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    外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit3 语法专练(有答案).docx

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    外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit3 语法专练(有答案).docx

    外研版八年级下册Module9 Unit3 语法专练1、 用if, whether, when, 或how完成下列宾语从句1. Can you tell me _ we will have the meeting this afternoon?2. I cant say _ he will come on time or not. 3. She asked me _ I could help her with her English. 4. I really dont know _ you made the model ship by yourself. 5. Do you know _ the train leaves?Yes. It leaves at nine oclock. 二、单项选择6. If you read a lot, your life will be full _ pleasure. A. byB. of C. forD. with7. I didnt realize he was a famous scientist _ you told me. A. untilB. because C. since 8. Please write _ me and tell me _ yourself. A. to; toB. to; about C. about; toD. about; about9. How much do you know about Taiwan, Li Fen?Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in common. They _ a lot of history and culture. A. supportB. explain C. shareD. belong10. I wonder _. A. if the program Readers is popular B. how does the program Readers succeedC. when did the program Readers begin D. whether is the program Readers popular11. He did all this _ silence, and very rapidly.A. atB. in C. withD. of12. Vivian refuses _ her children to the weekend training centre for extra classes.A. to sendB. sending C. sentD. sends13. What a good _ youve given me! Thanks a lot. My pleasure.A. informationB. news C. suggestionD. advice14. Hello. This is Leo speaking. Is that John?Sorry, he isnt in. _A. Please hold on. B. May I take a message? C. What are you saying to him?15. Could you help me carry the chair to my office?_. Its a piece of cake. A. No problemB. Im afraid not C. Youre welcome三、用适当的介词填空16. Fish cant live _ water. 17. The woman walked into the room _ a smile on her face. 18. May I speak _ Jack, please?19. Lily often learns English _ listening to English songs. 20. I never forget where we met _ the first time. 四、用所给单词的适当形式填空21. Its very important to keep _ (read) English every morning. 22. When I walked past the classroom, I heard some girls _ (sing). 23. The best way _ (go) there is by bus. 24. Her words made me _(feel) quite warm and confident (有信心的). 25. The final exam is coming. Mike is _(worry) about it. 五、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词26. 自从中学毕业后我们一直保持联系。We have stayed _ _ since we finished high school. 27. 因为彼此间的一次争吵他们的友谊结束了。Their friendship _ _ _ _ because of an argument between them. 28. 那个袋子里装满了各种各样的玩具。The bag _ _ of all kinds of toys. 29. 请别挂断电话,牛先生马上就过来了。_ _ _, please. Mr. Niu is coming soon. 30. 昨天孩子们在公园放风筝很开心。The children _ _ flying kites in the park yesterday. 六、将下列各句合并为含有宾语从句的复合句。31. What is Lucy good at? Can you tell me?Can you tell me_ _ _ good at?32. I want to know. Can they go swimming next Sunday?I want to know _ they can go swimming next Sunday. 33. Why is he late for school? I dont know. I dont know _ _ _ late for school. 34. When did he buy this bike? Do you know?Do you know _ _ _ this bike?35. Did Tom tell you? He finished his homework. Did Tom tell you _ _ _ his homework?七、阅读理解:Five years ago, my mother gave birth to a brother for me when I was 8. I have learned a lot from getting along with him. After he was born, I almost became a babysitter. I had to amuse him after school. I would make faces and sing to him when he was crying. Sometimes I even carried him everywhere in our yard to refresh him while my parents were busy. What I liked to do best was to feed him when looking after him. How cute he was as he tasted his favorite food! My parents often praised me happily, “As an elder brother, youve made contributions to looking after your younger brother. ”I have got happiness from sharing. When I was young, I was the only child in my family. I could get what I wanted from my parents and get my parents whole love. I was a “Little Emperor”. But now, as long as I get something good, I will share it with him. I remembered the year when he was three, he was fond of(喜欢) Rubiks cubes (魔方). I bought one for him with my lucky money as a birthday present. When he got the toy, he was so happy that he laughed, hugged me and said, “Brother, I love you!”Thanks for spending these years together with my family. It has taught me what responsibility(责任) means, what unselfishness(无私)means and what friendship means. Not only should I look after myself, but also I should pay attention to my family and my friends. 36. The underlined word “amuse” in the second paragraph means _. A. 开他玩笑B. 令他开心C. 令他生气D. 令他讨厌37. When looking after his younger brother, the writer did the following EXCEPT_. A. carrying him everywhereB. making faces and singing to him C. feeding him D. telling stories to him38. How old was the writer when he bought the birthday present for his younger brother?A. 3.B. 8. C. 11.D. 1339. Before his younger brother was born, the writer _. A. was a babysitter in his familyB. was a “Little Emperor” in his family C. cooked for his family D. bought a Rubiks cube for himself40. If you have a brother or a sister in your family, you might learn to be_ from the passage. A. responsibleB. selfish C. lonelyD. puzzled答案:一、1. if/whether2. whether3. if/whether4. how5. when二、6. B 7. A8. B9. C10. A11. B 12. A13. C14. B15. A三、16. without17. with18. to19. by20. for四、21. reading22. singing23. to go24. feel25. worried五、26. in touch27. came to an end28. is full29. Hold the line30. had fun六、 31. what Lucy is32. if33. why he is34. when he bought35. that he finished七、36. B37. D38. C39. B40. A


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