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    新冀教版七年级英语上册Unit2 单元试题.pdf

    学学 号号 : : unit2unit2 单元试题单元试题 ()13. Whats Helen doing now? She isher lessons in the library. A. playing withB. working on C. coming fromD. looking at ()14. Youll be all right soon. . A. I hope soB. Youre welcome Andrew to take Toby for his walk. But the visitor had nointention (打算) of leaving. Toby became very worried. He walked around the room several times (几次) and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to (没有注意 ) Toby. He went on talking. At last Toby got angry. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor, but this time he took the visitors hat in his mouth. 根据材料内容,选择正确答案。 .单项选择 (15分) ()1. Do you know the camel? Yes!Itis C. Have funD. Come on importanttoolin 线线 名名 : : 姓姓 订订 : : 别别 班班 装装 : : 校校 学学 desert. A. a; aB. an; anC. the; aD. an; the () 2. Peoplethe bridge fifty years ago. A. will buildB. are building C. buildD. built ()3. The youngman oftenmusicfor his friends. A. speaksB. playsC. enjoysD. has ()4. The job is very easy.can do it. A. NobodyB. SomebodyC. AnyoneD. No one ()5. Dont wor ry! I will trybest to help you. A. IB. meC. myD. our ()6.ItsfuntobewithLinda.Sheoftentells and makes us laugh. A. storiesB. jokesC. reportsD. poems ()7. Look! The boyEngland is reading a book Marco Polo. A. of; onB. from; inC. from; aboutD. around; of ()8. When did youto Qingdao? Ithere last month. A. go; goB. go; wentC. went; wentD. went; will go ()9. Do you have anyquestions? Yes. I haveone to ask you. A. other; another B. another; other C. another; another D. other; other ()10. Eat some cakes. I made them this morning. Yummy! Theydelicious! A. tasteB. feelC. makeD. sound ()11. The women aretheir new clothes happily. A. talking onB. talking with C. talking aboutD. talking to ()12. Whats theof the story? Its funny. Ill tell you after school. A. productB. endC. cultureD. number ()15. Lynn, I passed the math exam. ! A. Good ideaB. Good luck C. No problemD. Well done . 完形填空(10分) Last weekend, I went to Hongshan Zoo with my parents. We16there by bike. We got to the zoo17about nine oclock in the morning. There were18people at the zoo. So it took us a long time to buy tickets. We19lots of animals like giraffes, bears, monkeys, tigers and camels. The20were quiet but the monkeys jumped and played happily. The most (最) interesting thing21the dolphin (海豚) show. The dolphins “walked” on their tails and did some other things. They were very22. At noon, we had some food and had a short23under a big tree. In the afternoon, we saw some birds. We were very tired24very happy. How lovely those animals were! We all know that animals are our friends and we should protect (保护)25. ()16. A. visitedB. showedC. wentD. came ()17. A. atB. inC. forD. on ()18. A. a lotB. so manyC. too muchD. not any ()19. A. missedB. savedC. sawD. bought ()20. A. applesB. productsC. noodlesD. giraffes ()21. A. isB. areC. wasD. were ()22. A. boringB. cuteC. colourfulD. delicious ()23. A. restB. coldC. lessonD. picnic ()24. A. soB. andC. orD. but ()25. A. itB. himC. themD. us . 阅读理解(20分) A A My friend Andrew has a dog named Toby. Toby is very clever. Every Sunday afternoon Andrew takes Toby for a long walk outside. Toby likes walking outside very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit Andrew. He stayed a long time in Andrews house. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for ()26. When does Andrew usually take Toby out? A. Every Saturday morning.B. Every Saturday afternoon. C. Every Sunday afternoon.D. Every Sunday evening. ()27. Toby became worried because. A. he wanted to go out for a walkB. he was sick C. he wanted to eat somethingD. he was tired ()28. Toby looked at the visitor in front of him because. A. Toby wanted the visitor to play with him B. Toby wanted to join their talk C. Toby wanted the visitor to leave the house soon D. Toby liked the visitor very much ()29. At last, Toby took the visitorsin his mouth. A. mobileB. cupC. glassesD. hat ()30. Which of the following is TRUE? A. The visitor was an old man. B. The visitor didnt know Tobyshabit (习惯). C. Toby got excited at last. D. Toby wanted to stay at home with them. B B Dear Henry, I am in Spain (西班牙)! Do you know it? Its in Europe. Im sitting in the park near the house now. The weather is nice. My friend Rosa is very friendly. She lives with her little son, Bob. He is seven years old this year. Hes so cute! Last Sunday, Rosa and I went to seeflamencos (弗拉门科舞). I loved them! After that, we went to have lunch in a restaurant. The food there was pretty good. Im having a happy life and I love here. My friend Laura and I plan to go to the beach this Saturday. We also want to ride horses on the farm. I cant wait to go there. I miss you. Yours, Jane 根据所给内容,判断下列句子正 (T)误(F)。 ()31. Henry is talking with Laura now. ()32. Bob is seven years old. ()33. Jane went to see flamencos last Saturday. ()34. Henry loves the life in Spain. ()35. Laura and Jane want to ride horses on the farm. . 词语运用(10分) A) 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词。 36. The city welcomes people from _ (任何地方). 37. His uncle is a very _ ( 富有的) man. 38. Who _ (发明) the telephone? Alexander Graham Bell. 39. Toms grandfather _ (经历) a hard life when he was young. 40. Each country has its _ (自己的) culture. B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 41. Do you have any _ (suggest) for me? 42. The workers _ (build) the stone bridge five years ago. 43. The place is famous for fruits, _ (especial) pears and peaches. 44. Look at the tree! Its still _ (live). You can see new leaves there! 45. We walked to the _ (end) of the road. . 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 46. 很久以前森林里住着一只老虎。 A tiger lived in the forest _ _ _ _. 47. 昨天我的同学们参加了一场足球赛。 My classmates _ _ _ a football match yesterday. 48. 彼得还在思考那个问题。 Peter is still _ _ the problem. 49. 你在愚人节和朋友们开玩笑吗? Do you _ _ with your friends on April Fools Day? 50. 不要担心!我会尽力去帮你。 Dont worry! Ill _ _ _ to help you. . 按要求改写下列句子,每空一词。(10分) 51. They took many pictures of their school. (改为一般疑问句) _ they _ many pictures of their school? 52. The products are wonderful. They are from China. (合并为一句) The products _ _ are wonderful. 53. Linda rode a horse at the zoo last Sunday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ Linda _ at the zoo last Sunday? 54. Miss Wang is writing a letter now. (用last night改写) Miss Wang _ _ _ last night. 55. The boy went to the U.K. when he was nine years old. (改为同义句) The boy went to the U.K. _ _ _ _ nine. . 情景交际(5分) 从方框中选择合适的选项完成对话。其中有两项是多余的。 A: Hello! B: Hi! A: Im Lucy. (56) _ B: Im Bruce. Nice to meet you. A: Nice to meet you, too. (57) _ B: Im from Washington D.C. What about you? A: Im from Beijing. (58) _ B: Yes. I want to visit some places of interest in Shanghai. And you? A: I want to visit my grandmother there. B: (59) _ A: Yes. And you can eat different kinds of famous Chinese food there. B: I hope so. But can I have Western food there? A: Of course. (60) _ B: Great! A. Will you take a trip to Shanghai? B. You should go home. C. Where are you from? D. There are many Western restaurants. E. Is there any especially delicious food in Shanghai? F. Can you play the violin? G. Whats your name? .任务型阅读(共 5小题,每小题 2分,计 10分) My grandfather likes fishing. It is his favourite sport. He always goes fishingwith his friendsin the park in his spare time. He thinks it is interesting.And he can have a good time with his friends. Sometimes he fishes for hours without catching anything. But this doesnt使他难过 . Some fishermen can t catchfish. Sometimes they catch old shoes o r rubbish (垃 圾). My grandfatheris even worse than the fishermen.He never catches anything even old shoes. After he spends a whole day in the park, he always goes home with an empty bag. “You must give up fishing!” my grandmother said. “Its a waste of time.” My grandfather said, “You don t know one important thing. Im not really interested in fishing. I am only interested in sitting near the river in the park and doing nothing at all. It can make me forget the noise of the city and live quietly for some time.” 5658题根据短文内容回答问题;59题判断句子正 (T)误(F);60题将 文中画线部分译成英语。 56. What does the grandfather like to do in his spare time? _ 57. Can the grandfather catch fish sometimes? _ 58. Who does the grandfather go fishing with? _ 59. The grandfather always catches old shoes or rubbish.() 60. _ . 书面表达(10分) 假设你是 Lily,刚收到了姑姑的一封电子邮件。在邮件中,姑姑邀 请你去上海玩。请你根据下面提示给姑姑回一封电子邮件吧。注意格式! 1. 你准备下周坐火车去,因为火车票便宜,而且坐火车有意思; 2. 坐火车去上海大约需要 13个小时,你想参观东方明珠广播电视塔 (the Oriental Pearl Radio take 56-60 GCAED 61. children 67. enough68. idea69. so70. Each66. many Dear Aunt, Thank you for inviting me to visit you. I am going to Shanghai by train next week. The train ticket is cheap and it will be interesting to travel by train. It will take me about thirteen hours to get to Shanghai. I want to visit the Oriental Pearl Radio do 37. rich 42. built 38. invented 43. especially 39. experienced 44. alive 40. own 45.end 6-10 BCBAA 21-25 CBADC 11-15 CBBAD 26-30 CACDB 54. wrote a letter 55. at the age of One possible version:One possible version:


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