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    Lecture 21 ING Participle,Contents,Formation of ING Participle Grammatical Function of ING Participle,Formation of ING Participle,基本形式: 动词原形 + -ING 否定形式: do doing not doing eg. Not being very tall is not a serious disadvantage in life.,态和体的变化形式:,eg. The building _ (build) will be completed next month. The building _ (build) in the center of the city has been a new landmark. The building _ (build) next year will be a new department. 校长对讨论中的问题/要讨论的问题/讨论过了的问题表示出非常关切之情。 The president showed great concern with the problem being discussed / to be discussed / discussed.,being built,built,to be built,Grammatical Functions of ING Participle,-ing participle can be used as: Subject 主语 Object 宾语 Complement 补语(主补与宾补) Modifier 修饰语 Adverbial 状语,-ING Participle as Subject,eg. 眼见为实。 Seeing is believing. Your coming here will be a great help. 杰克的离开对公司来说是一大损失。 Jacks leaving was a great loss for the company.,-ING Participle as Object,1) 动词 + doing (P242) eg. I dont mind opening the window. I dont mind your opening the window. I dont mind opening the window.,John Johns him his,2) 动词 + 宾语 + 介词 + doing (P242) into: eg. Her sudden question surprised him into betraying himself. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was rich. Bob talked us into walking (walk) home with him.,from: 使不 eg. What kept you from joining me? We must prevent/stop the trouble (from) spreading. I was prevented from attending (attend) the conference. A sailor saved him _ (drown). Three children were saved _ (burn) to death in a fire yesterday.,Other prep.: eg. The Head has congratulated John on coming out top. The police have accused him of exceeding (exceed) the speed limit. I do thank you most warmly for doing (doing) the job for us. Refer to Exe. 21C on P245 after class.,与infinitive的比较 (P246),能带-ing分词而不能带不定式的动词(P 241) 能带不定式和-ing分词而意义无甚区别的动词(246) 能带不定式和-ing分词而意义不同的动词(P247),admit, acknowledge, cant resist, avoid, cant help, consider, dont mind, enjoy, mind, resent, suggest, delay, ensure, appreciate, miss e.g. I cant resist bargaining. We appreciate your inviting us to your party. Please pardon my disturbing you.,能带-ing分词而不能带不定式的动词,能带不定式和-ing分词而意义无甚区别的动词,begin, cant bear, cease, continue, dread, like, love, neglect, omit, prefer, propose, start general situation or specific situation?(P246) eg. I like _ (swim). I dont like _ (swim) today. I dread _ (fall) ill. I dread _ (think) of it.,(b) need, want, require, deserve need doing = need to be done eg. This letter needs _ (sign) by the manager. The boy wants watching. The boy wants to watch. He deserves shooting first. He deserves to shoot first.,(c) begin, start + to do: 静态动词 其本身已用于进行体 eg. I began _ (study) English in my primary school. She began _ (believe) his story. Its beginning _ (rain). We began _ (see) what he meant. She generally begins _ (knit) after lunch.,能带不定式和-ing分词而意义不同的动词,remember, forget, regret eg. I shall never forget _ (see) the Great Wall. I was so busy that I forgot _ (see) the Great Wall. I dont regret _ (tell) her what I thought, even if it upset her. I regret _ (tell) you that the entry for the exam is closed.,(b) stop, leave off, go on eg. They stopped watching TV at 9:30. They stopped to watch TV at 9:30.,(c) try,mean, cant help eg. Try _ (put) in some more vinegar - that might make it taste a bit better. I keep trying _ (make) a tasty cheese cake but I never succeed. Revolution means _ (liberate) the productive force. They meant _ (liberate) the productive force.,(d) agree, decide + to do / on doing eg. They agreed to share / on sharing the money. In the end she decided to buy / on buying a new car. (e) encourage, permit, allow, recommend, advise, authorize + doing / sb. to do eg. She doesnt allow _(talk) here. She doesnt allow us _(talk) here.,-ING Participle as complement,1) 作主补 eg. Her job was keeping the hall as clean as possible. The best policy is being honest.,2) 作宾补,一般用在感官动词与使役动词后面 eg. I saw grandpa crossing the road with the help of a girl in the morning. = When I saw them, they are crossing the road. The teacher made the pupils reciting the poem again and again. = The teacher required that the pupils should keep reciting the poem, that is, recite it again and again.,表示正在进行,表示重复,不断,-ING Participle as modifier,eg. A sleeping car can hold more than sixty passengers. A man getting up as soon as the cock crows is a hard-working man.,1. Agriculture is the countrys chief source of wealth, wheat _ by far the biggest cereal crop. (TEM-4, 2003) A. is B. been C. be D. being 2. Time _, the celebration will be held as scheduled. (TEM-4, 2003) A. permit B. permitting C. permitted D. permits,如果时间允许的话,庆典将如期举行。 Time permitting = If time permits,3. There are only ten apples left in the brackets, _ the spoilt ones. (TEM-4, 2006) A. not counting B. not to count C. dont count D. having not counted,Explanation: -ing participle作伴随状语,其否定形式只在现在分词前加not即可。 不算坏了的,篮子里只剩下十个苹果。,4. _ at in his way, the situation doesnt seem so desperate. (TEM-4, 2007) A. Looking B. Looked C. Being looked D. To look 5. _ should not become a serious disadvantage in life and work. (TEM-4, 2010) A. To be not tall B. Not being tall C. Being not tall D. Not to be tall,V-ing通常表示一件已知的事或经验,to do (Infinitive)表示一件未完成的事或目的。Not要放在动名词前面。,6. If not _ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time. (TEM-4, 2004) A. being treated B. treated C. be treated D. having been treated,Explanation: If not treated with = If Jack is not treated with 如果觉得没有受到他应得的尊敬,Jack的脾气就会变得很坏,并且一直抱怨下去。,-ING Participle as adverbial (P 368),原因状语 条件状语 让步状语 结果状语 伴随状语 时间状语 Next week for details.,Assignment: Finish all the left exercises for Chapter 21, I will check it next week. Review Lecture 22.,


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