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    高中英语 Unit 4 Period Two Learning about Language教学案 新人教版选修6.doc

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    高中英语 Unit 4 Period Two Learning about Language教学案 新人教版选修6.doc

    Period TwoLearning about Language it的用法()it用于强调句式“It is/was被强调部分that/who句子的其余部分”结构1it结构概述it用在强调结构中,为了强调句子的某一成分(通常为主语、宾语和状语)。My mother met Tom in the street yesterday.It was in the street that my mother met Tom.我母亲就是在大街上遇到了汤姆。2it结构在句中的应用(1)强调主语Its only I who am willing to go to the cinema.想去看电影的只有我。It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.犯这样愚蠢的错误的不仅仅是瞎子。(2)强调宾语It was her that I met yesterday.我昨天见到的是她。It was a key that I found in his pocket.我在他口袋里找到的是钥匙。(3)强调状语It was because her mother was ill that she didnt go to work.是因为母亲病了她才没有去上班。3it结构的否定句It was not Olivia but her sister that I saw.我看见的不是奥莉维亚,而是她的妹妹。It was not for several years that I had an opportunity of seeing him again.(I did not have an opportunity of seeing him again for several years.)我有好几年没有机会再见到他了。4it结构的疑问句(1)这种强调句的一般疑问句只需把is/was提前。Was it you that broke the window?是你把窗户打破了吗?Was it in 1937 that the Second World War broke out?第二次世界大战是在1937年爆发的吗?Is it Professor Wang who teaches you English?是王教授教你们英语吗?Was it during the AntiJapanese War that he died?他是在抗日战争期间去世的吗?(2)这种强调句的特殊疑问句,只需在一般疑问句前加上疑问词就可。Who was it that broke the window?打破窗子的是谁?When was it that you called me yesterday?你昨天是什么时候打电话给我的?What is it that you want me to do?你要我做的是什么?How was it that you succeeded?你是怎么成功的?Why is it that smoking is not allowed here?这儿为什么不允许吸烟?Where was it that he bought the bike?他是在什么地方买到这辆自行车的?5有时可用It might be.that.,It must have been.that.句型表示强调。It might be his father that youre thinking of.你关心的可能是他父亲。It must have been his brother that you saw.你看到的想必是他的兄弟。6在现代英语中,that/whom可省略Was it in Nanjing(that)you first met him?你是在南京第一次碰到他的吗?It was my mother(whom)you saw the other day.你几天前见到的是我妈妈。7这一强调句型可用于原因状语从句,当原因状语从句是as,since引导时,应改为because引导,但结果状语从句、条件状语从句、让步状语从句等不能用于这一强调句型She missed the first bus since she got up late.It was because she got up late that she missed the first bus.她因起晚了而误了第一班车。8使用这一强调句型时,需注意否定转移Money cant buy everything.It is not everything that money can buy.钱不能买到一切。He didnt go to bed until twelve oclock last night.It was not until twelve oclock last night that he went to bed.昨晚他12点才去睡觉。I didnt realize it until I got off the bus.It was not until I got off the bus that I realized it.直到下车我才意识到这一点。9用这一强调句型时,要注意以下几点(1)不论强调句子的哪一部分,都可用that连接句子的其余部分。(2)被强调部分指人时,可用who取代that;指物时,有时可用which取代that。(3)如果被强调部分指人,并且作后面句中的宾语时,也可用whom代替who。(4)that,who等常常被省略掉,特别是在口语中,在强调直接宾语或间接宾语、时间或地点状语时。(5)如果被强调的主语为人称代词时,可用主格,也可用宾格形式。(6)被强调部分通常不能用不定代词,除非其后还有定语。(7)如果被强调部分在后面的句子中为定语时,要用whose引导后面的句子。(8)在强调介词宾语时,介词常置于whom等之前(介词whom),但也可把介词放在其宾语之前,或放在句末。(9)如果强调的是主语时,that,who或which之后的谓语的人称和数要与被强调的主语保持一致,但在口语中的个别情况下,也可能遇到与it一致的现象。Its me that has to give it up.我不得不将它放弃。(10)it之后的be动词的时态通常要与that之后的谓语呼应或一致。(11)这一句型通常不能用来强调由since,as,why,although,whereas等引导的从句。.单项填空1Why!I have nothing to confess._ you want me to say?AWhat is it that BWhat it is thatCHow is it that DHow it is that答案A解析What is it that you want me to say?是强调句,对疑问词what进行强调。其语序应该为:疑问词一般疑问句。2It was for this reason_ her uncle moved out of New York and settled down in a small village.Awhich BwhyCthat Dhow 答案C解析强调句型的考查。