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    中文中文 33163316 字字 题目:网络营销题目:网络营销 第一部分外文原文第一部分外文原文 Internet marketingInternet marketing Its always great to hear that remodelers are having a stellar year - referrals are coming in, solid leads are turning into clients, and business is booming. However, one part of the total business pie that can easily be forgotten; amidst all of this success is marketing. Its amazing how often you hear that the first thing to go is ones marketing plan for the year - marketing is too expensive or my budget just doesnt call for marketing this year. Au contraire, marketing doesnt have to break the bank; the new age of marketing is all about the Internet. Internet marketing involves many segments and some that this article will touch upon include the basics: Web site development, search engine optimization and marketing via e-mail. The Internet has been called the Information Superhighway - for many reasons, might I add. Millions of people surf the Internet for information every day, but are they getting what they are looking for? Studies have shown that people give up on looking for what they want if they cant find it in eight clicks. It is your job, as the Web site provider, to offer this sought-after information in a clear and easy-to-find manner. Your Web site is an asset The Web siteis the key player in your marketing and sales endeavors - no matter how big or small your company may be. Your site should serve as a portal for potential customers and as a marketing tool for your remodeling company. Potential customers, in their own leisure time, can learn about your company, see your work, meet your employees, etc. For many, this is the first impression they have of you andyour company, so design your site to appropriately reflect what your company represents. Internet marketing is incredibly cost-effective. Your Web site can help promote the information you are trying to convey without printing costs for hard copies and postage. Content is King Pictures may say a thousand words, but content is king on the Internet. Define the content to satisfy your target market. Every remodeler has amazing photos of their work - dont forget to include these on your site. However, remember to include copy that goes along with it. This will help with your SEO (see the next subhead on SEO) and gain you more traffic than if you wouldnthaveincludedcopy.AccordingtotheAmerican Marketing Association, quick load times are important for a successful Web site. Dont let large images bog down the site, therefore losing that particular visitor. As you do in your own business, building your framework - on your site - is very important. Create a flowchart and get your visitors from Point A to Point B as fast and easily as possible. Dont overwhelm people by putting links to your entire site on the home-page. Instead, create a model to prioritizeandcategorizeinformation.Definelogical relationshipsbetweensubjectsanddefinelinksbetween information types. It used to be that getting traffic on your Web site was a great success. Today, not only is traffic important, but we now have to analyze this traffic to make sure the right people are visiting and that the marketing plan you implemented is working.TrackingservicessuchasSor extreme- are great tools to help analyze that traffic the site is receiving. The new buzzword Not by any sense of the word is search engine marketing a secret. However, there are many dos and donts that could help provide the best results for this quest in Internet marketing. Search engine optimization is the new buzzword in marketing via the Internet. It means