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    七年级上英语测试题unit5-6一、 单项选择。(20分)( )1. _ you like ice cream? A. Are B. Am C. Does D. Do( )2. _ play table tennis. K A. Let B. Lets C. Lets D. Its( )3. does your father have lunch? Chicken and tomatoes. A. What; for B. What; / C. How; for D. How; /( )4. Lucy, can you help me? . A. Excuse me B. Sure C. You are right D. No, I cant( )5. Peter with his friends soccer every afternoon. A. play B. plays C. playing D. plays the( )6. Happy birthday to you. _ A. The same to you .B. Happy birthday. C. Youre welcomeD. Thank you.( )7. Does your friend like salad? _. A. Yes, she like. B. No, she does. C. Yes, she doesnt D. No, she doesnt.( )8. Does your English teacher play basketball very _ ? Yes, She does.A. good B. nice C. great D. well( )9. David, what do you think _ this birthday dinner? Great! A. onB. to C. up D. about( )10. Lets _ baseball. OK. Lets _. A. play; go B. plays; go C. play; to go D. play; goes( )11. I eat some _ every day. A. orange B. oranges C. chickens D. carrot( )12. I eat some vegetables, like _. A. chicken B. eggs C. tomatoes D. hamburgers( )13. Lee is a _ star. A. sport B. sports C. sporting D. English( )14. Bob wants to eat _ apple after dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. some( )15. Can you play volleyball? No, I cant. It is very . A. goodB. nice C. difficult D. fun( )16. Lets now. A. to have dinner B. has dinner C. have the dinner D. have dinner( )17. What _ she have _ dinner? A. do; in B. does; for C. is; at D. can; to( )18There is some _ on the table. A. tomatoes B. egg C. chicken D. bananas( )19. Jim is a healthy boy, he has a good . A. eat habits B. eating habit C. eating habits D. eatting habits( )20. We need(需要) some _ every day A. healthy food B. salads C. milks D. vegetable二、 完形填空。(30分)ALook at this picture. This is a photo 21 my family. There are 22 people in the picture. They are my 23 , my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father is a teacher, My mother is a teacher, too. Theyre in 24 school. The _25 beside (在旁边) my mother is my brother. He 26 play sports, he only watches them on TV. The girl near(在附近)my mother is my 27 . She likes vegetables and fruit, and she often plays volleyball,so she is very 28 . Everyone likes 29 very much. Who is the boy in the middle? Ah! It is 30 . I love my family very much.( )21. A. for B. on C. of D. in ( )22. A. seven B. six C. five D. three( )23. A. mother B. father C. grandfather D. grandmother ( )24. A. same B. the some C. the same D. two( )25. A. girl B. boy C. son D. man ( )26. A. likes B. dont C. doesnt D. often( )27. A. aunt B. sister C. daughter D. cousin ( )28. A. happy B. healthyC. easy D. fat( )29. A. her B. she C. shes D. he ( )30. A. I B. me C. my D. mineBMy name is Bill. I 31 two sisters. They 32 Emma and Sally. We have 33 at home(家). 34 breakfast, we all drink(喝) milk. Emma and Sally 35 eggs, but I do.I like 36 for breakfast, too. We have lunch at school. I like hamburgers with(带有) 37 , but they dont. They like hamburgers with 38 . We all(都) have dinner at home. Emma and I eat 39 salad, but Sally 40 . She likes carrots. We often eat fruit after dinner.( )31. A. have B. has C. like D. likes ( )32. A. be B. am C. is D. are( )33. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. food ( )34. A. At B. With C. Have D. For( )35. A. likes B. like C. dont like D. doesnt like ( )36. A. bread B. breads C. chickens D. tomato( )37. A. chickens B. a chicken C. the chicken D. chicken ( )38. A. a vegetable B. vegetables C. carrot D. salads( )39. A. some B. a C. one D. any ( )40. A. does B. doesnt C. do D. likes三、补全对话(5分)从方框内选出合适的句子完成对话A. Lets play volleyball.B. But I dont like to play football.C. Hi! Nice to meet you, too.D. Sounds good.E. Its relaxing for me.F. Do you have a basketball?G. Do you like sports?A: Hello, Mike! Nice to meet you.B: 41 Tony!A: Oh, you have a volleyball! 42B: Yes, I do. I like volleyball. 43 Its too difficult.A: I like to play football. And I like volleyball, too. 44B: Do you join(参加) volleyball club(俱乐部)?A: Yes, I do.B: I join volleyball club, too. 45A: OK. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45.四、 阅读理解(30分)ATom:Good evening, Mum. Mum:Good evening, Tom.Tom:Do we eat chicken for dinner, Mum?Mum:No, we eat fish and carrots, dear.Tom:Mum, I dont like carrots. I like chicken.Mum:But we need more(更多) vegetables, not only meat(肉). Its not healthy to eat chicken every day.Tom:OK. But dad likes chicken, too.Mum:Well, lets eat chicken and tomatoes tomorrow(明天).Tom:That sounds great!( )46. What do they eat for dinner? A. Chicken. B. Carrots. C. Carrots and fish. D. Fish.( )47. What does Tom want to eat for dinner? A. Fish. B. Chicken. C. salad. D. Carrots.( )48. What do they need to eat more? A. Chicken. B. Meat. C. Vegetables. D. Fish.