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    镇江市义务教育阶段小学生学习质量评价与监测(模拟)一、 单项选择1 The man big eyes is Su Hais father.A. with B . in C. has2 A . Would you like orange juice? B. Yes,please.A. an B some C any3 is the book from? Its from Mike.A Whose B What C Who4 你知道下面哪个单词的划线部分发音与其余两个不同吗?A cow B brown C know5 What did YangLing do last Sunday? She a flm.A see B sees C saw6 It often a lot in spring there.A rain B rains C rainy7 Dont your cars here.A park B parking C parks8 This is blouse. shirt is over there.A her, Her B her, His C his , Her9 Where you just now? I in the bedroom.A are ,am B were , was C were,am10 Hes his purse, but he cant it.A looking for , find B finding , look at C looking at, see二、完型填空与阅读理解How do you spend your weekends? Some people like to stay at home, but others like to go 11 a walk or play football. My friends Jack works hard in a factory during the weekdays. At the weekends, he always does the same thing. On Saturdays he 12 his car and on Sundays he goes with his family to the countryside by car. His uncle and aunt 13 a farm there. It isnt a big one, but there are 14 cows on the farm. The children like 15 cows there. It is great fun.11A to B in C for12A watches B washes C clean13A has B have C had14A lots of B a lot C much15A look at B milking C milk(B) Do you know anything about American parents? Well, they are different from us in many ways. Americans like to spend more money (钱) than they have , so many of them are always in debt(欠债). But Chinese usually have much money in the bank. The American children sometimes make money by themselves(靠他们自己). Most Chinese children always ask their parents for money. Many American parents dont think their children should go to expensive(贵的)schools. But many Chinese parents would do anything to send(送) their children to those schools. Most American parents let their children find their friends. They dont often ask them about their friends. But Chinese parents usually like knowing more about their childrens friends, and usually dont let them stay out too late with their friends. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子是否正确。正确用“A”表示,错误用“B”表示。16 American parents always have much money in the bank for their children.American children always ask their parents for money.18 Many Chinese parents would like send their children to the expensive schools.19 American parents like knowing everything about their childrens friends.20 From the reading we know Chinese parents and American parents are not the same.三、交际运用(A)从II栏中找出能回答I栏的选项。I II21 How much are they? A Ive got a headache.22 Sorry, Im late. B Its in January or February.23 Whats the matter? C Twenty yuan, please.24 Whens Spring Festival? D Good idea.25 Shall we go to the cinema by taxi? E Thats all right. (B)看图完成对话,每空一词.A: Can we_26_down too _27_trees? B: No, we _28_. . A: Why? B: Trees can keep the air _29_ . A: What can we use the wood to do? B: We can use the wood to _30_ tables, chairs and many other things.四、按要求完成句子(A)用所给词的适当形式填空,使句意完整正确。31 Mike, (sweep) the floor now.32 My mother (read) a magazine yesterday morning.33 It is (sun) today. Lets go on an outing.34 Look! The students are (run) on the playground.35 Can you tell me how (use) the fax machine?(B)根据所给汉语。填适当的词或词组,使句意完整正确)(5分)36 There are four (孩子)in the classroom.37 We are (饥饿的)now.38 The children are going to have a picnic tomorrow. Everyone is (激动的,兴奋的)。39 Johns hobby is (收集)stamps.40 Mary (去) shopping with her grandma last Sunday.(C)按要求完成下列句子。每空一词(10分)1. There are some peaches in the fridge. (改为一般疑问句) 41 there 42 peaches in the fridge?2. Mr Green is going to visit France next week.(改为同义句)Mr Green 43 44 France next week.3 I often wash clothes in the evening.(用My sister代替I)My sister often 45 46 in the evening.4 Mike was from London.(对画线部分提问) 47 48 Mike from?5 My father watered the flowers in the garden yesterday morning.(改为否定句)My father 49 50 the flowers in the garden yesterday morning.


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