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    对 2011-2015安徽中考单项填空所考查的知识点梳理 亳州市德忠学校孟涛一、 疑问词 / 连接代词(2015)1.is you father ? Does he still work as anengineer ?Yes, he has been an engineer for thirty years. A Who B. How C. What D. Which(2014)2.It s so late. Why not write the reportertomorrow ?But I dont know I can do it if not now.A. why B. when C. how D. where (2013)3.Tony, are you in such a hurry?The meeting will start soon. I dont want to be late.A. where B. how C. when D. why (2013)4.I still remember the college and theteachersI visited in London years ago.A. what B. who C. that D. which( 2012) 5.Could you tell me he came here ?He drove here himself.A. how B. why C. when D. whether二、 不定代词( 2015) 1.We can t do it that way-but whether it will work ismatter.A. other B. another C. each D. every (2014) 2.You can take of the two toy cars andleave the other for your brother.A. both B. none C. either D. neither (2013) 3.I m a little hungry, mom.There are some cakes on the plate. You can take .A. it B. one C. this D. that (2012) 4.How is Helen in the new school ?She is doing very well. There is to worry about.A. something B. anythingB.C. nothing D. everything (2012) 5.Whose pen is this ?Oh,it s.mIlooking for iteverywhere.A. youB. yours C. me D. mine(2012)6.We have red and yellow T-shirts, Whichcolor do you like ?I m afraid . I think blue will be OK.A. both B. either C. neither D. none(2011) 7.I m hungry. Is there bread in the fridge ? ,but we have cakes. Would you like to have one ?A. Some B. Much C. None D. Nothing三、 介词 / 介词短语( 2015 ) 1.The Dragon Boat Festival this year willcomefour days.A. after B. for C. during D. in(2014) 2.the exam, we ll say goodbye to ourdear teachers. classmates as well as our beautiful school.A. In B. For C. After D. Through(2013) Mrs. King put a coat the sleeping girl tokeep her warm.A. over B. with C. behind D. beside(2012)1. Welcome to our school ! I hope you ll have a good timeyour stay hereA. after B. during C. with D. since(2012) The man tried several times to start thecar, and he succeeded.A. in the past B. in the endC. at first D. at once(2011) I hear our teacher will come back threeweeks time.A. at B. in C. for D. after 四、连系动词(2015) 1.The running water makes the stones very smooth.A. sound B. taste C. smell D. feel (2014) 2. Mum, what are you cooking ? It sosweet.A. tastes B. feels C. sounds D. smells (2011) 3.The food here smells good, but what does it like ?A. taste B. touch C. seem D. feel五、名词(2015) 36. - -How can I get some aboutthe 2016 Olympic Games?Why not search the Internet?A. information B. experienceB. C. practice D. success(2014) 37. -More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan-Thats true. It has become theof Anhui.A. pride B. effort C. praise D. courage(2013) 31. -What is MissGaos favorite?She is always in pink. Dont you know?A. color B. book C. song D. movie(2011 ) 36.I have great inlearning math and Im so worried. Could you help me?- Sure. Id be glad to.A. trouble B. interest C. joy D. fun六、动词的时态(2015 ) 37.-Cathy, can you answer the door? I the room.-Im coming, mum.A. cleanB. cleanedC. have cleaned D. am cleaning(2014) 41. Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou.He a speech there in two days.A. gives B. gaveC. will give D. has given48. As we all know, the Silk Road China tothe west in ancient times.A. connects B. connectedC. will connect D. is connecting34. Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture he came to China.A. before B. when(2013) 36. - I cant find David. Where is he? He for tomorrows competition at home.A. prepares B. is preparingC. has prepared D. prepared44. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier we take action to protect them.A. since B. if C. until D. unless(2011)41.一Lets discuss the plan, shall we? 一Not now, I to an interview.A. go B. wentC. am going D. was going47. Whats your plan for the summer holidays?Ill go to Beijing the school terms ends.A. in order that B. so thatC. as soon asD. even though(2011 ) 35. If you want to go to see the movie this evening, so 1.A. do B. am C. will D. should37. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However. he yet.A. didnt arrive B. doesnt arriveC. isnt arriving D. hasnt arrived38. My father was preparing for his speech my mother was doing some washing last night.A. if B. while C. unless D. until七、 动词的语态( 2013 ) 46. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information in a shorttime.A. can be learned B. has been learnedC. can learnD. has learned(2012) 49.The task in an hour. Then we can go home and have a good restA. was finished B. will be finishedC. has been finished D. cant be finished(2011 ) 43. Dont worry. Yourpackbage here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.A. will keep B. has keptC. will be kept D. has been kept八、动词的用法(2015) 38. Dreams are beautiful. However, to them needs lots of time and work.A. discoverB. findC. achieveD. stop(2014) 44. I dont the heat, for Im usedto hot weather.A. likeB. mind C. knowD. stand49. He is an honest boy. I have no reason to what he said.A. hear B. doubtC. repeat D. believe(2013) 39. I will meet Jane at the station. Please what time she will arrive.A. countB. chooseC. checkD. catch43. It is helpful to a good habit ofreading in language learning.A. takeB. showC. developD. match(2012) 35.To protect the environment, supermarkets dont free plastic bags to shoppers.A. take B. showC. provide D. carry(2011 ) 41. We cant do listening .practice today, for Miss Zhaos tape-recorder doesntA. act B. doC. serve D. work九、动词短语(2015) 39. We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn t until12:00.A. turn up B. give upC. stay up D. grow up(2014) 39. As time, youll come to think of English as your friend and love it.A. goes by B. runs outC. takes off D. turns up46. Rose finished her study in the university and went to a good job.A. take after B. look afterC. care forD. search for(2013) 48. The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties, but they havent hope.A. picked up B. given upC. looked for D. waited for(2012) 39.-May I speak to Mr. Smith?, please. Ill see if she is in.A. Look out B. Hold onC. Keep up D. Come on45.Smoking is bad for your health.Youre right . I decideto.A. take it down B. find it outC. turn it off D. give it up(2011 ) 39. I can hardly hear what it issaying on TV. Would you pleaseA. turn it up B. turn il downC. turn it on D. tuna it off十、情态动词(2015 ) 44. -Do you have any plans for this Sunday?1 m not sure. I go to the countryside to see my grandmother.A. canB. mustC. mayD. need(2014) 35. I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours?一Yes, you.A. can B. mustC. could D. should(2013) 32. You drive your car so fast.Its very dangerous.A. wouldnt B. shouldntC. couldnt D. mightnt(2012) 42.Theres enough time for you to go to the airport. You hurry now.A. should B. needntC. must D. cant(2011) 33. - May I go out now. Dad?-No. You let yourmother know first.A. can B. mayC. need D. must十一、连词(2015 ) 40. Going to the movies is good, I really only like listening to music.A. and B. but C. so D. or(2014)42.What do you think of yourJunior Middle School life?1 think it is colorful,I am always busy.A. if B. though C. while D. until(2014) 43.the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the squareA. As B. If C. Though D. Because47. Spend more time talking with your parents, they may not well understand you.A. or B. so C. and D. but(2013 ) 35. Smile to the world,the world will smile back to you.A. nor B. but C. or D. and(2012) 34.Tom isnt feeling very well . He seems to have a cold the weather changes suddenly.A. before B. soC. because D. though(2011 ) 45. What a nice day! We should go sightseeing watching TV in the hotel.A. because of B. instead of C. together with D. out of48. Youd better take the map with you you wont get lost.A. as long as B. as soon asC. now that D. so that十二、固定句型(2015 ) 43. Drive slowly, Mary.is something ahead on the road.A. It B. This C. That D. There 十三、形容词(2015 ) 41. Now, people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more.A. comfortable B. difficultC. different D. popular(2014 ) 31. It is for me to follow theAustralian guests because I am good at English.A. bad B. easyC. hardD. right(2013 ) 41.What was Jim wearing at the party?Nothing. He was in his usual shirt and jeans.A. special B. simpleC. important D. interesting45. Our school bus will leave at 8 oclock tomorrow. Dont be late.