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    六年级英语下学期期末模拟试题六年级英语下学期期末模拟试题姓名姓名 一、一、 找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(找出划线部分发音与其它单词不同的选项(1010 分)分) ( )1 1、A. nameA. nameB. bagB. bagC. atC. atD. andD. and ( )2 2、A. tenA. tenB. deskB. deskC. bedC. bedD. meD. me ( )3 3、A. liveA. liveB. hisB. hisC. fiveC. fiveD. fishD. fish ( )4 4、A. onA. onB. noB. noC. shopC. shopD. notD. not ( )5 5、A. useA. useB. muchB. muchC. butC. butD. lunchD. lunch 二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(1010 分)分) 1 1、I have a beautiful cat.I have a beautiful cat.Name is Mimi . (it)Name is Mimi . (it) 2. Listen! Some girls2. Listen! Some girls(sing) in the classroom.(sing) in the classroom. 3. He often3. He often(have) dinner at home.(have) dinner at home. 4 4ThereThere(be) some water in the bottle.(be) some water in the bottle. 5. It5. It s Friday today . Whats Friday today . Whatsheshe(do) this weekend?(do) this weekend? 6. Tom6. Tom(fly) kites in the playground yesterday.(fly) kites in the playground yesterday. 7 7、Do they likeDo they like(swimswim) 。 8 8、Look! She isLook! She is(draw) a picture.(draw) a picture. 9 9、Danny eats cakes ,eggs andDanny eats cakes ,eggs and(grape) for lunch.(grape) for lunch. 1010、Yesterday heYesterday he(be) late for the meeting.(be) late for the meeting. 三、三、 择正确选项择正确选项 (3030 分)分) ( ()1. What)1. What s this? This iss this? This iseraser.eraser. A. anA. anB. aB. aC. theC. theD. twoD. two ( ()2. He is playing)2. He is playingpiano and she is playingpiano and she is playingfootball.football. A. the; /A. the; /B. /; /B. /; /C. /; theC. /; theD. a; theD. a; the ( ()3. Have you got)3. Have you gota mapa mapShanghai?Shanghai? A. ofA. ofB.B. s sC. inC. inD. toD. to ( ()4. Lily is wearing purple shorts)4. Lily is wearing purple shortsa Thursday morning.a Thursday morning. A. atA. atB. inB. inC. onC. onD. toD. to ( ()5. It)5. It s times timehave lunch.have lunch. A. forA. forB. toB. toC. atC. atD. onD. on ( ()6. August has)6. August hasdays.days. A. thirtyA. thirtyB. thirty-oneB. thirty-oneC. thirty-firstC. thirty-firstD. twenty-nineD. twenty-nine ( ()7. My house is on)7. My house is onfloor.floor. A. thirdA. thirdB. the thirdB. the thirdC. threeC. threeD. theD. thethreethree ( )8 8、We send some cards to our teachers onWe send some cards to our teachers on。 A.A. TeacherTeacher s Days DayB. TeacherB. Teacher s days day B.B. C. TeacherC. Teacher Day DayD. the TeacherD. the Teacher s Days Day ( ()9. Whose desk is this? It)9. Whose desk is this? It s s A. Jim and TomA. Jim and TomB. JimB. Jim s and Toms and Tom s s C. JimC. Jim s and Toms and TomD. Jim and TomD. Jim and Tom s s ( ()10. Which day is Christmas Day?)10. Which day is Christmas Day? A. Nov. 25A. Nov. 25th th B. Oct. 1B. Oct. 1st stC.C.Dec. 25Dec. 25th th D. Sept. 10D. Sept. 10th th ( ()11.)11.a lovely girl!a lovely girl! A. HowA. HowB. howB. howC. whatC. whatD. WhatD. What ( ()12.)12.you go to school by bike?you go to school by bike? A. doA. doB. DoB. DoC. doesC. doesD. DoesD. Does ( ()13. Where)13. Wheredid youdid youthe Mp3.the Mp3. A. buyA. buyB. boughtB. boughtC. buyingC. buyingD. toD. tobuybuy ( ()14.)14.he like music?he like music? A. AreA. AreB. DoB. DoC. DoesC. DoesD. IsD. Is ( ()15. Do you have)15. Do you haveerasers?erasers? A. someA. someB. anyB. anyC. anC. anD . aD . a 四、四、 根据要求变换句型(根据要求变换句型(1010 分)分) 1 1、The students are cleaning the classroom.(The students are cleaning the classroom.