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    英语:外研版九年级上Module 9 Cartoonstories(Book5).ppt

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    英语:外研版九年级上Module 9 Cartoonstories(Book5).ppt

    Module 9 Cartoon stories(Book5),Unit 1,We need someone like Superman who can save Tony,Task1:Complete the sentences with which, who or that.,who,that,that,who,which,which,Task3:Look and say,Snoopy,Spider man,Nemo,Ultraman,Garfield,Winnie,Shrek,Monkey King,Kitty,Superman,Lets call their names loudly!,Pockmon,Blue cat,Conan,Micky,Doraemon,Snow White,cartoon n. 卡通 flash n. 闪光,闪光灯 drawing n. 图画 word n. 言语 favourite n. 喜欢的东西/人 adj. 特别喜欢的 laughing adj. 可笑的 ending n. 结局,图画,可笑的,卡通,言语,喜欢的东西/人,闪光,drawing,laughing,cartoon,word,favourite,flash,结局,ending,定语从句,1.The cartoons(that /which) I like have lots of jokes.,2.This isnt one of those cartoons which make you laugh.,3.The characters (that /which) I like are heroes like Superman or Barman.,4.We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.,5.Ive got a camera which has got his name on it. = Ive got a camera with his name on it.,6hes lost the camera (that /which) he borrowed,7but perhaps itll be a cartoon which has a happy ending.,1.The cartoons (I like) have lots of jokes. 2.This isnt one of those cartoons (which make you laugh). 3.The characters (I like) are heroes like Superman or Batman. 4.We need someone like Superman (who can save Tony) 5.Ive got a camera (which has got his name on it). 6.but perhaps itll be a cartoon (which has a happy ending). 7.If Tony tells his father hes lost the camera (he borrowed), hell be in deep trouble,Language points,1.cartoon stories,卡通故事,2.make sb. laugh,使某人发笑,3.over there,在那边,4.have a word with sb.,与某人说话,5.go over,过来,复习,6.speak to sb.,和某人说话,7.be in deep trouble,有大麻烦,8.take a photo,拍照,9.Thats good news.,真是好消息。,10.no laughing matter 正经事,不是闹着玩的,Answer the questions:,What does Betty think the ending will be? 2. Why is the situation no laughing matter? 3. How do you think Superman can save Tony? 4.Who does Mr. Jackson give the camera to? 5. When will Tony possibly find out that his friends have got the camera? 6. Why does Betty says shell be Superman?,She thinks it will be happy.,Because she can save Tony like Superman.,He gives it to Daming.,I think he can give the camera to Tony.,When he sees the flash.,Because its serious.,1)Daming likes cartoons that _. 2)Mr.Jackson wants to have a word with Tony because _. 3)Tony will be in deep trouble if _ 4)The flash will show Tony that _ 5)The cartoon will have a happy ending because_.,Complete the sentences in own words.,have a lot of jokes.,has found his camera.,his father finds out that he lost the camera.,the camera has been found.,Tony wont get into trouble after all.,Complete the sentences in your own words :,cartoon character ending flash funny hero joke laugh news drawing save serious smart story,A _is a person who plays a part in a story, and the _ is the person who plays the main part. 2. A _ cartoon is one which doesnt make you _ , such as a _ of a news story. 3. A cartoon in which the hero saves someone is a story with a happy _. 4. A _ is a story you tell to make people laugh.,character,hero,serious,laugh,cartoon,ending,joke,Task11:Homework,1.Copy the new words. 2.Read the conversation and remember the language points. 3.Write your favourite cartoons.,Unit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.,Unit two There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.,Vocabulary:,heaven n. 天空mess n. 杂乱private adj. 私人的; 秘密的lovable adj. 可爱的favourite n. 喜欢的东西/人 adj. 特别喜欢的lead n. 领导common adj. 常用的cute adj. 漂亮的monster n. 怪物handbage n. (女用)手提包,rule v. 统治surface n. 表面peach n. 桃子boss n. 老板,雇主 Belgian adj. 比利时的 n. 比利时人cartoonist n. 卡通画家 series n. 系列experience v. 逝世的,1. The little boy believes his mum has gone to the h_. 2. Can I talk to you in p_ 3. In the park there are flowers e_. 4. Who will l_ the team in the sports meeting? 