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    Section B[向阳教学].ppt

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    Section B[向阳教学].ppt

    ,英语教学课件系列,Go,for,it!,七年级(上),1,基础教学,Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?,Section B,Lets play soccer, soccer, soccer, soccer. Well, sorry, I dont have a soccer ball. Lets play volleyball, volleyball, volleyball, volleyball. Well, sorry, I dont have a volleyball. Lets play tennis, tennis, tennis, tennis. OK, OK, that sounds good.,A chant!,What do the pictures mean?,fun,difficult,interesting,relaxing,boring,Haha, its fun.,New Words,fun 有趣的, 令人愉快的,Woo, its interesting.,interesting 有趣的,令人感兴趣的,Ah, its relaxing.,relaxing 轻松的,Haha! Its difficult.,968746232978+7823576877869856343 = ?,difficult 困难的,Hmm. Its boring.,boring 无聊的,令人生厌的,1a Match the words with the pictures.,1. interesting _ 3. fun _ 5. relaxing _ 2. boring _ 4. difficult _,c,e,d,b,a,Pairwork A: Do you have a computer? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: Well, lets play computer games. B: That sounds fun/interesting/ boring/relaxing/difficult/good.,Report like this: My name is Anna, I like sports very much. I like to play table tennis, I think it is very interesting. But I dont like to play volleyball because its so difficult. His name is Jack, he likes,A: Lets ,B: That sounds,play tennis,play computer games,play soccer ball,play baseball,play volleyball,play basketball,watch TV,good/interesting/difficult/boring/fun/relaxing/.,Lets practice in pairs.,1. interesting ( ) 2. boring ( ) 3. fun ( ) 4. difficult ( ) 5. relaxing ( ),1b Listen and check () the description words you hear in 1a.,playing computer games _ play volleyball _ watch TV _ play basketball _,interesting,difficult,boring,fun,1c Listen again. What does Paul say about these activities? Choose a word from 1a to fill in each blank.,A: _ping-pong. B: That sounds_.,A:_ basketball. B: That_ _.,Look and say,有趣的,无聊的,interesting,boring,Lets play,Lets play,sounds,A: _baseball. B: _.,A: _. B: _.,困难的,有趣的,That sounds difficult,Lets play,Lets play computer games,That sounds fun,Jenny: Lets play computer games. Paul: That sounds interesting. But I dont have computer. Jenny: Well. Do you have volleyball? Paul: Yes. Jenny: Then lets play volleyball. Paul: Oh, volleyball is so difficult. Jenny: OK, lets watch TV. Paul: That sounds boring. Hmm lets play soccer. Do you have a soccer ball? Jenny: No, I dont. Paul: Oh.Welldo you have a basketball? Jenny: Yes, I do. Lets play basketball. Paul: That sounds fun.,1d You are Paul. Your partner is Pauls friend Jenny. Talk about the activities in 1c.,play tennis,play soccer ball,play volleyball,play basketball,play computer games. play volleyball. watch TV. play basketball. sing .,A: Lets,B: That sounds,interesting. difficult. boring. fun. relaxing. .,2a Find the sports words in the unit. Write them in the correct column.,Things I dont have,basketball soccer ball volleyball tennis ball baseball ping-pong bat,baseball bat tennis racket ping-pong ball badmimton racket,Different Collections,I have a great/big/smallcollection. I have ,klekn n. 收藏品; 收集物;,2b Read the survey results in school magazine and answer the question: Who has a soccer ball?,2c Who do you think says these sentences? Check () F for Frank, G for Gina or W for Wang Wei.,I play ping-pong with my classmates after class. 2. I have soccer balls, basketballs, volleyballs and baseballs. 3. My brother has a soccer ball but I dont. 4. I only watch sports on TV. 5. Soccer is not easy for me. 6. My brother and I are in the same school.,3a Write more questions about sports equipment.,Do you have a basketball?,Do you have a ping-pong bat?,Do you have a volleyball?,Do you have a baseball?,Do you have a tennis racket?,3b Exchange books with a partner. Answer his or her questions in 3a.,Do you have a soccer ball?,Yes, I do.,Do you have a tennis racket?,No, I dont. But I have two tennis balls.,3c Look at the information in 3a. Write about yourself and your partner with but.,I like sports. I have a small sports collection. I have a baseball, I have a tennis racket, I have a ping-pong ball. But I dont have a volleyball. I play sports every day.,My sports collection,(运动收藏品),klekn,His/Her sports collection,He/She has But he/she doesnt have He/She doesnt have He/She plays sports every day./ He/She doesnt play sports, he/she only watches them on TV.,He/She likes sports .He/She has a great /small sports collection. He/She has,1. Lets play computer games. 