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    最新Unit 5 There is a big bed B Let's learn.ppt

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    最新Unit 5 There is a big bed B Let's learn.ppt

    Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Unit 5 There is a big bed,Part B Lets learn Find and say,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,in,Where is the ball? Its in the box.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,on,Where is the ball? Its on the box.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,under,Where is the ball? Its under the box.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its behind the dog.,球在哪儿?,它在小狗后面.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,behind 在. .后面,behind,behind,behind.,Its behind the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its behind the dog.,=There is a ball behind the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its between the dog.,球在哪儿?,它在小狗中间。,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,between 在. .中间,between,between,between.,Its between the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its between the dog.,=There is a ball between the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its beside the dog.,球在哪儿?,它在小狗旁边。,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,beside 在. 旁边,beside,beside,beside.,Its beside the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its beside the dog.,=There is a ball beside the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its above the dog.,球在哪儿?,它在小狗上面。,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,above 在. 上面,above,above,above.,Its above the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its above the dog.,=There is a ball above the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its in front of the dog.,球在哪儿?,它在小狗前面。,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,in front of 在. 前面,in front of,in front of.,Its in front of the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Where is the ball?,Its in front of the dog.,=There is a ball in front of the dog.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,above :一般指位置高于某物,但不一定在正上方,也不接触另一物 ;不接触的 on :表示在一物体上,强调两物相接触,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Listen to the tape.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,活动一: 两人一组做 Where is the? 问答练习,A: Where is the light ? B: Its above the desk.,A: Where is my eraser ? B: I dont know. A: Haha, its in my hand.,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Jerry is the plate.,介词大考验,on,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Look! Jerry is the bottle.,介词大考验,in,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Jerry is the cheese.,介词大考验,under,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Tom is lying(躺) Jerry.,介词大考验,behind,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,活动二:Find and say(书上52页),house,chair,bike,dog,cat,tree,grandma,grandpa,flowers,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Unit 5 There is a big bed B Lets learn,Homework,1.Copy the words of Lets learn.,2.Talk about your bedroom with your friends.,


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