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    新目标初中英语七年级英语下册第四单元教案设计unit 4 壹 want to be an actorthe fourth period ( section b 1a 2c >【一】教材简析( analysis of the teaching material>本课是第四单元的 section b 1a-2c 这部分内容,中心话题是“ jobs”, 1、谈论到各种不同的工作及如何描述它的性质特点,2、谈论自己或他人将来想从事的职业并陈述原因。通过一系列的教案活动,学生从中学习并理解exciting,dangerous, busy 等形容词的用法,并将用其修辞各种不同的职业;加深巩固what do you do? what do want to be? 等句型;学习并熟练地运用 i want to be a/anbecause it s a / an job来谈论理想中的职业。本课以任务型教案为主 线,着重培养学生获得英语基础知识和运用语言进行交际的能力。从教材编排看, section b 主要通过生动的图画呈现真实的语言场景,帮助学生掌握基础的语言工程;通过听力、阅读及写作练习,使学生能对学过的目标句型运用自如,创造性的活用所学语言进行课堂活动。【二】教案目标(teaching aims and demands >一知识目标(knowledge objects >:1>.学习有关形容词(description words >:exciting, dangerous, busy, fun, difficult,boring2>.学习短词:want to be3> 掌握下列目标语言(target language>:what do you do?I m an actor.what does he/she do?He s/she s a doctor.what do you want to be?I want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be? He/she wants to be a bank clerk.I want to be a/an . because it s a /an job.ii 能力目标(ability objects> :1>. 通过新知识的有序呈现,在学生完成一系列任务的过程中,培养学生观察、记忆和思维的能力。在听、说、读、写全方位的训练中,提高学生综合语言运用能力。2) .通过小组讨论,培养学生的合作能力和团队精神,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活中。3) .学生能够掌握各种职业的特点,自如地谈论各种不同的工作和 自 己将来想从事的工作并说明原因。iii 情感目标(moral objects>:1> 很多人都羡慕演员或成功人士,但事实上他们很多时候还是很辛苦,他们的生活也遭受了很多的挫折,所以每个学生要达到自己的目标必须要通过艰辛的付出以后才能实现。2> 通过教案活动,培养学生与他人交谈的交际能力。3)让学生正确树立自己的人生观,树立崇高的理想,确立自己未来理想的职业,并为其努力学习。【三】教案重点教案难点 <teaching key and difficult points )i .教案重点:1>.掌握形容词的用法<the using of description words):exciting, dangerous, busy,fun, difficult, boring2.学会运用I want to be a/an . because it s a /an job” .3>.加深巩固谈论职业的句型:what do you do?I m an actor.what does he/she do?what do you want to be?what does he/she want to be?ii .教案难点:he s/she s a doctor.i want to be an actor.he/she wants to be a bank clerk.1> 能够运用形容词来描述各种不同职业的性质2> 能熟练运用所学习的知识进行关于职业的对话,真正做到学以致<trainstudents ability to talk about jobs using the target language).3>向他人介绍自己的理想职业并说出原因4>训练学生听、说、读和写的技巧<train students listening skill. )【四】教案法(teaching methods>采用任务型语言教案,实施情景教案法、交际法、情感激励法等教案方法【五】教案教具(teaching aids>多媒体设备、图片、影像【六】教案过程teaching procedures教案过程体现在复习旧课引入新课、讲授新课、巩固练习、小结、布置作业五个环节。step one: warming upi.以真实形象的图片来复习有关职业的单词。设计意图:以生动真实的图片景象展现给学生,吸引住他们的眼球,让他们感到耳目一新,能激起学生知识记忆,从而更有效地加深对单词的理解和记忆,为下一步学习新的课程做好铺垫。步骤: 1、利用媒体课件,展示与栩栩如生的与职业名称和工作单位有关的图片给学生,如警察和警察局、服务员和餐馆、演员 <成龙、赵微)、银行职员等图片。一边指着图片一边暗示学生说出相关的英语单词,随着学生的回答后出示有关的职业的单词。t: what does he do? ( point out a policeman>ss: he is a policeman.t : where does he work?ss: police station.t: what does she do? ( point out a actress>ss: she is zhaowe赵微2、提问个别学生说出所展示图片人物的职业和相关的工作单位t : i think all of you can say 饿 nglish names of the jobs easily .so any volunteers1: met: she is a (point a bank clerk >s1: band clerk3、鼓励个别学生单独读出所有图片所批示的英语单词,必要时帮助其纠正发 ,、音。t : now i want to invite some student to read these words by yourself, so who want to try . don t be shy .s1: me , policeman , policewoman ,actor ,actresst: do a good job .who want to be next one?s2:ii .通过观看动画片来复习有关句型并进行有关的操练目的:播放画面生动精彩的动漫来复习影片中的目标语言和加深已学过的重点句型步骤:1>.播放动画片,要求学生注意影片有关的内容。2>.结束影片,并以多媒体屏幕来展示有关句型what do you do?i m an actor.what does he/she do?he s/she s a doctor.what do you want to be?i want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be? he/she wants to be a bank clerk.3>.小组活动,以两人一组来进行对话,询问对方的职业,然后由由教师提问第三位学生回答以上两名学生中所提到问题。