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    20182019 学年度第二学期期中考试 七年级英语试卷七年级英语试卷 (测试范围:Unit1Unit6总分:120 分测试时间:90 分钟) 题号题号 一一 得分得分 听力部分听力部分 二二三三四四一一二二 听力部分(共听力部分(共 2020 分)分) 一、听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(每小题一、听对话,选出与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话读两遍。(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) 三三 笔试部分笔试部分 四四五五六六七七 总分总分 ( )1.A.B.C. ( )2.A.B.C. ( )3.A.B.C. ( )4.A.B.C. ( )5.A.B.C. 二、听句子,选择最佳的应答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题二、听句子,选择最佳的应答语。每个句子读两遍。(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) ( )6. A. Yes, I can. ( )7. A. On Friday. ( )8. A. By bus. B. Yes, I am. B. At 3:00. C. I like computers. C. No, I dont. C. For about 30 minutes. C. OK. I know. C. No, they cant. B. About 300 meters. B. Youre welcome. B. They like singing. ( )9. A. That sounds great. ()10. A. Yes, they are. 三、听短文,根据问题选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题三、听短文,根据问题选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) ( )11.What color is Mr. Kings car? A. Black.B. Blue.C. White. ( )12.Where does Tina work? A. In a middle school.B. In a store.C. In a supermarket. ( )13.When does Tina usually go to work? A. At 6:00.B. At 7:00.C. At 8:00. ( )14.How long does it take Tina to get to work? A. 30 minutes.B. 40 minutes.C. 50 minutes. ( )15.How does Mrs. King usually go to the supermarket? A. By car.B. By bus.C. By subway. 四、听短文,根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。短文读两遍。(每小题四、听短文,根据短文内容,完成下面的句子。短文读两遍。(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分分 16. She cant _ on school nights. 17. She has to do the _ after dinner. 18. She likes _. 19. She has to be in bed by _. 20. She has to practice _ every weekend. 笔试部分(共笔试部分(共 100100 分)分) 一、单项选择(每小题一、单项选择(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 2020 分)分) ()21David paints well.He can join the. A. music clubB. chess clubC. English clubD. art club ()22Tim is good at Chinese,and he can speak Chinese. A. wellB. goodC. niceD. fine ()23Its eight oclock in the morning.We must. A. go homeB. go to schoolC. eat lunchD. have dinner ()24do they play basketball? Every afternoon. A. WhenB. WhereC. WhatD. How ()25Jim cant play volleyball. Mike cant play volleyball,_ A. tooB. eitherC. alsoD. two ()26The bus ride usuallyabout 30minutes . A. doesB. walksC. takesD. talks ()27He isboy . A. a eight-years-old C. an eight-years-old B. a eight-year-old D. an eight-year-old ()28Its not easy for girlssoccer well . A. playB. to playC. playingD. plays ()29I cant go out _ school nights. A. atB. inC. onD. by ()30Dont listen _ the music in the classroom _ in the hallways. A. /; andB. /; orC. to; /D. to; or ()31There arerules in our schoolI cant stand some of them A. too muchB. too manyC. much tooD. many too ()32run in the classroom,boys A. NotB. DontC. CantD. Doesnt ()33I am afraid of tigers because they are _ A. interestingB. scaryC. boringD. quiet ()34Where_lions_from? They are from South Africa. A. are;comeB. are;/C. do;/D. does;come ()35China lies _ the east of Asia A. inB. onC. toD. of ()36Your mother is very friendly_ us. A. forB. toC. withD. on ()37Listen ! Someone _ in the next room . A. criedB. cryingC. is cryingD. has cried ()38 _ your brother _ on the playground? Yes, he is. A. Does; playB. Is; play ()39 _ fine weather today! Yes, lets go fishing. A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. Why C. Is; playingD. Do; playing ()40 _ is the weather in Beijing? Its sunny. A. What 二、完型填空(每小题二、完型填空(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) Julia is my good friend She is from Australia Its Sunday today She has a_41._day In the morning,she gets up at seven._42._ breakfast. She does her homework from nine to eleven In the afternoon, she goes to the_43._with her parents She_44._animals There are many_45._animals. In the zoo, such as lions, tigers, elephants, pandas .and koalas Julia likes the pandasThey are from ChinaThey are shy,so she _46._be noisy when she gets close to(靠近)themThe lions are from AfricaJulia doesnt like them._47._they are scaryJulia takes many photos of the animals there She wants to_48._them to her friends next weekIn the evening,Julia watches Animal World on TVShe thinks this TV show is very_49._She can know a lot_50._it ()41A. free ()42A. After ()43A. store ()44A. keeps B. busy B. Between B. zoo C. clean C. Under C. school C. makes C. kinds of C. no C. for D. lazy D. Over D. station D. loves D. lots of D. doesnt D. or D. show B. WhyC. HowD. Where B. takes ()45A. kind ofB. lot of ()46A. not ()47A. so ()48A. read B. cant B. because B. workC. save ()49A. interesting ()50A. in B. boring B. at C. early C. from D. difficult D. to 三、阅读理解(每小题三、阅读理解(每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 3030 分)分) A A Do you have a very strict teacher?I do.He is Mr. Grand,our geography teacher.We call him “Mr. Grumpy” because he often gets angry(生气的)Not finish your geography homework?Good luck to you.Mr. Grumpy will give you a good lesson “Rules,rules,”the old man always says.No students can be late for class.Everyone must keep quiet in his class,and finish homework after class.And no one can ask for leave(请假) on test day. Many of us are afraid of Mr. Grand.But he is very happy.Sometimes he buys us sweets(糖 果)We think he is lovely only that time. ()51Who writes the passage? A. A teacher.B. A parent.C. A student. ()52Who do we know about Mr. Grand? A. He teaches math.B. He often gets angry.C. He always has good luck. ()53The underlined word “lesson” means “_” in Chinese. A. 教训B. 课程C. 