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    人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Section A 1 1a-2d,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to watch TV? Yes, they do. You are allowed to watch TV.,allow sb. to do sth. be allowed to do sth.,Presentation,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to exercise? Yes, they do. You are allowed to exercise.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to smoke? No, they dont. You are not allowed to smoke.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to drive? No, they dont. You are not allowed to drive.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,drive 驾驶 driver 驾驶员,司机 drivers license 驾驶证,n. 证;证件,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,My family has some rules. Look at these pictures and tell me what they are.,I am not allowed to play computer games watch TV listen to music make my room a mess,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to choose your own clothes? No, they dont.,You should be allowed to choose your own clothes.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Do your parents allow you to get your ear pierced? No, they dont.,You should not be allowed to get your ear pierced.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,get her ears pierced 穿耳 wear earring戴耳环,pierce v. 扎;刺破;穿透,n. 耳环;耳饰,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,As a teenager, you have a lot of rules at school. Can you write down some of them?,Obey the school rules!,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Students should be allowed to speak English loudly. Students shouldnt be allowed to sleep in class. Students shouldnt be allowed to make noises. Students shouldnt be allowed to throw the rubbish in the classroom. Students shouldnt be allowed to get to class late.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 should be allowed to do sth. 应该被允许做某事,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1a Read the statements below. Circle A for agree or D for disagree.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. AD 2. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. AD 3. Students should not be allowed to have part-time jobs. AD 4. Sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to get their ears pierced. AD 5. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. AD,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Anna can go to the shopping center by bus. T F 2. Anna wants to get her ears pierced. T F 3. Anna wants to choose her own clothes. T F,Listening,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1c Look at the statements in la and make conversations.,A: I dont think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. B: I agree. They arent serious enough.,Practice,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. be allowed to do 被允许去做 2. the shopping center 购物中心 3. drivers license 驾驶执照 4. sixteen-year-olds 16岁的孩子 5. be worried about your safety 担心你们的安全,Key phrases,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,6. part-time jobs 兼职工作 7. get their ears pierced 穿他们的耳朵 8. their own clothes 他们自己的衣服 9. serious enough 足够严肃,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2a What does Molly think of Kathys statements? Listen and circle A for Agree, D for Disagree or DK for Doesnt Know.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2b Listen again. What are Kathys and Mollys reasons? Number their reasons in the correct order.,_ It looks cool. _ Young people need to sleep. _ He needs to spend time with friends. _ He needs time to do homework. _ It doesnt look clean.,1,2,3,4,5,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2c Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list with your partner.,A: Do you think teenagers should .? B: Yes, I . / No, I .,Practice,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1. Where do they go for school trip? 2. Does Mr. Smith allowed students to take photos?,They go to art museum for school trip.,No, he doesnt. He says they must not take photos. Its not allowed in the museum.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,3. How to take photos?,They can take photos without a flash.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2d Role-play the conversation.,Sandy: Im really excited about seeing the famous paintings by Picasso. Wu Lan: Me, too! Im glad Mr. Smith chose the art museum for our school trip this year. Sandy: Im going to bring my new camera to take lots of photos!,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Wu Lan: Oh, no. Mr. Smith says we must not take photos. Its not allowed in the museum. Sandy: Thats too bad! Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash? Wu Lan: Hmm . I think they just want to protect the paintings. So if you dont use a flash, then it might be OK.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Sandy: Yeah. I think we should be allowed to do that. Ill bring my cameraanyway.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Language points,1. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 2. Teenagers should not be allowed to smoke. 3. It is not allowed in the museum. 4. Do you think we may be allowed to take photos if we dont use a flash?,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,以上四句都含有重要的句型be allowed to do sth. 其中第三句是此句型的一般现在时,一二四句是情态动词与此句型的混合使用。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. 我认为应该允许16岁的孩子开车。 