3_ was it that the road accident happened yesterday?In front of the market.AWhen BWhereCWhich DHow答案B解析本题是强调句型的特殊疑问形式,由答语in front of the market可知,强调的应是地点,故用where。4It was after he got what he had desired_he realized it was not so important.Athat Bwhen Csince Das答案A解析被强调的部分是一时间状语。what he desired作got的宾语。在强调句型中,只有被强调的部分是人时,引导词可以用who/whom,其余一律用that。5It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you are.Aone Bthat Cwhat Dit答案B6Was it in 1982 _ you were in college _ you got to know her?Awhen;that Bthat;thatCwhen;when Dthat;when答案A解析本题是强调句型的一般疑问句式。you were in college是一定语从句,in 1982在其中作时间状语,故用when引导。被强调部分是含有定语从句的时间状语,所以第二个空只能用that引导。7It was not until she got home _ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys.Awhen Bthat Cwhere Dbefore答案B解析被强调部分是not.until.这一固定结构。8It is these poisonous products _ can cause the symptoms(症状) of the flu,such as headache and aching muscles.Awho Bthat Chow Dwhat答案B9I just wonder _ that makes him so excited.Awhy it does Bwhat he doesChow it is Dwhat it is答案D解析根据句意“我想知道是什么使得他如此兴奋”可知,被强调部分是what,强调句型在句中作wonder的宾语,宾语从句应用陈述句语序,故选D。10It is what you do rather than what you say_matters.Athat Bwhat Cwhich Dthis答案A解析强调句型。被强调部分是主语从句what you do rather than what you say。句意为:重要的是你做什么,而不是你说什么。11On the contrary,I think it is Brown,_ you,_ to blame.Amore than;are Bless than;who areCrather than;that is Drather than;is答案C解析根据句意“相反地,我认为是布朗而不是你该受责备”可排除A、B两选项;分析句式可知本句为一强调句型,第二空必须由that或who引导从句,可排除D项,故C项正确。12The teacher asked me_Jack got injured in the leg.Ahow was it that Bhow it was thatChow it was which Dhow wasnt which 答案B解析本题是对强调句型这一知识点的考查。C、D两项构不成强调句型,从题干可知,宾语从句要用陈述句语序,故选B。13My teacher often tells us,“It is not who is right but what is right_is of importance.”Awhich Bthis Cthat Dit答案C解析句意为:老师经常告诉我们“谁对谁错不重要,重要的是什么是对的。”本题考查了强调句型而被强调部分用了not.but.结构,增加了习题的难度。14Why!I have nothing to say._it is going like that?Awhat is it that Bwhat it is thatChow is it that Dhow it is that答案C解析本题干为疑问句,故应用疑问语序,排除B、D两项。it is going like that中已经有了主语it和like的宾语that,故排除A。15The Foreign Minister said,“_our hope that the two sides will work towards peace.”AThis is BThere is CThat is DIt is答案D解析根据题干可知,that引导的从句为真正的主语,前边要填的成份在句中作形式主语,而能作形式主语和形式宾语的只有it,故选D。16He transplanted the little tree to the garden_it was the best time for it.Awhere Bwhen Cthat Duntil答案B解析根据句意“在最适合小树生长的时候,他把这棵小树移栽到了花园里”知只有B项when符合语意。17It was with great joy_he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.Abecause Bwhich Csince Dthat答案D解析考查强调句型,被强调的部分是物,引导词只能用that。18It was_back home after the experiment.Anot until midnight did he goBuntil midnight that he didnt goCnot until midnight that he wentDuntil midnight when he didnt go答案C解析对not.until.这一结构进行强调,要用It is/was not until.that.这一固定句型。由于not已经前移,that后只能用肯定形式。19_was I_saw him last night at the concert.AIt;where BIt;whenCIt;that DIt;how答案C解析在强调句型中,被强调的部分是人,引导词用that/who/whom,故只有C项正确。20Was it the training that Peter had in China eight years before_led to his success?Athat Bwhich Cwhat Dthe one答案A解析考查强调句型,只不过被强调的部分比较复杂,含有一个that引导的定语从句,分清句子结构是做对该题的关键。.运用强调句型对句子中的划线部分进行强调1When_he_was_about_to_go_out it began to rain.It_was_when_he_was_about_to_go_out_that_it_began_to_rain.2He didnt attend the meeting because_he_was_ill.It_was_because_he_was_ill_that_he_didnt_attend_the_meeting.3I am looking for my_English_dictionary.It_is_my_English_dictionary_that_I_am_looking_for.4The_people_in_the_country were friendly to the foreigners.It was the people in the country who were friendly to the foreigners.5He didnt go to bed until_11:30_last_night.It_was_not_until_11:30_last_night_that_he_went_to_bed.