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    杨新宽,许多年来,我都没有想要改变生活,反而处处让生活改变了我 For many years, I have never thought to change life, but life changed me everywhere.,走到今天这一步我一直都以为是天经地义的,在此之前我不曾想过今天的我从何而来,是什么造就了今天的我;略加回忆及探究,是某个人、是某件事、是一次偶然、还是一个意外;我想不起来了,或许是很多这样那样的组合吧!I think it is destined to this step. I never thought where todays me come from and what creates todays me before. To recall and think, it is someone, something, a chance or an accident. I can not remember, perhaps it is the combinations of all these.,原本是未来才能称之为的也许也许,而现在的过去也成为也许,一样的模糊迷离。原来我们一直都在变,是故意、是无意 Actually only in tomorrow can we call it “maybe”. But now its the same as to the day before yesterday .They are all so vague and indistinct .Finally I find we are changing ourselves everyday both intentionally and unintentionally .,某天,我接到一个电话,是某某职业规划公司(不知道真假)打来的,很恳切地请我做一个电话调查,我欣然应允。她很热情地问了我的基本情况,我据实以报。然后她若有所思地告诉我这样一个“事实”:杨同学,你是那种很满足于当前状况,不想有什么重大改变的人吧?其实我不知道她是真的分析出了这样的我,还是对每个人都套用这样一句若有所思。我没回答。但这后我的心情却久久不能平静即使是套用,那我也未必不在其中,我开始思考这么多年来我所过的生活。 Someday, I get a phone which is called by a Career Planning Company (whether it is true or not), asking me sincerely to do a phone survey, and I accepted happily. She asks my basic conditions and I tell her honestly. Then she tells me this “fact” thoughtfully: classmate, are you a person who is satisfied with your present life and do not want to have some big change? Actually, I do not know whether she really analyze such kind of me or she said to everyone such thought. I do not respond, but I can not calm myself for a long time-even it is a word she said to everyone, I belong to this kind of person and I begin to think the life I had lived through.,今天的自己是什么样的人?过去的我是什么样的人?是什么让我变成了今天的我? 我是否一直如此迷惘彷徨?我是否曾经也有一个梦想? 为什么我对过去恋恋不舍?为什么我的生活似乎停滞不前是不能、是不敢? 我要怎么做,我要怎么才能继续向前走? What kind of person I am today? What kind of person I am in the past? What made me become what I am today? Am I so confused all the time? Do I ever have a dream? Why I so attached to the past? Why my life seems to not move forward-I can not or dare not? What should I do? How I can continue to move forward?,小的时候我想参军保家卫国,却因为害怕血染疆场而悄然放弃;我想当科学家,可随着时间的流逝越来越感觉自己像个傻瓜而不得已转行;于是我想穿上白大褂并也为此付出努力,可终是因为难于理化生而选择了文科。我从未放弃过一个远大的理想,却也仿佛一直茫然无措。我一直归咎于没有找到合适的方向 when I was a child, I want to join the army to defend my country, but I give it up because afraid of bloody battlefield; I dream of being a scientist, but I have to shift it since with time goes on, I find myself like a fool;Then, I would like to put on the white coat and I work hard for it; But finallly, I forced to chose art science because math science is difficult to learn. I never abandon a great dream, while I am lost all the time. I owe it to not find a suitable direction.,Now I am learning law and want to be a lawyer. The only thing I can do is overcoming all the hinderance in front it and do what I cant and dare not before.While change myself,trying to change my life, hoping not to become the slaves of life.,现在我学法律,想当律师,我唯一能做的就是破除一切阻力,做之前都不敢不能做的事,改变自己的同时,试图改变我的生活,但愿不要再成为生活的奴隶!,如同蝴蝶效应,生命中的每一件小事都有可能改变人的一生。我有一个很不好的习惯,做了某件事之后总是想回到事发之前,或许我是觉得做得不够好,或许根本就觉得做错了或者没必要做,我总是幻想重新来过。今天悔恨昨天,明天又会悔恨今天,却从不想去改变什么,于是深陷在这样一个窠臼里。任何一件小事的改变都有可能使我不再是我,我不必执着,亦不必厌恨今天的自己就像单行列车,上了此列就不能上彼列,它的一切,沿途的风景,抑或劫难都与我无关,我所能做的就是在我的列车上找个合适的道德座位坐下,满怀憧憬,一路向前Like the Butterfly Effect, every little thing in life may change a persons life. I have a bad habit that after finishing a job, I always imagine have the opportunity to do it again. It may be because I believe I didnt do well, do it wrongly or unnecessarily. Today remorse yesterday, tomorrow will regret this, yet do not want to change anything, so mired in a set pattern. Any little changes are likely to make me no longer myself, I do not have to persist, and I do not have to hate myself today, as this column on a single train can not be listed on the other. It is not my matter that everything about it and all the scenery along the road and the suffering. What I can do is to find a suitable moral seat on my own train, and hopefully forward.,对于时空,我们似乎无力改变什么,可有幸的是,我们可以改变自己面对生活时的心境! As for time and space, we seems can not change anything, but fortunately, we can change the attitude we face life.,人生路漫漫,改变何其多!这些只不过是我的人生之路中的沧海一粟而已,一个人二十几年的改变又岂是寥寥数语能够概括。不难发现,在以往似乎无形中有种“力量”在改变着我,我是处于被动的地位,我被改变;现在的我希望于今后的日子里,努力主动改变自己。换一个角度而言,纵然我的改变并非改变,而仅是一种懦弱的放弃,现在我也要做到不悔不恨,努力做今后,Life is long, change is so great These are like a drop in a sea in my whole life and how a persons 20-year change can be summary in a few words. It is easily to find out there is some invisible power change me. I am in a passive position and be changed. Now I hope in the coming days to take the initiative to change myself. From a new angle, even though my change can not regard as real change, and is only a cowardly giving up. Now, I have to do it without regret and be better in future,


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