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    掌门 1 对 1 教育 高中英语高中英语重点词组( 21-41)21.leave v. 离开,留下leave alone不要管( 某人 ), 不要碰 (某物 )leave behind遗留 , 遗志leave off ( 使)停止 ; 中断leave out删掉,漏掉leave over 剩下的 ,暂时不去解决的22.lay in积蓄,储蓄.23. let vt.容许,使得,假设Rose, let me introduce my friend to you. 罗斯 , 让我介绍一下我的朋友。let alone 不要管 ,不碰 ,更不用说let down 放下 (窗帘 ), 失望let off 燃放鞭炮 ,放掉蒸汽 ,放过某人let out 放掉气 , 发出响声 ,泄露24.look v. 看,期待 n. 外观 ,神色Yes, but you look as pretty now, as you did then.但你看起来还是那么漂亮。look after 照料Its very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business. 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。look at 看May I have a look at the watch? 我能看看这块表吗?look back 回顾look in 顺便来访 =drop in I dont know.You may look in the TV Guide. 我不知道 , 你可以看看电视报 。look into sth 调查 ,了解某事 ,浏览 (书报 )look on as把. 看作 .look out 小心 ,当心 , 向外看look around 到处看Well . you mind if I look around 嗯你们不介意我到处瞧瞧look over 审阅 , 翻阅Yes, so we had better look over your specifications.是的 , 所以我们最好先把您的规格说明细看一遍。look through 浏览 ,仔细地检查13look to 负责 ,留意The more women look in their glass,the less they look totheir house. 妇女照镜越多 ,照管家务就越少。look up ( 从词典中 )找出 ,天气转变 ,物价上涨 ,仰视to look up 仰视look up to sb 尊敬某人look down on sb 轻视某人look down upon sb 轻视某人look forward 期待I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. 我等著见 Harry 和Michelle 。25.make n.( 产品 ) 来源 vt. 制造Its really hard to make a decision. 挺难做决定的。make for 有助于,向走过去make out 辩认出 ,理解 ,开(写)支票 ,假装make up 构成I am old enough to make up my own mind.make up for 补偿make up of 由 . 组成make phone of 嘲笑 ,和某人开玩笑make the best of 充分利用make certain 弄清楚make up ones mind 决定 , 下决心make up ones minds 决心 ,下决心make tea 泡茶She intends to make teaching her profession.make coffee 冲咖啡make off 逃跑 , 匆匆离开26.open a. 开的 ; 开放的 vt. 开Does the shop open at 9 am on weekdays?我已经长大了 , 可以自己拿主意了。她想以教书为职业。这家店平日是早上9 点开门吗?open to the public 向公众开放The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to the sunset daily. 市立公园每天从早到晚对公众开放。open traffic 通车open into 门打开后通向open to 道路通向这座公路桥现在开放通行。The road bridge is now open to traffic. open up 开垦open fire on sb. 向某人开火open out 打开 , 转开27 .pass v. 通过 n. 经过 ;通行证Even if you take the exam again, you wont pass it.就算再考一次你也通不过。pass away 消磨 ( 时间 )to pass away 去世 ,死(委婉的说法)pass by 从某人身边经过, 过去Dont let chances pass by 不要让机遇从我们身边溜走。pass off 消失 , 顺利地进行pass for 冒充 ,假扮pass on 传下去pass through 经历We dont like them to pass through here.我们不希望汽车通过这里。28 .pick n. 风镐 ;牙签 v. 凿;摘 ;挑选I pick up my sister from her school.我到学校接妹妹。pick out 挑选 ,认出 (某人 ), 领会pick up 捡起来 ,中途把某人装上车,恢复健康I pick up my sister from her school.我到学校接妹妹。29 .pull v. 拖,拔, 扯 n. 牵引to pull a trailer 拖汽车房屋(电影中经常见到)pull down 拆掉 ,推掉 ,使身体虚弱 ,使价格降低pull off 脱衣帽pull off a plan 实现计划pull out 拔出 ,离开 ,度过难关,恢复健康to pull out of the garage 从车库开车出来pull throw 渡过难关,使从病中恢复过来pull up 车子停下 ,拔起 (树、草 )30 .put v. 