建议学生可以给自己定一份喜欢的职业来进行角色扮演,对话例如:51: what do you do?52: i m an actor. what do you do?53: i m a teacher what do you want to be?54: i want to be an actor. what do you want to be?s1: i want to be a doctort : what does s1 want to be ? ( ask s3 >55: he wants to be doctor.step two: lead in1>.向学生展现6 种不同的人物表情,要求学生仔细观察,并进行描述。表情内容主要是有关于 6 个形容词: exciting, dangerous, busy, fun, difficult, boring设计意图:以多媒体的形式展现出真实而不同的 6 幅人物表情,通过设置让学生能够激发想象思维,立刻浮想联翩,并说出相关的修辞词,从而引导出本课所要学习形容词。如展现一幅内容是这样,天空正闪着可怕的雷电,可有一位年青人耳朵塞着随身听,手里还放着风筝的图片,立即让人看了心惊肉跳,这样便自然地引出dangerous可怕这个单词,这样的即形象又生动教案方法让学生 更容易记忆。基它单词也运用此教案法讲授。t: look at the picture , what happen with that man ? (a picture about dangerous> ss: 真可怕,那个人要雷电击中。t: it s dangerous.可怕 dangerous, read after mess: dangerous2>.在学生表达过程中,教师把呈现的形容词进行解释,最后可以由教师带领朗读单词。可要求学生以个人和小组的形式来读出新词。3>.出示几副职业的图片,并提问学生联想如何用恰当的形容词来描述其职业。例如:t : what does she do ?ss: she is a nurse.t: do you want to be a nurse in future? (point to s1>s1:yest: why?51: it s an interesting and busy job.step three: teaching section b 1a、 lb 、 1c1 a this activity introduces the key vocabulary.1、要求学生完成中1a 部分习题,利用课件核对答案。a. focus attention on the six pictures. ask, what job does the person have? where does the person ivnrk?b. point out the numbered list of words. say each one and ask students to repeat.then use simple explanations and short sample sentences to help students understand what each word means. for example, exciting means very interesting and very fastmoving. a police officer has an exciting job. the job is always changing. something is always happening. for dangerous you might say, dangerous means not safe. you might be hurt or killed in a dangerous job.c. then ask students to match each word with one of the pictures. say, write the letter of each picture next to one of the words. point out the sample answer.d. check the answers.1 .a 2.c 3. f 4.e 5.h2、引导学生谈论其他工作的种类,并用1a 中的形容词进行描述1b this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.a. call attention to the picture in this activity and ask a student to read the statement to the class. then point to the picture of the police officer and say. its an exciting job. ask the class to repeat. then say, what else can you say about being a police officer? someone may answer, its a dangerous job. ask the class to repeat each correct answer. b. then ask students to work in pairs. suggest that they each point to the pictures of the workers and make statements about them. as students practice, move around the classroom monitoring their work.1 c this activity provides an opportunity for oral practice.a. say, name some of the jobs from this unit. write this list of jobs on the board. say, can you name some other jobs? add any new jobs to the list.b. ask some students to make statementsabout jobs on the list using the words in activity la. you may wish to write some of the sentences on the board so that students can copy the sentences into their notebooks.step four teaching section 2a, 2b2a this activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language.call attention to the two headings and ask a student to read die headings to the class. point out the blank lines where students will write the name of a job (under the words wants to be>.play the recording the first time. students only listen.say, now i will play the tape again. this time write the name of a job under the words“ wants to be. ”1.pre-listening指导学生注意 部分题目要求并认读三个英文名字。