建议 ()54Which rule must the students follow? A. Dont arrive late for class. B. Dont talk in the dining hall.C. Never ask for leave. ()55We think Mr. Grand is lovely when _. A. he plays with usB. he doesnt give us a test B B Kangaroos(袋鼠) live in Australia. They cant run and they cant walk. But they can jump. They can jump very fast. Baby kangaroos are very small and only 3cm long. They cant jump and they cant see. A young kangaroo is always in its mothers pouch( 育儿袋) for the first six months. They can see when they are nine weeks old. They can jump when they are eight months old. Camels(骆驼) live in desert. They can close their long noses to keep out the sand. Camels have humps(驼峰) on their backssome have one and some have two. Humps do not carry water. They carry food. If a camel is hungry, its hump will get smaller. If a camel is thirsty, it will drink a lot of water at one time. A thirsty camel can drink a lot of water. If it drinks a lot of water, it wont drink C. he buys sweets for us again for over a week. ()56Kangaroos _ very fast. A. walkB. runC. jumpD. go ()57A young kangaroo leaves its mothers pouch when its _ old. A. nine weeks B. eight monthsC. seven monthsD. one year ()58Camels _ can close and keep out the sand.21cnjycom A. long nosesB. big bodiesC. humps ()59There is _ in a camels hump. A. waterB. foodC. vegetableD. milk D. four feet ()60A camel drinks _ A. little waterB. water very often C. a little water when its thirstyD. a lot of water when its thirsty C Today we take our pictures to school. We see what we are doing in the pictures. Here is Li Feis picture. His picture makes us laugh(笑). He is so young in the picture. What is he doing? Oh, he is crying(哭) Song Xiaos picture makes us feel hungry. She is eating a hamburger with many vegetables. Look at Li Mings picture. He is singing with his mother and father. He has a happy family. Li Ming is a good son. He often does the housework at home. Look at that picture. Who is he? He is Zhang Feng. Is he a doctor? No, he isnt. He is wearing his brothers uniform. We are happy to see the pictures. The teacher is happy, too. ()61Who is crying in the picture? A. Li Fei.B. Song Xiao. C. Li Ming.D. Zhang Feng. ()62What is Song Xiao doing in her picture? A. Eatinga hamburger. C. Doing the housework. B. Singing. D. Getting dressed. ()63How many people are there in Li Mings picture? A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four. ()64Who may be a doctor? A. Zhang Feng.B. Zhang Fengs father. C. Zhang Fengs brother. ()65_ picture is very funny. A. Li Feis D. Zhang Fengs mother. B. Song XiaosC. Li MingsD. Zhang Fengs 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题四、用所给单词的正确形式填空(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) 66Mary_(study)in the classroom now 67He often_(play)football on weekends 68She_(wash)her clothes at the moment 69Betty usually_(watch)TV after dinner 70He_(shop)in the mall with his mum now 71Many _(child) like to watch cartoons. 72Alan _(study) in No.15 Middle School. 73May I _(use) your bike? 74The _(man) with white uniforms are my uncles. 75Susan comes from _(American) 五、填写适当的单词补全句子(每小题五、填写适当的单词补全句子(每小题 1 1 分,共分,共 5 5 分)分) 76_ are very beautiful. They are white and black. 77_ are very tall and they have long necks. 