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    Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.学科English年级9班级课型fresh课时6 / 6媒体a tape recorder, CAI课题Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 3a Self Check话题Feelings 功能Talk about how things affect you.教学目标知识技能1. Target language: Money and fame doesnt always make you happy.My family around me makes me feel comfortable and contented.2. Grammar: make +sb. + infinitive without to; make + sb. + adj. 3. Words and expressions;(1) Curriculum words: friendship, king, power, banker, queen, weight, shoulder, goal, coach, courage, agreement, drive, examine, kick, pull, nod, disappoint, pale, grey, uncomfortable, nor (2) Useful expressions: would rather, drive sb. crazy, the more the more , be friends with (sb.), leave out, call sb. in, neither nor, to start with, let down, kick sb. off, be hard on sb., rather than, pull together过程方法According to designing some tasks, train students listening ability and help students to express their opinion freely情感态度It is important to choose a suitable place It is good for your study and life 学习=+策略Ss can distinguish between positive and negative significance of vocabulary, to understand and experience the feelings of others and be able to express their feelings.重点Target Language难点 How to help students to express their feelings freely教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图3a. To prepare Ss for the subsequent writing activity.Encourage Ss to talk about as many of the listed situations as possible with their partners. ask Ss to make brief notes where appropriate.3b. To provide Ss with writing practice using the target language in writing.Sample writing: An experience that made me very happy was winning the English speech competition last year. At first, I didnt know what to write for my speech, but after talking to my teacher and reading some books, I had some ideas and started writing. Then I practiced my speech many times. On the day of the competition, I saw many people there. This made me feel very nervous. I started to worry that I would forget my speech. Then I remembered what my teacher told me close my eyes and take deep breaths. I did that and it made me feel much better. When my turn came, I gave my speech with confidence. I waited anxiously for the results, and when I heard that I was the first prize winner, I jumped up and down in joy. This experience taught me that being well-prepared is very important. It helps to read a lot, and also to ask people around you for advice. Most importantly, have confidence in yourself.Self CheckTo provide a comprehensive review of key vocabulary and functions presented in the unit.Get Ss to brainstorm more adjectives that describe feelings Share their experiences with the class. Write a story similar to the in 2b Learn to express feelings板书设计Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry. Section B 3a Self CheckSample writing: .Positive contented, glad, pleased, delighted, excited, thrilled, surprisedNegative annoyed, frustrated, upset, anxious, afraid, scared, shocked 反思Unit 11 - 13 - / 12 Period 6


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