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    初二下复习提纲Module 1have7.have been to + sw.去过某地(但已经回来)gone to + sw.去了某地(现在没回来)一.固定词组1.a bit 2.be done 3.have a try 4.in the middle (center/heart)5.hear from 6.each other 7.as well 8.be proud of/take pride in 9.be good at 10a few 11.in the right way12.be excited about 13.help sb. with sth.14.shake hands with 15.talk with二.用法点拨1.would like + to do sth. 想做某件事 =want to do sth.1.1 m afraid .恐怕1.5 hall I . ? 我吧?4 .be sure +句子 确信 主语是sb.5 .Thanks for doing sth.因做某事而感谢=Thank you fordoing sth.1.1 t + be +形容词 + to do sth.做某事很.7 .cant wait to do sth.迫不及待做某事8 .how to do sth.如何做某事9 .be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事10 .ask sb. (not)to do sth.要求某人(不要)做某事11 .much +比较级.得多三.语法专项表示感觉,感官和知觉的连系动词:feel、look、smell、sound、taste*这些连系动词,后面通常接形容词Module 2一.固定词组1.lots of 2.enter a competition 3.first prize 4.good luck 5.think about 6.a lot = very 7.make up 8.at the moment 9.for example 10.be different from 11.so far 12.count down 13.by train 14.have a wonderful time 15.find out 二.用法点拨1.help sb. + do sth.帮助某人做某事2.stop doing sth.停止做某事3.need (实意动词) + to do sth.4.Invite sb. + to do sth.邀请某人做某事5.one of + the +形容词最高级+复数名词表示“最.之一”1 .love doing sth.喜爱做某事8 .begin to do sth.开始做某事9 .enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事10.learn to do sth.学习做某事三.语法专项 现在完成时:构成 have/has +动词过去分词*不规则动词需额外记忆。例:see> take、be、eat、begin> have、make、find、go、comeModule 3一.固定词组1.be up to2.no problem 3.far away 4.go online5.seach for6.on earth7.billions of8.more than9.as.as.二.用法点拨1.1 n order to do sth. 为了 做某事2 .adj./adv. + enough + to do sth.足够.、可以做.3 .finish doing sth.做完某事4 .as + adj./adv.(原级)+as . 和.一样r watch sb. / sth. doing sth.看见某人、某物正在做某事5 .彳watch sb. / sth. do sth.看见某人、某物做某事三.语法专项现在完成时:重点区分been to & gone to already & yetModule 4一.固定词组1.have got a stomachache 2.catch a cold 3.take sb. s temperature 4.take part(in sth.) 5.in excellent condition 6.feel awful 7.all over 8.too much 9.such as 10.by underground 11.in hospital 12.go running二.用法点拨1.stop doing sth.停止做某事 (再次出现该词组)2 .Why dont we do sth. ?我们为什么不做某事呢?3 .too + adj. to do sth.太.而不能做某事4 .What (+a/an) +形容词 +名词 +主语 +谓语(+其 他)! 感叹句5 .“疑问词+不定式”作宾语成分6 .What about doing sth?做某事怎样?What about=How about三.语法专项现在完成时:用how long提问,谓语动词用延续性动词。重难点:短暂性动词转换成延续性动词(1)将短暂性动词转化为“ be +形容词或者副词"例:(见该表)come back -be backclose -be closedfinish -be overfall ill 一be ill(2)某些短暂性动词可转化为意思相同的延续性动词例:buy f have put on f wear become f be(3)短暂性动词不能和一段时间相连用,需要连用的时 候做出对应的转化。Module 5一.固定词组1.climb up 2.all over the world 3.win the heart of sb.4.ever since 5.more than 6.as well as 7.come out 8.be good at 9.next to 10.ask sb. for sth. 11.at first 12.tell a story 13.come to life 14.the number of 15.be popular with 16.in the future二.用法点拨1 .keep doing sth.不断. 反复.2 .cant help doing禁不住.3 .expect to do sth. 期望做 4 .mind +名词/动名词介意. 反对.三.语法专项一般现在时、一般过去时和现在完成时的区别(重难点)概念不同:一般现在时表示经常性和习惯性的状态;一般过去时表示过去的事情,不强调对现在产生的影响;现在完成时表示动作虽然发生在过去,但是对现在造成了影响或者产生了结果,不与过去的时间状语连用(2)结构不同时间状语不同:一般现在时:always、usually> often、sometimes、never、every+day、year、week 等一般过去时: yesterday> last+week、year、ago、just now、 in +时间点现在完成时:just、already> yet、ever、never、for+一段时间、since+时间点Module 6一.固定词组1 .take up 2.a bit of 3.have a look 4.show sb. sth. 5.tidy up 6.such as 7.look after 8.as well as 9.talk about 10.come out 11.as a result 12.as a result of 13.all the time 14.run out of二.