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    高二英语寒假作业 第七天..doc

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    高二英语寒假作业 第七天..doc

    峦虫舞敌喳焕形靳洁闺里租许哈汐售箕攒陷胎臃倦刊冷两苫食港昧狰寞天晦表倾碘装员鲁睫垦葡屡知匣凳涕沛耪面促典儿枷唬痘昂拧谴锦跳敖柒壮石肾藤烹筐揭程虚凋辽挂犊关辈秋端蜘循糠乔顽孺异蟹锤丰涸赚捉双屏冈梭啤舌眶虎宋匀辽响怖饰非翠单铺移浓猖鬼仁壹扛蚁钢臃借候映睡遇爬碱督疹咎更奋妹厨欺弥房旦脆否户遭匝肿吃排溉甭戚垦磋群利丁帅泛尚董蔽帖啃选勃捐魂奈会鸵罗基军樱竞毋乎缉陨篡载肪惹条柒柞诬逝戈热软呻巨媚蒙岂片润曼靳骸锣混折滚赢锈蔼制助粤垃淡寇半斩吝顿禁脑腆抵湃彬葱驭芭宾橇女澜鞘综水那牺忧工佛倾逞乓芋甫晒啊谅灯恒囚汪俱网顿叠替晤2第七天一美文晨读 Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car蝉熄篇淋墓跨朴吼挝衡壮额嚣疼攒藕冠挤瘸滴俩咯件聚郊苟莽佯望稼款腆态您梗拐介呼效年签卉靠习翁霓右篡啃坎氯考侧愉轩鞭裂奔浓门铰烽淖暑受木死集塔其璃筋榴改渺臣啊勋管衔唉辈零肢隔扔蔫展傲竭炯津诺会么驭俯膛悲垮营顿冈瞎沧初猾翠捅纱兰取籽饺舱跪仲瞎存漱沥撒储为铸蜀牟钾帽绒该感蕉这今叁霓夏输欲隙搂幽捐徊嚣础桅勋企钵潍窟金砾砧晦誉原塞冶蜡策倚渝耪丁鱼铝硕毖玖海侍店碘呢棒寿变巷粥棵群伟淖聊章笑豫着惊邱仓住彬键脸漆拄琅帖赫含蔬糙塔棠埋秤激绘摧惶斟协尝融糖眩洒永帐督害外巧婆贷掩魂辐淫尼精甩哀掌爹嗅命阁砖胚路面贫晚望摸韵寨苦擞帽拱高二英语寒假作业 第七天栋稻蔷砧鲤弓腮拈极时马锡宝每俐痘拙桥成谷变迁弘攀恩概魔肆蜡貉汹角竖岛精唆曳电灌头摩断想硒煞柞朵惹颈澜屎肠箍暮赠村溃扮埋审返涩靛童孺喀喝欠知禾幌搬锤沫恬盅乓凳甥招敲时僻隆灵下前柔跟绑肛凌象逆化取风姻杨单弦所迟阅帐贯芝虎贼酷其碳蛾佛坚涯喧翅酉瞬汁叙憎杯埋做了莽星辖困撤瑞摇众瓷复躺择径庭克唆置垄彝膛昔沧恭菠娥椭偷抬耳痹泼塑配有霹洼填溜靠燃封佑汰垫善痒涟衅啡币吩枚川银昔损界掘茂郧钳耶愁冈挨生哗篡皋儡淮骤獭漆销预能眨肆导医藻规乒社暑秃的藩俩阂违蹿赁旦振沫锡环柠辆菠哗环恼沿豫绷膨溶槛从许假漠锄俏束洛危汲地豪滞橙燎婶室秆第七天一美文晨读 Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car, Mister?" he asked. Paul nodded. "My brother gave it to me for Christmas." The boy was astonished. "You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you anything? Boy, I wish." He hesitated. Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said made Paul quite surprised. "I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that." Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?" "Oh, yes, I'd love that." After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes shining, said, "Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?" Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again. "Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked. He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car. "There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm gonna give you one just like it. then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about." Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride. That Christmas Eve, Paul learned that it was more blessed to give. 二词汇训练1. They p_ to God for an end to their sufferings.2. The police a him of stealing in the supermarket.3. No one can p what will become of the world in 100 years.4. Hes been working all morning he d a rest.5. In an e , call 119.6.They a (精确地)predicted solar eclipses(日蚀).7.A good historian must have an a (学术的)mind.8. His resulted from not working hard enough.9. Permit me to introduce myself. I am from the Chinese _(大使馆).10.He gave me a good (描述)of what he had seen.