提出问题 : what does he/she want to be?帮助学生回答:he/she wants to be a / an .2. while-listening播放第一遍录音时,要求学生认真听,引导学生全面了解这篇对话的内容。;在播放第二遍时,需要学生做出2a部分听力题。3. post-listening给出听力的正确答案。利用课件教师将完整的听力材料呈现给学生,学生朗读。2b this activity provides listening and writing practice with the target language,call attention to the second heading and ask a student to read it to the class. say, this time you will unite why each person wants the job.play the recording again. students only listen.then says, now i will play the tape again. this time write the reason the person wants the job under the word“ why?”play the recording. students write their answers.教师利用课件展示答案,check the answers.2b 部分可以以相同的方式进行。在两部分练习完成后,将完整的听力材料呈现给学生反复朗读,并可以进行三人一组分角色对话。在熟练掌握材料的基础上,可以鼓励学生就听力材料互相提出问题,回答问题,充分利用该项练习。eg:what do you want to be? i want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be? he/she wants to be a bank clerk.wants to be whybettypolicemanjennyreportersam reporterwhy ? .because it s.step five: teaching section b-2c2cthis activity provides open-ended oral practice using the target language.say, what do you want to be? what words describe each job?help the class make up a list of jobs they might like to do. as students suggest possible jobs, ask the class to suggest words to describe them. use a bilingual dictionary, if necessary, to find the names of jobs and words to describe each one.then ask students to work in small groups. they tell each other what they want to do and why. encourage students to use dictionaries if necessary.move from group to group offering assistance as needed.ask individual students to tell the class about what they want to be and why.1>.提问学生他们的理想职业及原因。2>.以小组为单位讨论各自理想的职业并说明理由,由组长记录,从中选出一个理由最充分的 。由教师宣布结果,评出step six: summarynew words : exciting, dangerous, busy, fun, difficult, boring ,want to be target language:m an actor.he s/she s a doctor.i want to be an actor.he/she wants to be a bank clerk.because it s a /an job.what do you do?iwhat does he/she do?what do you want to be?what does he/she want to be?i want to be a/anstep seven: homework 1. make a surkeyname want to be whyask the other ss in your group:tell us what you want to be and the reasons. what do you want to be? why?2.make a report about your friend and yourself eg. my friend lucy wants to be a policewoman.becauseshe can wear nice uniform.thiev es are afraid of her. it as dangerousjob but exciting.i want to be a doctor. becausedoctors can keep people healthy. it s a busy job.【七】板书设计( blackboard desigkey wordexciting1. dangerous2. busy3. fun4. difficult5. boring6. want to be target language:what do you do? i m an actor.what does he/she do? he s/she s a doctor.what do you want to be? i want to be an actor.what does he/she want to be?he/she wants to be a bank clerk.i want to be a/an because it s a /an job【八】教案理论(teaching theory >本课主要采用任务型教案法.任务型课堂教案活动作为一个新的理念,它主要以话题为主线 ,采取任务型语言教案模式,兼顾交际功能和语言知识结构的学习,以一种在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与、合作与交流等学习方式,实现任务的目标,感觉成功。在学习过程中进行情感和策略调整,以形成积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。因此,任务型教案必须以学生为中心,任务设计要有明确的运用目的<purpose),要能达到一定的结果<outcome),要具有交际性和真实性,是教师在进行任务型课程设计的指导思想和必须遵守的原则。11 / 9


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