用法点拨1 .most of +名词/代词 .中的大部分2 .as + adj./adv.(原级)+as .和.一样3 .enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事4 .make sb. Do sth.使某人做某事r spend on sth. 花费.做某事5 . <、spend in doing sth.花费.做某事6 .encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事7 .be interested in (doing) sth.对做某事感兴趣8 .see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事9.have to do sth. 必须做某事三.语法专项英语句子的基本类型:主语 +谓语+宾语 或者是主语+连 系动词+表语等(题目见 PPT)连系动词快速记:一是(am、are、is) 一觉(feel)保持 (keep)四个起来(taste、look、sound、smell) 好像(seem)又变(become、turn、get、go)四个Module 7一.固定词组l.prepare for 2.make a list 3.at the end of 4.pay for 5.too much 6.by the way 7.have a great time 8.at the same time 9.at the beginning of 10.depend on ll.form close friendship with sb. 12.stay in touch with sb.二.用法点拨l.had better do sth.最好做某事否定形式:had betternot do sth. 最好不做某事1.1 ffer sb. sth.为某人提供某物1.50 und + adj.听起来.4 .get sth. + adj. 使某物.5 .be certain to do sth. 确信/有把握做三.语法专项并列句1)结构:简单句 + 连词 + 简单句2)关系:A.并歹U关系: and、not onlybut also.B.选择关系:or、 eitheror.C.转折关系:but、however、while (然而)、yet (然而)*but 和 though/although 不能连用,两者选其一。Module 8一 .固定词组 1.time off 2.in the city centre 3.be famous of 4.take up5.point out 6.at the top of 7.look like 8.wake sb. up9.move about10.not.any more 11.in the end 12.be careful 13.be popular with二用法点拨1.so .that + 从句2 .welcome to + sw.3 .hear sb. doing sth.4 .allow sb. to do sth.5 .promise to do sth.6 .without doing sth.如此.以至于.欢迎来到 .听到某人正在做某事允许某人做某事答应/允许做某事没做某事7 .hope to do sth. 希望做某事难点: hope 用作动词时, 后面可接不定式或that 从句 ,但不能接“宾语 +不定式” 。如: We hope to see you again ( = We hope we can see you again )8 .the + 序数词 +形容词最高级表示“第几.的”9 .would like sb. to do sth. 想让某人去做某件事三 .语法专项 that 引导的宾语从句重点 & 难点:宾语从句的时态1 .主句: 现在的某种时态 (一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时) 宾语从句: 时态可以根据实际情况来决定2 .主句: 过去的某种时态 (一般过去时、 过去进行时) 宾语从句: 一定要用过去的某种时态 (一般过去时、 过去进行时、过去将来时、过去完成时) 即:往前推一个时态(可根据新概念中的知识点进行讲解)3 .如果宾语从句表示客观真理或者是客观真实的情况, 即使主句是过去的某种时态,宾语从句也要使用一般现在时。例: He told me the earth is round.4 .宾语从句中的否定转移。 当主语为第一人称,谓语动词是think、believe、suppose时,宾语从句需要表达否定的意思时, 要将宾语从句中的否定往前移到主句中。 例:I don t think he will come with you. 我认为他不会和你一 起来的。Module 9一固定词组1.take a message 2.get separated 3.sure of oneself 4.patient with 5.make friends 6.join in 7.have a hard time 8.have a fight 9.every time 10.worry about 11.in silence 12.day by day 13.stick together 14.have fun 15.so that二用法点拨1 .refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事2 .regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事3 .encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事4 .be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事;不敢做某事5 .feel sb. do sth. 感觉某人做过某事三 .语法专项重点 & 难点: whether/if 引导的宾语从句和特殊疑问词引导的宾语从句注意:( 1 )主句中含有介词时,只能使用 whether( 2 )直接和 or not 连用时,只能使用 whether( 3 )宾语从句需记牢,两点事项应牢记。陈述句用that;一般疑问是否( whether/if )替。 特殊问句更好办,引导还用疑问词。二是语序要记清,从句永保陈述序。Module 10一固定词组1.show.around 2.on air 3.do interviews with 4.in person 5.ask for 6.once a week 7.watch for 8.close down二 . 用法点拨1 .avoid doing sth. 避免做某事2 .What about doing sth. ? 做某事怎么样?3.It seems that + 从句好像;似乎 .4.keep on doing sth. 继续做某事,反复做某事三 .专项语法宾语从句:主句和从句的时态综合应用难点: 当主句是一般过去时, 从句的动作发生在主句的动作之前, 从句用过去完成时; 主句是一般过去时, 从句的动作还没有发生或者是将要发生,从句用过去将来时。


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