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    一、单词拼写 1、1. Im t, I think I should have something to drink. 2.Ruben is very smart. He s all the time. 3.He talked too much yesterday, so he had s sore t. 4.I am sorry I cant go to my friend s party, because I am b my little brother tomorrow. 8. Look! Theres no cloud in the sky. I think its _ (晴) today. 9. The radio _ (说)the weather will get warmer later. 10.There is _ (没有什么) but a card in the box. 5、1.Jack begins to s_ _ money because he wants to buy a new car. 2.Its very important to learn a f_ _ language if you want to study in other countries. 3.My uncle likes t_very much. He has been to many countries. 5.People who have something wrong with their teeth should see a d . 6.Doing morning exercises is a good way to keep h . 7. It is i to eat a balanced diet. 8. Tom likes watching TV and he u watches TV after supper at home. 9. Thanks for your i me to the meeting. 10. The subway takes him forty m to go to the bank. 2、1.We cant live _ (没有)water or air. 2.China has a great s_( 成功)in sending Shengzhou VII. 3.Twinsis the most popular m_ group. 4.Its warm in s_part of China. 5.There are best q clothes in Weihai Store of all the stores. B,根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 6.The Yellow River is the second _(long)river in China 7.The Tv says it is much _(cold) tomorrow than today. 8. The girl is writing a diary(careful) now. 9.Shanghai is the _(popular ) city in China,I think. 10.The next _(perform) is Ben,and he is going to play a piece piano song. 3、1.You must learn to eat hand take exercise regularly. 2.Do you find the d_between the twins? 3.Our eating hare good, so I am in good health. 4.The old man _(锻炼)every morning. 5.Katrina doesnt often _ (喝)coffee she likes green tea. 4、根据首字母或汉语写出正确的英语单词 10% 1. The fifth day of a week is T_. 2. I called you last night, b_ there was no reply. 3. September is the n_ month of the year. 4. Did you visit any other parts of China before you c_ to Kunming? 5. A_ is the harvest time, and all farmers are busy. 6. Thank you very much for _(请) me to Anns party on Sunday. 7. When winter comes. The days get _(短)and the nights longer. 4.They ba hotel building last year 5.Susan is fond of reading and she is a very good r_ 6、1.The girls have a music l on Monday. 2.Today Im very busy, but she is f_. 3.Ill stay at home and have a rest. (明天) 4.I usually get up at 6 on _(工作日), but late on weekends. 5.She is as _(受欢迎) as a film star. 7、根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词的拼写。(5 分) 1.You must learn to eat hand take exercise regularly. 2.Do you find the d_between the twins? 3.Our eating hare good, so I am in good health. 4.The old man _(锻炼)every morning. 5.Katrina doesnt often _ (喝)coffee she likes green tea. 8、11.Thursday is the f _ day of a week. 12. Yesterday it rained very h_ , so I didnt go out. 13. My parents enjoy lin the countryside very much. 14. Do you have any ltime? I want your help. 15. The computer is an important i . 16. There will be less pin 100 years. 17. We will have a long v after a few days. 18. Do you have a ccard? 19. The other students kept their eyes cright away. 20. Their lives will be a lot bthan it is now. 9、根据句子意思,用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空。(每空一词) 66. He likes telling funny jokes. So I never feel _ or unhappy with him. (无聊) 67. _ and English are Johns favourite subjects. (地理) 68. Our Maths teacher told us not to be _ in the exams. (紧张的) 69. We all got off the _ quickly when we got to Beihai Park. (长途汽车) 70. We are now in the West Lake in Hangzhou and really feel the _ of it. (美丽) 71. The _ of cup and medals will begin at 3p.m. Please come on time. (present) 72. I must try to study harder than before, he said to _. (he) 73. It is said that ten of the Japanese _ lost their lives because of the bad weather.