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    GrammarTeaching steps:Step1 Revision1. Ask some questions about the Simons community centre.1) Where does Simon live?2) What do you think of the community centre in his neighourhood3) Do you think Simon lucky to live in such a nighourhood? Why?2. Here are some people who live in Simons nighourhood. They have some problems. How can they get help from the community centre?1) Mr. Greens computer doesnt work well.2) Lily bicycle is broken.3) Little Tom has problems with his homework.4) Grandma Chen is sick these days.Help Ss answer these questions from the text.Step2 Presentation1. 创设情景-What will you do if you have problems with your homework?-I will/shall_.2. What do we use will or shall to talk about? (We use will or shall to talk about things that will happen and plans that were making now. This is an example of the simple future tense).1. If someone has problem with his or her homework, he or she will ask the teacher for help. He or she wont copy the others answers. Whatll you do? Will you ask your teacher for help? Will your parents help you?(Help Ss answer them like “Yes, I will/shall. No, I will/shall not. Yes, they will. No, they will not).2. Read partA carefully and find out the rulers.(What do we use for “I” or “we”? What do we use for “you” “he” “she” “it” and “they”Step3Practise1. Do the practice of Part A(Simons computer is broken. Hes asking Mr. Lin for help. Please complete their conversation with the simple future tense.2. Read the dialogue about Mr Lin and Simons.Step4 Presentation1. 创设情景(Do you think community centers are helpful? I think they are. The community centre in my nighourhood is going to have a “helping hands meeting the day after tomorrow. Im going to teach children English songs. My daughter is going to dance for the old people. My parents are going to cook some delicious food.2. What do we use be going to to talk about?(We use be going to to talk about something we decide to do and things that will probably happen).3.1) Are you going to join the “helping hand” meeting in your neighourhood? 2) Is your father going to do sth for the old people? 3) Whats he going to do ?4) Whats your mother going to do?5) What are your neighours going to do ?4. Look at the part B and find out the rulers.Step4 Practice1. Complete part B(Simon is telling Amy about his plan for a day out with his uncles family. Please help him complete his plan).2. Answer these questions with your partner.1) What are you going to do for old people this Sunday?2) Whats your father/mother going to do for your neighours tomorrow?3) What are you going to do for poor children the day after tomorrow?4) Whats your father/mother going to do for your community next week?Step5 Homework


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