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    人教新目标版八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation_ Period2 Section A 2a-2d (共23张PPT).pptx

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    人教新目标版八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation_ Period2 Section A 2a-2d (共23张PPT).pptx

    1. -Where did you _(go) on vacation? - I _(go) to _ (visit) my grandparents. 2. -Did you _(do) _(something) interesting? - No, I just _(stay) at home and _ (study) for a test? 3. Linda _(meet) someone interesting and _(see) something beautiful last month. 4. Who _ (buy) this special hat for you? 5. Peter _(take) some photos last vacation. go wentvisit do anything stayedstudied met saw bought took Listenandcompletethechart. 2a PeoplePlaces Grace Kevin Julie NewYorkCity thebeach stayedathome Grace, Kevin, Julie wentto/stayed. 2b Listen again. Check () Yes, I did or No, I didnt for each question. Did youYes, I did. No, I didnt. Grace go with anyone? go to Central Park? buy anything special? Kevinplay volleyball? swim? meet anyone interesting? Juliedo anything interesting? study for tests? go out with anyone? GracewenttoNewYorkCity.Shewent _(和妈妈一起).She _(去了中央公园).Itwasreally nice.Shebought_(特别的东西). Sheboughtahatforherfather. Julie_ (没做任何有意思的事).She_ (没和任何人外出).Shejust_(呆在家里) and_(复习迎考). withhermother wenttoCentralPark somethingspecial onvacation didntplayvolleyball Thewaterwasreallywarm metsomeoneinteresting Kevinwenttothebeach_(度假).He _(没有打排球),butheswam there._(水很暖和).Thefood tastedreallygood.Healso _(遇见非常有趣的人). didntdoanythinginteresting didntgooutwithanyone stayedathome studiedfortests Helen Rick 2d Read and answer the questions. (1) Where did Helen go on vacation? (2) Did she go with anyone? (3)What did she see? How did she like it? (4)What did Rick do on vacation? She went to Guizhou. Yes, she did. She went with her family. She saw Huangguoshu Waterfall. It was wonderful. He just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. Helen and Rick _(have) a _(不同的) vacation last _(月). Helen _ (go) somewhere _(有意思). She _(visit) Guizhou _(和) her family. She _(see) Huangguoshu Waterfall. It was _(绝妙的). They _(take) _ _ _ (相当多) _(photo) there. Rick _ _ (not do) _ _(一些 特别的事情). He just _(呆) at home _ _ _ _ (大多数时间) to _(阅读) and _ (放松). haddifferent month wentinteresting visitedwith saw wonderfultookquite a fewphotos didnt doanything special stayedmost of the timeread relax Linda: Did you do _ fun on your vacation, Alice? Alice: Yes, I did. I went to Sanya. Linda: How did you like it? Alice: Well, it was my first time there, so _ was really interesting. Linda: Did you go with _? Alice: Yes, I did. I went with my sister. Linda: Did you go shopping? Alice: Of course! I bought _ for my parents. But _ for myself. Linda: Why didnt you buy _for yourself? Alice: I didnt really see_ I liked. anyone,something,anything,everything,nothing anything everything anyone something nothing anything anything Names Vacation Activities (假期活动) Feelings (感受) Helen Rick Alice went to Guizhou , saw , took , interesting wonderful stayed to didnt do , relaxing went to with , bought for , didnt buy for , didnt see , fun interesting Helen, Rick and Alice had a different summer vacation. . They had a great time on vacation. Didyou.Yes No gotosummercamp? gowithanyone? doanythingwonderful? buyanythingspecial? meetanyoneinteresting? visitanyoneinyour family? . A: Hello, . How was your summer vacation? B: It was . A: Did you on vacation? B: Yes,I did.I . /No, I didnt.I . What about you? A: I . Hello, everyone! My friends and I had a happy/ different summer vacation. . Dear Bill, How was your vacation? Did you do _ interesting? Did _ in the family go with you? I went to a friends farm in the countryside with my family. _was great. We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs. They were so cute! The only problem was that there was _ much to do in the evening but read. Still _ seemed to be bored. Bye for now! Mark seem + 形容词 看起来. Youseemhappytoday. seem + to do sth. 