5. This is not a special expression, its very c_. 6. 71% of the s_ of the earth is covered with water. 7. He had many funny e_ in China.,eaven,rivate,verywhere,ead,ommon,urface,xperiences,中国英语教师网,Answer the questions about the cartoons characters.,Nemo; Shrek; the Monkey King; Tintin; Snoopy What country do they come from? Are they recent cartoons or old cartoons?,21,中国英语教师网,Snoopy,Shrek,Tintin,Monkey King,Nemo,Tsak5:Read the passage and answer the questions.(Activity3),Paragraph1 Q1:Who is Nemo? Q2:Who is Shreck? Q3:Are they popular in the word?,A cute orange-and-white fish.,A huge green monster,Yes, they are.,Do you know the names of the following cartoons?,The _ _fish is called Nemo.,Shrek is a _ green _. He has _ a princess.,Where can you see the heroes of popular cartoons?,We can see them on office desks, handbags, and computer screens.,cute,orange-white,monster,won the heart of,everywhere,huge,P1,Shrek 赢得了年轻人的心。(大受欢迎) 这些受欢迎的卡通英雄人物随处可见。,Shrek _ the young people.,The heroes of popluar cartoons _ _on office desks, handbags and computer screens.,has won the hearts of,are,everywhere,Paragraph 2: Q1:Which cartoon is the Monkey King from? Q2:What does this story tell ? Q3:What do people remember about“Havoc in heaven”?,Havoc in heaven,It tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven.,People remember all the jokes played by the monkey.,How old is the Monkey King? What does the story Havoc in Heaven tell about? What does the monkey do in heaven? What do people remember? When do we use the expression Havoc in heaven?,He is 40 years old.,It is about a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven.,He flies into a peach garden, eats as many peaches as he wants and makes a mess of all the rooms.,They remember the jokes that the monkey plays.,We use it when we see a mess of sth.,The cartoon _ Havac in Heaven tells a story of a _ who _ a group of monkeys _ the rule of the Emperor in _. He _into a _ _and eats as _ as he likes. He _ _ _ in heaven. But it is above all the _ _ by the monkey that people _. “Havoc in heaven” has _ a _ expression _ by a parent or a _ when they see a _.,called,monkey,leads,against,heaven,flies,peach garden,many,makes a mess,jokes,played,remember,become,common,used,boss,mess,这部叫”大闹天宫“的卡通片讲述了一个 带领一群猴子反对天条的猴子的故事。 “闹翻了天”成为父母或老板看见脏乱现象 的普遍表达。,Called Havoc in Heaven _ a monkey who _ a group of monkeys _ of the emperor _.,Havoc in heaven _ a _ _ used by a parent or a boss when they _.,tells a story of,leads,against the rule,in heaven,has become,common,expression,see a mess,Paragraph 3: Q1:Who is Tintin? Q2:Where has Tintin travelled? Q3:Who invented Tintin? Q4:When did Tintin invented? Q5:How many languages have his books been translated into? Q6:How many copies have been sold? Q7:Where do the fan clubs have held birthday parties for Tintin in China?,A small white dog.,The jungles, the backstreets of Shanghai and even the surface of the moon.,Belgian cartoonist Herge,In 1929,More than 50 languages,About 200 million,In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing and Wuhan.,另一个受欢迎的,在中国庆祝了一个重要 的卡通人物是一名留着红头发,带着 一只白色小狗的记者。,Another _ who _ _ an important birthday in China is a reporter _ red hair and a _ _ dog.,favourite,has celebrated,with,small,white,Tintin _ is a reporter _ red hair and a _ dog. He _ the jungles, _ of Shanghai and even _. Tintin _ for 75 years. He _ by Belgian cartoonist Herge in 1929.,who has celebrated an important birthday,with,small white,has travelled to,the backstreets,the surface of the moon.,has been popular,was invented,About Tintin,Read sentences about Tintin,5. His books _ more than 50 languages and about 200 million copies_. 6. In Dec. 1984 the whole series of Tintin _ in China. 7. There are fan clubs _ in many cities in China.,has been translated into,have been sold,began to be published,which have held birthday parties forTintin,自从卡通画家在1929年创造了这个人物 以来,丁丁已流行了75年了。 他的书已经被翻译成50多种语言。