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    冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 4:Lesson 22 Travel On The Internet. 教学设计.doc

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    冀教版英语八年级下册Unit 4:Lesson 22 Travel On The Internet. 教学设计.doc

    Lesson 22 Travel on the Internet 教学设计【教材分析】本课属于冀教2011版英语八年级下册Unit4The Internet Connects Us。本单元围绕the Internet展开话题,谈论因特网的用途、使用利弊,并引导学生正确网络。本课是这一单元的第四课Lesson22Travel on the Internet,是一篇阅读课文。本课讲述了一个女孩Jane利用博客在网上求得帮助,与众多热心网民一起,帮助癌症奶奶圆旅游梦的感人故事。学生通过学习本课,了解网络工具给人带来的益处,并学会在日常生活中巧用网络工具来解决问题或帮助他人。【学情分析】单就旅行和上网而言,学生们并不陌生。但“网上旅游”对绝大部分学生而言,还是一个很新奇的概念。“网上旅游”是怎么一回事?大家是如何利用网络帮癌症奶奶实现旅游梦的?在所学基础上,同学们可以利用网络为癌症奶奶做些什么?本课围绕这三个疑问开展教学活动,学生的学习兴趣浓,课堂参与积极性高。【教学目标】语言能力:掌握新学词汇如:receive, cancer, blessing, pyramid, Egypt, a dream of, all over the world.利用思维导图,复述文章。思维品质:理解如何利用网络实现“网上旅游”。了解网络的多种用途,并在平时的生活和学习中有意识地运用网络工具获取信息,解决问题。学习能力:巩固和提高学生的英语阅读技巧,如:skimming, scanning and guessing.使学生学习利用思维导图来理清文章的篇章构建、归纳主要内容。文化品格:通过启发,让学生意识到当我们在帮助别人的同时,自己也会收获到爱与快乐,进而培养学生乐于助人的品质。【教学重点、难点】教学重点:掌握新学词汇,训练阅读技能,理清文章脉络,归纳主要内容。教学难点:利用思维导图复述文章。挖掘文章的内涵:助人的同时,自己也获得快乐。【教学过程】I.Lead-in: Talk about activities on the Internet.1.Do you like using the Internet? 2.What do you usually do on the Internet? 3.What do I do on the Internet? Present my hobby: watching news on Weibo.设计意图:询问学生的上网爱好活动,激活学生的相关背景知识;引入我的上网爱好刷微博,引起学生的学习兴趣。. Pre-reading:Present a piece of news about Janes problem on Weibo.Q1:What kind of help does Jane need?Q2:How can we help her grandma see the world through pictures?设计意图:通过分享我看到的微博帖子,引入Jane的求助,设下疑问:如何帮奶奶通过图片来看世界?从而激发学生阅读文章的兴趣。. While-reading.Fast reading.1. Who traveled on the Internet?2. How did she travel on the Internet?Careful reading.a. Quick answer.1.Read para.1 and para.2 and answer the questions.1) Who does Jane love very much?2) What did Jane receive one day?3) What was the bad news ?4) What was Grandmas dream?5) Could Grandma travel herself? Why or why not?2.Ss summarize the main idea for Para 1& 2.Teacher write it down on the blackboard.b. Read para.3 and fill in the blanks.Ss summarize the main idea for Para 3.Teacher write it down on the blackboard.c. Read Para 4 and write down the places under the pictures.设计意图:以上几个任务均为对文本阅读的基础知识处理。学生通过回答问题,既了解了文章内容,也训练了相关阅读技能,如:略读、寻读、猜测词义等。d. Present the map of the world and ask students: Where are these places on the map?Present Grandmas pictures of travel. Ask students: How did she visit these places?设计意图:呈现世界地图,让学生在世界地图上找出这五个景点,图文的直观呈现,能够加深学生对景点所在国家的印象;呈现奶奶的“旅游照”,更易于学生理解visit the places through pictures。e. Read Para 5 and answer the questions.1.What did Grandma say when Jane showed her the pictures?2.How did Jane and Grandma feel at that moment?3.How might those people feel after they helped Jane and Grandma?f. Tell students: When we help people in need, they feel happy and so do we. They get help and love from us while we get thanks and satisfaction as well as love. So if we can, we should always offer to help.Ss summarize the main idea for Para 4&5.Teacher write it down on the blackboard.设计意图:挖掘文章内涵,让学生领悟出“助人为乐”的内涵:帮助别人,别人获得快乐的同时自己也得到了快乐。因此,我们应该尽我所能,多帮助他人。同时,为读后两个活动:复述文章以及为Grandma制作电子相册做铺垫。. Post-reading.a. Lets retell the story to let more people know this touching story and learn from it. Q: Why could Grandmas dream come true?Its because of the Internet and love.b. Present a short electronic album I made about Grandmas travel through pictures.Do you like this album? I want to send it to Grandma, but the photos in it are not enough. Can you help me make more photos of Grandmas travel?c. Group work of six.“An Album of Grandmas travel through pictures” Choose a place of interest from the four pictures and put Grandmas photo on it. Then under the picture, write down some information about this place to let Grandma know about it. Finally, send your wishes and blessings to her. d. Present their group work.设计意图:复述环节培养学生利用思维导图开展复述的学习策略;制作奶奶“网上旅游”电子相册素材的读后活动,充分调动了学生的兴趣,学生在选择图片后,要写上关于该地的简介以及对奶奶的祝福。在此过程中,锻炼了学生在真实语境中对英语的运用能力。V. Summary and homework.a.Summary.The Internet makes the world smaller. With love, it brings people closer together. In this way, the Internet connects us.b.Homework.1.Write your own stories about helping others by using the Internet.2.Or make a plan for helping others using the Internet.【板书设计】【教学反思】本节课围绕一条故事线Grandmas travel on the Internet,两个问题How did Grandma visit lots of places? What else can we do on the Internet to make her happier?展开教学活动。从同学们熟悉的网络爱好看微博切入Grandmas problem,吸引学生的阅读兴趣。在读中环节慢慢引导学生挖掘文本内涵:奶奶的圆梦是因为爱与因特网的存在。在爱的力量下,因特网使世界各地的人彼此互联。读后小组活动为奶奶制作电子相册极大地调动了学生们的学习积极性,并锻炼了学生在真实语境下对语言的灵活驾驭能力。整堂课学生学习兴趣浓,参与度也较高。4


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