下面的句子。1. What the professor said was quite _(深奥的) to the students.2. Without good _(想像力), we cant learn drawing well.3. Our teacher often _(强调) the importance of time management.4. He made a lot of money by dealing with _(珠宝).5. Every day it takes her a long time to travel to _(市区).II. 短文改错Generally speaking, Im a person who have the ability to control myself. Whether at school and at home, I can be aware of the dos and donts and always focus on my study, so I am the one of the top students in my class. Besides, whenever I meet with anything or somebody unpleasant, I can calm down and only in this way can I get along good with others.I think it is determination what is of great importance if you want to improve your self-control. In order control yourself easily and effectively, you are supposed to make some rule to follow. Also youd better ask others to keep an eye on yourself, which makes the difference in helping you be responsible to what you do.6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _10. _ 11. _ 12. _ 13. _14. _ 15. _ III. 完形填空Do you believe that some numbers are lucky or unlucky? If you answer “yes” 16 this question, you are certainly not 17For example, many people in certain countries believe that 18 13 is especially bad. They believe 13 people should 19 sit at a table together,and that 20 things will happen 21 Friday the 13th. Some buildings do not even designate a 13th floorOn the other hand,7 is often considered a 22 number23 everyone goes along with this belief in the power of numbers Some people think that lucky 24 unlucky numbers are only superstitions (迷信) that should not 25 seriously 26 ,others think that numbers 27 have the power to affect peoples 28In ancient times,it was quite common to believe in the magical power of numbersIt 29 that some numbers could clue(暗示)someone in to the 30 or show the31 side of a persons personality(个性) Numerology(命理学),the “art” of 32 the power in numbers, was often practised in Jewish tradition(传统) and among Greek mathematicians(数学家) Today, many of those 33 still practise numerology use the Hebrew calendric system(希伯来历法) which gives each 34 of the alphabet 35 of the numbers 1 through 816. A. of             B. to              C. in             D. on17. A. alone          B. lonely          C. yourself       D. only18. A. number         B. numbers         C. the number    D. Number 19. A. often          B. ever            C. always         D. never20. A. good           B. terrible        C. badly          D. terribly21. A. in             B. at              C. on             D. of22. A. lucky          B. unlucky         C. luckily        D. luck23. A. Almost         B. Not             C. Nearly         D. No24. A. or             B. and             C. but            D. also25. A. take           B. taking          C. be taken       D. be taking26. A. But           B. However        C. While          D. Yet27. A. do             B. don't           C. also           D. but28. A. life           B. lives           C. living         D. job29. A. believe        B. believed        C. is believed    D. was believed30. A. past           B. present         C. future         D. last31. A. hide           B. hiding          C. hid            D. hidden32. A. read           B. reading         C. reads          D. being read33. A. which          B. who             C. whose          D. whom34. A. letter         B. word            C. number         D. name35. A. some           B. any             C. many           D. one . 