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    人教新目标八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science. Period3 SectionA 3a-3c (共14张PPT).pptx

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    人教新目标八年级上册Unit6 I’m going to study computer science. Period3 SectionA 3a-3c (共14张PPT).pptx

    Unit6 Im going to study computer science.,Period 3,2.Tom is going to be a _, because he loves planes.,3. Andy likes talking with people, so he is going to be a _ .,4. Jimmy likes computer science very much, so he is a _.,5.Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are famous _.,1.Im going to study math hard, because Im going to be an_.,engineer,pilot,reporter,computer programmer,players,6. Im going to be a _ in a hospital.,7.Jim wants to be a _, because he likes delicious food.,8. Kate is going to be a _, because she likes playing the piano very much.,9. My sister loves playing the violin , so she is going to be a _.,10. Two years ago she was a _ who liked writing articles.,doctor,/nurse,cook,pianist,violinist,writer,想成为学校老师 一个篮球运动员 去上海工作 学会如何教孩子 首先完成高中和大学学业 6. 在大学学医 7. 去上大学 8. 去烹饪学校 9. 擅长写作 10. 继续写故事 11. 对.有把握 写文章并发给报社,a basketball player,want to be a school teacher,move to / work in Shanghai,learn how to teach children,finish high school and college first,go to university/ college,study medicine at a university,go to a cooking school,write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers,be good at writing,keep on writing stories,be sure about,1. 你长大想成为工程师吗? 2. 他长大想成为一名赛车手而且还打算买一辆赛车。 3. 露西这个周末会去上表演课吗? 4. 你打算如何成为一名医生? 5. 他打算去哪里上学?他会去伦敦吗? 6. 琳达想成为记者,所以她打算写文章并发送给报社。,Do you want to be an engineer when you grow up?,He wants to be a race car driver when he grows up and hes going to buy a fast car .,Is Lucy going to take acting lessons this weekend?,How are you going to do to become a doctor?,Where is he going to study? Is he going to study in London?,Linda wants to be a reporter, so shes going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers.,(1) Tom hopes/wants/expects/would like /is going to be a violinist/ an actor.,(6) Tom dreams of /about being a violinist / an actor.,(5) Tom dreams to be a violinist / an actor.,(2) Toms dream is to be a violinist /an actor.,(7) Toms dream is that he wants to be a violinist / an actor.,(3) To be a violinist /an actor is Toms dream.,(4) Its Toms dream to be a violinist / an actor.,7. 我打算在完成高中和大学学业后去北京工作。 8. 汤姆长大后想成为一名小提琴手/ 一名演员。,Im going to work in Beijing after I finish high school and college.,Tom hopes/wants/expects/would like /is going to be a/ an . Tom dreams of /about being a/ an . Tom dreams to be a/ an . Tomes dream is to be a/an . Toms dream is that he wants to be a/ an . To be a/an is Toms dream. Its Toms dream to be a/ an.,_ 1. My friend wants to be an engineer. _ 2. My brother wants to be an actor. _ 3. I want to be a scientist. _ 4. My sister wants to be a school teacher. _ 5. Those boys want to be soccer players. _ 6. My friend and I want to be singers. _ 7. My cousin wants to be a cook. _ 8. I want to be a race car driver.,a. They are going to practice every day. b. Im going to buy a fast car. c. Were going to take singing lessons. d. Shes going to study education. e. Shes going to study math. f. Im going to study science. g. Hes going to go to a cooking school. h. Hes going to take acting lessons.,e,h,f,d,a,c,g,b,Linda: What do you _to be when you grow up? Jack: I want _ a scientist. Linda: Wow! That sounds cool. But its difficult. _ are you _ to do that? Jack: After I finish high school, Im _ to go to university. Linda: _ are you _ to study? Jack: In Hefei. Im _ to study there for four years. Linda: I think I want _ a teacher. Im _ to teach in Wuhan.,2. Fill in the blanks in the conversation.,want,to be,How,going,going,Where,going,going,to be,going,3b,Fill in the blanks.,Peter: Kelly, what do you want to be _ you grow up? Kelly: I _ to be a doctor. Peter: Wow! _ are you going to do that? Kelly: Im _ to study medicine at a university. Peter: Hmm sounds difficult. _ are you _ to study? Kelly: Im going to _ in London. Peter: _ are you going to start? Kelly: Im going to _ next September.,want,How,going,Where,going,study,When,start,when,1、be going to 句型的用法,对于将要发生的事,或打算、计划、决定要做的 事,皆以“be going to +动词原形”的句型来表示。,Grammar Focus: begoingto+动词原形结构,2. 否定句型:主语+be not going to +动词原形,3. 一般疑问句型:be+主语+going to +动词原形,4. 特殊疑问句句型:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句,Fill in the blanks with the right forms.,1. I _ ( move ) to Guangzhou in a year. 2. _ you _(play) soccer with me next week? 3. Where _ your sister_ (visit) tomorrow? 4. He _(watch) TV the day after tomorrow. 5. Lucy _(not stay) at home next weekend. 6. _ they _ (work) in China in 2016?,am going to move,is going to watch,isnt going to stay,going to work,Are,going to play,is,going to visit,Are,1. 你打算今天下午做作业吗? _ you _ _ _ your homework _ _? 2. -学生们明天准备干什么? -帮助农民摘苹果。 -What _ the students _ _ _ _? -They _ _ _ _ farmers pick apples.,Are,going to do,this afternoon,are,根据所给汉语意思,补全下列句子,每空一词。,going to,do tomorrow,are going to help,3. -下周有次英语测试吗? -是的,在下周二。 -_ _ _ _ _ _ English test _ _? -Yes, _ _ _ _ _ one next Tuesday. 4. 明晚中央5台将会有三场足球赛。 _ _ _ _ _ two soccer matches on CCTV5 _ _. 5. 我们学校下个月将会有才艺秀。 _ _ _ _ _ a _ show in our school next _ .,Is there going to be an,next week,there is going to be,There is going to be talent,There are going to be,tomorrow evening,month,1. 我父母想让我当医生。 2. 我想继续写作。 3. 你打算如何做才能成为一位科学家? 4. 他打算在大学里学医。 5. 他们计划去读烹饪学校。 她将学习教育。 我知道你为何能如此的擅长写故事。 9. 不是人人都知道他们想干什么. 10. 只要确信你尽了最大努力, 那么你就能成为你想做的人了。,Just make sure that you try your best. Then you can be anything you want.,My parents want me to become a doctor.,I hope/ want/ would like/ expect to keep on writing.,How are you going to do to become a scientist?,He is going to study medicine at a university.,They are going to go to a cooking school.,She is going to study education.,I know why you are so good at writing stories.,Not everyone knows what they want to be.,


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