(变一般问句作肯定回答变一般问句作肯定回答) ) 2 2、The children have lunch at homeThe children have lunch at home。 (改否定句)(改否定句) 3 3、The old man is sitting on the chair.(The old man is sitting on the chair.(划线提问划线提问) ) 4 4、There are some potatoes on the table.(There are some potatoes on the table.(改单句改单句) ) 5 5、Is this your pencil? (Is this your pencil? (变陈述句变陈述句) ) 五、五、 找错并改正(找错并改正(1010 分)分) 1 1I Iamamreadreada abookbooknownow。 () A AB BC CD D 2 2EveryoneEveryoneareareyouryourteacherteacher。 () A AB BC CD D 3 3WillWillJennyJennygoesgoesswimmingswimmingtomorrowtomorrow。 () A AB BC CD D 4 4 DidDidyouyouateateice-reamice-reamyesterdayyesterday?() ABCD 5 5ThisThisis ismymypencilpencil, thatthatis isyouryour。 () A AB BC CD D 六、六、 给问句选答句给问句选答句 (1010 分)分) ( )1 1、How does Amy feel?How does Amy feel?A. Went swimming She is tired.A. Went swimming She is tired.八、八、 根据短文内容判断下列句子正根据短文内容判断下列句子正(T)(T) 误误(F).(F).(10(10 分分) ) ( )2 2、What did you do last weekendWhat did you do last weekend?B B、He is a teacherHe is a teacher ( )3 3、Where does the rain come fromWhere does the rain come from?C C、It comes from the cloudIt comes from the cloud。 ( )4 4、WhatWhat s syouryourfather?father?D D、We have social studies.We have social studies. ( )5 5、What do you have on Monday?What do you have on Monday?E E、She is tired.She is tired. 七、七、 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(10(10 分分) ) Helen: What are you looking at, Tom?Helen: What are you looking at, Tom? Tom:Tom:1 1 Helen:Helen:2 2 Tom: ITom: I ll leave on the first of the New Year.ll leave on the first of the New Year. Helen: How will you get there?Helen: How will you get there? Tom:Tom:3 3 Helen: My Dad went to there last year.Helen: My Dad went to there last year.4 4 Tom:Tom:5 5 A. When will you leave?A. When will you leave?B. By plane.B. By plane.C. ThatC. That s great!s great! D.D. TheThe GreatGreat Wall,Wall, I I mm goinggoing therethere onon holiday.holiday.E.E. I I wantwant toto gogo there,there, too.too. AnAn EnglishEnglish studentstudent wentwent toto a a citycity inin AustraliaAustralia toto study.study. HeHe walked around the city to look for a warm room. One evening he waswalked around the city to look for a warm room. One evening he was walkingwalking alongalong thethe streetstreet withwith a a map.map. HeHe sawsaw a a smallsmall boardboard inin thethe window of a house. The wordwindow of a house. The word“RoomRoom ”was on itwas on it。 “What a nice room it isWhat a nice room it is ! ”he saidhe said, “the window are in thethe window are in the south sidesouth side。The sun will come into the room during the day. I like it.The sun will come into the room during the day. I like it. But he was wrong. The sun is always in the north in the city. Do youBut he was wrong. The sun is always in the north in the city. Do you know why?know why? ( ()1. The English student went to Australia for a trip.)1. The English student went to Australia for a trip. ( ()2. He knows the city very well.)2. He knows the city very well. ( ()3. The sun is always I the north in that city.)3. The sun is always I the north in that city. ( ()4. He liked the room because he thought the sun would come)4. He liked the room because he thought the sun would come into the room during the day.into the room during the day. ( ()5.)5. TheThe EnglishEnglish studentstudent waswas wrongwrong becausebecause thethe citycity is is nearnear the south end of the earth.the south end of the earth.


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