( )49. Does Toms father like chicken? A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he does. C. We dont know. D. No, he does.( )50. What will they eat tomorrow? A. Fish and carrots.B. Chicken and fish. C. Chicken and carrots.D. Tomatoes and chicken.BJane is a school girl. She is twelve(12). She studies(学习)at a middle school. She is in Grade Seven. She is a good girl. Jane gets up(起床)at seven in the morning. Then she has her breakfast. For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk. She doesnthave tea for breakfast.After breakfast Jane goes to school. At twelve she comes home (家)from school. She has lunch with her mother. For lunch she has hamburgers and salad. She likes salad, but she doesnt like hamburgers.At seven she has dinner with her father and mother. They have chicken and vegetables. Her father likes chicken, but Jane doesnt.( )51. Jane is a school girl in _. A. a library B. a middle school C. China D. Class Four, Grade Seven( )52. Jane has _ for breakfast. A. eggs and a cup of milk B. eggs and tea C. tea and milkD. vegetables( )53. Jane have lunch_. A. at school B. at home C. with her mother and father D. after breakfast( )54. Jane likes to eat_ for lunch. A. hamburgers B. milk C. salad D. eggs( )55.Who likes chicken? _ does. A. her mother B. Jane C. her father D. Yes, sheCI have some good friends. Jim is English. He likes tomatoes and milk. Lucy and Lily are Americans. They like eggs and orange juice. Li Hong, Wei Hua and I are Chinese. Li Hong likes rice and chicken. Wei Hua likes chicken, too. But I dont like it. I like bananas and hamburgers very much. Now I know hamburgers are not healthy food and Coke isnt a healthy drink(饮料).( )56. What does Jim like to have? A. Eggs and oranges. B. rice and chicken. C. Fish and tomatoes. D. Tomatoes and milk.( )57. What do Lucy and Lily like eating and drinking(喝)? A. Eggs and milk. B. rice and Coke. C. Eggs and orange juice. D. Hamburgers and orange juice.( )58. Li Hong and Wei Hua like _ . A. rice B. chicken C. bananas D. meat( )59. I like _ very much.A. hamburgers and bananas B. hamburgers and chicken C. tomatoes and milk D. tomatoes and apples( )60. students(学生) are there in the passage (短文)? A. Six B. Five C. Four D. Seven五、填空(5分)61. He likes _(banana). 62.Tony _(not like) eggs. 63.Where _ (be) the vegetables? 64. My brothers _ ( play) baseball at school. 65. _Jim _ (like) a ping-pong ball ?六、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)66.Do you have a ping-pong _(拍)? 67. Lets play _ (排球). 68. Children should have _ (健康的)food. 69. He often _ (看) TV on weekends.70. Does your sister often play _ (运动)? 71. Do you eat (水果) after dinner?72. I dont play sports, I (仅仅)watch them on TV? 73. Tom thinks playing volleyball is (困难的).74. The star eats very (好). 75. Tomatoes are good (蔬菜).七、同步语法:(共20分)A) 用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)76. I like _ (apple) and _ (salad). But my brother likes _ (tomato).77. _ Linda _ (like) playing tennis? Yes. She often (play) tennis with Cindy.78. Let Mary (play) soccer, its good for (she). 79. He is a (sport) star and he eats . (good)80. We want to have some (bread)_. (strawberry)B) 句型转换(10分)81. Tom likes salad for breakfast. (改否定句) Tom for breakfast.82. My brother likes hamburgers. (改成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ _ brother hamburgers? Yes, .83. The girls like fruit and ice cream. (对划线部分提问) _ _the girls like?84. Mary has milk and bread for breakfast(对划线部分提问) _?85. they, for, rice, eat, dinner (连成一个句子) _.八、根据所给汉语完成英语句子(10分)86.Bill喜欢汉堡包.Bill _ _. 87.他喜欢沙拉吗? _ he _ salad?88. 那位排球明星经常吃很多健康食品。The volleyball star often much_ food.89.他的妹妹喜欢蔬菜吗?不,不喜欢。Does his sister like vegetables? No, .90. 咱们晚饭吃西红柿和鸡蛋吧。 Lets have and eggs dinner.九、书面表达 (20分)根据表格中的提示,介绍你的朋友,不少于60词。NameJackclassClass 4, Grade 7foodhamburgers() chicken() apples()sportbasketball() volleyball()_七年级上英语测试题unit5-6答案一、 单项选择。(20分)15 DCABB 610 DDDDA1115 BCBBC 1620 DBCBA二、 完形填空。(30分)A) 用所给词的适当形式填空 (10分)2125 CCBCB 2630 CBBAB3135 ADADC 3640 ADBAB三、补全对话(5分)4145 CGBEA四、 阅读理解(30分)4650 CBCBD 5155 BABCC5660 DCBAA五、根据英标写单词(5分)61. healthy 62. interesting 63. classmate64. fruit 65. breakfast六、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(10分)66. bananas/ bread 67. cream 68. with 69. healthy70. habit 71. fruit 72. only 73. difficult74. well 75. vegetable七、同步语法:(共20分)76. apples, salad, tomatoes 77. Does, like; plays78. play, her 79. sports, well 80. bread, strawberriesB) 句型转换(10分)81. doesnt, like 82. Does, like; he, does 83. What, do84. What does Mary have for breakfast?85. They eat rice for dinner.八、根据所给汉语完成英语句子(10分)86. likes, hamburgers 87. Does, like 88. eats, healthy89. she, doesnt 90. tomatoes, for九、书面表达 (20分)根据表格中的提示,介绍你的朋友,不少于60词。略 第12页


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