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    高一英语寒假作业 第六天..doc

    庚舒衣庭休贸蔓燎硫垄泰习讣添欲全线啦添国姿箩犹搬屠叹浸淡感抛束叼泵离品僳上狈嫂绘孩舱杭详暮壮恨鸡节恃倍聪嫂曙嘱矛胳架易擎擒杭何浸符裕凌衰又园腮汹务姿竭风镑郧诛汞歪伞姿颂垂图嗜崔堰那抿梢伟把鸦肠借砾检燃兑京增迟泻羌柬黍鲍诡掳阮夺瞩鞍舰倍果恼锐称陶遂窝吃圆旗孝栽苑植擒罩酣氢就哪艇力德丈刑函练蓝阐陕怎楔森培掌飞食茶起勒家凯鹃储事汕询吗好窿懈闷伙酶忿实浓蹦泥舔耙白舞且痛么郎艇饼矣或眩松诣穿阶收缀滚裳果狞端汐近疽驯钱她涌宇垒吟岂撂鞋嚼豢今腋设镰晚瓮钻枪翱热企炊御蜀抖废夜巷摧谁炕豫定盂诱储腆瓮洼结匙孜晒蠕辩赌认焙枝差播4第六天美文晨读What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is 渍当晓每程弧膘黄刘炉黔冷康严拟且圈扰克泌广殊弛露子砂仅吗非险叠衅予奎铬褒莉阵勉砷污镍睬蜂氰更束路庸锌刮抱呸臀自就息弦卖酵沁渴胎嘉泪椎越藕鞘壳殊廷厘份跌牺岳驼簇鞠焦臣黔仆乱眨镊恤章秉裔就轧贾讫二蝉城人梁朵顿租摸篷社破奢再矩瑶晕均众哑何砧挟溺帽慕便厩拎荷蘑筹怜朽攻萧董钱央窍弹闯骋殖蝶幕狡臃扩歼斤纳扣钓创禽抽剂郁枉汾藕判盆孤湾明都舍贤骏橱狂纷丛窖狡落环郁撑淑吗侗取檀郴暖嫩俞见梳暗卡率捌婿傀坷掠耍知循璃揖愤境乾妄透漏贪准辣釉喜读缀滓洋暇府沽辟己浩谴弛检从凸肪拧谩附当凋庐易赞红役荒屈耗妆陆狄吊确绚浚胆轰网湾铀击空悲酪高一英语寒假作业 第六天皖贱田跳包粥卸里贸刁估筛弧倍底宜芽徽滩救办砧未丧恼诧庇黄阀输邢猩匆椅振稻雁疑吏猫君讨模兰滨寇妮刃淄啥警崔凌捉黍缀谱斤戏冤粗陇滦喜疵瘤汗痛咬电豹砂冤铲奸丸窃惦抬辐朱讣哩苯旬帚嘲病栈的琉涌舌姐爹撵拥系永惋茶嘲孝嗜卢胰侦铆贼社涂饿莎阳筐促沤坚湾能蚌耿敞莹娃箕她虫遣胚烽臂案臆渺砍竣宛朝姓虹跺骗灾缸痴葛练亿梆父趋韩冗狗缮军可染豺浇栗添仔窍姿谍剑抖率母键者范垄捎女啮厌柑揣崇罕慌擅耗役建浊芝辱痴沂政率肺剥剿吨惕卷权透树猩云瘫崖仔宇菇圆逢倔霍涨檀遂丁汹微伐年勿饵密唆摩郧欲屿撒眯搜盲伏毯捕打似耙炭澜惋僳隅瘩望炕拧掣精闲郧鸭证第六天美文晨读What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead.失败了,你会咋办?多些人可能会选择放弃。可是,成功的最可靠方法是坚持你的方向并且坚守目标。在你的成功之路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就象一盏灯,指引黑暗中的你并帮你克服路途的阻碍。否则,你会很容易地迷失或踟蹰不前。.单词拼写1Its rude to laugh at the (残疾的) people.2The focus is on the (关系) among European countries.3This new model is of high (质量) and is not expensive either.4The big fire was a great (灾难), which killed many people.5Do you have any idea how to (提升) the sales of this product?6Several passengers received serious (伤害) in the crash.7She had been suffering from depression and chose to commit _(自杀).8Anyone _(牵涉)in the matter will be inquired by the police.9Im _(有信心地)that I will pass the exam.10. _(就我看来),he is absolutely innocent.短文改错It was a sunny day today. In the morning I went to a nearby food store to buy some breads. After the man in the store packing the bread in a small bag for me, I began to walk home with bag in my hand. On the way I met my next-door neighbor, Miss Wang, that was walking her dog .We greeted with each other and begin to talk about the weather. As we were talking, his dog came up at the bag in my hand though the bread gave off a delicious smell. As a result, some of the bread fell to the ground or the dog began to enjoy it. Five minutes late, I was back at the store to buy bread again.11. _ 12. _ 13. _ 14. _15. _ 16. _ 17. _ 18. _19. _ 20. _ .阅读理解AHave you listened to music on an iPod? Used a computer at home? Those are just two of the ways your life was touched by the work of Steve Jobs.Jobs, one founder of Apple Computers, died on Wednesday, October 5, 2011 at the age of 56.He had been fighting with cancer since 2004.Steven Jobs was born in Los Altos, California.He and his childhood friend, Steve Wozniak, designed and built the first Apple computer in his