I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive.,“sb. + should / should not + be allowed to do .”,活学活用,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2. 我不同意,我认为16岁这个年纪太年轻了。 I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. 3. 你认为应该允许13岁的孩子们做兼职工作吗? Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to take part-time jobs?,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,4. 安娜可以选择自己的衣服。 Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. 5. 那个年龄的他们不够稳重。 They are not serious enough at that age.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,同义句转换,They should allow us to have part-time jobs. _ _. 2. We should allow children to spend time with their friends. _.,We should be allowed to have part-time jobs.,Children should be allowed to spend time with their friends.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,3. The teacher should allow Anna to finish the picture. _.,Anna should be allowed to finish the picture.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. sixteen-year-olds 十六岁的青少年 它相当于一个名词, 等于sixteen year- old kids. “一个16岁青少年的表达方式” a kid of sixteen a kid of sixteen years old a sixteen-year-old kid,Explanation,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2. He doesnt seem to have many friends. 主seem to do sth. 好像 e.g. His temperature seems to be all right. 他的体温好像完全正常。 seem的其他用法: (1) seem+形容词 e.g. The question seems quite easy. 那个问题好像很容易。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,(2) seem+名词 e.g. That seems a good idea. 那好像是个好主意。 (3) It seems + that 从句 e.g. It seemed that nobody knew anything about the matter. 看来没有人知道这件事。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Homework,Talk about what should be allowed to do or should not be allowed to do in school or your family.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Thank you !,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Section A 2 3a-3c,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,A: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to B: Yes, I do. I think /No, I dont. I dont think ,Make a list of things teenagers should and should not be allowed to do. Discuss your list in groups.,Discussion,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,NO 1. Teenagers should be allowed to NO 2. NO 3. ,List,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Read the poem aloud and discuss what the title means with your partner.,3a,n. 诗歌,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to me and stayed by my side. When I was tired and hungry, she gave me food and warm arms to sleep in. When I was two running through the field, she made sure I was safe and kept me from danger. When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up.,n. 田野,场地,v. 举起,抬高; n. 电梯;搭便车,n. 拥抱,v. should be allowed to watch TV programs on weekends.,disagree not all TV programs are bad for students; need to relax sometimes, rather than spend all the time studying,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,should be allowed to have dinner with friends as long as I dont stay out too late and it does not clash with any important family activity,disagree takes away opportunities to spend time with friends; makes life uninteresting,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. Match the words in the two columns and choose five phrases to make sentences.,Self Check,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,get ears pierced I would like to get my ears pierced when I am twenty-one years old.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,take photos This is a good place for tourists to take photos. do part-time work It is common for university students to do part-time work to help pay for their studies. achieve my dream I hope to achieve my dream of becoming a doctor.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,make a choice It is difficult for me to make a choice between these two bags as I like both of them. go shopping I go shopping with my parents every Saturday afternoon.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets. Translate them into Chinese.,1. No matter how many difficulties we have, I believe all problems can _ (solve) in the end.,be solved,不管我们有多少困难,我相信所有 的难题到最后都可以得以解决。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2. Mobile phones should _ (keep) off during the meeting. 3. Teenagers under eighteen must _ (not allow) to smoke or drink.,be kept,not be allowed,2. 开会时手机应该保持关机状态。 3. 18岁以下的青少年决不允许喝酒或抽 烟。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,4. Many parents think going to school must _ (put) first, so teenagers should _ (not encourage) to work part-time.,be put,not be encouraged,4. 许多父母认为青少年在学校学习 应该放在首位,因此他们不应该被 鼓励去做兼职工作。,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,1. The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty thing into it. (南京市中考题) A. be stopped to throw B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing,中考链接,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,2. This book _ often _ from the library. (北京市中考题) A. arent; take away B. taken away C. isnt; taken away D. be taken away,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Write a diary entry explaining which rule(s) you do not agree with at home and how you think the rule(s) should be changed.,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Use the following expressions to help you: I do not agree with I think I should be allowed to I would like to I could if I ,人教版九年级unit7全单元课件,Thank you !,此课件下载可自行编辑修改,供参考! 感谢你的支持,我们会努力做得更好!,


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