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    语法随堂演练、完成句子1. My father has a habit of jogging(沿着)Jinchuan River for an hour in the mor ning.2. Tom is strongly (反对)keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks ani mals should also enjoy freedom.3. Many changes took place(在之间)the two world wars.4. Welcome to our hotel! I hope youll have a good time(在期间)your stay here.5. Stephen Hawking got more than 380 000 followers in two hours(在之后)the first message on Weibo.6. Jim sits behind me, so I sit(在之前)him.7. Look out! Look at the traffic lights (在之前)crossing the road.8. Oh, my God! Ive left my keys in the room.Ill have to get in (穿过)the win dow.Its dan gerous. Youd better wait for your mom to come back.二、用适当的介词填空1. Where is Marry flyi ng?She is flying to France soon. She will arrive Paris themorning of July 2.2. Taiwan lies the east of Fujian, the southeast of China.3. The “teacher-free exam ” means that students takartteir teachers. Students must be more honest.第3页4. A good student connects what he reads what he sees around him.5. The Blacks usually have milk and bread breakfast.6. rm looking after Tom today. Hes been in my house 8: 00 thismor ning.三、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式。As a child, I got angry easily and was n ot good at com muni cat ing with others.I still remember it was 1. early autumn. Some leaves started to turnyellow and the weather became cool. One day, as I was getting ready2. school, my mother carelessly han ded me my fathers ves背 心) in stead of3. (my). At that time, I was getting to have a larger size than my father, sowhe n I put on the vest, I felt as if I was nt able to breathe! I realized it 4(be)a small mistake made by my mother, but somehow the breathless feeling was so strong 5. it made me very angry. My mother said sorry with a smile, but Ishouted at her without thinking much. I took it off rather wildly, and I made a 6. in it. I put on my own vest and rushed out of the house before mymother could stop me. My mother shared her bad feeling with my father,your son has 7.(do) . ” In stead of puni shi ng me, my father8.(quiet) asked my mother to sew缝上)up the hole in the vest. Later, whe nmy mother told me about my fathers response反应),I felt sorry about my bad behavior.9. a kind man my father is! His kindn ess taught me a less on I would第2页n ever forget. When ever I get an gry, I will try to remember my fathers vest. It alwaysreminds me 10.(thi nk) about others feeli ngs.参考答案一、1.along 2.against 3.between 4.during 5.after6 in front of 7.before 8.through二、1.in; on 2.to; in 3.without 4.with 5.for 6.since三、1.an 2.for 3.Mine 4.was 5.that 6.hole 7.done8 quietly 9.What 10.to think/of thinking第 5 页


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