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    最新译林版牛津英语五年级上册期末试卷 .pdf

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    最新译林版牛津英语五年级上册期末试卷 .pdf

    新课 标第 一 网 五年级英语综合练习五年级英语综合练习(1)(1) 一按要求写单词 1box (复数形式)2. parents(所有格) 3there is(缩略形式)4. for(同音词) 5I would(缩略形式)6. China(形容词) 7on(反义词)8. Lets(完全形式) 9I(复数)10.can not(缩略形式) 11study(复数)12.me(主格) 二单项选择新|课 |标 |第|一| 网 1What would you like ?some apples . A. I likeB. Id likeC. They are 2Shall we go and play there ?. A. Good ideaB. Youre rightC. Youre wrong 3Theresome tea in the cup near the TV . A. beB. areC. is 4Wheres your classroom ?Itsthe teachers office . A. inB. onC. near 5Are theretrees in the garden ?Yes , there are . A. aB. anyC. some 6Whats in the cupboard ?some bowls . A. There areB. TheyreC. There is 7Wheres the park ? A. There is near the schoolB. Its near the schoolC. They are near the school 8There is a boythe tree .Lets go and ask him to come down . A. underB. onC. in 9Whos the boygreen ?Hes my brother . A. inB. onC. with 10Whatin your room ?There are two desks . A. amB. areC. is 新|课|标 |第|一| 网 11There is a mapthe worldthe wall . A. of ; onB. of ; inC. of ; under 12Therea desk and some chairs over there . A. isB. areC. am 13Thereany pictures on the wall . A. areB. arentC. isnt 14Therea pair of shoes behind the door . A. isB. areC. am 15Whats near the window ?. A. There is a deskB. Its a deskC. They are desks 三根据句意和首字母写单词 1There iany juice in the bottle . 2There is some bon the plate . w Ww .x Kb 1.co M 3Are there any hnear your school ? 4I cant find my f, Where is he ? 5Hare some crayons for you . 6How mumbrellas are there behind the bed ? 7There is a girl uthe big tree . 8Helthe new house very much . 9Is there a dog bthe door ?Yes , there is . 10Girls like playing on the slide in the g. 四按要求改写句子 1There are some books on the desk . (改为一般疑问句) 2There are 40 teachers in my school . (对画线部分提问) 3I can see four windows in the room . (对画线部分提问) 新课标 第一 网 4There is a toilet in the park .(对画线部分提问) 5There are four apples on the plate . (对画线部分提问) 6The park is behind my house . (对画线部分提问) 7There isnt any water in my glass .(改写成肯定句) 8Here is a chair for you .(改写成复数句) 9These are some English books .(改写成单数句) 10The rabbit in the black hat looks very happy . (对画线部分提问) 五根据上下文完成对话 1 A: Hi , this is our school . B:there a big reading room ? A:, there isnt . There is a small . 新课标 第一 网 B: Shall weand have a. A: OK . 2 A: Lookthe picture . Wheres the doll ? B:the sofa and theres a red telephonethe desk . A: How nice ! 3 A:there a park near your house ? B: Yes . Its a small, but thereaof flowers and trees . A: Are thereswings ? B: Yes . And there s a slide ,. A: Shall weandthere . B: Good idea .


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