including the right ingredients on your site for these search engines to like it - which could ultimately send thousands of visitors your way, increasing yourchance for some solid leads. Studies have found that 65 percent of visitors to sites come from search engines. The way search engines work is quite simple. A search engine has a database, which lists every Web site that the search engine knows about. When a search is performed, it tries to find matches in the database for the key words entered. As a Web site owner, you want search engines to send you as many visitors as possible. Therefore, you want to make sure that you are in the databases of as many search engines as possible. This is pretty simple. All the major search engines allow you to register your site free. You can simply go to each major search site, click on Add Your Site, Submit URL, or something similarly worded, and fill in your site information. The main ingredient for a successful SEO is not the right key word, but the right key phrase. Try searching G for remodeling. I came up with 8,900,000 sites. Now, try searching the same engine for remodeling in Detroit. I came up with 36 sites. See the difference? Creating the right key phrase will help eliminate unqualified leads and will also help potentialcustomersfindyourcompanywithalotfewer complications. Ifyouarehavingtroublewithcreatingthemost appropriate key phrase to help your SEO, there are Web sites that can help - W compiles a database of terms that people search for. The user will enter some key words, and W will tell you how often people search for them and will also tell you how many competing sites use those key words. The site will also provide a listing of all the key word combinations that bear any relation to your business or service. Just remember, the more instances a key phrase is on your site, the higher up on the ranking totem pole your site will be. Next, youll want to think of a description of your site. Most search engines will ask for a 25 word description. Marketing by e-mail Many companies have attempted to use electronic mail (e-mail) for advertising - only to receive a deluge of abuse from infuriated Internet users. A Harris poll of computer users reveals that, out of those who are receiving unsolicited bulk e-mail, 42percent want to stop receiving it. According to Time magazine, unsolicited junk e-mail now accounts for 10 percent of all Internet traffic and up to 30 percent of the 26 million daily messages on America Online. E-mailmarketingcanbehighlyeffectiveand extremely-cost effective if you choose to follow some simple best practices. According to Al Bredenberg, publisher of , here are few ethical ways to having a successful e-mail marketing plan. Build your own house e-mail lists. Collect e-mail addresses at your Web site, at trade shows, on product registration cards, during sales and telemarketing calls, or at other points of contact with customers and prospects. Make sure that everyone on your list knows exactly how you will use his or her e-mail address. Your own in-house e-mail lists are a valuable asset. Start an announcement list. This is a simple in-house e-mail list designed to keep you in touch with your Internet audience. Use it for distributing company news, new product releases,specialpromotions,announcementsofpersonnel changes or other items of interest to your companys contacts. Publish a free e-mail newsletter. An e-mail newsletter, or e-zine, is a way to keep your companys name in front of your target market. Be sure to offer value - industry news items, how-to articles, analysis and commentary about your industry niche. Your