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    2020年宁波市普通高中保送生模拟测试英语试卷5一、完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)Have you ever been on a bus when someone answered a telephone _1_? Have you ever been in a taxi when the driver always _2_ the horn or talked on the _3_? You probably answer “yes”, but have you ever tried to _4_ for a moment and listen to the silence? Probably not. Silence is a thing to which many of us pay little attention. Today many of us are too busy to _5_ the small things in life, including silence. With the development of economy, we are always _6_ by noise and sometimes we cant realize how noise affects us, but it really changes _7_ we talk and listen to each other. Because we are so used to noise, we forget to be _8_ when there finally is no noise. _9_ is often the case, when there is no noise, we want to utter something to _10_ the silence. It seems funny that we are afraid of these moments _11_ there is no talking, and we call for the awkward noise because we feel uncomfortable. But in fact silence can be better than noise, and we need to appreciate it. Some of my friends asked why I didnt talk much. _12_ I like talking, but I dont like pushing away silence by talking because I appreciate the beauty of silence. I believe in what one of my friends ever said, “Do not talk unless you can _13_ upon silence.” So _14_ time when you are on a bus or in a taxi, remember to appreciate the silence you _15_ later on some day. 1. A. aloud B. loudly C. talkatively D. freely 2. A. beat B. knocked C. pressed D. alarmed 3. A. radio B. TV C. front D. way 4. A. stand B. wait C. hesitate D. stop 5. A. notice B. consider C. mind D. appreciate 6. A. bothered B. surrounded C. disturbed D. troubled 7. A. why B. what C. which D. how 8. A. quiet B. still C. thankful D. confident 9. A. It B. As C. Such D. Like 10. A. take in B. pick up C. fill up D. turn down 11. A. when B. that C. where D. why 12. A. However B. But C. Though D. In fact 13. A. fix B. talk C. change D. improve 14. A. every B. next C. last D. another 15. A. come across B. come about C. come up D. come to 二、阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分)第一节:阅读下列短文,选出最佳选项。(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)(A)The answer to protecting and saving marine(海洋) wildlife can start with cutting back on something Americans use every dayplastic drinking straws. Actor Adrien Grenier, best known for playing Vincent Chase in 2015 movie Entourage, has launched a campaign to reduce the amount of single-use plastic usage in this country in order to protect and save marine wildlife and the environment. Plastic drinking straws are among many single-use plastic products contributing to the shocking loss of marine life, but theyre a great place to start because theyre something Americans are using by the hundreds of millions without any awareness that theyre so damaging.According to Ecocycle, an international environmental organization, Americans use more than 500 million straws daily, which are enough to fill 127 school buses each day, and they cant be recycled. They means plastic straws end up in landfills or oceans, where fish and other marine wildlife mistake the small bits for food and swallow them. After seeing a photo of a whale beached on the shore with a belly full of plastic, Grenier felt the inspiration to launch the Lonely Whale Foundation, hoping to inspire and educate others on the challenges facing marine life.Along with stopping the use of straws, Grenier hopes to educate consumers on the dangers of other single-use plastic items such as grocery bags and water bottles. While many Americans use these plastic products in their daily life, there are more sustainable alternatives that can help protect the environment. Ecocycle recommends the use of straws made from stainless steel, glass, and even bamboo instead of plastic. You can buy a number of these environmentally friendly straws online and in stores.16What initially contributed to the start of Greniers campaign?A. Plastic straws in landfills. B. A picture of a dead whale.C. The severe damage done to the sea. D. The disappearance of some species under the sea.17What is the primary purpose of the Lonely Whale Foundation?A. To advocate a green lifestyle. B. To promote Greniers latest movie.C. To save precious natural resources. D. To encourage people to protect ocean life.18Ecocycle advises people to use straws that are _.A. easy to recycle B. convenient to useC. special to marine life D. harmless to the environmentBWhen you were young, ginger ale(姜味汽水)may have been a popular choice for reducing the unpleasant feelings caused by your upset stomach on the road to get to school. For