放;移动 ;使穿过 ;写Do you know where Ive put my glasses?你知道我把眼镜搁哪儿了吗?put away放下,收起来,把放在原位He has a nice sum of money put away 他存了一大笔钱。put aside 把放在 . 留出 (时间 ),备用put back 放在原处 ,推迟 ,延期当其When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture.他人走了之后 , 玛丽留下来, 将家具放回原处。put down 镇压 ,写下来He put down his glass. 他放下杯子。put forward 提出 , 提前 , 提供put in 提交 , 申请 (+for)All is not gain that is put in the purse. 装进钱包里的不一定都是正当的收入。put off 推迟 ,延期 ,打消 ,关上Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事今日毕。put on 穿上 , 上演put on a bit of makeup. 我化一点妆。put through 接通电话put out 扑灭 ,关灯 ,生产 , 出版Far water does not put out near fire. 远水救不了近火。put up 张贴 ,留某人过夜,建造if we can put up some collateral. 如果我们能提供担保物的话put into production 把 . 投入生产put into use 投入使用put ones heart into 全心全意投入31 .run v.( 使) 跑 n. 赛跑 ;路线He can run as fast as Jim. 他跑的和吉姆一样快。run across 穿过 (跪道 ), 偶然遇到run after 追赶to run after the gentleman 追求绅士run away 逃走 ,失去控制to run away from his sister 从他姐姐那儿逃走(发生了什么事情?)run down 身体虚弱 , 电用完了run into sb 碰到某人run for 竞选Why shouldnt you run for what, Mom?为什么 不该竞选什么 妈妈run out 用完Well, I suppose Ive run out of excuses.噢 我想我再也找不出籍口了。run over 匆匆浏览run through 穿过 ,匆匆看一下,做完Lets just run through the arguments for and against.我们来看一下赞成和反对的理由。run a risk of =at the risk of 冒. 险run a fever 发烧run short of 缺乏32 .see vt. 看见 ; 遇见 ; 看出Hello. Can I see Mr . Green? 你好 , 我能见格林先生吗?see sb off 为某人送行, 解雇see into sth 调查 , 了解某事see about 负责处理Ill have to see about that. 这事儿我得想一想再定。see through 看穿某人see sth through进行到底see to get that 务必要33 .send vt. vi.送,寄发 ; 派遣To make it fast, you can send a fax. 要想快点的话就发个传真。send for 派某人去请,去叫某人send off 发出 , 寄出send sb off =see sb. off 为某人送行, 解雇send out 发出 , 发射send in 交上去 ,递送我们可以寄个给你试用。send on 转交I can send one for you to try.34.set vi.( 日,月)落,vt.放We are going upstairs to set up Grandpas room.间。 set about sth 着手做某事set about doing sth 着手做某事set out 出发 ,开始做某事, 陈述After several delays, he finally set out at 8 oclock.出发了。set apart 分离 , 流出set aside 流出,宣布无效In that case ,Ill have some set aside for you.set down 放下 , 写下我们要上楼收拾一下爷爷的房几经耽搁 , 他终于在八点钟既然这么说 ,我会为你留一些下来。set off 出发set up 建立We are going upstairs to set up Grandpas room.我们要上楼收拾一下爷爷的房间。set fire to 放火烧set an example for 为某人树立榜样34 .start vi. 跳起 ; 出发 ; 开始What time do you start work? 你什么时候开始工作?start from从 . 开始start with就此开始to schedule one hour a week-to start with.安排一星期一个小时。start in 开始start after sb. 追赶上某人start off 动身出发start out 着手进行start up 开工 ,突然站起来at the very start 一开始36 .take vt. 耗费 ( 时间 ); 需要I used to take a walk in the early morning.我过去常一大早出去散步。take away 拿走 , 离开I want to take away the book which you showed me yesterday.我想带走你昨天给我看的那本书。