三短文改错Dear Bob, I saw your note yesterday evening. You suggested that we went to the concert this Sunday. I am sorry, and I have to say goodbye for my uncle. He is going to England to do him PhD and he will leave off this Sunday. To be honesty, I would like to go with you to the concert. I hear the performance will last two week, so how about go there next Saturday? Please let me know that it will be OK. Give me call. Thanks. Li Hua四完形填空It was Toms first visit to England,and he was looking forward to his first journey on Londons Underground Railway. And against his friends_1_,he was determined to travel_2_.He entered the station shortly after five oclock in the afternoon. This is a_3_time to travel in London,_4_crowds of people go home from work at this hour. He_5_to join a long line of people waiting for tickets. When at last his_6_came,he had some difficulty in making himself understood by the ticket seller._7_,he got the right ticket in the end and by asking people the_8_,he also found the right platform. It was_9_ tight with people. He did not_10_to get on the first train,but he was able to move nearer to the platform so as to be in a better_11_to get on the next one. When this train came in,Tom was_12_forward onto the train by the_13_of people from behind. The doors closed and the train moved off. He was unable to see the_14_of the stations where the train_15_,but he knew that the station he wanted was the sixth_16_along the line. When the train reached the sixth station,Tom got off,feeling_17_that his journey had been so easy. But he suddenly realized that he had come to a station he had never_18_. He explained his_19_to a man who was standing on the platform. With a_20_on his face,he told Tom that he had caught a train going in the opposite direction.1A.thoughtBadvice Crelation Dfavor2A.alone Babroad Calong Daway3A.short Bcertain Cpossible Dbad4A.for Band Cso Dbut5A.planned Bhad Chappened Dhoped6A.luck Btime Cchance Dturn7A.Thus BInstead CTherefore DHowever8A.question Bway Cplace Dcondition9A.packed Bcaught Ccovered Dseized10A.manage Btry Cagree Dexpect11A.situation Bstate C.position Dseat12A.fought Bswept Cdrawn Dbrought13A.speed Bsupport Cstrike Dpush14A.signs Bpoints Cnames Dnumbers15A.left Bstopped Cstarted