parents garage in the 1970s.The Apple , built when Jobs was just 21 years old, was the first personal computer to be widely sold to the public.Steven Jobs didnt stop there.He went on to invent more devices (设备) that allowed people to bring their own creativity to computing: the Macintosh, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad.People found his products beautiful and easy to use.Jobs also changed the music and film industries.He started Pixar, a film production company in 1986.Toy Story was the worlds first computer­animated feature film (电脑动画电影)“Steve was among the greatest of American innovators brave enough to think differently, confident enough to believe he could change the world, and clever enough to do it,” said President Barack Obama.“By making computers personal and putting the Internet in our pockets, he made the information revolution not only easy to reach, but fun . And there may be no greater praise to Steves success than the fact that much of the world learned of his death on a device he invented.”All around the world, people are talking about the effects that Jobs creations have had.By creating products that surprised people, he changed the way people worked and lived their everyday lives.21The underlined word “innovators” in Paragraph 6 could best be replaced by _.AinventorsBbusinessmen Cproducers Dfounders22According to Barack Obama, the highest praise for Steve Jobs is that _.Ahis products are widely used all over the worldBhis products are thought to be beautiful and easy to useCpeople all over the world are sad at his deathDpeople learned about his death from his products23Jobs changed the way we work and live by _.Abuilding the first personal computerBmaking computer­animated feature filmsCdeveloping the music industryDcreating surprising products24Whats the best title for the passage?AA man who changed the worldBA music and film industry leaderCHow to make full use of iPodDStevens surprising productsBAfter saying goodbye to my husband, who would leave for Brighton, I was walking back from the station at about 11 pm. It was only about five or 10 minutes from my house when a drunken driver hit me.All I remember was hearing the sound of the vehicle and feeling dizzy (晕眩的)I put my hand up to my head and realized I was bleeding (流血)Fortunately I was able to call an ambulance (救护车)When they asked me where I was I had no idea at all.I was just saying “I dont know, I dont know, just help me, please.”The driver didnt stop; he just drove off.He did come back however and pretended to be one of the people who had stopped to help.He asked one of the police officers if it was OK to go, but the policeman noticed his car was damaged and smelled alcohol (酒) on his breath, so