似乎、好像做某事 Iseemtohaveacold. It seems / seemed + 从句 看起来好像;似乎. Itseemsthatnooneknowsyou. anything everyone/anyone Everything nothing no one 除了;除.以外 Completetheconversations. 1 anything everything nothing anyone everyone noone 1.A:Did_goonvacation withyoulastmonth? B:Yes,myfamilywenttothe countrysidewithme. 2.A:Didyourfamilygotothebeach withyoulastweekend? B:No._frommyfamily went,butmyfriendwentwithme. 3.A:Ididntbringbackanything fromMalaysia. B:_atall?Whynot? anyone Noone Nothing 4.A:Didyoubuy_in theshoppingcenter? B:No,Ididnt._ wasveryexpensive. 5.A:Howwasthevolleyball gameyesterday? B:Great!_had afuntime! anything everything nothing anyone everyone noone anything Everything Everyone 1. I cant hear anything. = I can hear _. 2. There is _ on the floor. Please pick it up. 3. Did _ go to play basketball with you ? 4. I phoned you last night, but _ answered it. 5. I dont think _ telephoned. 9. Dont worry. Theres _ wrong with your ears. 10. Theres _ in the box. Its empty(空的). 11. Maybe _ put my pencil _. I cant find it _. 巩固练习:用不定代词或不定副词填空。 nothing something anyone noone anyone nothing nothing someone somewhere anywhere summer vacation what who where how stay at home most of the time to read and relax buy something for yourself / myself feed some hens see some baby pigs keep a diarykeep a diary Rick: Hi, . Long time no see. Helen: Hi, .Yes, I was on vacation last month. Rick: Oh, did you go anywhere interesting? Helen: Yes, I went to with Rick: Wow! Did you see ? Helen: Yes, I did. It was .What about you? Did you do anything special last month? Rick: Did you .Everyone Someone No one eat anything at a restaurant? read anything interesting? keep a diary? buy anything? visit anyone in your family? Hello, everyone! In our group, everyone ate something at a restaurant . keep a diary am, is are do go buy meet swim see was were did went bought met swam saw eat read take feed keep like seem visit ate read took fed kept liked seemed visited 1.和某人一起(出)去 2.去爬山 3.去夏令营 4.没买不寻常的东西 5.遇见一些有趣的人 6.为考试而学习 7.做一些有趣的事 8.去纽约中央公园 9.在度假 10.去漂亮的地方 11.拍了相当多的照片 12. 给他爸爸买东西 13. 绝妙的假期 14. 呆在家里 15. 参观博物馆 go (out) with someone go to the mountains go to summer camp buy nothing special meet someone interesting study for tests do something interesting go to Central Park in New York City be on vacation take quite a few photos a wonderful vacation go somewhere beautiful visit museums buy something for his father stay at home (1)-你去哪儿度假了? -我去纽约了。 (2)-你买了特殊的东西吗? -是的,我买了帽子给爸爸。/我什么都没买。 (3)-你是和别人一起去的吗? -没有,大家都不在家,所有人都去度假了。 (4)那里的食物非常不错,一切都是极好的。 - Where did you go on vacation? - I went to New York City. - Did you buy anything special? -Yes, I did. I bought a hat for my father. - Did you go with anyone? No, no on was at home. Everyone was on vacation. The food there tasted really good. Everything was excellent. -No, I didnt. I didnt buy anything. / I bought nothing. Did you .Yes, I did.No, I didnt. eat anything at a restaurant? read anything interesting? keep a diary? buy anything? visit anyone in your family? -Hello, Did you ? - Yes, I did. I ate/ read/ No, I didnt. I didnt , but I . keep a diary Names Vacation Activities (假期活动) Feelings (感受) Helen Rick Alice Mark went to Guizhou , saw , took , interesting wonderful stayed to didnt do , relaxing went to with , bought for , didnt buy for , didnt see , fun interesting went to , fed , saw , great cute interesting read , am, is are do go buy meet swim see was were did went bought met swam saw eat read take feed play stay study visit ate read took fed played stayed studied visited


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