e-zine will position your company as an expert in the field and will enhance its reputation. Advertise on opt-in and voluntary e-mail lists.Opt-in e-mail lists are now available for rent from many companies. In contrast with the bulk e-mail spammers, the opt-in list providers have built their lists on a voluntary basis. The DirectE-mailListSourceprovideslinkstomany permission-based e-mail lists. Advertise in e-zines and e-mail discussion lists. You will be able to find numerous e-mail newsletters and interactive discussion lists that reach your target audience. Many of these will accept advertising or sponsorships. If they dont already sell ads, they might - if you make an offer. Spam is such a controversial subject right now that I urge marketers to stick with permission-based e-mail only, says Bradenberg. The risks to the companys businessand reputation are just too great. What constitutes true permission-based marketing? Simple. Make sure that nobody is placed on any e-mail list without their explicit permission. No one should have to ask to be removed from an e-mail list they never asked to be on in the first place. 9 Steps to higher search engine optimization Step One - Choosing Key Words Choose your key words. This is perhaps the most important step of the process because incorrectly targeting phrases can result in traffic that is not interested in your product. Step Two - Site Content Creating some of the new content before starting the optimization process can be doubly helpful in that it can reveal potential additions to your Web site that you may not have considered. If you already have a site, perhaps simply sit on your back deck, sip on a coffee and image what you would do if your whole site was lost and you had to start again. Step Three - Site Structure A solid site structure is very important. Creating a site that is easily spidered by the search engines yet attractive to visitors can be a daunting and yet entirely rewarding endeavor. To adequately structure your Web site, you must think like a spider which is not as difficult as it may sound. A search engine spider reads your Web page like you would read a book. It starts at the top left, reads across, and then moves down. Step Four Optimization As noted above, a spider places importance on what it reads highest on the page and so beginningwith a sentencethat includes your targeted phrase only makes sense. Step Five - Internal Linking Text links make the best choice as the anchor text (the actual words used to link to aspecific page) add relevancy to that Page for the words used to link to it. There are two main ways to ensure that your site gets well spidered and that the relevancy is added. The first is to place text links on the bottom of your homepage to your main internal pages. The second is to create a sitemap to all your internal pages and link toit from your homepage. Step Six - Human Testing The next step is to put it past someone who has never seen your site. Ask them to find specific information and see how long it takes. Ask someone else to just surf your site and watch which links they click and ask them why they chose those ones. Step Seven Submissions Submit your site to all the big players. Step Eight - Link Building Find Web sites that you believe your site visitors would genuinely be interested in and youve probably found a good link partner. You want to find links from sitesthat are related to yours. Step Nine Monitoring Review your stats to see where your traffic is coming from and what search terms are being used to find you. 第二部位中文翻译第二部位中文翻译 网络营销网络营销 对于企业重塑者来说像这样星光灿烂的一年是永远值得庆幸的 事:合作意向纷至沓来,那些有强烈合作意向的伙伴都成为了顾客, 业务蒸蒸日上。 