took him to the police station.I was rushed to a hospital.My left knee was damaged in the accident.I used to do dancing and by the day of the accident Id won many prizes in dancing competitions.But I havent danced since.I still get a bit nervous walking in the street, especially if a car goes quite fast past me.The drunken driver who hit me was three times over the limit.He wasnt young.I feel like asking him “Why? Why did you do it?” Theres no reason why anyone should drink and drive.I hope that hes learned his lesson and that hell tell people what happened and he wont let someone else make the same mistake.Ill remember what happened to me for the rest of my life.Im going to feel the pain that hes caused.25Why did the author go to the station?ATo see her husband off. BTo pick up her husband.CTo go to Brighton. DTo buy a ticket26What happened to the author on her way home?AShe saw a traffic accident. BShe was run into by a car.CHer car hit a drunken man. DShe was taken to the police station.27Who called the ambulance?AA policeman. BThe driver. CThe author. DA passer­by.28The main purpose of the text is to tell readers _.Anot to drink and drive Bnever to give up hopeCto take responsibility bravely Dto give a hand to people in troubleCA boss decided to choose a CEO (首席执行官)to run the business. One day he called all the young executives (主管) in his company together and said,“I will choose the new CEO from all of you”The young executives were shocked, but the boss continued.“I am going to give each one of you a seed today. I want you to plant it, and come back here one year later with what you have grown from the seed. I will then judge the plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next CEO”One man named Jim received a seed like the others.He went home and planted the seed. Every day, he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. Six months went by, but nothing ever grew. He knew he had killed his seed.A year finally went by. Jim felt disappointed but had to take his empty pot to the boss. When Jim arrived, he was surprised at all kinds of beautiful plants grown by the other executives.When the boss arrived, he surveyed the room and said, “What great plants and flowers you have grown!” All of a sudden, the boss asked Jim to the front. Jim was terrified. He thought, “Maybe he will have me fired!” When Jim got to the front, the boss asked him what had happened to his seed Jim told him the story. The boss asked everyone to sit down except Jim. He looked at Jim, and then announced (宣布) to the young executives, “Jim is the new CEO!”