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    七年级英语上册期中考试题1七年级英语上册期中考试试题姓名: 成绩评定:厂、单项选择,(15分)()21.What s this in English? .A. Itf sapen. B. It snot a pen. C. No, it isn* t. D. It pen ()22.How do you spell egg? . ,A. If s an egg. B. Yes, it s an egg.C. E-G-G. D. Egg()23. Is this his ball?.A. Yes, it* s his ball. B. No, it s a ball. C. No, if s not my ball. D. Ball ()24. Is this a dictionary?A. Yes, it is. B. Yes. it s a book. C. No, itf s a dictionary. ()25. 一 your phone number?-It s6678954.A. Where* s B. What s C. How* s D. What ()26.She is a girl. name is Joy.A. My B. Her C. She D. His ()27. The bag is green. The ball is too.A. red B. white C.blue D. green ()28.- What is this? -.A. It s a book. B. It s nice. C.If s OK. D. It s red.()29. -, Lily? -Fine, thank you.A. HelloB. GoodmorningC. How are you D. Sit down, pleaseEnglish?C. onD. at)30. What is this A. in B. of )31. Jim is English.A. a B. an C. the D. / )32.WhaVs that under the desk?A . IVs a ball. B. Thafs a ball.C. Its an ball. D. This is a ball.()33.You and I students.A. am B. is C. are DJ()34. Her name is Peter Hall. Her last name is.()35. This isapple and that isA. Peter Hall B. Peter C, Hall D. Hallpen.A . an, a B. a, an C. an, an D. a, a二、完型填空。(10分)This boys name is 36 . He 37 twelve.This is 38 school. 39 teacher is MissYang, 40 a good teacher.Jim has (有)41 good friend 42 school.His name 43 Zhang Lin. Theyare 44 Class 2, Grade 1. They are good students in 45 class.()36. A. Jim Green B. Green Jim C. Jimgreen D. Green jim()37. A. amB. isC. arebe()38. A. heB. himC. hishe s()39. A. He B. HimC. He sHis()40. A. She* s B. She C. Her He()41. A. the B. / C. a an()42. A. to B. on C. at /()43. A. areB. isC. beam()44. A. atB. onC. toinD.D.D.D.D.D.D.D.)45. A. these B. they C.they re D. their三、阅读理解(40分)AFound: Is this your phone ? It is new. Call David at 455- 5589.Lost: My bike. Please call Mary at 643-1153. Found: Is this your jacket? It is blue. Please call Bob at 455- 8891.Lost: A yellow key. Please call Dale at 666- 7812.)46.found a new phone.A. David B. Mary C. Dale D. Jack)47. Mary lost herA. phone bikeC. jacket D. pen()48. If(如果)Jack lost his jacket the can call.A. David B. Mary C. Bob D. Dale ()49. Dale lost a key.A. blue B. red C. white D. yellow ()50.If you find a bike , you cancall .A. 455- 5589. B.643-1153. C.455-B: Good morning.B: It* s aB: It s a8891. D.666- 7812.A: Good morning.A: What, s this? classroom (教室).A: What s this in English? desk.A: Ihat color is itB: It s yellow. The chairs (椅子)are yellow ,too.A: Look! What s that in English? B: It s a blackboard(黑板).A: B: Ofcourse, it* s black.A: Thank you!()51. It is now.A. morning B. afternoon. C. evening D. night ()52. They are in a.A. room B. classroom C. desk D. chair ()53. The desk is.A. red B. black C. yellow D. white )54 .文中画线处应填A. Ihat* s it? B. Spellit, please? C. What color is it? D. What? ()55. What are in the classroom?A. Desks, bags and a blackboard. B. Desks, books and a blackboard.C. Desks, chairs and a blackboard. D. Keys, chairs and a blackboard.I* m a Chinese girl. My name is Li Ping.My English name is Alice, r m 13 years old.I* m in No.3 Middle School. At school I have a good friend, Jenny. She is an American girl. She is 12. We are in Classi, Grade l.Our Chinese teacher is Mr. Zhang. He is a nice teacher. He looks young. 爬 all like him. ()56. Alice is girl.A. an English B. a Chinese C. an American D. a Japanese ()57. Li Ping is years old.A. 11 B. 12C.13D.14)58. The two children are in GradeA. One B. Two C. Three D. Four()59. Mr. Zhang is their teacher.A. Chinese B. English C. math D.history()60.How old is Jenny?D.14B: MyB: I mk. 11 B. 12C.13DA: What s your name?name is Tony Brown.A: How old are you?nine.A: What s your telephone number? B: My phone number is 865-6676.B: She isB: HerA: Who is she?my sister(妹妹).A: What s her name?name is Mary.A: What* s his name?B: His name isJack Hand. He is my good friend.A: Thank you.()61. Tony is.A.8 B. 9C.10 D.ll()62.Mary* s family name is.A. Brown B. Tony C. Hand D. Green ()63. Jack is Tony s.A. sister B. friend C. brother D. father ()64. Tony s phone number is.A. eight-five-five, six-six-seven-six B. eight-six-five, six-seven-seven-sixC. eight-nine-five, six-six-seven-six D. eight-six-five, six-six-seven-six ()65. Hand is last name.A. Tony s B. Mary* s C.四.根据汉语意思完成句子。(10 分)Is _yourJack s D. John* s1 .这是你的背包吗?9. . 一 .2 .你怎么拼写“学校”这个单词? do you the word “school” ?3,请拨打321-7890找琳达。PleaseLinda 321-7890.4.请问,这是你的棒球吗?,isthis your baseball?5.那是你的字典吗? your dictionary?五、句型转换。(10分)1. This is a book in English?(对画线部分 提问)this in English?2.1s this Li Ming s baseball?(作否定回答) , it.3.It is a pen.(改为否定句) It a .4 .This is my watch.(改为一般疑问 句).5 . It is red.( 对画线部分提 问)isit?六、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)1 .Nice (meet) you.2 .Mr. (white) is very kind.3 .Dale and Frank (be) OK.4 .The girl is Linda, and (she)jacket is red.5 .Jack is my friend. (him) is a good boy.6 .What s (you)last name?7 .How (be)your mother?8 .(look) at the picture , please.9 .That is (I) pencil.10.It (be) a nice jacket.七.书面表达。(5分)假如你是Tom Brown,请写一篇自我介绍的小短文。内容包括姓名、性别、电话号码等。要 求:语句通顺,语意连贯,语法正确。参考答案:单项选择(15分 每小题1分)2125ACAAB 2630 BDACA 31_35 DACCA三、完型填空(15分每小题1.5分)36-40 ABCDA4145 CCBDD四、阅读理解(30分 每小题1.5分)4650ABCDB51-55ABCCC 56-60BCAAB 6165BABDC七.根据汉语意思完成句子。(10分 每小题2分)l.this; backpack 2.How: spell 3.call; at 4.Excuse me 5. Is that八、句型转换。(10分 每小题2分)l.What; is 2.No; isn* t 3.isn, t: pen 4.Is this your watch? 5. What color九、用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分每小题05分) 1. to meet 2. White 3.are 4.her5.He6. your 7. is 8.Look 9.my 10.is十、附加题:书面表达。(5分)答案略


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