但是, 这块 业务大蛋糕中会有一部分很容易被遗忘: 与所有成功紧密相关的市场营销。 人们总是吃惊的听到, 本年度第一 个工作计划就是市场营销计划。市场营销太费钱,我们 的预算总是 因为它捉襟见肘。 相反,市场营销不一定非要花费大量资金。新一代的营销是完全 关于网络的。 网络营销包含很多部分, 包括本文提到的基于网站开发, 搜索引擎优化以及通过电子邮件进行营销等相关内容。 互联网被称为信息高速公路我会补充其中的多种原因。 数 以百万计的人每天上网查找资料,但是他们得到他们寻找的东西了吗? 研究显示,如果人们点击超过 8 下还不能找到想要的信息就会放弃寻 找。作为一个网站提供者, 以一种简单、明了的方式提供这些热门的 信息就是你的工作。 网站就是你的资产 无论你的公司有多么的大或多么的小, 在你营销或努力销售的过 程中,网站都扮演着关键角色。你的网站应该作为一个为潜在的客户 服务的入口,并且作为你 重塑的公司的一种营销工具。潜在的客户 在闲暇时可以获悉你公司的情况,了解你的工作,约见你的员工,等 等。在大多数情况下,这是你和你的公司留给他们的第 一个印象, 所以要通过设计你的网站来恰如其分的反映你公司的形象。 网络营销具有令人难以置信的成本效益。 你的网站可以帮助你发 布你试图传达的信息,而不需要印刷、复印费用和邮资。 内容是王牌 关于画面可以说很多,但是内容是网络上的王牌。定义内容来满 足你的目标市场。每一个再创造者都有他们工作的令人惊异的照片 不要忘记将他们包括在你的网站之内。 然而,记住要包括相应的 副本。这可以给你的搜索引擎优化(阅读关于搜索引擎优化的下一个 小标题)带来帮助,与不包括这些副本相比,它会使你获得更多的交 易量。依照美国销售协会显示,快速的装载时间对一个成功的网站来 说是非常重要的。不要让大量的图片降低你网站的浏览速度, 从而失 去那些特别的访问者。 就像你做自己的业务,在你的网站上建立构架是非常重要的。 创 建你的流程图使你的访问者可以尽可能快捷和简单的从 A 点到 B 点。 不要在你的主页上布满链 接到你整个站点上的链接。而要通过建立 一个模型来区分信息的先后次序并加以分类。 为不同主题间的逻辑关 系和不同信息类型之间的链接做出定义。 在过去,在网站上获得贸易是一个巨大的成功。但是在现在,不 仅仅贸易是重要的,我们现在必须对贸易做出分析,以确保“恰当的” 的人正在访问我们的网 站,并确保你所做的营销计划正在发生着作 用。像S 或 extreme- 网站一样做跟踪服务可以 给贸易分析极大的帮助。 一个新概念 不依靠任何对世界的感知的搜索引擎营销是一个秘密。 然而,有 很多 DOS 磁盘操作系统并不能为提供最好的网络营销效果提供帮助。 搜索引擎优化是网络营销的一个新概念。 这意味着,你的网站要 针对这些搜索引擎包含恰当的“因素”, 这可以给你带来成千上百的 访问者,增加获得线索的机会。研究表明,百分之六十五的网站访问 者来自于搜索引擎。 搜索引擎的工作方式很简单。 搜索引擎有一个数据库,这个数据 库列出了搜索引擎知道的每一个网站。 当一次搜索完成时,它会试图 在数据库寻找与键入的关键词匹配的相关信息。 作为网站主人,你希望搜索引擎为你带来尽可能多的访问者。 因 此,你希望确保你的信息出现在尽可能多的搜索引擎数据库中。 这是 很简单的。各大搜索引擎 会允许你免费注册你的网站。你可以简单 的到各大搜索网站,点击“添加你的网站”,“提交统一资源定位 符”,或者一些类似的话,填写你的网站信息。. 搜索引擎优化成功的主要因素并不是一个正确的关键词, 而是正 确的关键词组。在G 网站上尝试搜索 remodeling。我返回 了 8,900,000 个站点。现在,在同一个搜索引擎上尝试搜索 remodeling in Detroit。 我返回了 36 个站点。 看到其间的区别了吗? 创造正确的关键词组可以帮组排除不合格的站点, 并且也会帮组潜在 的客户更简单的发现你的公司。 如果你在创建能够帮助你优化搜索引擎的恰当的关键词组时遇 到麻烦,这有一些网站可以帮助你W 网站汇编了 一 个 人 们 搜 索 的 条 件 的 数 据 库 。 用 户 可 以 敲 入 关 键词 , W 就会告诉你人们查找他们的频率,并且会告诉你有 多少个竞争站点使用这些关键词。 这个站点还会提供一个淤泥业务或 服务有 关的所有关键词的组合的一个列表。记住,给你网站的关键 词建议越多,你的站点越占有优势。 接下来,你要思考一下对你站点的描述。 大多数搜索引擎会需要 一段 25 个词的描述。 通过电子邮件营销 很多公司尝试用电子邮件 (电子邮件)做广告只得到了众多 愤怒的网民的不满。.哈里斯对电脑用户的民意调查显示,大部分人 都主动接收电子邮 件,42%的人不想接受它。据时代杂志称,“目前 不请自来的垃圾电子邮件占用 10%以上互联网线路,并占美国网上日 信息总量 26 million 的 30%以上。” 如果你选择遵循一些简单的、 好的惯例,电子邮件营销可以高效 利用并极具成本效益。根据 的发行人 Al Bredenberg 的观点,有一些与民族相关的方法可以确保电子邮件营 销计划的成功实施。 建立你自己的邮件列表单。在你的网站上、商品展销会上、产品 注册卡上、在销售和电话营销过程中收集电子邮件地址。 确保在你列 表单上的每一个人都明确的知道你如何使用他或她的电子邮件地址。 你的邮件列表单是一项非常有价值的资产。 产生一个发布列表。这是一个简单的电子邮件列表,用它来与你 网络上的访问者保持联络。使用这一列表来发布公司新闻, 新的产品 发布,特别的晋升,个人信息改变的声明,或是其他一些与你公司接 触而感兴趣的条目。. 发布免费的时事通讯电子邮件。 一封时事通讯电子邮件, 或是电 子杂志,是保持你公司的名字在目标市场的前方的一种方法。 确保提 供有价值的信息行业新闻,文章、分析和你的行业环境的解说。 你的电子杂志可以把你的公司定位在一个领域内的专业位置上, 并且 可以提高它的声誉。 电子杂志和电子邮件中广告的讨论列表。 你可以找到许多的时事 通讯电子邮件和交互式的讨论列表来满足你的目标客户。 他们大部分 会接受广告和赞助。如果他们没有出售广告,如果你建议的话,他们 会接受。 “现在兜售信息是一个具有争议性的话题, 我坚持要求商人只销 售许可的电子邮件”Bradenberg 说。公司的业务和名誉风险是非常 大的。用什么建立真实的、 基于许可的营销呢?这很简单。确保没有 一个的电子邮件在没有得到直接许可的情况记载在电子邮件列表上。 如果他们没有首先被要求出现在列表上, 就没有一个会要求脱离电子 邮件列表。 优化搜索引擎的九个步骤 第一步选择关键词 选择你的关键词。这或许是最重要的一个步骤, 因为错误的目标 短句将导致与你产品无关的贸易结果。 第二步网站内容 在优化流程之前先创建一些新的内容, 这可以为你的站点带来意 想不到的双重帮助。如果你已经有了一个网站,你也许只需简单的坐 在椅子上, 啜饮着咖啡想象如果你丢失了整个网站必须重新开始时你 要做什么。 第三步网站结构 一个坚实的站点结构是非常重要的。 建立一个可以轻松的被搜索 引擎发现的可以吸引访问者的站点是一项令人沮丧的但是可以完全 回报你的努力的工作。为了 充分构建你的站点,你必须“像蜘蛛一 样思考”,这并不像听起来的那么困难。 搜索引擎阅读你的网站就像 你阅读一本书一样。它从左上角开始读取,然后横向阅 读,最后纵 向阅读。 第四步优化 如前所述,将重要的内容安排在网页最先被阅读的地方, 把包含 目标短语的句子放在网站的开头。 第五步站内链接 文本链接是把锚文字(用来链接到特殊页面的词)与页面链接起 来的最好的选择。 有两种主要的方法来确定你的站点内的关联被很好 的组织。第一种方法是将 文字链接放在主页的按钮上来链接主要的 站内页面。第二种方法是针对你站内的所有页面建立一个网站地图, 并从你的主页分别链接到这些页面。 第六步人工测试 下一步就是找到一些从来没有见过你的网站的人。 让他们去寻找 一些特殊的信息,并留意要花费多长时间。让另外一些人仅仅浏览你 的网站,观察他们会点击哪些链接, 并询问他们为什么要选择这些链 接。 第七步提交 将你的网站提交到各大搜索引擎上去。 第八步建立链接 寻找一些你认为你的网站访问者会对之有兴趣的网站, 或许你已 经找到了一个好的链接伙伴。 你需要找到从这些网站链接到你的站点 的链接。 第九步监控 检测你的网站来观察你的交易都从哪来并且确认都是通过什么 样的搜索条件找到你的网站。


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