years, ginger has been used to reduce the effects of nausea(作呕). But do you know its now also being looked at to fight cancer?Scientists have discovered that ginger can kill cancerous cells in two different ways. On the one hand, ginger causes the cancer cells to “commit suicide” by destroying themselves while leaving the surrounding healthy cells untouched. Ginger can prevent the growth of diseased cells by destroying the environment they grow in. On the other hand, ginger tricks the diseased cells and causes them to fight among themselves. Researchers are now looking into one of the toughest cancers to fight. However, scientists find repeated treatment of disease by drugs can actually lose its effectiveness over time as the cancer builds up resistance(抵抗力)to the same treatment. This raises researchers confidence that ginger would help stop resistance from the cancer.In a study, the cancer clearly stopped growing in the body of the mice that had been given ginger. The bad news is that such encouraging research has only been conducted on mice. The good news, however, is that it seems humans might be able to get the same benefit just by eating products with ginger and ginger root in them.Cancer prevention and fighting abilities arent the only potential benefits you may get from adding a bit more ginger to your diet.Drinking ginger ale when your stomach was upset as a child wasnt just a placebo(安慰剂).Numerous studies and research, including the Mayo Clinics strict grading system, agree that ginger has some sort of anti-nausea characteristics.Some believe that ginger works well against nausea after operations, while others use it to reduce motion sickness such as seasickness and car sickness. The Mayo Clinic, however, advises the use of ginger only to reduce nausea during pregnancy. While more research needs to be done, early studies are very promising, especially in that small amounts of ginger dont seem to do any harm to the mother or baby.Other health benefits from ginger exist as well. Since ginger is often considered to be useful in warming bodies, it can improve the condition of peoples joints including knees and ankle joints. Some suggest that ginger can help cure a cough associated with the common cold. Another benefit of ginger is that it seems to have no real side effects, which is one of the main reasons it appears to be safe during pregnancy.But for safety, you should always consult a doctor for instructions on daily use before starting, even with something like ginger that seems to have little to no side effects.19We can learn from the third paragraph that_.Aginger works well only for warm-blooded animalsBginger and its root have the same effect on humans as miceCpeople are likely to gain great benefit by having gingerDthe research on ginger is promised to be carried out only on mice20What is the text mainly about?AGingers medicinal effects. BThe benefits of ginger ale.CA new discovery about ginger. DDetailed research on ginger.21What will most probably be talked about following the text?AHow to use ginger in daily life. BProducts made from ginger.CGingers growing environment. DWhy ginger can warm bodies.COn Christmas Day, 2003, a woman named Nancy Sue Brown took her daughter and grandchildren to see a movie at an AMC theater. When the movie was over, the crowd made for the exits. A theater employee had just finished mopping the hallway and dutifully placed the “wet floor” sign in the slippery area. No one slipped due to the wet conditions, but someone did manage to knock over the sign. And by the time Ms. Brown got to the area, the sign was lying on the floor. And shortly thereafter, so was she. Her foot got caught in the sign, in a bad way, and she fell. Unfortunately Ms. Brown had undergone a back operation, and the fall caused more damage than it otherwise would have. So she and her husband sued (提起诉讼).AMC argued that the entire point of the “wet floor” sign above was to warn of danger, and therefore, courts should encourage the use by not allowing Browns case to proceed(继续进行). AMC referred to a case about a December, 1998 incident, where a “wet floor” sign, not in use, fell to the floor causing another trip-and- fall. In that case, Georgias Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the store, but didnt go so far as to say that “wet floor signs couldnt give rise to legal liability (责任) in trip-and-fall accidents. In the Brown case, the Supreme Court therefore rejected AMCs argument that the former case appliedBut the Browns argued something surprising that the “wet floor” sign was, itself, dangerous, because “using this type of sign in areas passed by lots of customers creates an unreasonable risk of