并且 大约已经卖了两亿本。,Tintin _ _ _ for 75 years _ _ the cartoonist _the character in 1929.,His books _ _ _ _ more than 50 languages and about 200 million copies _ _ _.,has been translated into,have been sold,has been poplular,ever since,invented,从他退休以来, 已经在这呆五年了。,He has been here for 5 years, ever since he retired.,Paragraph 4: Q1:How old is Snoopy? Q2:What did Charles Schultz say?,57 years old.,“I didnt draw the cartoons only for children. Adults who have experienced life understand them better.”,Snoopy _ is Charlie Browns lovable dog. .,who lives in his own private dream world,57,Charles Schultz.,Adults who have experienced life,I am _ years old now.,1.Who created Snoopy? 2. Who can understand snoopy stories better?,Snoopy, Charlie Browns lovable dog who lives in his own private dream world, also had his “50th birthday celebrated by Chinas Snoopy fans in 2000.,史奴比,查理布朗创作的生活在他的 私人梦幻世界里的可爱的狗,也在2000 年由中国的史奴比影迷们庆祝了他的 “50岁生日”。,1. win the hearts of sb.,Language points:,赢得某人的心,2. all over the world,全世界,3. computer screens,电脑屏幕,4. a group of,一群,一组,5. against the rules,违反规定,6. play a joke,开玩笑,7. ever since,自从以来,8. translate into,翻译成,9. more than,超过,10. birthday party,生日聚会,Choose the sentences which best summarises the passage:,Not all popular cartoons are recent; some have been popular for many years. b. The most popular cartoons are published as books and not as films. c. Many people who read cartoons today are adults. d. Many cartoons which were created in the west have become very popular in China.,Task7:work in groups,Choose the best answer.,1.The Monkey King is a cartoon character which . a) causes problems in heaven b) has travelled to the moon 2.Shrek is a monster who . a) falls in love with a beautiful girl b) was born from stone 3.Nemo is the name of a . a) fish which is caught by a man b) big, fat cat which is very lazy 4.Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by . a) Tintin b) Charles Schultz,a,a,a,b,Language practice,Task2:Join the sentences with which.,The photo which you like is over there.,Shes got a book which gives a lot of information about it.,Ive found a shop which has everything we need.,The town which is described in the guide book is very near here.,The mountain which we climbed last year is very beautiful.,They didnt think the policeman which caught the thief was wrong.,Join the sentences with which, that or who, if necessary.,eg: Tintin is the cartoon series. I like this cartoon series best. Tintin is the cartoon series (that) I like best. 1. Tintin is a boy reporter. He has lots of adventure all around the world. Tintin is a boy reporter _.,who has a lot of adventures all around the world.,2. The writer is George. He has written many unforgettable characters. The writer _ _ is George.,who has written many,unforgettable characters,3. The cartoon is called Havoc in Heaven. It tells the story of a monkey. The cartoon _ _is called Havoc in Heaven.,which/ that tells the story of a monkey,4. Mr.Black did a lot of study. The study can be found in his drawings. The study _ can be found in his drawings.,Mr Black did,Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.,There is a picture on the computer which / that _. Yesterday we picked a lot of apples in an apple garden which / that _. A new project school was set up on a village _. The boy who is watching the cartoon _.,is on the table,was very beautiful,which has many trees,laughed a lot,Choose the correct answer.,1)The Monkey King is a cartoon character which _. a) causes problems in heaven b) has traveled to the moon 2) Shrek is a monster who _. a) falls in love with a princess b) was born from stone. 3) Nemo is the name of a _. a) fish which is caught by a diver b) big, fat cat which is very lazy 4) Snoopy is a lovable dog which was created by _. a) Tintin b) Charles Schultz,1.Finish Exx.58,P145. 2.Make a cartoon story.,Task8:Homework,


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