根据要求用强调句翻译句子1正在打电话的是张教授。(强调主语)It_is_professor_Zhang_who_is_talking_on_the_phone.2病人需要的是更好的食物和更多的阳光。(强调宾语)It_is_better_food_and_more_sunshine_that_the_patient_needs.3第二十九届奥运会在中国举行。(强调地点状语)It_is_in_China_that_the_29th_Olympic_Games_are_held.4奥林匹克竞赛是从什么时候开始的?(强调时间状语)When_was_it_that_the_Olympic_competition_started?.阅读理解AArt is something that almost everyone can create.Pencil art is a free hand art with simple strokes(笔画)that give an elegant and unusual look.Any person can draw pencil art.It is an untruth that only an artist can draw.Creativity is more than enough to draw a work of art.Very different effects can be created in pencil art.Drawing pencils are available with different types of leads,such as 4H,2H,H,HB,B,2B,4B etc.The 4H pencil is the lightest lead pencil and produces light and thin lines,while 4B is the darkest lead pencil and produces dark and thick lines.Very unique effects can be created with these pencils.Strokes are one of the most important factors in pencil art.The pressure that is applied on the lines or curves or arc or circle or triangle of freehand drawing will decide the strength of stroke.It will add to the liveliness and to the depth of the art.Apart from stroke,blending and shading(描影)is one more factor in pencil art.A number of methods can be used to make changes of shape and color (within black and white) very easily.Even human fingers can be used.The popular method is using tissue paper for soft blend and salt paper for hard to make texture(质地)blend.Take a flower as an example,the 2B pencil is used to draw the outline of the flower while the HB pencil is used to draw simple line strokes inside the flower.The centre circle can be improved by the use of the 2B,HB and H pencils with pale finger blend.1Which of the following statements is NOT one of the authors opinions?APencil art has strict regulations although it is simple.BEvery person can draw pencil art.CAlmost any person has the ability to create art.DDrawing with different pencils can create unique effects.答案A解析根据第一段“Pencil art is a free hand art with simple strokes than gives an elegant and unusual look”可知,答案为A。2The difference between the 4H and 4B pencils mainly lies in their_.Alength Bheight Ccolor Dlead答案D解析根据第二段“The 4H pencil is the lightest lead pencil and produces light and thin lines,while 4B is the darkest lead pencil and produces dark and thick lines”可知,答案为D。3The strength of stroke in pencil art is decided by_Athe type of drawing pencilsBthe pressure applied on the drawingCthe quality of paperDthe kind of drawing答案B解析根据第三段“The pressure that.will decide the strength of stroke”可知,答案为B。4The example in the last paragraph is used to tell us_.Athe 2B pencil is used to draw the outline of the flowerBthe HB pencil is used to draw simple line strokes inside the flowerCthe 2B,HB and H pencils are used to draw the centre circle of the flower Dhow to use different types of drawing pencils to draw pencil art答案D解析根据最后一段和上文的关系可知,作者以画花为例来说明怎么利用各种铅笔的性能及铅笔的作画技巧来作画。5We can learn from the passage that_.Ahuman fingers can be used as pencilsBthe kind of paper has no effect on blendingCcreativity is very important in drawing an artDstrokes add to the liveliness and depth of art答案C解析根据第一段“Creativity is more than enough to draw a work of art”可知,答案为C。