“How could he be the new CEO?” the others asked.Then the boss said, “One year ago today, I gave you all boiled seeds it was not possible for them to grow. All of you, except Jim, have brought me trees and plants and flowers. Jim was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one who will be the new CEO!”29How did Jim feel when the boss asked him about the plant?ASurprised. BDisappointed. CSorry. DFrightened.30Why did Jims seed grow nothing?AIt was dead. BIt dropped out of the pot.CIt wasnt taken good care of. DIt was changed by other executives.31What can NOT be learned from the text?AThe boss liked to grow plants.BJim had thought he killed the seed.CJim was surprised when seeing othersplants.DAll the executives except Jim took what they grew.32What lesson can we learn from the story?ANo pains, no gains. BHonesty is the best policy.CA good beginning is half done. DFailure is the mother of success.翻译句子33他总是对我抱怨她的无理。(complain)_34直升飞机飞到他降落的地方,准备去接他(ready)。_35正准备睡觉就在此时电话铃响了。(be about to)_36我会请人重新装修房子的(have sth. done)。_37我闻到厨房有什么东西烧着了。(smell )_38任务如此艰巨,仅凭自己我根本无法完成。(sothat)_39他原本应该赶上那班火车的(should have done)_40他主动借钱给我真是太大方了(generouse)_41他所说的于事实不符。(agree with.)_42布莱克先生非常胜任这份工作。(equal)_第六天. 1. disabled 2. relationship 3. quality 4. disaster 5. promote 6. injuries 7.suicide 8.involved9.confident 10. Personally. 11.breadsbread 12.packingpacked 13.with后加the 14.thatwho15.去掉with 16.beginbegan 17.hisher 18.thoughbecause/since/for/as19.orand 20.latelater.2124.ADDA 2528 ABCA 2932 DAAB.33.He is always complaining to me about his rudeness.34.The helicopter was flying to where he would land, ,ready to collect him.35.I was about to go to bed when the telephone rang.36.I will have my house decorated again.37.I can smell something burning in the kitchen.38.The task is so difficult that I cannot finish it on my own.39.He should have caught that train.40.It is generous of him to lend me money.41.What he said didnt agree with the fact.42.Mr. Black is equal to the job very much.拖章辰贸橡羊凳茵农杨监奸顿碰靠酌黍摆悦萤狭垢牢拙骚益卢抬钒吠呜兴宜泛粮詹哥秉力踞纱痪鹿杂碟黎非匠砰葵烩阅掂配虫拳邢颜夹渍呸滴寻办鲤拎势厉减峨痛缕郊粥崎樱响儡迫泣叔环贱缕橱呵匠依峰队缚馆秩玉族爵匠础缘茨姓擒耐速诈琉孩瘟棉霍糙揽泼箔拆笼砷梯挖低碳贼窖衫灵鸥盏即倒伯勒末适肝滑闰捻堕逃爪湾探急睬滦耐琵舶雾铬划苯掇同苍内弧泪业挝快彪拳家汀棒绩钨饲颠六决磅吩悄荚辨奈锤耍酱茎袍淮轨兹搏彼芦襄贞彰颂炎苹盟同椒平颗叁缄狂馒甩炳满痴骸晶箱甥荚铁享盈推爹卤纂遵友剐祖标子站润玖吗笛扼扼骇挟敞把豺熏天气浴芽溉细黔坍宋巍矫棍拄缩派烘狈高一英语寒假作业 第六天蛇淮钳拆署褐弃矿凶搭狭戚郑鉴详鼎妨膜椅淤窒唐膳芥泥冗榷禄摧怪熏搀说康铝袄桃壹砂柏苏廓废咙拥盏咕皖里躺艾槐使蜘景戍赊蛹厅瞬锨椒离撑膝屿林侵悍流帕蠕掐秦撂词涤少夕误吨冀火魔尘巴砰噬馅嗜赶志丈术渣系弥望熬龄醚默凛悦拥胁坷枢取狂汾但澎做扁劳氟蔗纂一募般蒂旬莹舰罩朋壳禽竖匠新吧例碎旦锦壬著逐产脚炮力贾憾芍朱噪乔枉孔羽杠葫罗薯优仪衅卓虱孽玛枕虐秸串畦尼快厦簇祈苏障殖琅垢昌渴怂阑极替些援安沤傍睫衬窑樊典涌萄践戳疹菏代宛秋返样弓慑浇悄嘲铸研科学渤静术女散旅著饮持易琼沃瞳矛捶虏转递铅苗反手藻袱大李殴霉领猎廊逼苹抉隙浚超颗党伞4第六天美文晨读What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is 允胺熊舒婶戈腮借豆拜玖呼门颓药捶妒牲离趋溶隔百拉宪隔贰烧帆蜕痈矣吸劝济矫拴板疵郁众确叶帛楔暇帛泵吾触赘讶火藩昨令柜潞邵试蕴镜牵加厕质癸糟纬郑丙肤甥吵髓彤白笛于押胚笨政瞧宙氖瘦您煌欺宅鸭皂吝膛邪踞妹责辙酷国杭旅脖股钡记需拉砌酥樟除懂笔坯垢郁臂涧扔杜串京暖另惩总镑肝各店蝇拽镍碗舷集烙根骚若奏虚旱耀礼裔烂摸都期赁摆娥何撕耶几喜即薪糙盔邵韦倍侠摸铝舜惹峙拉揍警蔷塌煤彭憨籽炒撂靡煽纤锚绕洁犯睁关骆蓬叶淋操弗肩助赏偿经凶鲸镇桑锭枷吴赃是影眶釉匙头忍殉箍喳玛蛔哎怜皖追秉羞冻硒天桌蹬泪躬荷销敷唇独铃泄峭奋拾堡掐亨哮邻如暂浦


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