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    人教版英语七年级下册期中复习 任务型阅读专练(有答案).doc

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    人教版英语七年级下册期中复习 任务型阅读专练(有答案).doc

    期中复习 任务型阅读专练一、Nick has a busy day today.Its Sunday.Nick doesnt go to school today.But he gets up early at 6:00.He runs for an hour.Then he has breakfast with his family .He likes eggs and hamburgers for breakfast.After breakfast,he does his homework.He finishes his homework at 10:30.Mother cooks lunch.After lunch,Mother,Father and Nick go shopping in the afternoon.His parents buy a pair of new shoes for him.After supper,they watch TV together.Nick goes to bed at 10:00.He is busy but happy today.根据短文内容回答问题1.How long does Nick run?_2.What do Nick and his parents do in the afternoon?_3.Does Nick go to school today?_4.What does his parents buy for him?_5.How does Nick feel today?_1.For an hour. 2.They go shopping in the afternoon.3.No,he doesnt. 4.They buy a pair of shoes for him.5.He feels busy but happy.二、Every day Tim gets up at five thirty and then goes to take a shower. After that he makes breakfast for him and his wife (妻子), Betty. For breakfast, Tim has milk and bread and Betty has an egg and some salad. After breakfast, Tim goes to work. He is a train driver (列车司机) and he loves his job.Tim starts working at seven oclock and drives trains on the London Underground. He usually works from Monday to Friday, but he sometimes works on weekends, too. At about one oclock he has lunch. He eats sandwiches (三明治). After lunch he works to four oclock and then he goes home.In the evening Tim watches TV with Betty and plays games with his baby son, Ben. At ten he goes to bed. He usually reads books for half an hour in bed. He thinks reading is a good habit.根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。1. What does Tim have for breakfast? 2. Whats Tims job? 3. How many days does Tim usually work a week? 4 . When does Tim finish his work? 5 . What does Tim usually do in bed in the evening? 1. Milk and bread.2. A train driver. 3. Five.4. At four oclock in the afternoon.5. He reads books.三、One day a farmer goes out for a walk with his daughter. The farmer puts on a pair of wrong shoes-one with a thick sole(鞋底) and the other with a thin one. 1 . When he is just out of the house, he runs to his daughter and asks, “ Why is one of my legs longer than the other today?”The daughter looks at his fathers legs carefully as he is walking, and then laughs, “Oh, no, Daddy, your legs are all right. 2 .”The farmer is very happy to hear that and says to himself, “What a clever daughter!” 3 .The farmer has only two pairs of shoes. When the daughter runs back to the house, 4 . She has to go back to his father with nothing in her hands and says out of breath, “Its no use changing them, Daddy! 5 .把A-E五个句子分别填入空缺处,使补全后的短文完整正确。A. The shoes at home are not a pair, either.B. You are putting on the wrong shoes.C. Then he asks his daughter to go back and get the other pair of shoes for him.D. So when he begins to walk, he feels very uncomfortable(不舒服的).E. she finds that the other pair is also a pair of wrong shoes.DBCEA四、The Smiths are from England. They are in Beijing now. Mr. Smith is a driver. He works in a factory. He gets up early every day, so he is never late. He works very hard. He likes to make friends. Mrs. Smith is a teacher. She teaches English in a village school. Its about 10 kilometers from her home. She often goes to work by bus. She teaches English very well and her students like her class. They think her class is interesting. Mrs. Smith also loves her students. She thinks they are all good kids. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have a daughter. Her name is Jenny. She is a middle school student. She studies in Xinhua Middle School. Her school is not far from their house. So she usually walks to school. But sometimes she gets up late and she has to ride her bike. She is never late for class. Jenny is good all English, She usually helps her friends with their English. Her teacher thinks she is a good student. All students like her. The Smiths are very happy in China. They think China is great and Chinese people are very friendly. (1)What is Mr. Smiths job? (2)How far is it from Mrs. Smiths school to her home? (3)How does Jenny usually go to school? (4)Is Jennys school far from her home? (5)What do the Smiths think of China? (1)He is a driver. (2)Its about 10 kilometers. (3)She usually walks to school.(4)No, it isnt. (5)They think its great./Its great.五、The new school term is coming. Now the school clerks are planning a new timetable for Class 5,Grade 7.There are six classes every day,four in the morning and two in the afternoon. The students have a math class every day. And they have seven English classes in a week. Two of them are given by a foreign teacher and should be arranged (安排) together on Thursday morning.There are five Chinese classes in a week. Two of them should also be arranged one after the other for the students to write their compositions.They have two physics classes in a week but on different days. Besides these,there is an art class every Wednesday afternoon.Its necessary and important for students to take enough exercise. So they have two PE classes every week. And they can do outdoor activities after school every afternoon.阅读短文内容后,将下面的课程表补充完整。 DatePeriodMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayOneEnglish 2 EnglishbiologyChineseTwoEnglishpoliticsChinesemath 5 ThreeChineseChinesemathEnglishmathFourmathPEchemistry 4 politicsFive 1 EnglishphysicsPEEnglishSixhistoryclass meeting 3 geographychemistryoutdoor activities 1.physics 2.math 3.art 4.English 5.Chinese 六、It is a fine day today.Its my lucky day and all my family and friends are here.They have fun seeing me in the Beijing Opera.Im standing in front of all my schoolmates and teachers.I am the main actor.Im wearing a special and traditional clothes.Uncle Mike is taking photos of me,and Aunt Emma is watching my acting(表演) happily.The band is playing special music for Beijing Opera.My parents are watching my acting,too,and my sister is dancing with me in the opera.My sister Jane and her friend Tony are sitting on the front seats.Theyre eating snacks and talking about my shows.Our grandparents are drinking orange juice and watching the Beijing Opera carefully because it is their favorite.They think its the traditional treasure of our country.1.Who is taking photos of the writer?(不超过5个词)2.Where is Tony sitting?(不超过5个词)3.What do the writers grandparents think of Beijing Opera?(不超过10个词)1.Uncle Mike.2.On the front seat.3.They think it is the traditional treasure of our country.


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