1) lets引导的句子是祈使句, 表示请求或建议, 意思是“让我们吧!”, 后接动词原形。 如: Lets go home. 让我们回家吧! 2) 其否定句常在Lets后加not, 如: Lets not go there. 我们不去那里了吧。 3) 但是let 引导其它祈使句时, 则在句首加Dont。 e.g. Dont let him in. 别让他进来。,Explanation,其他形式的祈使句: 1) be 引导的祈使句 Be quiet, please. 2) 行为动词引导的祈使句 Look at me, please.,2. That sounds interesting. 听起来很有趣。 句中的sound是系动词, 意思是“听起来”,其后接形容词作系表结构. 类似的系动词还有:look(看起来), taste (尝起来), smell (闻起来) 这些词后都可以接形容词或名词, 表示情况或状况 如: You look young. 你看起来很年轻。 It tastes good. 这尝起来很香。,3. Gina Smith has two soccer balls. 当主语为第三人称单数时, 动词have要 变成第三人称has。如: He has two sisters. 他有两个妹妹。 Mary has a computer game. 玛丽有一个游戏机。,句子的构成: 主语(人称代词或名词) + 谓语(动词) +宾语(名词) He has a sister.,4. But she doesnt play sports. 1)主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时的 否定句式为: 主语doesnt动词原形 其它。如: My mother doesnt like dogs. 我妈妈不喜欢狗。 She doesnt have a book 她没有书。,变陈述句为一般疑问句或否定句时, 要借助助动词Do或Does构成, 例如: -Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do./No, I dont. -Does Tom have a ball? -Yes, he does./No, he doesnt. I dont have a TV. She doesnt have a brother.,2) but是表示转折意义的连词, 常用于 连接两个意思相对的并列成份。如: She likes sports very much, but she doesnt like soccer. 她非常喜欢体育运动, 但是不喜欢足球。,5. We play it at school with our friends. 我们和我们的朋友在学校踢(足球)。,1)at school 表示“在学校”。 2)介词with表示“和;与;跟一起”。 例如:Can you go with us?,6. She only watches them on TV! them为代词they的宾格形式, 在句中 做宾语。例如: I like them. 我喜欢他们。 Do you know them? 你认识他们吗? 2) 句中的介词on在此处表示借助于某种 工具或手段。如: They are talking on the phone. 他们在通电话。,watch TV 和watch on TV的区别: watch TV 为固定搭配, 意思为“看电视”。 watch on TV是“在电视上看”介词 必须用on。,7. It is easy for me. 这对我来说挺容易的。 “for + 具体的人” 表示“对来说”。其后一般跟形容词。例如: 1)computer is difficult for my grandfather, but its easy for me. 电脑对我爷爷来说挺难,但对我来说很简单。 2)sports are good for you, for him, for her for all of us! 体育运动对你、对他、还有她对我们 大家来说都有好处!,. 单选,1. I _ TV at night(在晚上) A. look at B. see C. watch D. Look 2. Lets _ the map on the wall. A. look at B. see C. watch D. look 3. I can _ many things on the table. A. look at B. see C. watch D. look,C,A,B,Exercises,4. The question is not easy. Its very _. A. difficult B. difficulty C. relating D. not difficult 5. Lets play _ basketball. I dont like playing _violin(小提琴)at home. A. the, the B. the, C. , the D. , 解析: play 后加球类名词时不需要冠词the,但 后加的是乐器类名词必须加the。,A,C,6. _ our club, please! A. Join B. Join in C. Come D. Go 7. Lets _ and _ football on the playground. A. to go, to play B. go, play C. to go, play D. go, to play 8. -_ they have any sports collections? -Yes, they _. A. Are, are B. Do, do C. Can, do D. Do, can,A,B,B,. 根据句意和提示填空 1. - Lets _(踢足球). - That sounds _(很有趣). 2. - Lets play basketball. - I _ (没有)a basketball. - Lets play ping-pong. - _ (那太好了). 3. - _ you _ (你有) a baseball bat? - No, I dont. - Lets _ (看电视). - That sounds _ (没意思).,play soccer ball,interesting,dont have,That sounds good,Do,boring,watch TV,have,. Fill in the blanks with have, has, dont, doesnt.,1. I _ a book and he _ a pen. 2. They _ a color TV. They _ have a computer. 3. She _ a sister. He _ a brother. 4. I _ have computer. Tom _ one.,have,has,have,dont,has,has,dont,has,5. Does he _ a computer? No, he _. 6. -Do you _ a backpack? -Yes, I _. 7. -Does she _ a ruler. -Yes, she _.,have,do,have,does,have,doesnt,Translate and write them down.,1. - 我们玩电脑游戏吧。 - 听起来很有趣。 2. - 我们看电视吧。 - 听起来很轻松。,Lets play computer games. That sounds fun.,Lets watch TV. That sounds relaxing.,Homework,Write about sports things or other things you have.,I have a _ collection. I have _ _ _ _ _.,Thank You!,51,基础教学,


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