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    -范文最新推荐- 支教实习心得 时间如白驹过隙,一去不复返,可一段难忘的岁月,却将永远留在我的心中,时光荏苒,任岁月的浸蚀,风雨的奏乐,怎么也不会失去以往的光泽,那里将永远是一段难忘而美好的回忆。人生几何,岁月匆匆!感谢生活让我有这种经历。今年的下半年,大四的第一学期,意味着还有半年就要毕业了,面临着考研与找工作,当初我也是在预备考研的,在这样的一个特殊的时期里,我也是极度矛盾的,我想作为师范类的学生,实习支教变成了我们理所当然的,也是必须的任务。实习是高校学生即将毕业,走进社会,走进工作岗位前,进进社会检验自己的能力,查漏补缺的一个重要环节。还可以了解当地的情况,检查自己是否适应这一项职业,为以后的就业做一个展垫。后来在同学的帮助下,我也选择了支教,来的到了看江县新坝中心学校。支教,一方面可以锻炼我的专业技能,另一方面可以为当地带往先进的教学理念;也可以说是两全其美,它既解决了我们走进工作岗位时工作经验不足,胆战怯场心理,丰富了我们的教学生涯,也缓解了当地缺教师的这一状况。我所支教的学校是一所农村小学,我了解到农村教育的艰难及农村教师的艰辛,但是在这样的环境下我们的教育工作者仍然在坚持着,坚持着一个梦想,更确切地说是在庇护着一个又一个希看!我感动着农村教师那黄土地般的人生情怀,能够投身于祖国农村建设的队伍中,正是我一生的荣耀。第一次站上讲台的激动,那一声声亲切的老师好,那一张张执着的面容,看着他们渴看知识的双眼;他们是那么可爱,听到他们响亮的回答声音,自己似乎回到从前,回到小学时代,那一幕幕的场景真温馨。看到他们那布满着渴看的双眼,听着他们那稚嫩的声音,自己有一种冲动,恨不得一下子把自己所有的知识传授给他们。而今回首内心的那份悸动仍记忆犹新,很舍不得这些善良朴实的孩子。在这次的支教活动中,我初尝了当老师的滋味,除此也感受到当一位老师的责任与不易,同时我也感受到了身为一个老师所享受到的巨大的幸福,而那份幸福是来自那一群可爱、纯朴的学生。支教生活已过了一大半,我受到了很多启发,无论是从别人身上,还是从自己身上,我觉得身为一位老师,就应该时时反省自己,时时进步自我,这样才能一直保持着对教育的热情,才能成为一位受学生喜欢的好老师。怎样做一个学生喜欢的老师,无论是否自己教的学生?首先我觉得做人要随和热情,别总是摆出一副师道尊严的样子。课堂上你确实是一个教师,但是,课堂下你就不能做他们的益友吗?但是年轻人也别没了自己的特色,我们的脸上应该是朝阳多于沧桑。试想假如我们的脸上总是一副愁大苦深的样子,受我们的感染学生们的表情,又会是一种什么样的表情?那一天他们的心情又会是什么样子?进而影响到他们的学习,他们肯定会想今天真是倒霉的一天。支教,可以算是我工作的第一站,我有过短暂的停留,时代的车轮碾压着我,追赶着我。这里是骐骥纵横的疆场,这里是驽马驰骋的阔地,也是伏枥和孕育的圣地,相信学生能够厚积博发,功在不舍。我也在期待着,我在这里的收获,是我独上高楼,看尽天涯路、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴、梦里寻他千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处的永不干涸的泉水,滋润着我奋斗的历程。我将以此为契机,更上一层楼,在整个的人生路上,将上下而求索。爱心点燃希看,真情成就梦想。支教过程是含有酸甜苦辣的调料瓶。这个过程中,我有过愁,有过喜,生过气,享过乐。没有惊心动魄,只是在用自己的热血实践着自己的青春,在浮华和虚假之中,竭力寻求着自己生命的真实存在。马上面临着离开这里,心里很是不舍。固然支教的时间很短,所能做的事情也很有限,但我会在有限的时间里,为支教一线发挥出无穷的光和热。人生的道路漫又长,支教生活将会在我的人生道路上写下浓墨重彩的一笔,成为我人生经验中一笔宝贵的财富。它让我在艰苦的环境中得到了磨练,让我在繁重的学习中得到了成长,让一直过着平淡生活的我收获感动……我从支教中得到的乐趣与收获,尽对不会比付出的少。将为我今后事业生涯增添光辉的一撇,将永远沉淀在我人生美好的记忆中。 Name: Mr. jerico wu Nationality: China (Mainland) Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 170 cm 65 kg Marital Status: Single Age: 29 years Career Objective and Work experience Application type: 01 Preferred job title: Purchasing: purchaser 、 Foreign Language Translator: 、 President Assistant/General Manager Assistant: Working life: 5 Title: No title Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In three days Expected salary: ¥5,000-¥8,000 Preferred working place: Guangzhou Foshan Panyu Enterprise nature: Soly foreign funded enterprisesIndustry: Garment/Textile/Leather/Shoes Job Title: purchaser Job description: follow all the process of purchase system including q.c products to the factory. Reasons for leaving: fathers sick Educational Background Name of School: guangdong university of foreign study Highest Degree: Bachelor Date of Graduation: 2004-07-01 Education experience: Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No 2000-09 2004-07 gd university of foreign study international bisness bachelor 442607489 Language Ability Foreign Language: English Level: perfect Language ability: very close to foreigner Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: perfect Relevant skills and abilities exellent in english, knowing specific details about foreign trading. relationship and problem sovler.getting along well with foreigers.open-minded and humous Self-recommendation letter dear sir/madam,i am a very serious and fair-and-efficient-oriented person. i would like to kill guanxi stuff in jobs though i am good at that to improve efficiency. being a calm listener and vivid person out of my work, you can really see i am totally two person when i am at or out of work. Address: 502, 6th student dorm, gd university of foreign study (Zip: 510660) Work Tel: 158 Home Tel: Mobile Phone: basic cv name: miss wu national: han nationality: chinese age: 32-year-old current location: guangzhou exit and entry: guangdong province size: 168 cm 53 kg marital status: unmarriedjob intentions personnel types: ordinary job