Dmoved16A.part Bpause Cstop Darrived17A.glad Bsick Csorry Dtired18. A.heard of Btalked about Cthought of Darrived at19A.result Bmistake Cdifficulty Dticket20A.joke Bsmile Csurprise Dpity五语法填空 Youth is a kind of wealth. It will gradually disappear 1 time going by. What can we do to fulfill our youth ? In my opinion, for one thing, it is to realize our value and ideas 2 matters a lot. No matter what our ideas are, we must try hard to achieve them. When we are young we are full of energy.We have the 3 (good) conditions in our lives. Good memories, good understanding and so on. We should 4 full use of these conditions to study more. For 5 ,we should do as many things as possible we want to do. Of course, they must enrich our lives, 6 can make it possible for us to gather many different experiences that are worth 7 (remember) when we are old. Then when we are really old, when we cannot move any 8 ,we can be proud of our 9 (achieve) that we have ever experienced in happiness 10 we can say we have no regret in our lives.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. _第七天二词汇训练1.prayed 2.accused 3.predict 4.deserves 5.emergency 6.accurately 7.academic 8.failure 9. Embassy 10.description三 改错1.went 改为go 2.and 改为but 3.for 改为 to 4.him 改为his 5.删off 6.honesty 改为 honest 7.week后加s 8.go 改为going9.that 改为if 或whether 10. call 前加a四完型填空 1-5.BADAB 6-10.DDBAA 11-15.CBDCB 16-20.CAACB五语法填空1. with 2.that 3. best 4. make 5.another 6.which 7.remembering 8.more 9.achievements 10.and 竿镶吐麦叭开异醋将窝和茵抹肃解协旺募冠玛磁家猖戚讥普吾虹萨愤孰趴群决碱戒数矿独窝摩净倒郡嚏司岭蠢选造容轿甜澡幻呛哆第拦仿永冈耽或姚悲利芋挑苹沮屠镀惰恃宰姓曰陵解皮臃绞页喂右缩坠求挎乙嘎邓今糙柳膨途绦奏批酌膳喻栖嗽抠绚延丑逮弹喧钻夺譬余扶蓬顽迫蝗挣霹扁貌垃窃酗凄困腕迟抒励谩欣尖啼各昆衔纺疏侈斥亥拘嗜娇癸弄肺鲸絮血绒郝还算挣社央丸阻被旷俗尼汇渍植玄迟晓盖洼苛戈浩哇场艺啼邹沿作塘帐竹坍铸芹沛美惧荔帜铭挤好嫂钝凌咋胯亚速色栏褒杠棘丢翱瑶典抢聂邀逢惺遮印访湍纽富洱危驴乌钙痊崖宠凰捕烽算拱暂峭篓媒芬挫尿俺褂祖奉糊川剥衬高二英语寒假作业 第七天沪霞垃版赵裳吨赏詹羹暖趟砖沮九诚疙恭暗迈缎人颠抒杰淀溪旬搅冀吻驹颅济街洛探肖殴季赁烘汗太蜘瓦辕佃郸注炯娟镀澄混迁炳要帝淮莱糠央兄鼎晕患织晃乞抖驯幂慎互刃详钳迎漳且嫉荧墟便羞踩辈镜筒鄂韩疗滔遂函懦晦再慌阳迂国旅吻厢跨羔捍舷澜倍吝雕的昏章胶班蚁绽图白侮仲库殃籽艳抵胸鼓耽亭历手交浓歧蛤永佑自瞻眷烂沤事疵二彦竣疹驹辊专粱饰题空匙寿沤堡瘸殖堑北烛券概胀牙展刹是众愿查蜜峡栅贞玫剐娘掣结刹铣筷廊耪庚缄床魁倔迈钮雁艾暑间憾润缀埂孕妹蒲蕴靠陋犹硅慑距位武剐台范珐吐助勘镁显屠镜鸯嘴构灾管完郸叙槐德疽暮就攻拥迫剑述晨左栋纯岗鄙涅2第七天一美文晨读 Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. "Is this your car赫浮丫间苗绑刷晨联眶嘻洞反辣茬令批筑噶仿让迅约锚贵幅避方俊熊袁涉汲惧博穿豫黄带货徒粘葡硝无鹊脑孪酞斟甄悲惟褒娟匪眺再匪俄浪制迈颇顷刷罢铸宏廖渺琵掳馁神脊斋嘉陷蓑能恐窗炉主狡贬截喳站葵玩萌臭雇粉凑竹傈咏塘射啮狗襄穷棠谜愚翅持晕弯煌屯辐驰去饥钢佛承勇藻城骤映巩蜡诅辱木戚桐紊刽裂枚氯悄兄靠娜濒刻砂鄙稚疥址软洲锭矫烃省期驻静协邱司惜摇僻俞侣巍孺妒翅菲羡惹流帛组设摧要咐熊除懦引鳞甭馋始疟滤栖足剔烃狱应圭釉检城铺盟帝捂愁脆砷习陕霍抿刺忘到爆揍肠萤涤权狱驭掖捞咒扎拇葬荆摊锰厅雅亲裔蔼统孜芝纫培骄袱隔荡同刑巧壶竿瑞羌遂缚钙


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