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    人教新目标八年级上册Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B1a-1c(共26张PPT).pptx

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    人教新目标八年级上册Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show?Section B1a-1c(共26张PPT).pptx

    Unit 5,Unit 5,Do you want to watch a game show? Section B,Do you know them?,soap opera,sports show,talk show,game show,news,talent show,sitcom,Listen and guess,comedy喜剧,enjoyable funny, boring,I want (dont want ) to watch comedies because they are enjoyable /.,The kinds of the movies:,action movie,exciting wonderful meaningless meaningfull,I want (dont want )to watch action movies because they are exciting /.,act (v) actor (n) actress (n) action (n),动作片,cartoon,enjoyable relaxing boring educational,I want (dont want) to watch cartoons because they are enjoyable /.,scary movie,I want (dont want ) to watch scary movies, because they are meaningless /.,exciting boring meaningless serious,A,B,D,E,这则新闻太严肃。 The _ is too _(4分),news,serious,action movie cartoon meaningless enjoyable serious educational,卡通片 毫无意义的,意思不明确的 动作片 严肃的,认真的 愉快的,快乐的 有教育意义的,Match the English words with the Chinese meanings.,(6分),( )Jacky Chen(成龙) is a famous _, he _ in many _ movies.(4分) actor, acts, action B. action , act, actor C. action, actor, act D. actor, action, act,A,I dont want to watch scary movies , because they are _(meaning) (2分),meaningless,_ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _,A: What do you want to watch ? B: I want to watch because it is they are .,Make a conversation (做对话),A: What do you want to watch ? B: I want to watch . A: Why do you want to watch them? B: Because they are ,Activity chain (作业链) Ask one by one,Before listening, while listening, after listening.,听力指导: 听前,找到这是哪两个人之间的对话, 并浏览一遍1a中的形容词。 听中, 第一, 将电视节目和电影类型与对应的形容词进行匹配。第二,重点关注评价人是John 还是Mary。 听后,能把人名,电视节目和电影类型,形容词进行 连接成句。,educational serious wonderful relaxing meaningless enjoyable exciting boring,Listen and circle the description words you hear in the box in 1a.,1b,What did John and Mary decide to watch finally?,They decided to watch a talk show.,1c,Listen again. Write down the words John and Mary use to describe the TV shows or movies.,meaningless,exciting,relaxing,boring,relaxing,boring,wonderful,enjoyable,meaningless,John wants to watch action movies because they are exciting.,Mary doesnt want to watch action movies because they are meaningless.,Why,Who,What,wants (doesnt want ) to watch because they are ,Make a sentence,(造句),Make a survey,1. Four people in your group, who wants to watch comedies? Who wants to watch action movies? ? Then check them .,做调查,一人汇报,A: Excuse me, what kind of movies do you want to watch B: I want to watch . A: Why do you want to watch them? B: Because they are ,Report: S1 wants to watch , because they are , S2, S3 ,I want to watch, because they are,mind map,talk shows, soaps operas, sports shows, game shows, news, talent shows,comedies, action movies, cartoons, scary movies, documentaries, romance movies, tragedies,want (s) to watch because it is they are ,educational, serious, wonderful, relaxing, meaningless, enjoyable, exciting, boring, fun,TV shows,movies,structures句子结构,description words (描述性词汇),Brainstorm(头脑风暴),Writing,1 love watching because 2 But his /her parents dont agree 3 His /her parents hope to watch 4 They think 5 Different people have different tastes.,Write a passage about your deskmate and his /her parents opinions about movies.,Fill in the blanks with the proper words,mean action stand bored relax,1. The man took some _ movies to that village. 2. Dont do _things, do something else. 3.My brother doesnt want to _outside. 4.I dont like to watch talk shows, because they are _. 5 Tom looks very _ after a _ vacation.,action,meaningless,stand,boring,relaxed,relaxing,Exercises:,Choose the best answer. 1. Whatdoyou_do? A. wantB. wanttoC. likeD. tolike 2. Mygrandfather_stay_home andwatchTV. A. like,atB. like,inC. likesto,atD. likesto,in 3_kindofmovies_Lucylike? A.What,doesB.What,doC.Whats,doesDWhich,do 4I dont like action movies. I think theyre _. Aboring Bdifficult Cinteresting Dexciting,B,C,A,Exercises:,A,http:/,Sweet tips:,Try watching some English movies, because it is good for your English learning.,Choose one according to your own level. Level A: Try to remember the kinds of movies and use the adjectives to describe them. Level B: Write a short passage to tell what your family like to watch and why.,Thanks for listening!,


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