(climb) 74. I think playing football is _ than watching TV. (healthy) 75. They always have a great time _ with each other. (chat) 10、请根据所给首字母或中文提示,写出单词在句中的正确形式。每空只能填一词,将单词完整地写在答题卡上。 (每 小题 1 分,共 10 分) 81. We should protect the animals in d _. 82. Susan was so careless that she made many m_ in the test. 83. Can you give me some a_? My English is so poor. 84. Singing English songs can i_ our English. 85. My son likes eating hamburgers. He says they are very d_. 86. Its _ (礼貌的) to wait for everyone to put some food on their plates. 87. The _(气温)will fall below zero. 88. They didnt have _(足够的)food to eat and they felt hungry. 89. Plants and animals cant live _(没有)air or water. 90. Dont be _(紧张的). Its easy. 二、完成句子 11、1. You should study hard to i_ your English. 2. Shehasseyesbecausesheoftenstayuptoolate. 3. The Spring Festival is a Chinese _(传统的)festival. 4.Christmas Day is a very important festival in the _(西方) countries. 5.He_(相信)he will be better soon. 12、1. They are waiting for you at the bus s _. 2. Beijing is in the n_ of China. 3. My home is far from our school. Its about 15(千米). 4.Football in China is very p_(受欢迎). Everyone likes playing it. 5 We want to go to the park,but it d on the weather. 13、根据句意或汉语提示完成单词 1 The students have two English_(测试)every month. 2 Not everyone is as_(幽默的) as Mike. 3 There is enough time for you to do it, so please be_(耐心的) 4 If Millie does something , she always does it ver y_(好). 5 Cant you do your homework more _(仔细地)? 6The first question is much more_(重要的) than the second one. 7 He looked up as I came _(穿过) the door. 8 Tim_(主动提供) me something to eat, but I was not hungry. 9 Do you have any_(进一步的)questions to ask ? 10 We should use the_(最少的) time to finish the plan. 三、选择题 14、1.Amadeus Mozart was a great p_, he played the piano very well a nd wrote a great deal of music. 2.Yang Liwei is a n_ hero in China. 3. My elder brother j_ the Army(军队)and became a soldier last year. 4.She broke the world r_ for the 200-meter race. 5.The boy was b_ on a cold winter morning. 四、阅读填空 15、阅读短文,根据短文内容及首字母提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 Scientists think that there has 66 b_life on Earth for 67m_ of years. However, we havent found lift on other 68p_ yet. The earth is a planet and it 69g_ around the Sun. Seven other planets also go around the sun but 70n_ of them has life. The Sun and its planets are 71c_ the solar system. It is a small part of our galaxy. Scientists have 72d_ many other galaxies in the universe. They are a long way away and their light has 73t_ for many years to reach us. It is hard to understand how large the universe is. Scientists have sent lots of spacecraft to look at other planets in our solar system, and some spacecraft have gone 74b_ the solar system. However, no one has discovered any life in 75 s_ yet. 参考答案 一、单词拼写 1、1.thirsty 2. studies 3. throat 4. babysitting 5.dentist 6.healthy 7.important 8.usually 9. inviting 10.minutes 2、1.without 2.success 3.musical 4.southern 5.quality 6.longest 7.colder 8.carefully 9.most popular 10.performer 3、1. healthily 2.difference 3.habit 4.exercises 5.drink 4、 5、1.save 2.foreign 3.travel 4.built 5.reader 6、1.lesson 2.free 3.tomorrow 4.weekdays 5.popular 7、1.healthily 2.difference 3.habit 4.exercises 5.drink 8、11. fifth 12. heavily 13. living 14. leisure 15. invention 16. pollution 17. vacation 18 credit 19. closed 20. better 9、 10、81. danger82. mistakes 83. advice 84. improve85. delicious 86. polite 87. temperature 88. enough89. without90. anxious 二、完成句子 11、1.improve 2.sore 3.traditional 4.western 5.believes 12、1.station/stop 2.north 3.kilometers 4.popular 5.depends 13、1.test 2.humorous 3.patient 4.well 5.carefully 6.important 7.through 8.offered 9.further 10.least 三、选择题 14、1.pianist 2.national 3.joined 4.recorder 5.born 四、阅读填空 15、


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