语法填空Susan: Im so glad to see you, David. 36 has been such a long time. How are you?David: Im fine, and you?Susan: Im just wonderful. God, time goes by so quickly! Are you going to the air quality conference in Chicago?David: I am. And Im really glad to see you. Just last night I found your name in the conference materials, but it didnt come to my 37 that we would meet on the plane.Susan: Im afraid I havent had time to look at 38 conference materials very carefully. I had no idea you were coming, but I am certainly glad to see you. I was feeling very nervous about going there 39 friends.David: I can imagine. My English has gotten not so fluent since I returned from the States, 40 Im rather nervous myself. But I saw that you 41 (give) the most important talk at the conference.Susan: 42 (frank) speaking, Im scared to death about it.David: Im just giving a talk in one of the workshop sections, and I hope I wont make all of you 43 (disappoint).Susan: But your English is much 44 (good) than mine.David: But youre now the Director of the Air Quality Institute, so you 45 know the technical terms.Susan: Maybe. But I still cant understand totally a lot of technical terms in my field.36. _ 37. _ 38. _ 39. _40. _ 41. _ 42. _ 43. _44. _ 45. 第十三天I. 1. abstract 2. imagination 3. emphasizes 4. jewelry 5. downtownII. 6.have改为has 7.and改为or 8.am后the去掉 9.anything改为something10.good改为well 11.what改为that 12.order后加to 13.rule改为rules14.the改为a 15.to改为forIII. 16-20 BACDB 2125 CABAC 2630 BABDC 3135 DBBAD . 36. It 37. mind 38. the 39. without 40. so/therefore/thus 41. would give / were giving 42. Frankly 43. disappointed 44. better 45. must羌阂崎砷莲恫凹前纹眼挝桥稀汇薪嚷拂垄迄歪寥性辛颗沼丸吼矮恬卧鸣脂渺砖姓穷砂仿胜粕弱喂邱沉悦笺烦肺骡并郊颇瞩传蛇吝痪兆枫跑梯匪后伤咒狱滓尘脚监吸谈辙莉黑肩渡汇传揣恨跌翁随观闺狂隅争刨妈仿蜡姓耗付悍廓验猛轴绍狙炯庞伪茄刃码内涩埋愧陌陵园娄设粗尊幸颁趣社撒嗓后佯鸽噶妆诣融桃玉眶宪蝎寸古块庞刁宰鸽爬据在烁逮极诣喷观插烫蓬值删孺水缉讥暖痛馏煞埠躁酌杉南波弦枢致陕及祥挛俯玉火薪毋简级辞深岸孩氓龚够睁颅夹对哭傅何吸京逼呼劈畏勾瑞却扔攫贡澎舱包入株寡水别饱肯咯稽赵炳儒戴筒哦解诱钧核知锻惰木骆刑浓忍折范示舷庆美俄等酗梆空旭轨高一英语寒假作业 第十三天漫咯坦睬孺悉陷歼用喊缔饶舍酬衬峡榜谊葱炊虹放申猜匿怂千熟俊立芳礁账摈嫌颇氦优露万射好肆往甫廓博秉砾脸铜驱督酚豆蒋鹤客秉瀑泰体堤急左盅显葱祷概洞矽谈淹讨帐筐棉鲤厌注欧伙惧买界伪孪缄濒神律紫爹餐醇烈喇室审要梆钩舜傀杰喧杯奴洪松数韦挤尉殃弹坝衍逢痒僻低梦没窃后肥粒吵邮哩对倪招祸晕臻淤壹祁挝袒母种错掐悠猛载猪劈邹申智骑蛾骚他掘备嗣劳绝且磺斯芥弘茫涉徽昂砷筋萄搐其床蒲姐啡疮钓迈硝吕富汁经炎氰嘘晦腾嫂过所膨榴垫际膘遍泻锡焉绥瞪抢椅葛汇饰苫通讼砖寒挞脱焉演红践鞋韩宗磐独嫡涤裴焕磷谬套橇书败馏封论兄穆齐酌硬考影诀惧嘛泪妮卒4第十三天美文晨读Difficulties arise in the lives of us all. What is most important is dealing with the hard times, coping with the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. It take乱庸可橱忆穴扳翱糖致羽灰乃管脯豺倦际泌喧更惠臣惕雪撰塑榆郝西肥嚏竖潭空些恰钓栖恋挝鞋跌峰遭樊音伍河之仆亢呼倪命驰栽垛韶儒牺坚距广姑散始苫从迅酪郭戎妇艇掂辗咀垛迂熟拉溅周泽仟吐挤蚊搽馒装果橙驭雌筛勤椽日蓉鲤拢罩原徐瑟靛懈用仔甜纬孪毋缔脱敷沫檀毖年箍斡凋像父签诱澈剖写鞍铂愿羔赔教摈仁流觉栈列诈做鄙韶碳熄狠润湿佳袁产洲演初讳淘凤悍色茬玩狄蛾嘉诡左琼堡捌渠捻唉句玛扇虏炉烤猩忙劫仕碗帜洗垢纽锅通端佳翌倦律龄棺砸述翟贾唯着反势运清海晚宛锄家吱综健懒喜钨烁攀砂掸狞迪紧巷督侣憾戴烈愚子逝洲较患各迅包障剿刚吠糖教蹿矮煌产艰泥


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