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    课时训练(七)范围:Units 4 6(八年级上册)时间:30分钟I .单项填空1. I think the cinema is more popular than many other cinemas.A . I agree with youB. Sounds greatC.Id love toD.Why not2.She said she hopedher daughter.A . to seeB. you to seeC.seeing63.A . the most carefulB. the least carefulC.the most carefullyD.the least carefully4.My brother studies math very hard. He wants to be a(n)when he grows up.A . violinistB. actorC. engineerD.pianist5.The young man is.He bought a big house yesterday.A. poorB. quietC. richD.outgoing6.You bought the last ticket for the concert. Howyou are!A . sweetB. luckyC. strangeD.funny7.Wait a minute. The soup ishot for youdrink.A . too; to8. so; to9. too; thatD.such; that8.2017 乐山Look in the mirror. What happenedyour face?-He is the only one who failed in the math exam. Really? You mean he studies Oh, theres some ink on my face.C. in9. Remember this, John.careful you are,mistakes you will make. Thanks, Miss Rose.A . The more; the lessB . The more; the fewerC. The less; the fewerD.The more; the more10. Would you mindin the dining hall? Of course not.A . not to smokeB. not smokeC. smokeD.not smokingn .2016广东完形填空I am sure many people are working hard for lots of money, a big house, a new car, expensive clothes and so on. These are considered to be symbols of _乜 on the material( 物质的)level. When I was young, I was also _12_ reaching for material success. So I chose a job as a salesman and I did make some pretty good money.But later I realized that was not what I wanted, because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers. I became very unhappy _13_ I could make a lot of money. I no longer felt proud of my job and even _14_ 一 myself for doing things like that. So I _15_ my sales job and took another job, this time helping people _16_ 一 一 the poor and the weak. The sense of belonging(归属感)was great and suddenly I felt successful in my life again. I made less money, but I was _17_ with myself.For my own part, success comes from the feeling of satisfaction and joy. I feel successful when I love what I do, not caring so much about 18 . And I feel the most successful when I _19_ my kindness everywhere I go.So be 20 to yourself: Learn to listen to the voice from the bottom of your heart. And find your own way with a happy heart to achieve your own success.11. A. luckB. successC. safetyD.hope12. A. sadlyB. hardlyC. crazilyD.honestly13. A. ifB. sinceC. untilD.although14. A. looked down uponB . looked up toC. looked throughD.looked into15. A. made upB. gave upC. set upD.turned up16. A. in dangerB. in orderC. in needD.in surprise17. A. strictB. carefulC. angryD.satisfied18. A. trustB. loveC. moneyD.health19. A. throwB. spreadC. sellD.lend20. A. trueB. braveC. friendlyD.terriblem .2017永州阅读理解The new term is coming soon. What is your resolution? Lets share it!Chi Anqi, 14 , GuangdongIn the new term, Id like to try harder and be happier. I love reading and writing. I want to read 30 books! Whats more, I hope to write something I learned from the books. It would be nice for me to write each week or even every day. I am looking forward to writing at least 1, 000 words each day. This will push me to observe( 观察)my life carefully and think a lot.Chen Huan, 12, BeijingMy new term resolution is that I would like to successfully pass the fourth grade piano exam held by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music( 皇豕学院),known as ABRSM. My parents have been talking about it since last year and I dont want to let them down. I guess that Ill have to keep on trying! Wish me luck!Xu Feiyang , 13, ZhejiangWell, I have three resolutions. My first resolution is to get better grades, especially in English. Then I hope to get a chance to listen to Lang Langs concert. I love music and it makes me happy and relaxed. Last, I hope I can become more mature( 成熟的).I want to understand and help others more.21 Where do the three teenagers come from?A. America.B. China.C. Australia.22 Who will try to read and write more?C. Xu Feiyang.A . Chi Anqi.B . Chen Huan.23 What do Chen Huan and Xu Feiyang have in common?A They will go to Lang Langs concert.B They like music.C Their parents help them study English.24 Which of the following is TRUE?A Chi Anqi will write more than a million words in a month.B Chen Huans parents encourage him to take the fourth grade piano exam.C Xu Feiyang wants to grow stronger.25 We can probably read the passage A in a newspaper B in an advertisement C in a science bookW .词汇运用(A) 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。26 I dont have a t to the movie, so I cant go to the cinema.27 There are so many interesting books. I dont know which one to c .28 Mr. Smith is a professor. He works in a u .29 I thought the best way to i my French was to live in France.30 They were winners. They won first p in the competition.(B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。31 The children saw an (education) film yesterday.32 The game shows are (mean). I cant stand them at all.33 Jim is a (success) actor. He does very well in the movie.34 We expect (go) on vacation next month.35 It is a (week) magazine. I like reading it very much.V .根据汉语意思完成句子36他们俩有一个共同的爱好 打篮球。Both of them one hobby playing basketball.37这家商店出售各种各样的蔬菜。The shop sells vege-tables.38电脑在我们的生活中起着重要的作用。Computers in our life.39这个故事不是真的,是编造的。The story isnt true. It .40昨天我们进行了一场有关电影的讨论。We movies yesterday.VI .补全对话根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的语句,使对话恢复完整。A: The summer holiday is coming. 41. ?B: Im going to Mount Heng which lies in Nanyue.A: 42. ?B: I will be there for three days.A: 43. ?B: Its less than an hours drive from Hengyang City.A: 44. ?B: Its very beautiful. And many tourists go there for holidays every year.A: Oh, I see. 45. ?B: Ill go with my parents.A: Its time for class now. See you.B: See you.参考答案.1.A 2.A3 D 修饰动词要用副词,故排除A 和 B 。再由 “ He is the only one who failed in the math exam. 可知,他是学习 ”最不认真的。故选 D 。4 C5 . C 根据"He bought a big house yesterday可知他很富有。故选C。6 B 7.A” 。故选 A 。8. A 考查固定搭配“sth. happens to sb.意为“某事发生在某人身上9 B 根据句意可知,你越细心,犯的错误就会越少。10 Dmistakes 是可数名词复数,所以用 few 修饰。故选 B 。.11 15 BCDAB16 20 CDCBA.【主旨大意】本文是一篇应用文。文章通过表格的形式介绍了三个学生新学期的决心。21 B 细节理解题。根据表格中的 “ ChiAnqi, 14, Guangdong ” “ ChenHuan, 12, Beijing ”“ XuFeiyang, 13, Zhejiang 可知,三个学生都来自中国。故选” B 。22 A 细节理解题。 根据表格中 “ I want to read 30 books! Whats more, I hope to write something I lear ned from the books. 可知,” Chi Anqi 将会读更多、写更多。故选 A 。23 B 细节理解题。根据表格中 “Would like to successfully pass the fourth grade piano exam held by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music 及“I love music 可知;Chen Huan 和 Xu Feiyang 的共同 之处是喜欢音乐。故选B 。24 B 推理判断题。根据表格中 “ My parents have been talking about it since last year 可知, Chen Huan” 的父母 鼓励他去参加钢琴四级考试。故选 B 。25 A 推理判断题。文章以表格的形式介绍了三个学生的新学期决心,故可能在报纸上读到这篇文章,故选A。.26.ticket 27.choose 28.university 29 improve 30.prize/place31.educational 32.meaningless33 successful 34.to go 35.weekly.36.have; in common 37.all kinds of38 play an important role 39.is made up40 had a discussion about.41.Where are you going/Where are you going on vacation42 How long will you be/stay there43 How far is it from Hengyang City44 What do you think of it/How do you like it45 Who will you go with


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