BMost young architectsparticularly those in big citiescan only dream about working in a building of their own.And making that dream come true often means finding a building no one else seems to want,which is exactly what happened to David Yocum and his partner,Brian Bell.Their building is a former automobile electricalparts firm in Atlanta.From the outside,it looks too old,even something horrible,but open the door and you are in a wide,open courtyard,lined on three sides with rusting(生锈的) walls.In 2000,Yocum and Bell found this building in the citys West End.Built in 1947,the structure had been abandoned years earlier and the roof of the main building had fallen down.But the price was right,so Yocum bought it.He spent eight months of his offhours on demolition(拆除),pulling rubbish out through the roof,because it was too dangerous to go inside the building.The demolition was hard work,but it gave him time to think about what he wanted to do,and “to treasure what was therethe walls,the rust,the light,”Yocum said.“Every season,more paint falls off the walls and more rust develops.Its like an art installation(装置) in therea slowmotion show.”Since the back building had been constructed without windows,an allglass front was added to the building to give it a view of the courtyard,and skylights were installed in the roof.The back of the building is a working area and a living room for Yocum and his wife.A sort of buffer(缓冲) zone between the front and the back contains a bathroom,a kitchen and a mechanical room,and the walls that separate these zones have openings that allow views through to the front of the studio and the courtyard beyond.Yocum and Bell,who have just completed an art gallery for the city,feel that the experience from the decoration of their building,focusing on the inside rather than the outside,has influenced their work.It has also given these architects a chance to show how they can make more out of less.6According to the passage,it is _ for most young architects in big cities to work in a building of their own.Aeasy BunnecessaryCunrealistic Dcommon答案C解析由第一段的第一、二两句可知。7Yocum bought the old building because _.Ait was a bargain to himBit was still in good conditionCit was located in the city centerDit looked attractive from the outside答案A解析根据第二段可知,楼房的状况不好,但价钱合适,因此他们才买了。8Working on the old building,Yocum and Bell _.Apulled rubbish out through the roofBremoved the skylights from the bathroomCpresented a slowmotion show in an art galleryDbuilt a kitchen at the back part of the old building答案A解析根据第二段第四句“.pulling rubbish out through the roof.”可知。9It can be inferred from the passage that Yocum and Bell _.Abenefited a lot from pulling down the roofBturned more old buildings into art galleriesCgot inspiration from decorating their old buildingDpaid more attention to the outside of the art gallery答案C解析由最后一段第一句“Yocum and Bell,who have just completed an art gallery for the city,feel that the experience.has influenced their work.”可知。10The main idea of the passage is that _.Apeople can learn a lot from their failuresBit is worthwhile to spend money on an old buildingCpeople should not judge things by their appearanceDcreative people can make the best of what they have答案D解析本文以Yocum和Bell为例,说明有创造力的人充分利用他们拥有的东西来进行设计和创作。8用心 爱心 专心


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