take back 拿回来take back ones words 收回 ( 刚讲的话 )take A for B 把 A 误认为是 Btake in sth 接受take in sb 欺骗take off 起飞 ,取消Before gold,even kings take off their hats.在黄金面前, 国王也要脱帽。take on 呈现 , 承担The U.S. will take one route, the Japan take other. 美国和日本采取不同的新路径。take on sb 雇用take up 占据 (时间 ,地方),从事于take pride in =be proud of 引以为豪take turn 轮流take in turn 依次take pains to do 努力做某事take a chance 碰运气take a lead带头take effect生效take charge of 负责take ones leave 告辞37 .think v.思考 ; 认为 ;想起Yes, I think so. 是的 , 我认为是。think about考虑 ,关心What do you think about it? 你对此怎么看?think of 想起 ,记得 ,觉得怎样What do you think of their skill? 你觉得他们演奏技术如何?think of as 把. 当作 .think over 仔细考虑think out 想出,解决了,想清楚think back to回想过去think well of 高度评价think highly of 高度评价38 .throw v. 投射 ; 摔倒 n. 投掷to throw a plane 抛(纸)飞机throw about 到处扔throw away 扔掉 ,浪费 (金钱 ), 失去 (机会 )throw back 扔回来 , 阻止 ,进攻throw down 扔下来 , 推翻throw in 扔,扔进throw into 扔,扔进throw in a word or two 插一两句话throw off 匆忙地脱掉,摆脱 ,扔掉throw off ones airs放下某人的架子throw on 匆忙穿上throw out 赶走Dont throw out the baby with the bath water. 切勿良莠不分一起抛。throw light on 提供线索 ,有助理解某事throw ones self into 投入throw cold water 泼冷水39 .turn v. 转向 , 旋转 n. 轮流Open your books and turn to page打开书 , 翻到第 20 页。turn back 翻回到+to turn down 拒绝 ,音量调低 turn up 音量调高 , 出席L: You can fill in this lost property report, and Ill keep my eye out for it.Those kinds of things usually turn up eventually, but I suggest you contact your embassy and tell them about your situation, so they can issue you a new passport in case it doesnt show up. 管理员:你来填这张遗失报告表, 我会替你留意的。像这样的东西 , 最后总是会出现的。但我建议你跟你们的大使馆联系并把你 的情形告诉他们。万一你的护照找不到的话, 他们会给你补发新护照的。turn in 上交 Please turn in your paper before leaving.请在离开前将论文交上。turn oneself in 自首 turn into把. 变成 ., 把. 翻译成 .turn out 结果是 ,制造出 ,生产出 ,培养出,关(煤气 )How did the game turn out? 球赛结果如何? turn over 移交 , 把. 打翻 turn to 转向 ,求助于 ,翻到第几页 Open your books and turn to page . 打开书 , 翻到第 20 页。 turn to sb for help 求助于 turn against 背叛 by turns 轮流 , 交替 in ones turn 轮到某人做某事 it is ones turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 40.wear v. 穿,戴, 磨损 , 耐久 What will you wear for the party? 晚会上你穿什么? wear sb out 使某人精疲力尽 wear sth out 使某物被穿破 wear off 慢慢地消失掉, 褪掉wear away 磨掉 ,( 时间 )消逝 wear on ( 时间 ) 消逝 41.work vi.( 机器等 ) 运转 ;活动 Ill work for the next 5 days. 我要工作 5 天(从明天算起) work on 从事于某项工作Ill work on my computer我要练电脑。work on a problem 从事于某项工作work out 算出(总数)to work out a sum 算出总数 带来好结果;有预期的结果Things will work themselves out. 事情会有好结果的。每天和拳击陪练员练习如果我去你的班上做运动 一定运动;锻炼 to work out daily with sparring partner I could work out in your class with no problem.不会觉得有问题。 (矿山)开采完,采尽work at 在做 .I start work at 8 oclock. 我八点开始工作。work in with 配合work up 准备work in 编进去是的 我是位设计师 我在一家服Yes. Im a designer , and I work in a boutique.装店工作。


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