78Dont be _You can do it well. 79Bill is very _to us.We all like him. 80The table has four _It is my grandpas. 六、根据情景,用合适的句子补全对话。六、根据情景,用合适的句子补全对话。 (每小题(每小题 2 2 分,共分,共 1010 分)分) A:71.81? B:Im reading the newspaper. A:72.82? B:Yes,I do. A:What kind of movies do you want to see? B:73.83 A:Really?I want to see an action movie(动作片),too. B:74.84? A:Lets go at six this evening. B:75.85? A:My cousin is watching TV . B:Let him go with us. A:OK. 七、书面表达(共七、书面表达(共 1515 分)分) 86星期六上午,Jim 一家去动物园。他们看到各种动物,如:大象、熊猫、老虎、长颈鹿 等。Jim 最喜欢大象,因为它们不但聪明而且友善,还能做很多事情,如 Jim拍了很多照 片,玩得很开心。 根据上述提示写一篇文章,可适当增加内容。词数:60 左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。 Its Saturday morning, Jim and his family go to the zoo._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 参考答案参考答案 听力部分听力部分 15:CABAA 610:ABCCA 1115:BABCC 16. go out 17 .dishes 18. reading 19.10 oclock 20. the guitar 笔试部分笔试部分 21D 【解析】 句意: 戴维画画得好, 他能参加美术俱乐部。 A. music club 音乐俱乐部;B. chess club 象棋俱乐部;C. English club 英语俱乐部;D. art club 美术俱乐部;根据 paints 故选 D 22A 【解析】句意:提姆擅长汉语,他说汉语说的很好。根据副词修饰动词speak,B/C/D 都是形 容词,well 好得,副词;故选A 23B 【解析】句意:现在是早上八点,我们必须去上学。A. go home 回家;B. go to school 去上学; C. eat lunch 吃午饭;D. have dinner 吃晚饭。由句意和常识可知B 正确。 24A 【解析】句意:他们什么时候打篮球?-每天下午。A. When 什么时间;B. Where哪里; C. What 什么;D. How 怎么样。由答语-每天下午。可知问的是时间。故选A。 25B 【解析】句意:-吉姆不会打排球。-迈克也不会打排球。two 二;too 多用于口语中,语气 较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句,一般不用于否定句,且通常放在句末。 also 比 too 正式, 一般也不用于否定句,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在行为动词之前,系动词等特 殊动词之后。有时为了强调也放在句末(但不常见)。either(也)通常只用于否定句, 且要放在句 末。这里是否定句,所以用either,故选 B。 26C 【解析】句意:乘公共汽车通常要30 分钟左右。A. does 做;B. walks 走路;C. takes 花费; D. talks 谈论。根据句意可知C 正确。 27D 【解析】句意:他是一个八岁的男孩。 eight 是以元音音素开头的单词,用an;排除A/B;在 由连词符“-”将所有词组成了一个合成形容词的单词中,其中的名词用单数。故选D。 28B 【解析】句意:女孩子踢足球不容易。本题考查句型:Its not +形容词+for sb. to do sth. 故选 B。 29C 【解析】句意:在上学日我不能外出。at 在具体的时间点;in 泛指在上午、下午或晚上;on 表示具体某一天的早上、下午或晚上;by 到时候。根据句意可知,这里表示具体某一天的 晚上,应用介词 on,故选 C。 30D 【解析】句意:不要在教室里或者走廊里听音乐。and 和,而且;or 或者;to 到。listen 是 不及物动词,后面跟宾语时必须加to。在否定句中表示并列不用and,用 or。故选 D。 31B 【解析】句意:我们学校有太多的规章制度,我不能容忍其中的一些。考查形容词短语辨析 题。A. too much 太多的,修饰不可数名词;B. too many 太多的,修饰复数名词;C. much too 太, 修饰形容词或副词; D. many too 错误选项, 可排除。 rules 规则, 复数名词, 需用 too many 修饰;根据句意和语境,可知选B。 32B 【解析】句意:不要在教室里跑,孩子们。考查祈使句。本句是祈使句,其否定式直接在句 首加 Dont;根据句意和语境,可知选B。 33B 【解析】句意:我害怕老虎, 因为它们是可怕的。 A. interesting 有趣的;B. scary 可怕的; C. boring无聊的;D. quiet 安静的;根据句意故选 B 34B 【解析】句意:狮子来自哪里?它们来自南非。be from 来自,疑问句把 be 提到主 语前,这里主语是 lions 复数,所以用 are;come from 来自,疑问句在主语前加 do/does,因 主语是 lions 复数,所以用 do;故选 B 35A 【解析】句意:中国在亚洲的东面。在表示方位时,in 表“在里”,on 表“相邻并接壤”, to 表“相邻不接壤”,of 不表示这种位置关系。中国包含在亚洲内,所以本题选A。 36B 【解析】句意:你妈妈对我们很友好。 “be friendly to somebody”意为“对友好”;故本题选 B。 37C 【解析】句意:听!有人在隔壁哭。根据句意,可知本句时态用现在进行时,其结构为: be+ 动词现在分词;主语是 Someone,所以谓语动词要用单数形式。故答案选C。 38C 【解析】句意:你弟弟正在操场上玩吗?是的,他是。从对话的意思及答语可知此 题考查现在进行时的一般疑问句的用法,从后面的回答用 is,可以判断前面的一般疑问句是 以 is 开头的。故答案选 C。 39A 【解析】句意:今天的天气多么好啊!是的,我们去钓鱼吧。考查感叹句的用法, weather 是不可数名词,所以用What fine weather today!