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    仁爱英语七年级上册知识点归纳审核:邱老师Unit 11、 Good morning/ afternoon / evening 早上/下午/晚上好Good night 晚安(晚上告别)2、 glad/ nice to meet / see you见到你很高兴(回答也一样)3、 welcome to +地点欢迎来到(回答:Thank you或者Thanks)4、 let s +V (原)让我们做5、 stand up 起立sit down 坐下6、 this is-这是(用于介绍第三者的用语)7、 How do you do ?尔好(回答也是:How do you do ?)8、 How are you ?你好吗? Fine ,thank you .and you ? 很好;谢谢;你呢?I m OK / I m foe .,我也很好。9、 see you = see you later = see you soon = good-bye 再见10、 excuse me 打扰一下; 请问11、 I,m-= my name is - 我是12、 be from = come from 来自13、 in English 用英语14、 Can you spell it ? Yes / No你能拼写它吗?能/不能15、 That s OK / That s all right / You / Note wetlcom e 不用谢16、 years old岁17、 telephone number 电话号码QQ number QQ 号码 ID number 身份证18、 the same (相同的)反义词是different (不同的)例:We are in the same grade, but we are in different classes.句型:1. What is your name ?你的名字是什么?2. Where +be +主语 + from?某人来自于哪里?(回答:主语 +be+地点)Where are you from? I am from quanzhou.3. How old + be +主语?某人几岁?(回答:主语+ be +数字)例: How old are you ? I m forteen.4. What is your telephone number? 你的电话号码是多少?(回答:My telephone numbe门s-或者It -s-)注意:读出号码的时候要逐个读出。5. What class / grade +be +主语 + in ?某人在哪一个班级/年级?例:whatclassareyouin?IaminClass Five.(注意:Class和Five需要大写) whatgradeareyouin?IaminGrade Seven.(注意:Glass和Seven需要大写)6. What s this/ that (in English) ? 这是什么?(回答:It sa/an +疝数名词.这是)What re these/ those (in English) ? 这些是什么?(回答:They re + 复数名词这些是)7. How do you spell it ? 你怎么拼写它?E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.(注意拼读方法)Unit 21、 sb + has/ have ( an /a ) + adj + 五官 =sb s五官 is / are + adj (描述长相) 例:Lily has a small nose. = Lily s nose small.2、 I know = I see 我明白了3、 That s right 那是对的4、 look the same = look like 看起来相像look different 看起来不同例: Jim and Lilei look the same.= Jim looks like Lilei. .5、 look at + n 看某物 look for +n 寻找某人/某物 look after +n照顾某人6、 both 两者都be+both例: We are both students.7、 give sth(某东西)to sb = givesb (某人)sth把某物给某人;8、 have different looks = look different有着不同的长相(看起来不相像)have thesame look. =look the same有着相同的长相(看起来很相像)9、 over there在那边 come in 请进10、in +颜色 或in a/an/the +颜色+衣服表示穿着颜色的衣服ismy常常接在名词的后面,表示穿 -颜色衣服的 如the girl in red sister.11、 pants和shoes做主语,谓语动词用复数;例: His shoes are black.12、 in the morning/ afternoom/ evening 在早上/下午/晚上at_ night 在晚上13、 go shopping = go to the shop去购物类似的有 go swimming go fishing go skating 年14、help sb. ( to ) do sth = help sb with sth帮助某人做某事注意:sb用代词时必须用宾格15、16、17、high school 中学play +球类I thinkplay the 乐器我认为4can come.我认为他不会来了I think you are right. 例:I don t think he句型:1、 What do/does +主语+ look like ?询问人的长相例: What does your English teacher look like ?2、 What s and?加是什么?(回答:It -s-)例: What s red and yellow? It sorange.What s two and five? It sseven.3、 Whose + 东西 + is this/ that ? Whose + 东西 +are these/ those这/这些是谁的?例: Whose coat is this ? It is mine.Whose shoes are these ? They are hers.4、 Who is the letter from?这封信来自于谁?It from Lily.它来自于莉莉。5、 What color be +东西?(回答:It 颜的 或者 They er +颜色)例:What color is your dress? It black.部分习题:按要求完成句子1. This is a toy.(就划线部分提问)is this?2. His name is Jack.(就划线部分提问) is his name?3. My name is Kangkang.僦戈U线部分提问) is name?4. They are from Cuba.就戈1线音B分提问)they from?5. I am Zhang Yimou.(同义句)is Zhang Yimou.6. This is Mr. Zhang.酰划线部分提问)this?7. Nanjing is in Jiangshu.僦划线音B分提问)is Nanjing?8. Mary comes from London.撕划线部分提问) Mary from?9. It ,s frompen pal, Lucy.撕戈U线音B分提问)is it?10. They are oranges就划线部分提问)they?11. My telephone number is 31664733.就划线部分提问) is your telephone number?12. They are in Grade Seven.就划线部分提问)they in13. What s this in English?改为复数形式)in English?14. They are buses .(改为单数形式).15. Kangkang is from China. M义旬)Kangkang China.16. Id lssome apple juice.就划线音B分提问)you?17. It only Uve yuan.(就划线部分提问)is it?18. I d ltkeo bottles of juice.(就划线部分提问) of juice would you like?19. My favorite food is noodles.(就划线部分提问)is your favorite food?20. This is my pen.酰划线部分提问)pen is this?练习:按要求改写句子。(每空一词)1. We are in the same school.(一般疑问句) in the same school?2. Does she have a round face?!t定回答),.3. She is Jones就划线部分提问)?4. What does he look like?网义句) What he like?5. Her hair is brown.(同义句)She6. Do they have a big house?.才定回答)7. My sister has long legs.(一般疑问句)your sister long legs?8. His brother has two big ears.(否定句)His brother two big ears.9. I have a big head.否定句)I a big head.10. We have a good English teacher.(般疑问句) you a good English teacher?11. His pants are black.(否定句)His pants black.12. He has blond hair.(一般疑问句) blond hair?13. Does he like an orange ?(变复数句子) like?14. Are those men old?(变单数句子)old?15. The man over there is my uncle.(同义句)My uncle is .16. The girl in red is my sister.酰戈U线音B分提问)girl sister17. They look the same.(一般疑问句)they look the same?18. This is Kangkang bike.(就划线部分提问)is this?19. I like light yellow.(就划线部分提问)you like?20. Those shoes are white.就划线部分提问)those shoes21. He has a pair of new pants .(否定句)He a pair of new pants.22. Does it look like a cat?信定回答),.23. Whose is this jacket?(同义句)is this?24. The girl s shoeverrehere.僦划线部分提问) the girl s shoes?


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