position: human resources manager / director: human resources manager / supervisor, the chief manager / director / supervisor: executive manager / main for / in charge work experience: 10 title: intermediate job type: full-time can be arrived date: 1 weeks monthly requirements: 3500 - 5000 hope that the working area: guangzhou, guangdongwork experience company name: guangzhou city, beginning and ending the morning of childrens products co., ltd date :2007-09 2018-08 company nature: the private sector by sector: footwear / leather goods / toys positions: personnel manager job description: the main companys development strategy in accordance with the development of human resources strategy and tactics; comprehensive human resources management system, companies set up, the perfect system; system work with the departments concerned to do a good job of revising and improving its work to develop and improve the work of various functional departments process and to oversee the implementation of operational procedures to ensure that the correct and efficient; accurate grasp of the human resources cost control, establish and improve the pay system; responsible for establishing reasonable and effective implementation of incentive mechanisms and inspectors; to develop staff training plan and organize the implementation; to develop and inspectors assess the implementation of corporate performance, an accurate grasp of the reasonableness of performance evaluation; responsible for the company to recruit the necessary manpower, organization and selection interviews; the implementation of the companys pay and benefits system, in accordance with the implementation of internal and external environment and changes in the company propose amendments; guidance work the signing of the contract, change with the lifting of coordination of labor relations, dealing with labor disputes; completed under the guidance and supervision of staff recruitment, labor contracts, social insurance, unemployment and other labor and personnel procedures.company name: letter craft manufacturing (guangzhou) co., ltd. beginning and ending date :2005-09 2007-08 company nature: wholly foreign-owned-owned industries: textiles, clothing positions: director of personnel administration company nature: private-owned industries: business services positions: administrative personnel assistant company nature: state-owned enterprises in their respective professions: real estate, construction, installation, decoration positions: the financial / office clerk graduate institution: sun yat-sen university studies by one: the administrative control of the science ii: financialtraining experience hubei xiaogan 1996-03 1996-06 college accounting computerized accounting certificate 2007-08 2007-10 training center south of human resources management training certificates and to participate in the national examinationlanguage ability foreign languages: english well mandarin level: the level of good cantonese: goodthe ability to work i can skilled use of the six modules of human resources management and operations, to formulate a set of system rules and regulations and to enter into labor contracts, as well as administrative work, familiar with the labor contract law and the laws, regulations and policies, and have some knowledge of financial theory and practice experience.personal autobiography i am cheerful character, his integrity, and meticulous treatment of the work, strict work style, work fine and strong sense of responsibility attitude. at work have a stronger affinity and team spirit of the work of a very high degree of self-confidence and tenacity. (do not insurance companies and intermediary companies scrambling, thank you).contact address: phone: home phone: phone: qq number: 9 / 10


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