表示“今天的天气多么好啊!”的意思。 故答案选 A。 40C 【解析】句意:北京的天气怎么样?天气晴朗。从对话后面的回答Its sunny.可以判 断前面的问句是询问天气的,表示询问天气的句子是What is the weather like in Beijing? 或者 How is the weather in Beijing?分析题干可知用后面的句式,所以用特殊疑问词 how。故答案选 C。 41B 42A 43B 44D 45C 46B 47B 48D 49A 50C 【解析】短文介绍了“我”来自澳大利亚的好朋友茱莉娅在星期天的主要活动,她度过了忙碌 的一天。 41句意:她忙了一天。考查形容词辨析题。A. free 自由的;B. busy 忙碌的;C. clean 清洁 的;D. lazy 懒惰的。根据下文她上午和下午的活动,可知她很忙碌,故选B。 42句意:早餐后,她从九点到十一点做家庭作业。考查介词辨析题。A. After在以后; B. Between 在两者之间, 和 and 连用; C. Under 在下面; D. Over 在上面。 a fter breakfast 早餐后;根据句意和语境,可知BCD 三项意思都与句意不合,故选A。 43句意:她和她的父母一起去动物园。 考查名词辨析题。 根据下文 There are manykinds of animals.,可知去的是动物园,故选B。 44 句意: 她喜欢动物。 考查动词辨析题。 A. keeps 保持; B. takes 拿; C. makes 制作; D. loves 喜爱。根据句意和语境,可知前三个选项意思都与句意不符,故选D。 45句意: 那里有很多种动物。 考查形容词短语辨析题。 根据下文的列举 such as lions,tigers, elephants,pandas .and koalas ,可知动物的种类很多,结合句意和语境,故选C。 46句意:他们很害羞,所以当她接近他们时她就不会吵闹。考查否定句辨析题。本句前后 是因果关系,根据句意和语境,可知后一句是否定意义。 be noisy 吵闹的;结合上下文,可知 因为动物们害羞她不能弄动静,故选B。 47句意:朱丽亚不喜欢他们,因为它们很吓人。考查连词辨析题。 A. so 所以,表因果;B. because 因为,表原因;C. for 为了。表目的;D. or 或者,表选择。本句是原因状语从句,属 于“前果后因”式,需用 because 连接;根据句意和语境,可知选B。 48 句意: 她想下周把它们给她的朋友看。 考查动词辨析题。 A. read 读; B. work 工作; C. save 救;D. show 展示(给某某看) 。show sb./sth. to sb. 把给某某看;根据句意和语境,可知 选 D。 49句意:她认为这个电视节目很有趣。考查形容词辨析题。 A. interesting 有趣的;B. boring 无聊的;C. early 早的;D. difficult困难的。根据下文She can know a lot from it ,结合句意和 语境,可知选 A。 50句意:她能从中学到很多东西。考查介词辨析题。 A. in 在里面;B. at 在,接时 间;C. from 从;D. to 到。根据句意和语境,可知选C。 51C 52B 53A 54A 55C 【解析】大意:本文作者介绍了自己的地理老师,他对学生要求严格,但也有可爱的一面。 51 根据短文第一行 Do you have a very strict teacher?I do.可知, 作者是一名学生。 故选: C。 52根据第一段第二行 We call him “Mr. Grumpy” because he often gets angry( 生气的)可知 Grand 老师经常生气。 故选 B。 53根据语境可知,“没完成地理作业”,他会“教训”你。所以推知lesson 意为“教训”。故选: A。 54根据第二段第一行“Rules,rules,”the old man always says.No students can be late for class. 可知,“上课不能迟到”是学生必须遵守的规则。 故选:A。 55根据短文最后两句Sometimes he buys us sweets(糖果)We think he is lovely only that time. 可知,当 Grand 老师给我们买糖果时,我们认为他是可爱的。故选:C。 56C 57C 58A 59B 60D 【解析】本文主要介绍了袋鼠和骆驼两种动物。 56题意:袋鼠_非常快。A. walk 走;B. run 跑;C. jump 跳;D. go 去,走。根据第 四句 They can jump very fast.(它们跳得很快。 )可知选 C。 57 题意: 当它_的大的时候, 小袋鼠离开妈妈的育儿袋。 A. nine weeks 九个星期; B. eight months八个月; C. seven months七个月; D. one year一岁。 根据第7句A young kangaroo is always in its mothers pouch(育儿袋) for the first six months. (小袋鼠总是在母亲的育儿袋里呆 上六个月。 )可知 7 个月大时,小袋鼠离开妈妈的育儿袋;选C。 58题意:骆驼的_可以关闭和阻挡沙子。A. long noses 长鼻子;B. big bodies 高 大的躯体; C. humps 驼峰; D. four feet。 根据第十一句 They can close their long noses to keep out the sand.(他们可以闭上长长的鼻子挡住沙子。 )可知选 A。 59题意:骆驼的驼峰里有_。A. water 水;B. food 食物;C. vegetable 蔬菜; D. milk 牛奶。 根据倒数第 5 和 6 句 Humps do not carry water. They carry food. (驼峰不携带水。 他们携带食物。 )可知驼峰有食物,选B。 60题意:骆驼(喝)_。A. little water 喝很少的水;B. water very often 经常喝水; C. a little water when its thirsty当渴的时候喝一点水; D. a lot of water when its thirsty渴的时候 喝很多水。根据倒数第 2 句 A thirsty camel can drink a lot of water. (口渴的骆驼能喝很多水。 ) 可知选 D。 61A 62A 63C 64C 65A 【解析】短文展示了四张充满童趣的照片,表达了师生们的高


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