- OK. I will be there ten minutes.A. soonerB. slowerC. fasterD. earlier(2012 ) 32. We lost the match because they had players.They had eleven and we had only nine.A. stronger B. youngerC. fewer D. more38.You are relaxing yourself here?Yes. It feels to walk slowly along the river.A. fantastic B. boringC. strange D. terrible(2011 ) 32. We felt when LiuXiang won the first prize again in the race.A. brave B. proudC. successful D. worried十四、副词(2014 ) 40. If my friends have any problems, my door is open to them.A. never B. seldomC. sometimes D. always2012 ) 48.Mike hurt his back seriously andcan get out of bed without help.A. quickly B. easilyC. nearly D. hardly( 2011 ) 44. Jack is good at drawing. Ithink no one draws A. better B. bestC. worse D. worst十五、 How 构成的短语( 2013 ) 34. - can you finish thisEnglish examination?- In about one and a half hours.A. How far B. How oftenC. How soon D. How long十六、 定语从句( 2013 ) 49. I still remember the college and the teachers I visited in Londonyears ago.A. whatB. whoC. thatD. which十七、 倒装句2011 ) 35. If you want to go to see the movie this evening, so 1.A. doB. amC. willD. should49. Hey, Nick. comes the lastbus! Hurry up, or well have to walkhome.A. This B. There C. That D. It十八、 冠词(2011 ) 31. Its not good idea todrive for four hours without break.A. a; a B. a: theC. the; a D. the; the十九、 日常交际用语2015 )34. 一 I will have an important match tomorrow. I hope I will win. -.A. Good luck.B. No ideaC. That s such a pity D. It s all right45. Would you like to play football after school? . I have a lot of homework to do.A. Im afraid not B. Enjoy yourselfC. Take your time D. It takes no time(2014)33. 一Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?一Sure,.A. no problem B. not at allC. my pleasure D. well done42. Jim, remember to return this book by Friday.A. Got it B. Good luckC. Thats right D. Its nothing50. 一We failed in the singing competition. Better times are waiting for you.A. No way B. Best wishesC. Cheer up D. Good job(2013)33. - Would you like some milk?-A. Yes, please B. The same to youC. Help yourself D. My pleasure42. - It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous.You can make it!A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy.C. kook out! D. Have a good time.47. Im surprised to hear from her., we last met ten years ago.A. On one hand B. That is to sayC. Believe it or not D. In other words50. -TV says there will be a storm tomorrow.- I planned to go climbing with my classmates.A. I hope soB. Im afraid soC. Sounds good D. Bed luck(2012) 33.What a nice meal ! Its really kindof you to invite us. Im glad you liked it.A. Not at all B. Sounds goodC. Well done D. Never mind40.I wonder if I can use your dictionary for a while.A. Here you are B.I dont knowC. Nothing much D.I dont care50. 1 m going to a party on Thursday night atJimmys house.! Youll have two tests at school on Friday.A. Its easy to say so B. Thats excitingC. Enjoy yourself D. You cant be serious(2011) 40. - I m always a little nervous when I talk to Mr. Smith.- He is strict, but he is kind to hisstudents. -A. Thats rightB. What a pityC. Fake it easy D. Take your time47. - Tony, dont draw on the wall. It isnt a good behavior. -A. Never mind. B. Yes, Id love to.C. Of course not. D. Sorry, I wont.50. - Are you sure you can do well in tomorrows test, Lucy?- . Ive got everything ready.A. Its hard to say B. Im afraid notC. I think soD. I hope not感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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