foreseeable harm to the public in the form of tripping hazards(危险).” Thats rightthe safety sign, used in the way it was designed, was itself dangerous. The court thankfully didnt accept that argument, at least not entirely. But it did conclude that Browns case could continue to a jury(陪审团)- “a merchants selection and use of equipment designed to warn customers of one danger that have the potential to expose them to a different one.”22. According to the text, Ms. Brown _. A. slipped on the wet floor B. tripped over a warning sign C. knocked over a warning sign D. was knocked down by the crowd23. AMC mentioned the 1998 case in order to_. A. accept its legal liability for Ms. Browns loss B. prove MS. Brown had some physical problems C. stress that it had no legal liability for the accident D. prove other customers were responsible for the accident24. What can we learn about the Brown case from the last paragraph? A. It would be judged by jury. B. It would not be allowed to proceed C. The court would rule in favor of AMC. D. The court accepted all the arguments of the Browns.25. The underlined word “one” in the last paragraph refers to “_” A. danger B. customer C. business owner D. equipment in public places第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Little Habits Make a Big DifferenceEverything around us is changing at amazing speed, it seems-but some things will always remain the same. _26 Some of our daily habits have the power to always give us happiness and lead toward success. Here are some little habits that can make a big difference:1. 27 Many studies have linked early rising with success. An early morning wake-up carries benefits including better planning and anticipation(预料)of problems, and more time to the things that make you happy.2. Happiness comes to those who are curious. 28 As long as you live, there will always be something to learn, and as long as you follow your heart and your passions, you wont miss out on learning.3. Believe in yourself and all that you are. 29 Confidence is the key to successthe thing that lets you look at the past without regret, stay grounded in the present, and prepare for the future without fear.4. A day well spent gets you a good night sleep. Enough sleep makes you feel healthier and happier, and its more than lifting up your or removing exhaustion(疲惫). Adequate sleep is a key part of your health and inner happiness. 30 It doesnt take a huge effort to make a significant change in your life-using one or two tiny habits may be all you need. Get started today and youll soon be experiencing the rewards.A. Thats why habits are so powerful.B. The ground work of all happiness is good health.C. Early to rise makes you healthy, wealthy, and wise.D. The habit of respect means treating everyone with kindness.E. Nothing will ever make you happier than having faith in yourself.F. When you rest better, you can live better and achieve more happinessG. There is no stage in life when we cant be learning something valuable三、语法填空(每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。On many campuses, it has become a trend for a host of students to participate in various 31_ (activity). Involved in some positive ones, students find them quite 32_ (benefit) and rewarding.A case in point is the English club 33_ the activity of learning benefits me most. In contemporary world, English learning has gained great popularity and it is 34_ great importance for students to learn English well. However, I 35 (meet) a variety of difficulties in study so far. For instance, I have trouble 36 (memorize) words. Sometimes, it is also difficult for me to understand the rules of grammar. Although I can read and write, I cannot express myself freely in English.Then, how to get a good command of his language for me? I 37 (convince) that practice makes perfect and that joining the English club is worthwhile. In the English club, daily practice enables me 38 (speak) and write fluently. It is also through constant practice 39 I can master the rules of grammar and remember words. I will bear in mind that 40 I try my best to practice every day, the future of my English learning will be promising.四、书面表达 (共1小题,满分20分)假如你是Lingling,你的学校将要在11月份接待一批新西兰来杭州交流的师生,学校根据他们以下反馈表,决定安排他们去100公里外的许村游玩。但是自行车来回路程需要8-9小时,权衡利弊,需要调整交通工具这项内容,请你发邮件给对方带队老师Mr. Black 做好说明,沟通工作。新西兰学校学生反馈表A One-day TourActivity you like( ) Learn about Chinese education( ) See beautiful sights() Learn about Chinese cultureYour opinion: We should change the transportation(给出调整的理由)The place you like( ) A school () A village ( ) A museum Transportation you like( ) On foot () By bike ( ) By busOther needs( ) No () Yes-What is


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